HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Hazardous Material Response Team - Joint Powers Agreement ` F • f�L/�' • P Q BbX 5t0 \�/��� Q 2875-145TM S7. W /��+ �`A R(J$EMQtlNT. MINRlESt1TA 554f8 Va7�//`4���� 542-423-4411 �TEM # � A December 1, 1989 T0: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers : Napper Oxborough Walsh WippermanM FROM: Stephan 3ilk, Administrator/Clerk RE: Hazardous Material Respon�e Team For several months the cities in Dakota County and Dakota County itself, through city/county administrators group and the Dakota County Fi.re Chiefs assoeiation have developed a proposal fa�r putting together and funding a hazardous material response team in Dakota County. : In the past citi.es , through their individual fire departments, have responded to emergency situations involving hazardous materials. The Federal Government, through OSHA now requires that a11 persons responding to hazardous spills, accidents , leaks etc. are to be properly trained and equipped to respond. The State of Minnesota has had one Hazardous Material Team, trained and equi�pped. The City of St. Paul also has had orte unit. the State s unit has been elimi,nated, but St. FauT stil,l has theirs . The cities in Dakota County had b�en in discussion for several months with St. Paul to contract with them to pravide the service to Dakota Gounty. The cifiies found this approach very expensive and with no �uaran�ee that the service would be available when needed since St. Paul would still respond first to any problem in St. Paul and would' even pull away from a response in Dakota County if they were call.ed into St. Paui. This team would respond to situations involving spills, leaks, aecidents involvzng hazardous materials such as gasoline, chlorine, oils etc. and take charge of the scene directing the actions of other governmental agencies and private eontractors to contain the spill, leak etc. and insure that it is cTeaned up. 1 �� � Y . . . .. . • .. . � �.�� �. . . � . Hazardous Mat ' al Team December 1 , 1��� The cost of such cleanup is the responsibility o£ the party whose material it was or the carri�r of �he product. : Federal law dictates this . The cost of Training, equipping and maintaining the equipment for the Hazardous Material Team would that of the cities and county. The idea behind this proposal is that al�. cities in Dakota County and the County, representing the < unincorporated areas of the county, would form a joint powers agreement. Under this agreement the parties would provide funding, based on population in their area represented, to train, equip and maintain the team. The "team" would be made up of selected members of the various fire departments joined in the agreement. These members would then respond to incidents as necessary. The decision making bady €or this joint powers group would be twa members from each unit (city or county) represented. The Joint Powers Board would have the authority to buy equipment, train personnel, purchase insurance and make contracts far services in carrying out the role of the Hazardous Material Team. The three year budget estimated to start up and run this team is attached to the draft of the Joint Powers Agreement. Rosemount's share, over the three year period, amounts to a little less than $1 .00 ger capita or $7,889. In 1990 the cost wauld be estimated at $2 ,266. These funds are available in the 1992 budget. I would ask that you review the document and consider the concept. I would like to get consensus on this at aur meeting or� Tuesday so that a final draft could be reviewed and approved at the December 19, 1989 meeting. lj 2 . . 1 1 . 1 �. lJ �7 V �J . L.. `Y i tu . . , �.+ a�.a a a�a• s v a.r�a.� • a •.�.� . . - ... .. . . . . ..,^., . .. •. . � ' � . � � .. . . . � . .. . � . . � . aa�rr �otta� �o�e��rr �8xA8LIaM=Na A A71$ARDOt1'8 �T�R31lL It14�PCN8H TBAM Tho paxti�s to this Aqrseta�nt �re govart�m�nt�►!, units ot' the Stat+� o�' Minne�c�a. Thi�c Aqrosm�nt is �ad� pursuant to th� suthar��y , con�erred upan the partie� by Ml.n�esot� Stntute �471.�9. �• Nan►o. The parties h�raby creat� and �+�tabii�h �Me South Ma�ro Haxardous M�at�rial Re�pQn�e ��ram, her�in��t�r t�tsrz�d to �s the "R��ponse T�am"�. a. 4enaral purpose. Tha purpose af thi� Aqre�msnt �.s to e��tablish t� haxardous �q�tt�ri�tl reaponse tse�n. 3. Deliattiorts. Subdivision 1. "Ba�.x�N m�an� ths Sd�rd of Dir�ctor� cr th• - Ha�ardo�,� Mat�rial Re,�ponse Team. St�bdivie�ion 2. "Governing �odyp n+er�na the gov�rninq bcdy o� a governmentnl unit whiah is a memb+�r a! th+� Reapons� Team. 8ubdivi�ion 3. aGov4rnm�»fi�l Unit"' and "'Memb�ar"' mean any city, towrt�hi.p or county which is a signatpry ta this Agreement. 4. M�m;be;sbip. Th�e fn�tial membership of the Response TBam shall con�ist or the fallow3.ng gavernmental units: No ccaanqe ,�n qovernmental boundari�s, structure, organizr�tional statu� or cheracter s�ha�ii a�fect the aligibility of any governr�en�al unit� listed above to be repra��ented on the Re�pons� Te�m as long as -2- ' 1 �, • 1 Z}. � �'J` . U J • [,� �} 1 1V1 �r u 11 ri i v i� j V � J../!1 T T 1 1 ��1►1 � a V V � . . � . . � . � • ' euch gover�t,n�ntai ua�it coritin�t�s to exf�st �►s � s�paratte go1.�.tiCal subdivision. Any ath�sx govsri�men�a7, uni� m�y bevome a' perty upon un$nimou� �p�rQv�l o� the Mambers. �. A4ditional ��mb�rs. Additiona7. qovaxnme�rital unite� �nay joi» the Re$pan,�s T�am� upon writter� �►pproval o� r�li �xisting M�mbera. The� naw Member �hall �iqn th3� Agr+�ement and �xiating Members shaii not be r�quired to reaiqn. Th8 8oa�d m�y conQition approva�. vf a r�ew Memb�r on p�tym��t of a fe�r deemed appropriate by the 8oard. 6. $aara ot Dir�ators. Subdivi�ion 1. The gQv�rning body of the Respon�►� Team shall be it� �card which �ha�il aon�i�t ot �wo {�j directors appointed by eaah qove,rnm�ntal unit. If the governmenfi�tl unit has a �ire department, tha Chief ot the d�p�rtm�i�t a� �ach gov�xr►m�ntal unit � �hall be� appoititsd as one qP th� dir���or�. Govarnmental unit: m�,y deaignat� an ai.ternat� for eaah dire�tor a�ppof.nted. The Boarc� may appo3nt an ope�ratio�s oommittee cor�sisting o� 1�emb�rs og the soard o� ��.r�etors, wh�.ch sha�,1 have auch powex� as may be d�alegated to it by the 8aard and only as aliowed by 2aw. - subd#.vi�ion 2. Board Members•-�sha11 �ezv� without Compc�nRAt i nn !'r�,ya th4+ Rccponac Taam, 1�ut 4.li�a► rs2i�t1I nOL prev�tlC 8 gcvernm�nta]. uni� from providing compensation for a soard Member for serv�,ng on the Board. subdivisi.an 3. There sh�tll be no votinq by proxy, but ail vot�s mu�t ba cast by the Board Member cr designat�d alternate at �+ Baard Meeting. Et�ch Dir�cto� �hall h�ve one vote. 9ubdivision 4 . A maiority of the Hoard Members shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority vat� of the D�rectors gresent ��_ ; ' 1 1 . f, 4. �f �'...)' (J .� . G 4 r 1�1 m �,T IC 1'L 1V 1V 1 �7 L K T 1 t' 1 lt lYl t V 1 ' ' ' . . � at � me�tinq arith a valid quoxum ehall b� requix�d fo= the Board to t�k� aa�fon, unl,�ss oth�rwis• provideci in thig Agreesaent or by 3nw. Subdivi�ion 5. At ths firat mee�tinq of fihe Hoard, and ir� Janu�iy of waah y�ar thax�e�fter, th4 Boa�rd shc�li •lect a Ch�►ir and � Seare�ary/Traasur�r and suGh a�har o�ficexs aar it d�eem� necaa�mry to conduot its mastings and ef=�i��. Enah olficer sha7.1 hold of=ice untii hisjher aucce�►sor taka� office. �� 7. �+oatr� a�d Dutims o� th� nosrd. 8ubdivisian 1. �he pawers and duties aF �h� Hoard �h�ll ir►clude the pcwers set for*h in thia S�c�tion. Bubdiviafon 2, _� may pr�pars, adopt, aMd impl�ment a plan to gzovida haza�rdavs me�teri.ai re�pona� �o ita� M�mb�rs. Subdivieion 3. It �ay ras�Arch and inetke reComm�hdat�ns--to the Membera regarding other matt�r� r�iated ta the R��sponae Team�� purpag�. Subdivi�ion 4. rt may consult with persa»s knowledgeabie in hazardouas ma�erial respQn�e� auch as re�search c�rqani�ation�, educationai institution�, othQr political subdivi�ions, r�gulatory organiz�tions, techn3ca� �xperts, and any other persens who can prc�vide p�rtinent- information. �u}+divi��.4r� 6. Tho 8oax'd xtal/' corti��s�aL� vr c:antZ'2l.C'C WiL#i th�8 state oP Minn�$ota cr any su�adivision thereof or =ederal t+genc� or private or public c�rganization to accomplish the purpose� for which 3t is organized. Sttbdivision 6. Ths Board rnt�y contrdct tor or purch�se svch insuranae as the Soard deems neee�sary tor the prot�ction o� the Commission. The BoaxA �ha21 purchase general �iability in�urance. ..4_ ' 1 1 . � 1 4. � .y. .. V .3 . G 4 !" 1Vl .'�` �d iE ti 1V 1V 1 w7. L 1'L T T � 1' 1 1�1�1 � � . t V V . . . .�. �. .. � � . .. p . . � � �. . ' � .�.. . . . . . �. . . . ..� � . �. . . � .. � �.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. �,.. Subdivisiort 7. The 8oard m�y aot�umu�,ette xee+�z�'ve lund� foz „ c the purpos�,� herain m�ntion�d �nd mny �,Mves� fund� o= �.lze Respon�e � c Team not aurrantly n��ded to� it� vpsrations. � �ubd3vimion 8. Th� 8oa�rd may coll�at mon�y, eubj�at ta th� pzovisio�� of this Agra�men�,, fro� ite Mamh�z�� and trom �ny s�the�r saurca suthoriaed by �,aw. Subd�,vi�ion 9. The Sasrd may make aontracts, employ Y con�ultants, incur expenaea ar�d �a�ke expenditur�� nsc�ssary �tnd in�iden�al to th� •t'�ectua�ian o� its purpoe�e: and pow�=�, in con�ormanaa with tha raqairamente� r�pplicabls tc �ontza�cte� end p�archa«ss o� dny o� ths M�mbers. subd�,vision 10. Th� BQard �ha11 eeuesa to be made a� an�nual � audit af th� l�oo}�s and accou�t� c►g th� 84ard and ak�all meke artd lile ... a report to its Mamb�rs at le�st ona� each year. Stri�t �ccou�tability o� all Pund� and r�rpoz�t ot a11 receipts and disburs�ments shali be maae. . . Subdiv�,sion �1. '�he Board�s books, reparts and records shall b� avaiiable� for and open to fn�pection by its Members at all r�a�onable times. The Soard�s records shall b� available Por iri�p�ction by the publia pur�uant tc Minnegota 8tatut• Chapter 13. cubafvf�3o� i�. si�� ac,ara may recammenct �hanges in �his Agreem�nt to it� rtembers. An Amendment to th3� Agreement �hali be adopt�d in the same mannex a� the original approval of this � Agreement. Subdivision �.3. Th�e Baard may sxe�rcise aii vth�ar lawful powers neces$ary and tncfdental ta the implementa�ion o� the purposes u and powers se� forth herefn, irt�luding the adoption of by-laws to , _5- - 1 1 . ' 1 4. �S �J- U ,S : G 4 t'lVl m �r.�n tv tv t a �..ti rr r i i�ivl � u � • � � ' � govern the PUnotionirg vf the Hoerd, provided thnt rio by-l�►w or , acticn o� �ha Board scha�ll b� aontrr�ry to th� terma o� thi�s Aqre�m�nt. Subdivia�,on 14, The� Roaponsa fieam may not operate -outsid� � the g�ographiaal. boundnri�a of the Membcr governmerttal urtit�, $. Ki�t�Ag4. Subdiv3.e�ion 1. Th� Board sha�ll �a�►t n� l.stcst nnnually on a schedul� det�s�atinad by th� 8oerd. Subdivisian Z. Meotinqs oP th� Bonrd tna�y b• call�d by the � c Chair Qr upon written raquest of � ma�oxity ot the Board Membe��. f !. D�s�or�t+�tination T�ua. Each Member that he►a a f ire ; departmQnt shall train re�pond�r� to funaticn aa pert o� a decontamination t�am that �an a�si�t the Re�a��onse Team. 10. pit�anoes. Subdivisiot� 1. The �te�pons� Team tuhda ma�y be sxp�nded by the Hoard in accvrdanco with this Agr�ement in � manr��r determined by the �oard, but the meth+od oF disbursemsnt sha�,l agrree, as far ass praaticabie, with the m�thod provided by law for the di�bursem�nt of funds by the M�mbers. Th� Board may des�gnate vn� or mvre national c�r state bank ar trust campaniss authorized to rec�ive depasits o� public moni��s ta act a� depositorteB. subc�ivi�ion Z. �eneral Administratioh. Each Member agrees to contribute each year to a general fund. Ths fund is to be used for � genere�i �dminis�tratican purpoar+as includfng, but not limitrad to: purcha�e o= equipment, �alaries, supplfes, ea�ryinq aut the purpose of �his Agareement, insurance and bonds. The annual co�►trik�ution by each r2�mber shali be determined in accordance with the fallawi.ng tarmula: ��, . . . � � . . . . � k . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . V.�. ' 1 1 . 1 4. �i � U .� : � 4 Y lVl m lr.K 1-11V 1V 1 J L X YY r 1 ic lYl r 1 U � . . i • � Po�Julation at Member x �udgat x Pop��;�on oL��M� wra Papula�ion �hell bs d�termined in uoaordanaa with the moa�t current astimata oE tha Metrop4litan Counoi�.. The initinl Contribution by � eaah Memb�r shaii b� a� foziowss , ; The initial con�ributi.on �sha�Il be paid w�,thin sixty (60} days af�tar the E��eotiv� Date ot this Aqr��martt. SubdivisiQn 3. on ar betore Jv1y 1 0� �mch yemr, the 8oard �hall r�dopt � gvnaral adn�l.niatrAtiva budq�t tor the ansuinq y�ar �nd deaid� upon tho total amdunt nao�ranry !or th� qsn�ral �und. Th+� r searetary/Tr�asur�r o� the 8verd �sh�►l1 certl.fy tht budget vn or ' bs�are �uiy 1 to th� clerk of each Member Governmaittal Unit, �ogether � with a stat�m�n� a� th� propertion of the budga� to be provided by �ach Memb�r. By Auc,�ust � ot each cal�ndar year, .the Governf.ng Body of each Member shall approve or object to the praposed budget a�d the Members� ' �inancial cantribution and gi.v�' nctice of its action to fihe Bo�erd. The budget shali be daera�d approved by a Member in the absence at action by September 1. Fi.rtal action adog�ing a budg�et for ` the ensu.�rtg calenaar year shall bs tnken by thB Bcard on or before Sept�mber ].5 ot e�ach year. Subdivision 4. An}� �temb�r which has. ob�ected to its f�.nancial contx'ibution �a th�a propased budqet may withdraw from this Agreement by filing with the cha�ir a written notice wi.thdrawing from _7- : � ; u • �. l�.' �l 4�. � O � . U J . �. 4 r lYl . T t,7,[�n1V�lV 1 �J� L1'14Y � 1' 1 1\ltll � �. � 1 ,L 1 . . . . . . . . . � . �� �� �� . �� ! . . .� �. � � � thie� Aqreemnnt. Any� Member aithdrawing und�r thia provie�ion ,�ha31 hau� no lurth�r li�bility or r�bllgation �o the Roapans�e Te�en�, and �hal� r�ot be antitled to any z�tund from ths Rs�pon�e �eam. 11. Du=at�.on. Subdiviaicn 1. E��h M�mber agr4es to be bound by th� t�rms of thi�c Aqreement untii p���mbor 31, 3995, and it may k�e ccntinuad thar��fter upon tha agz+��ment ot all the Members. Subdivia�ior� 2. This Agx�4ment �aay be, te�rminat�+d prioz to Decamber 31, 1995, by the �rritten �tgreem�nt of 3js Q� the Memb�re. Subdivisian 3. =r� �dditio� tv the manr►mr provia�d in 5ubdivi�ion Z for tanain�tion, any Membsr �tpy pmt�,tivn the� Baard to disaolve tho l�gr�►�rn�ent. Upon 3o dmys' �otioe Sn writi»g to the clerk of eaoh MQmb�r Governmental Unit, the 8oard sha�11 h�I,d a hearing and upon a �avorable� vot� by 3j5 of all �Iiqible� votes o� th�n e�xisting Board me�nber�, tihe 8oard may by reso�.ution recommend that the ��spo�se Team bs ai��oivea. Th� resolution �ha11 be s�ubmit�e� tc� each Member Governmental Unit and �,t ratified by 3/5 0� the Gov,�rn3.ng Hodies of ail eligible M�mbers within 60 days, the Board �ha21 d��salve the R�spons� Team allawing a rea�onab�� time to cdmp�ete work in pragreac� and to dfffipose o� personal pra��rty owned by the Re�ponse T��m. ZZ. niasolutioa, ttpon dissolution o� th� Response Team, all property oi' the Response Te�tm shall be �cold and the pro��eed� thereof, togetha�r with moni�� on hand, �hai2 be distributed to ths eligible Member�s e�P the R�tsponse Team. Sttch distribution ot RAsponse Tat�ra asse�s shall be mad� in proportfon ta th� total contributions to th� Response T�am by the r��pective. Metnbers over the esntf.r�a duratfon at' _g_ • 1 1-.• 1 4. �i � U ;� : � 4 rlvt muxxtvlv 1 � Lxw r 1 �lvi r i � ` � . th� Respon�� Team. Th� Res�ponae T�am �hell continue to exist �fter d�.aeolution for au�h p�riad, na longe�x than �ix montha, as i� n�oessary �o wind up it� �ftair,�� but !or no other �urpo�e. t3. �!laative nat�. Thie Agre�ment ohall b�t in full t'orae and elf�ct when aii � initial M�mbars, Q�13nented in Paraqraph Four of thia Aqree�a�,�nt� �ign this Agroomant. A�,1 Mem��or� ne�d nat sign the same aopy. Tha mignod Agr�sment shnli l�e �'iled with th�a C3ty Manager of th� City of Hurn�vill+�, who shall noti�y ail M�mberffi �,n writinq of ' its �f�ec�ive date �nd �cst a date and p3ace !or ths 8oard�� firat me�tir,q. Prior tc the e����tiv� aat�e or khia Agre�m�nt, atny aiqnatory may re�seind it�s approv�l. IN w�TNESS WHEREQF, th� und�er�igned qavernm�tital uni.t�, by a�tion cf theix govsrning bcdia:, hav� caua�ad thi� Agr�ema�nt to b� ax�cut�d in �taaardance wtth the author�,ty c�f Mir►t��sota Statute �471.59. -9-. . • � DAKOTA CqUNTY HAZARDQUS MATERIAlB TEAM BUDOETB ; Rwlud Aupwt 28,1D80 : 1 9l10 1,991 j 1,49�: � � ' =QUANT COST CUANT. 6COST ..... OUANT. COST.. ................... .................«.»................... ,....j ..,... ...... .,............ ..................,......�....... ... .. ...�.. . ....... i E ' PERSONNEL SERVICES 1 Ovetttrta = i Initisi Trotnln 4S Hn S2S /hr. ' ; : .. Lws111 !e III....�153 hr�,� S25Ihr.?......,.... 24...tt/2...rsar ...........45800 24 (1/2...Y��rr..............45840 . . _ ... �Call-Out P.. ... ........ . ..... ... ...... .. ». .o. .. ..... . . . .0 „2,500 Anmi�l Tntnin 2 hnlmo. � S25/hr e : 24E 14,400 Admtnistntion E�cpenw � . � .... AudklnQ �nd FManca..4 e hn.n"°..I. . ................ .. .... 3t�� ............... ' ....., 3:000 ... ... ..�.. .. 3t�� ,Su�»rvi�lon.and.Dlnotlo�..�.s,hnimo:.)..... ........ ...... .a�� ....». ..»..,.......�... as� .,..... ......j.. , 3�}0 �Insunnc� : t,I�biN for Joint Pow�n BwM 10,Q00 F 10,000 10.000 Wo�lan C TOTAL 6/600 ±67 6Q0 32 905 . .............................»............. .......... .......�.............. .... ............. � ...................,.. i .,... ...,...'.. ....... ..�.. , . . OPERATINOEXPENSEB..»........ ....... . .F............. ... ..................... . .....,., _. , ........... , . ........ ..i.. ............ 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S4/ 5244 SOUTH 3T.PAUL ? 20.083 i5,a79 1 S7A,7SQ 33,952 510,77Q SUNFISH LAKE � 414 5117 5221 i89 s i408 VERMILUON...... .................................... ... .._............ ..530. ................».. .... ...S1S4?........ 3244 � � t02.?. ... .�541 YERMIILION TWP. 1.173 3332 : 5627 it96 t St,155 WAT€RFORD TWP. F 4T8 S13S g i256 S80 = y172 WEST ST PAUI ' 18 381 55.198 ? S9 829 S3 068 ,St8;09t ..... ..........._••..................... . ....... .. ..6............... . .. ... . ....... . ..... ..,... . . .... ... ..................................................................... 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