HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of November 21, 1989 Regular Meeting � � ROSEMQU�CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 29, t989 Pursuant to due call and nsatice thereof a regular meeti�ng of the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt was duly held on Tu�sday, November 21 , 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Gatty Hall. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Walsh, �lippermann and Napper present. Counci.lmember 4xborough was absent. Mayvr Hoke led the group 3n the Pledge Qf Allegian�ce. The agen�3a was amended to add the followings Item 7(d) Visz�ovec Property Discussion, It�m 8(a} Town Green Ad Hoc Gomm3ttee Updats and Ztem 9Ee) Hazardous Materials Response Team. Dr. J. Richard Dewey, Principal o£ Rosemount High School, explained the school's role 3.n the eommunity and the importance of schoo�., parents and community members worki.ng tagether as a partnership, Dr. Dewey �resented a video tape which provid�d an averv�.ew describing the many services and programs the school offers to its stu�lents and the community. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Agenda as pxesented. SECOND by Nap�Pr, Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0, See Clerk' s File 1989-36. ' Parks & Recreation D�irector Dav3.d Bechtold reviewed the quotes received for sets of playground equipment for Dallara Park a�d Connemara Park and requasted purchase of this equipment' from 1989 and 1990 CIP funds. See Clerk' s File 1989-36. , MOTION by Napper to authorize the purchase of two sets of playground equipment from Earl F. Ander�on, Ind, for a sum o£ $10,397 for �ach set. SECQND by Walsh. ` Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Napper, Wa1sh. Nays; 0. Mayor Hake opened the public he�ring seheduled at this time. Mayor Hoke advised the purpose of the hparing was to c4nsider an amendment tca the Zoning �rdinance which would add the definit�.ans of agricultu�al stand, eommercial gxeenhouse and landscape nursery ta Section 3; would amend Sec�ion 7 to modify restrictions placed upon the construction of aceessary buildings on propQrty lacated east of Akron Avenue and would add to Seetion 14 a pracedure to appeal. Planning Commission decisions on site plan reviews of building permit applications to the City Council. The administrator/clerk presented for the record an Affidav3.t o€ Posted Hearing No�ice and an Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk's File 1989- 36. City Planner Miehael Wozniak provided a brief background on a proposal for a landscape nursery denied hy the Planning Commissa,on. This review result�d in the P1ar�ning Commission recommending the permitted uses of � • ROSEMOU�TTY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR P1EETiNG NOVEMBER 29, 19$9 an agricultura]. stand, comrn�rcial greenhouse and l,andscape nursery should be defined in the Zoning Ordinance. City Planner Wozniak reviewed the definitions rPcommended by the Planning Commission and noted the Planning Commission at its Novemb�er 14, 1989 meeting clarified its recommendation hy indicating a preference not to a21ow re�ail sales in conjunction with commercial greenhouses and landscape nurserieS. Wozniak further reviewed for Council consideration two sets of definitions, drafted by the city attorney, which defined th�se permitted uses for retail sales only or for wholesale sales anly in an agriculture district. Therese Krech, 12050 oodd Boulevard, Kurt Hansen, 1210i Dodd Boulevard, and Jane Goedtel, 2980 - 120th Street West, pxesented several reasons for restric:�ir�g retail sales in an agricultv:re district. The attorney £or the developer of the proposed tandscape nursery advised that his client, Rose Cl.iff Landscape Nursery, would take the position that any amendments to the existing zoning ordinance would not a�ply to the building permit application sub�nitted �o the city on' October 17, 1989. City Planner Michael Wozniak reviewed the praposed amendment to establish an appeal process for planning commission actions on site ' plan revi�ws to City Counei�.. This amendrnent Wouia �iio� an applicant, resident, or council member to appeal a plaz�ning commission si�e plan action provided the appeal is filed within ten days of the action taken by the Planning Comm�.ssion. The city plax�ner advised the Planning Commissian has recommended approval of th�s amendment, , Council receive comments �rom th� audience in favor and against �.his amendment. City Planner Michael *�Tozniak related the Planning Gommission's aetion denying Councilmeznber Napper's request to �mend the zoning ordinance to remove the words, "total aggregate" from the current language of the zoning ordinance regarding the regulation of access4ry structures on ' parcels under twenty acres in size eas� Qf Akron A.venue. Since Councilmember Na�pex was not informed the Planning Commission would review his request at the November 14, 1989 meeting, staff recommended that Councitmember Napper be allowed an apportuz�ity to address the : Commission at a future meeting. There wexe no comments received from the audienc� in favor or against this amendment. MGITION by Hoke to clase thA pcarta.ons of the publio hearing to consider an amendment to inelude the def:ini�ions of permitted uses in an agricul.�ure district and to consider an amendment to establish an appeals process to the city council on site plan reviews and to cantinue the third segment of the public hearing r�gard3.ng sf.z�s of 2 . ROSSMOU�ITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETZNG NOVEMBER 29, 1989 accessory buildings east of Akron Avenue to January 16, 1990, at 8;00 p.m. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Hoke, Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann. Nays; 4. Council discussed the proposed �efinitions for commercial greenhouse, landscape nursery and agri.cultural stancl and the issue of whether these definit�.ons should restriet or allow reta�l sales i.n an agriculture district. Following �his discussion, Couneil concurred retail sales should not be permitted in an agriculture distriet. Cou�cil directpd sta�f to pxepare an amendment de£inzng commarci�i greenhouse and landscape nursery wi�h regards to wholesale '�ales on7�y, ta de7.ete "accessory sales" from the de£inition drafted by the city attornAy, and to red�fine the definition o£ agricultural stand to allow � farmer to sell products grown or proc�uced on a farm fram the farmst�ad, stand or booth for a period greater than four months. Fol.lowing discussion, Counci}. concuxred a provision should be incl.uded in the zoning �rdinance to provi.de an appeal process on site plan review action by the Planning Gammission. MOTION by Hoke to table ac�ion on the proposed arnendments regarding definiti.ons of commercial greenhe�use, landscape nursery and agricultural stand and a site plan review appeal proc�ss ta the December 5, 1989 Council m�eting. SECOND by Napper. Ayes; Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayss 4. Council discussed the request from Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. to consider sponsorship of a reeycling grant applicatton to the Metropolitan Council. The grant would subsidize the purchase of ' equipment neeessary for Knutson Rubbish to operat� a private materials recovery faeility in the city. The Gity and Knutson l�u3abish would enter an agreement whereby Knutson Rubbish woul� provide the requ�red funding for fifty �aercez�t af the gr�nt, and �he City woulcl aet as the local sponsor. Fa].lowing this discuss3.can, Council indicated their interest in this project and directed staff to aontinue work3ng with Knutson Rubbish. See Clerk' s File 1989-36. City Administrator Stephan Jilk presentea for Gouncil adoption a resolution approving the storm water master plan deve2oped by B�rr Engineering. The administrator advised language has been i.nserted in the plan tQ reflect concerns by Counc3l that the plan should not be utilized as a land use plan. See Clerk's File 1989-36. MOTION by Hoke to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE "CTTY �F RQSEMQUNT DRAINAGE PLAN - WEST DRA2NAGE AREA" DATED MAY, 1989 AS DEVELOPED BY BARR ENGINEERING, SECOND by ',�alsh. ayes: Walsh, H�ake, Napper. Nays: Wippermann. MOTION by Wa1sh to l�old a special workshap �ession on December 2, 1989, from 8:fl0 a.m. to Noon, for the purpose of zeviewing �,he proposed 1990 operating budget, proposed 1990-1994 C2P and the 1990 sal�ry and 3 � ' � ROSEMOUI�CITY PRt�CEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 29,' 1989 benefit pro�aosals for non-union employees. SECQND by Napper. Ayes: _ Wippexmann, Iioke, Nap�aer, Walsh, Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti r�viewed with Couneil the 1 �90 Utility Budget adopted by the Utilities Comrniss�,Qn and the recommsnded water and sewer rat� increases for 199�. No actiQn was taken by Council. Councilmember Napper reported on a �elephone digcussion wi�h Commissioner Loeding regarding the City' s interest in property locat�d on County Road 42 which had been secured by the County as part of the County Road 42 reconstruction project. The County Board of Commissioners wanted to be assured the City did nat want to acquire this land before the Board awarded a bid reeeived for this property from a private buyer. MOTION by Wa1sh that the city has no interest in the property along County Road 42 formerly known as the Visnovec prope.rty and that the city should receivA trom the county a portion of �he proceeds fram the sals af this pzoperty. SECCIND by Napper. Ay,es; Hak�, Napp�r, Walsh, ' Wippermann. Nays: p. Mayor Hoke advised the members of the Town Green Ad Hc�c Committee have concurred the entry level on Highway 3 and the �rea just belQw this area shauld bs the first phase of the town green project. The members are currently suhmitting th�ir proposals for this area. Maycar H�ke advised the commi�tee members would ].ike to meet with city staff ta discuss the proposals and to find out if their prop�sals are feasible �nd realizable. Administrator Jilk concurred with this suggestion and wi11 schedule a mepting. Administrato� Jilk recommended the goals/ob�Ac�ives session b� schec3uled in Januaxy, 1990 since it was impossible to reach an available date in December when everyane was availabl+�. Council concuarred to this recommendation and agreed the sessian should includ� th� present counci]. and the new council. See Clerk's File 1989-36, The a�3ministrat�r informec� Counci�. of the city acimini�tratars in Dakota County Putti.n� �Qgether a seri.es of special training apportunit�.es for ' : city staff and elected official.s. This group h�s engaged Dx. 7aange Longf�llow t� speak on February 5, 1990; �nd thraugh the cooperat�.ve effnrts of this association, the costs for attendan�e by staff and elected officials will be ver� reasonable. See Clerk's File 1989-36. Administrator J;LIk ac3vised the terms of sevc�ral commission/aommi�tee member.s wi11 expire this year and requested that Coun�il givP co�siderati.on on the process for filling these texms. See Clerk's File 1989-36. The administrator informed Council of ineetings between staff inembers an�3 representatives ot an organization know as ARi� {�mArica' s Radio Network) This organization has propasec� to Iease space in Ken Rose Ma11 for a national radio network station and has asked the city to 4 ; , ... � ' ROSEMOU�ITY PR4CEEDING3 ' REGULAR MEETTNG NOVEMBER 29, 1989 issue bands to fund the paco�ect. The administrator aciv3.sed staff i.s presently researahing this proposal. and will pravide fu�ther information at a future meeting. See Clerk' s File 19$9-•35. Administrator Jilk advis�d a �oint powers agreernent for the formation of a hazardous matPrials response team will be presentec� to Council for approval at �he D�cember 5, 1989 Council m�eting. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: 9:. Nays: Q. Respectfu],ly su,bmitted, Susan M. Johnscan Deputy Clerk 1�TTEST: Stephan Ja.lk _ Adminis�rator/Clerk Published this day of December, 1989 in Dakota Gounty Tribune. 5