HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendments � _ _ : F�c� ec�x s�n ��1�� C3 2er5-�a�iH 5t w y� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESUTA 55068 �dSG/►L�u I L� 612-423-4471 TOs CITY COUNCIL �1�� � � D FRCIMt MICHAEL WOZNIAK� AICP, CITY PLANNER DATL: DECEMBER 1, 1989 - SUBJ: DECEMBER 5, 1989 - RBGULAR MEETINt3 RSVIEW8 ; COMPR$�IENSIVE (�IJIDE PLAN AMENDMENTS �12 & #14 � Enclosed with this review are copies of applications for City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Amendments �12 and #14. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment #12 re-establishes a land banking procedure for allocating acreage for sewered development. Since 1986 the City has been utilizing a land banking system to allocate Municipal Urban Service Area {MUSA} acreage, however, in June of 1988, the Metropalitan Council placed a condition when acting upan Amendment #11 (Shannon Hills) which restricted the City from continuing to use land banking. Since that time staff, , following the direction of the Planning Commission, has been working with the staff of the Metropolitan Council ta seek a mutually acceptable solution. During the review procedure for Guide Plan Amendment #12 the Metropolitan Council allowed the City to process a minor plan amendment to allow 22 acres in Wensmann Additians to be added into the MUSA (Guide Plan Amendment #13) . The attached application for Guide Plan Amendment #12 describes the history of this a�mendment. The Planning Commission has made recommer�dations on two versions of the Amendment and staff has been required to defend the amendment before the Community Develapment Cammittee of the Metropolitan Council at three separate meetings of that Committee. A summary of the amendment is that it allaws that City to continue utili�ing a land banking system to allocate MUSA acreage. The amendment further establishes an undesignated land bank of 600 acres. This means that beydnd the City's current designated MUSA (see Exhibit E) there exists an additional 600 acres which can be serviced with sanitary sewer to be allocated as development is propc�sed. The City's current undesignated land bank acreage is 318 acres. Approval of Amendment #12 will represent and incr+ease of ' 282 undesignated MUSA acres. The Metropolitan Council has required that the land bank be limited to b00 acres because of capacity limitations at the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant (RWWTP) . It has baen determined that the RWWTP has the capacity to serve approximately 1000 additional homes. The RWWTP was recently reconstructed and supposedly has a design life of 20 years. Based on current building activity the � �Y . . . * . .� . . . . . � .� � � . . . . � .. . . . � . . INFURMATION SUBMISSION FQR MAJOR CUMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CITY OF RQSEMOUNT COMPREHENSIVE GU1DE PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1Z REVISION I. GENERAL INFORMATiON A. Sponsoring governmental unit: City of Rosemount Name of local contact person: Michael Wozniak, City Planner Address: City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Roscmount, MN, SSQ68 Telephone: (612) 423-4411 B. Name of Amendment: Camprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 12 - Description/Summary: The purpose of Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 12 is to create a new Land Banking system in Rosemount to allocate Municipal Urban Service Area acreage. . The City of Rosemount since 1986 has been utilizing a land banking system in resp�ct to makip� available [or development serviceable acreage within khe MUSA. In 19$6 the City of Rosemonnt amended its Guide Plan to cause 880 acres to be withdrawn from the MUSA and placed it in a Land Bank of Undesignated MUSA acreage. Since 1986 the City has proceeded to amend its Guide Plan to altaw urban development and has drawn or transferred acreage from the Undesignated Land Bank acreage six times (Guide Plan Amertdments 6- 11). tn June of 198$ upon review of Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 11, the Metropolitan Council chose to piace a condition on approval of that amendment which would require that the City designate the remaining Land $ank acreage prior to requesting actian on any additional Guide Plan Amendments. At the request of the City the Metropolitan Council did approve one additional Minor Guide Plan Amendment (Amendment #13) on March 23, 1989 after placing the condition to cease use of the Land Bank. Currently there are 31$ acres of Undesignated MUSA acres remaining in the Land Bank. The m�jor reason the City of Rosemouat chose to utilize the L,and Banking system is that a very limited number of property owners cantrolled all of the undeveloped acreage which had been within the MUSA prior to creation of the Land Bank in 1486. These prnperty owners had caused an in flation of land prices and �hereby caused an unnecessary restriction of development which was determined ta be detrimental to the City. It is the belief of City Officials that if the City designates the remaining land banked MUSA acreage that the same situation will occur. To avoid this problem and to accommodate Lhe significant growth which Rosemount is experieecing; th� Gity firsE submitted this guide plan amendment on April 11, 19$9, proposing to significantly expand its current MUSA (see Exhibit "A"). Exhibit "A" indicates the existing MUSA Boundary from the i990 Land Use Plarr of the City af Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan, and also indicates the proposed boundary for the MUSA in a new Year 200Q Land Use Plan. The proposed MUSA expansion represented a net increase of � � � � . � � . . ..:.• . � � . .. � � . .� ��� . . � � � � . 1477 acres over the current MUSA. Also indicated on Exhibit "A" is a substantial amount of acreage which is eithe'r already served with sewer and not included in the current MUSA or is in permanent park use or being used for perraanent storm water ponding. City of Rosemount Staff liad previously submitted a preliminary dra£t of Guide Plan Amendment No. 12 and have pravid�d documentation regardinp, the net develogable acreage being proposed to be added to the MUSA. Metropolitan Council Staff haue indicated that based upon an escimated nuraber of households of 4300-4840 in the Year 2000 that an expansion of the MUSA in Rosernount of between 935-1375 acres would conform to Metropolitan Councii Policies. The City of Rasemount recognized that the proposed MUSA expansion of 1477 acres exceeds the upger end of the range (1375), however, the expansion of the MU&A comformed to logical boundaries of major highways and property boundaries. It was asked that the Metropolitan Council entertain the proposal as submitted, though, the City of Rosemount acknowledged tha option af reducing the amount of acreage to be added to the MUSA to conform to Metropolitan Council Policies. This proposed expansicsn of the MUSA would closely matched the proposed MUSA in the existing Year 20Q0 Land Use Plan (see Exhibit B}. As evidence of the amount of growth occurring in Rosemount, included with the April lith submittal was (Exhibit C) a list of major residential developments and accompanying map. This map indicates that single family development has been approv�ed by Preliminary Plat/Planned Unit� Development Flan for the majority undeveloped acreage within the : Rosemount MUSA. Of the City's 318 acre Land Bank of Undesignated MUSA acreage, 80 acres are committed to two developments which have alrtady been approved by Preliminary P1at1PUD Plan: Wensmann Additions and � O'Leary's Hi}ls (see Exhibit C). This would limit available MUSA acreage to 238 acres. Two additional developrnent concerns: 11�eritor Devetopment, Corp. of Burnsville, MN, and Acorn Investments, Inc. of Vadnais Heights, MN have expressed strong interest in developing properties which abut the current MUSA and are located within the proposed MUSA. Meritor Development, Corp. has expressed interest in developing Single Family Housing on approximately 500 acres of property which is currently cantrolled 6y a singte property owner. Acorn Investments, Inc. has expressed strong interest in developing Sin�le Family Hausing an a 40 acre parcel. With the amount of existing MUSA aereage available it would be impossible fo� the City to accommodate the interesc of these development concerns. At its June 22, 19$9, meeting the Metropolitan Councii coasidered the proposed City of Rosemounx Guide Plan Amendment No. l.2. The Metropolitan Council acted to approve a modification to the amendment requiring that Rosemount estabiish a land banking system to designate urban service additions. Ft was 'recognized that the land banking system is to be limited to the capacity of the Rasemount Waste Water Treatment Plant of 0.72 million gallons per day, which is sufficient to serve about 1,000 additional housing units. This capacity wau�d serve about 600 acres including a five year overage. � • � 3 The purpose of this revision to the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 12, is to modify it ta establish the Lat�d Banking system as required by the Metropotitan Council Resolution No. 89-2'7 dated June 22, 1989. The City of Rosemount rcquests that the Land Banking system be authorized with an allocation of 600 acres of undesignated Municipal Urban Service Area acreage. It is further requested that the City be aliowed to rnadify iis current MUSA boundary (Exhibit D) by drawing acr�a�e from the undesignated Land Bank through an application process subject to administrative review by the Met li ica[ion is Exhibit ro o tan Council Staff. Attached to this a 1 P PP E which is a nnap iliustrating the Rosemount MUSA Boundary as of August 4, 1989 and further indicating the acreage total of the Undesignated Land Bank of MUSA Acreage (600 acres) as of August 4, 1989). The City of Rosemount further recognizes that any future additions to the cnrrent Rosemount MUSA must be property contiguous to the existing MUSA and must represent logical �xt�nsion of the existing sanitary sewer system. Each time a change to the MUSA is proposed the City will include with the application a rnap indicating the current MUSA configuration and the current Land Bank acreage and will also inclnde a map shawing the proposed to the MUSA and the new Land Bank acreage araount. This revision to the April 11, 1989, City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 12 Application should be considered a supplement to the earlier submitted to clarify that the City intends to confarm the Metropolitan Council requirements of June 22, 1989. The City will continue to work ta meet the additional requirements established on June 22, 1989, and would hope that the Land Banking system wouid form�lly be established as of receival af this Plan Amendment revisian. G See Following Attachments: Exhibit "A": Map indication original MUSA Expansian request dated April il, 1989. Exhibit "B": Year 2000 Land Use Plan from existing Guide Plan approved in 1983. . Exhibit "C": ListJMap of Major Residential Developments. Exhibit "D": Map indicating current MUSA Boundary (Augnst 1989j Exhibit "E": Map illustrating the Rosemount MUSA Boundary as of Augnst 4, 1989 and further indicating the acreage total of the Undesignated Land Bank of MUSA Acreage (600 acres) as of August 7, 1989) D. What is the of ficial local statns of th� ptan amendment? City of Rosemount Planning Commission recommended approval to City Council on January 17, 19$9. E. Local governmental nnits affected by the change which have been sent t . � .� � � � � � � .� � . . . � � � � . . . .. .. . . . .. � . . � .. . . � .. � � � . ' . � � . copies of the plan amendment and Ehe date copies were sent to Ehem: I.S.D. #196, City of Apple Valtey, City of Inver Grove Heights, MWCG. (Copies of Original Submittal senc on April i1, 19$4). II. IMPACT ON REGIONAL SYSTEMS A. Sewers 1. Change in city's year 2000 flaw projections. '�e . See I. B. Description/Summary. 2. Community discharges to more than one metropolitan interceptor. Yes. The City of Rosemount cnrtently discharges inta both the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant & the Empire Waste Water Treatment Plan Interceptors. AE this time the City of Rosemount is - limited to allowing a maximum flow of 300 residential units to the Empire Plant. Upon the prograrnmed expansian of the �mpire Plant it is the intention of thc City of Rosemount to requast a modification to the Sewer Policy Plan to aliow the wastewater flow • ' from approximately one square mile of land (Section 31/Southwest square mile of Rosemount) to flow to the Empire Flant. It is anticipated that ultim�tely up to 1500 housing units may be constructed in Sectian 3L At thas time however any additional waste water flow caused by the proposed MUSA expansion woutd be served by the Rosemount Waste Water Treatmen� Plant. B. Transportation 1. Retationship to Council policies rsgarding metropolitan highways. No/Not Applicable. 2. Change in type and intensity of land uses at interchanges and other locations within a quarter-miie of the metrepolitan highway system? No/Not Applicable. 3. Impact on existing trip generation rates. - Yes. At the anticipated density of development (2.25 units/acre or less) the residential development which could resnit fram this MUSA expansion may add up to C�10,000 trips per day which would be expected to be distributed among existing Frincipat and Minor Arterials (State Trunk Highways 52, 53, 3, and Caunty Highway 3), and among existing City Collector Streets and City Coilcctor Street to be constructed in the future. 4. Capacity of road network to accornmodate planned land use(s). �• , • � 5 5. Impact on transit and parking strategies. NSL/n,o�RQlieable. C. Aviation 1, Impact on regiottal airspace. N.5!��o.�p.P.���.• 2. Impact on airport search area. NQ/n tSL�F91�able. 3. Consistency with guidelines for land use compatibility with aircraft noise. No/n,�t a�plicable. . : 4. Gonsistency vvith the iong-terrn comprehensive plan for an airport in the vicinity of the communiey or proposed development. No/no����e• , D. Recreatian Open Space 1. Impact on existing or future federal, state or regional recreatiom�l facilities. .N�2L,n�� ap_plic le. III. IMFACT ON METROPQLITAN p.EVELpPMENT AND INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK A. Land Use 1. Describe the following as appropriate. a. Size of affected area in acres: G00 MUSA Land Bank b. Existing land use(s): Agriculture or Vacant c. Proposed Land Uses{s): Since this amendment proposes to create , an Undesignated Land Bank of MUSA acreage the future land uses are not known with certainty at this time, however, the assumptivn of the City of Rosemount at this time is that the majority of the proposed 600 acre Land Bank will ultimately be � developed with medium to low density residential development. It is assumed that up to approximatety 150 acres af the 600 acre Land Bank may be developed with a combination of high density residential, cammercial and industrial uses. d. Number of residential dwellin$ nnits invotved: zero at this time but ultimately up to 1,QOa as Land Bank acreage is designated and developed. � � . � 6 e. Proposed density: 2.25 Residential UnitslAcre f. Proposed square footage af corr�mercial, industrial or public buitdings (untcnown). B. Change in city's population household or empioyment forecastS for 2000, or any additional Iacal staging contained in the ariginal plaa. Yes, See I. B. Description/Summary). G Change in urban service area boundary of the commanity. Yes• D, Change in timing and staging of development within the urban service area. IV. IMPACT ON HUUSING � A. Impact on the supply and affardability of housing types necessary to serve persons at diffcrent stages in the life cycle. Nolnot �gplic�ble. � ' B. Impact on the supply and affordability of housing types necessary ta serve persons at varying income tevels. Ye�. It is assumed that a portian of the Undesignated MUSA Land Bank will be designated for High Density Residential (up to 1$ units/acre) which would could substantially add to Rosemoant's stock of muiti-family housing. Since the City is not currently - considering any multi-family housing development proposals it would be difficult to determine just how much raultifamily housing may ultimatety b� added due to the creation of the Undesignated MUSA Land Bank. G Impact on the commnnity numerical objectives for low- and moderate incarae, modest•cost market rate, and middle- and upper-income. housing'units. , No/not �1��?�L�,�ble. V. IMPLEMENTATIQN PROGRAM A. Change in zoning, subdivision, on-site sewer ordinance or other offieial controls. Yes. As the Undesignated MUSA Land Bank acreage is designated (subject to Metropalitan Council action) and is subsequently , approved for development the City of Roseraaant Official Zoning Map wi(1 have to be Amended. Subdivision approval will also be required for the majority of acreage involved in this Guide Ptan Amendment. .: Exwi�i-r • ! MaJor �te�sicicr�tiai DcveloE�m�nts in i�rec�ress Rosemvunt, M N (tirc I.�rrs�tiun R4s��i) C'ountry Ilills Plun��ed tlnit 1)rvrinpmeaf - 5C7 Sin�;lc i�amily llomes U„ti. il��mc Co�p��r:�lit�n Si� Ph:�!;rx 't'humpsnn I.s�nd [)cvclnpmenl 1)ivisinn 27�i srcres ' tilinncic+nka, MN 55343 1'UI) ���j►rovccl 1lHl l:uunlry lillls� M'ir�l Addlllnn - 7t Icilc pli�ttcd Launtry tlills Secund Additlnn - 14! (�its plattc�l Cuuntry Ilills 7'hird Acldltian - 13? luts [inul pl;�� ,�rnr,�,,,,t s�n,. 1�,?$8 It is esti�uatecl lhat thc rcrnainder nf the prujcct will I�c pinuccl in the nexl ?-•t yc��rs. l)'l.eury's Ilills Plunned Unit Uevelopment • 158 Sin�lc Family ftomes Stcvc 13ruback Sevcn Phascs !'arkview� Inc $� �eres I51)21 Oakland Avenue PUU approvccl 1987 13urnsvillc� MN 55337 (h!2) d54-31�2 Notc: SS lots, 1'h�tc 1 and 2 wcrc plallcd ��rior lu .�ii��r�v�l c�f ll�c c�vcr�l) l'll!) I'lan. Construction is substantially complele in tl�esc pl;�ts. Pl�asc ;i� O'I.e,�ry's • liills ThirJ Addilicrn, 23 (��ts was ;�rr«,���� in July 1987. �'innl I'lat �ppro��;�) f«r Nhasc 4 - 31 lots - is antici��alc�l far Seplemher 1�fi8. It is expected thll Il�e rcros�in�lcr of U�e prc�ject will be plat[ccl in the next 3-�! years. — ��-- � �:z Wrnsn�unn Additions 1'lanned Unit 1)evetopmcnt- 2UG Single ��mily lir�mcs Ilcrb Wcnsm�nn ticven l'I�ascs Weesmann Kcally !?7 acres I4340 t'ilnt Knob Road t'UU appr�vcd }��3? ' Applc Yallc�y, MN S512A (bt2) 42:�-I t7I 'Tlie first phasc o[ lhis prc�jcct� Wensmnnn Adclitic�n (39 tots) �vas plaltc�l in Oetuhct 1'IF3'1. 't'I�e sccond phasc of Wensinann Additi��n was plalted in July 1<)Rti. It is expcctcd tl�at Ihe rems�incler nF thc pr�jccl will he plattcd i�n the nrxt �-:t ycars. ' � � � 1Ycst ltidgr i'li�unrd Unll ticvclopmr�ii - 2t{Il tiin�ic 1's�wily ilomcs 'i'i�ir�►Ii�y iirciback I�ivr. Phascx It�►�cmouot t)cvrl�►�►uicnt t'om�ia��y (112 s�i:res 3�Itt1! llp��cr 1�1�11h tilrret W��til I'UI) ;�p�►rc�vcd I�IK7 !2�►scmuunt, A1N 550(iH (G I 2)�12.i-I tiGp 1Ycsl tiidgc Firsl Adtliti�►n (57 1�>Ix) s�ntl \'Vest Ridgc Scc��ncl Additicin (.SC lnts) h;�vc becn �alallcd. '1'he rcin;►indrr af Ibc pra�icrly is ex��rrlcd In he ��IsilFrd in Ih¢ next 2-4 yoars. �T tVind's Crossing - 2(►t units ta1a1 John Kr,�tz 1.34 Quacl units Wind's Crossinb (,'o�n��any 127 Single f�amily llan�cs 1561h Strcct W�st .�C C:hippcnclalc Avenuc 8U acres f'.t). [iox K3 nPProvecl 11RQ itnsemount, I41N SSOG$ (�►12j42J-2248 7'he majc�rity uf const�uctinn is complete in this development. '1'here are approximalcly SS Ic�Is which I�ave ncat hecn l�uilt upon, Thc t)evclu�cr has petitinned the City ft�r Puhtic t�n��rovemenls tn scrve 2? �f tlic remainiug lots (Fcbruary 198H). (:arruUton 2nd Adclilion Planne�! Unit 1)evelop�uent - 126 Single Pamily It�mes Thomas U'Leary Three Fh�ses Enlry One Development 42 �cres 414 Annapnlis [,ane �111� a�proved - .t�n., 1�188 Plymc�uth, MN SS441 I'hase t - 47 tots �I�tted (612) 557-1557 It is anbicipated that the remainder af this develapnient will be platted in U�e next 1-3 years. Shaniinn 1'ark Tawnliouses - fi4 Rental 7'ownl�ouses 1Villiam Jacobson 2 Phases V,illey Pl;�cc f}ffices 5 acres r)�179 Vallcy Vicw Itoac) A{�proved 19ti? 1:den i'rHirie, MN 55344 ((�12) )dd-8S92 'flic firsl pl�ase (32 unila) af Il�is prnjcct l�as hecn h�tilt ancl is fully leaseil. 1'h��se 2 (32 a��its) is in conslructic��� and is expectecl to hc fully leased 1�y Junc. ------_�� �� r . � � .�.________— --------.–� fibsuu�nx Ilills 1'I��nned Unit 1)rvclo�►ment 1��O Sii►glc ramil}� tic�mes Stcvcn Fit►cnnan, !'resident S 1'fiascs . tir�►unc) Ucvclopmenl C�►���araliun ISSi! . RO acr�s UI' . tca Av�.nu � Sc� ulh I'rcli�nin��r h ' Plat t' ti auca u� ' Y l nncc �i P 1 its ti I. t) 1 1N I _ � 554 IG Approvcd by t'I�nning C�mmissian, April, I�IKR I'cn�ling necessAry Apprnvals il is expected that c�nst�uetion of Phasc 1 �>f llris projcct will begin lalc S��ring I�)$�!, Shun��ou t)uks - 12 Sin�lc ramily tinmcs Julin C. Ilaustc�n, 1'resident (►p �eres 'fhc tircat tilack C:'nrpor��lia�� Pinst) 1'lal A��t�rnved IJUQ�1 l)init�tsiid Pu11i Wrst A{iplc Vs�llcy� AIN 55124 A��gusl 19R� ((i l2)423-2)95 It is anlicipatcd (hai c�nstruction of pul�lic improvcments far Ihis hr�ject �vill bc6in I�all 1988. ----.-.---. TI:NTATtVE PRnJE(;TS 1'ro�u►secl Rcntal tiousing . 12 units of Rental Totivnh�use Aparlments. ConcePt apl?roval by Plaoning C'o�nmission , An�ust 19$8. 2.73 acre sitc IUcnted i�nmccliatcly south af Shannon I'ark "I'�wnhouses. �'illiam Jacobson Asscuialcs Vallcy Place tDffices ` 9�)79 V�ticy Vicw Itciad t.den Pruirie� MN 55344 .fcntative:.propotal.t�{ I)evetapmenl of un to SUO Single Fam y ilomes �iy Cncb�k Cc�nstructiun un a 226� uc�c �nrcc� Icacatecl nortl� of (:���nty Highway 42 An� t,�st uf Ifiscuyne qv��iue (Lhicagcf & Nar4hwestern It.R. nrci��c�ty). 7'i�netal�le • ? � / , �� j�4 s �a�-� d��,,,u�� /f!jJ✓,,t/ � + •• . � � ' �-r _ � , . , ��. :� �� . . . ; . : — . . . . J-..,,� � j ,. ; ,,+�+�• � �, � � ... 1 ( (,�\ ... . �_:� I � � ' � 1 �,�•/� 1 ' i ' � � . '�t � ..�� � .�� S : ! � d � 9 '� �� ,, , '� �; :� '� � s`:•i.. ., ( ,. .� K�a .. I_'�,�� ., ,, ��, �,� � ,� ( F;` ' ;� • ! .� ; � I• ���'=i..l ': " "i• '� `�i� ; , ���.�.'. �i � ' � XE ',' , � . � .`�„':) � �-' ! I . . � .I I "I��. ;i� f � '\ . � .'' . . � , � 1 . . �i� ' ( ►, I � , . 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Sth St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612-291-6359frDA 241-0�4 DATE: October 13, 1989 : TQ; Metropolitan and Community Development Cornmittee FROM: Paul Bal�aersen, Research and Long Range Piannin� SUBJECT: City of Rosemount_Ca�►--'---_._`__ _--__. _ __-_-------- n-- . _ _ an� _ ,. �; EXHtBiT E '� _p � , , , - •t,> . �\~v'� ,.ta Y'"';t„ � �.� `3�'' .POS- PJt t d , RR ry/� `-3 . . i,._— ;: � �� . � � ;iU POS 'r.�..--�`— , , urs – � � . . . � . o/l. �� .rc�� �� � � . . . �`� a; � ,�__�__. � ��� �� � �RR � � ' � ./. �.S (il � — Q � ~ j ; !' � _ �`"�� �811 Pl1. `- P!1 � P03 kG 2' �l ' � . e _�� 's; . _ `l �R ; AG s �� � 'P/i �, ��; i p/S � 1 z /1 ��.. . - , �e R� i 2 e �--- - _ . �i i , i , :_:---,� �f AG t I. � ^�AG -- � p' �cc : � --� __ � .. � � H'''�. ;i �- AR�A"- . �� �- . . ri*�y� i . . � � � � � �-----�' . ���'�� ��,/, ' � . �. � . . . .:. . . . � ' ..�s . . ... . . . . . � .A - . .. � . . � . r /' �. . � � � � . . . mr. . � � .�� p � � � � . , E� 61t FIG. 12 � � � � �� � � � �994 �-��a � """"'.� _...r�1...� C�� i- ��� . : � ��Sa �I��E '`'��►�TArI UNDEStGNATEa : � ACR�►GE EXtSTtNG MUSA . � 600 ACRES _--pUGUST 4, 1989 , ' ' � • { ' incorporate new information fram the city. Another eactension to aliaw the Metropolitan and Community pevelopment Committee to consider the amendment was granted to Uctaber 26, 1989. ANALYSIS The land bank system is to serve as an interim methvd to add land to the city's urban servic� area until the need for additional capacity ai the Rosemount Sewage Treatment Piant is evaluated after the 199(� census. The pr4posed land bank system, consistent with the Council recommendation, will contain 60Q acres and is limited to the .72 million gallons per day sewage capacity of the Rosemount plant. Additions to the city's urban service area will be by minor plan amendment submitted tQ the Councii for review. Future additions t� the MUSA from the ;and 6ank v�itl be cantiguous to the existing MUSA and wilt represent logical extensions of service. With each change the Gity wili ineludE a map showing the existing and praposed MUSA configuratian and will show current and revised I�nd bank acreages. The proposed land bank system fully connplies with the Council's required �lan modi�cation. The propos�d plan amendment is in conformance with plans for metropolitan systems, is consistent with other chapters of the Metropolitan Development Guide and appears com�atibie with the plans of affected jurisdictions. FINDINGS _ 1. The proposed land bank system will contain bOQ acres and is limited to the .?2 million gallons per day sewage capacity of the Rosemount plant. Additions to the city's urban service area will be by minar plan amendment submitted to the Council for review. 2• The proposed land bank contains the elements recammended in the Gour�cil review of the city's year 20Q0 MUSA. _ 3. Future additions to the MUSA from the land bank will be contiguous to the existing MUSA and will represent lagical extensions of service. RECtaMMEl'dDATIONS . 1. ' That the Council adopt the staff report and findings as stated above as part o� these ' recommendations. 2. That the amendment fully complies with the Ccauncil's required ptan modi�cation and should be used by the city as an interim method ta add land to the city's urban service area until additional capacity at the Rosemount Sewage Treatment Plant is scheduled after the 199U Census. 2 , � � Metropolitan Council Meeting of Octob�r 26, 1989 Business item No.B-2 M E T R 0 P Q L I T A N C O U N C 1 L Mears Park Centre, 250 E. 5th St. Saint Paul � Minnesota 55»� 612-29�-b359 � REPORT OF TNE METROPOIITAN AND COMMUNITY DEVELOP�T_COMMITTEE , REf ERRAL REPORT N0. 89"97 �, ����� �°"' ,�.,. �✓ OATE: October 19. 1989 ��v (� � ���� � �L.�F;K'� �. T0: Metropol itan Counci 1 CtTY ��=�t��. .;�� 4fi P.QS�MJJN7' � SUBJECT: ' City af Rosemount Comprehensive Ptan Amendment Response to Required P1an Modification, Land Bank .>. ..:. Metropolitan Cauncil Referral No. 14$15-2 BACKGROUND At its meeting on October 19, the Metropolitan and Community Development Cammittee discussed a staff report and recommendations dealing with the review of the Rosemount Comprehensive Plan Amendment. ISSUES AND CONCERNS Paul Baltzersen Council staff (ext. 6321) , presented the report and answered questions from the Committ�e. The committee raised end discussed the issue of land banking and if it was a desireable system. Mr. Baltzersen said that staff � does not qenerally support land banking systems, but that it is a good interim method for Rosemount given the limited capacity at the Rosemount Treatment Plant and the need for fTexibility in designating the limited acr�s that can be served. Mike Wozniak, planner for the city of Rosemount, explained land within the urban service area is owned by a few and without a land bank • land costs will increase. The second recommendation was modified ta include "and satifies" the Council 's plan modification. FINDINGS 1 . The proposed land bank system witl contain 60Q acres and is limited to the .72 million' gallons per day sewage capacity of the Rosemount plant. - Additions to the eity's urban service area wi11 be by minor plan amendment submitted to the Council tor review. 2. The proposed land bank contains the elements recommended in the Council review of .the city's y�ar 2000 MUSA. 3. Future additions to the MUSA from the land bank wi } 1 b� contiguous to the existing MUSA and will represent logical extensions of s�rvice. � , � . i � -2- RECOM_ MENDATIUNS 1 . That the Council adopt the staff repart and findings as stated above as part of these recommendations. 2. That the amendment fully eompties with and satisfies the CaunciT 's required plan modificatio� and should be used by the city as an interim method to add land to the city' s urban service area until additional capacity at the Rosemount Sewage Treatment Plant is acheduled after the 1990 Census. Respectfully submitted, Joan Campbell , Chair a .+► • • INFORMATION SUBMISSiQN FpR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 14 AFFECTING CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MUSA LAND BANK I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Sponsoring governmental unit: City of Rosemount Name of local contact person: Michael Woznia�t, City Plann�ex Address: City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN, SSQ68 Telephone: (612) 423-4411 B. Name of Amendment: Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 14 Description/Summary: The purpose of Cornprehensive Guide Plan Amendment No. 14, is to transfer 2.4 acres from the City of Rosemount Land Bank o[ Undesignated Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA) Acreage to be designated as indicated on the attached map. Prior to recieving authorization from the Metropolit�n �ouncil to establish the current Land Bank, the City had initiated a stre�t construction project which will involve installation of approx�mately 1300 lineal feet of sewer line extending beyond the existing MUSA Boundary. This proposed sew�r tine extension is part of a municipal state-aid street (Shannon Parkway) construction project whieh is considered an integral part of the City's network of collector streets necessary to �dequately serve the transportation needs of existing and future development. As part of the project 13Q0 hundred lineal feet of sewer line wi11 be installed beyond the existing MUSA boundary, however, there are no current � plans for the portion of sewer to be installed beyond the existing MUSA to serve any development. The sewer line is being installed at this time because the City Collector Street (Shannon Parkway) is being constructed within the mast logical alignment for a major sewer line to provide sanitary sewer service in the future. To enable the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to issue the required permit for the prajecE to proceed it it necessary for the Metropolitan Council to recognize the area in which the sewer will be extended as being within the MUSA. Since there is no development proposed at this time that would be served hy this sewer extension the City is proposing to add to the MUSA only a strip of land 130U feet by 8Q feet wide or 2.4 acres whieh conforms to the Right-of-Way of the proposed street (see Exhibit B). The City recognizes that this request to transfer a mere 2.4 acres from the Undesignated MUSA Land Bank to be designated to include just a section of street right-of-way is on the surface an unusual request. However, the street construction project which is underway is a very important project in that it will provide a street connectian to a new Elementary School being built by I.S.D. #196 (on property within the current serviee area). The sewer line being extended beyond the existing MUSA boundary will not at this time serve any additional development but cather is being extended at this time to avoid more costly extension of sanitary sewer at a later date. Ultimately it is expected that r s • the property on the east and west sides of the proposed collector sireet wilt develop for residential use and a separate Plan Amendment woutd be processed at that time to add the required property into the MUSA. The proposed additivn to the MUSA involves only 2.4 acres and wpuld reduce the Rosemount Land Bank of Undesignated MUSA acreage from 600 acres to 597.6 acres. Enclosed with this submission is a map indicating the existing MUSA boundary and the proposed addition. The City is at this time trying to obtain the necessary permit from the Minnesota Poltution Contral Authority to allow extension of the sanitary sewer line which prompted this submission and therefore prompt action on this amendment would be appreciated. Please feel free to contact Mike Wozniak, City Planner (423-4411) if there are any questions regarding this matter or if aay additional information is required. C. See Following Attachments: Exhibit A: City-wide map showing location of proposed change/ The current plan map indicating the area affected. Exhibit B: The proposed plan map indicating the area affected. D. Official Status of the plan amendment: Planning Commission recommended agproval of amendment to Gity Council at August 1, 1989 meeting. E. Adjacent local governmenta� units or other affected jurisdietians which copies have been sent to: MWCC, ISD# 196 (Origonal Submittal sent an August '7, 19$9). II. LAND USE A. Describe the following as appropriate: 1. Size of affected area in acres: 2.4 acres 2. Existing Land Use: Agriculture 3. Froposed Land Use: Right-af-Way for City Collector Street 4. Number of residential dwelling units: 0 5. Proposed density: N/A 6. Proposed square faotage of eommerciai, industrial ar public buildings: none III. METROPOLiTAN DEYELOPMENT GUiDE A. Population, Household and Employtnent Forecasts This Plan Amendment will not affec� the city's population, household or employment forecasts for 2000, or any additional local staging contained in the original plan. B. Changes to Urban Service Area Boundary This change will require a change to Rosemaunt's Urban Service Area boundarY CSee Attachment B). C. Chang�s to Timing and Staging o"f Urban Service Area . "���� � � � . . . . � . � . . . . . � . . . . . .. •. � . . . . . . . The proposed amendment w'li 1 not require a change to the timing and staging of the development within the urban service area. D. Sewer Flows' The proposed amendment w�'1� n�i result in a change in the projected sewer flows for Rosemount. E. Transportation Wil! the proposed amendment result in an increase in the trip generation rate for the affected area? No. F. Aviation The proposed amendment wil n affect the function of a metropalitan airport or the compatibility of land uses with aircraft noise. G. Housing The proposed amendment v�,'ll t16t affect Rosemount's ability ar intent to achiavc the long-term goals far low. and moderate-iaconae and modest cost hausing opportunities in the existing plan. IIt. IMPLEMENTATION PRQGRAM A. Official Controls The only change required in the City's Official Controls would be this Guide Flan Amendment in order to allow the proposed sewer extension along Shannon Parkway to proceed. Since no development is propased at this time the praperty surrounding the proposed extension of sanitary sewer will remain ander its current Agricultural Zoning. rt 4 � � METROPt7LITAN COUNCIL mea►���x cenr�e,2.�0 East Fifth Street, si. t�ur, tir1v. ss1o1 612 291-63s9 l�vemk�er 1, 1989 � t��� ���� I'd��'� (� ;; ���;;,� Stephan Jilk, A�chninistraix�r-Clerk �L��f�,�� ���^ . - .�-� City of Rosemount � i�..�.: 2875 I45th St. W. G1tY t�fi ��SF�1�JfJ7 Rasenc�unt, Minn. 55068 RE: City of Rasemount Camprehensive Guide Plan Amerx�ment Pto. 14 I�vision N�etrc�politan Council Referral File No. 14815-3 . Dear Mr. Jilk: At its meetirig on October 26, 1989, the Nl�tropolitan Council cansidered the city of �se�nount's cx�ntprehensiv� plan amer�nent. 'Z'�is consideration was baseci on a repor t of tYye N�etrc�palitar� arx� C.�nmunity Develo�nent Ccmnittee, Referral Report No. 89-98. A cc�PY of this report i� att�ched. The Cour�il ad�pted the folloRaing recc�tmendations c�ttained in the above reparts 1. T�at the Council adc�pt the staff repc�rt ar�d fir�ings as stated above as part af these re�mendations. 2. That the praposed 2.4 acre addition to the city's Mt�SA, c�rawing fram the land bank established by the city, k�e ap�rcxred. Attachel is a capy of a letter from the I�etropolitan Waste Control Comnission ccxnmenting on the plan amencfiient. Sincerely, � ��I Steve Keefe Chair SKcll Attachment oc: Michael A. W�azniak, Plant�r, City of R�osem�unt R.A. Odde, M�etrapolitan Waste Control Commission Paul Baltzersen, P+�tropolitan Council Staff � . ..,. t ... � . . � . � . � � � � . .� . :. . . � . . . . . � . + � � . � . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . Metropolitan Council Maeting of October 26, 1989 Business Item No.B-3 M E T R O P O L I T A N C O U N C I L Mears Park Centre, 250 E. 5th St. Saint Pau1 , Minnesota 55101 61z-291-b359 �: REPORT OF THE METROPOLITAN AND GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REFERRAL REPORT N0. 89-98 . �.' DATE: Oc tober 19. 1 q89 �..:�: : �; T0: Metropolitan Council : � �,:; SlIBJECT: City of Rosemount Comprehensive P1an Amendment �' 2.4 Acre MUSA Addition from Land Bank Metropolitan Council Referral No. 14$15-3 BACKGROUND At its meeting on October 19, the Metropotitan and Community Development Committee discussed a staff report and recommendations dealing with the review of the Rosemount Comprehensive P1an Amendment. ISSUES AND CONCERNS Paul Baltiersen Council staff jext. 6321) , presented the report and answered questions fram the Cammittee. 7he committee raised and ciiscussed th� issue of land banking and if it was a desirable system. Mike Wozniak, plann�r for the City of Rosemount answered questions from the committee. FtNDINGS 1 . The proposed addition is north of the ciCy's current service area and is to include Shannon Parkway� a street construction project. It wili � incorporate a strip 1300 feet long by 80 feet wide and include a city sewer ' line extension with the roadway project. 2. The cc�ordination of sewer construction with raadway construction will save the city mo�ey. No servic� to additional develnpment is scheduled at this time. A separate plan ame�dment wi11 be submitted to s�rvice any additional development. � � - .r...w � . . . � � � . . . � . � � . .. � RECOMMENDATIQNS - l . That the Council adopt the staff report and findings as stated ebove as part of these recommendations. 2. That the proposed 2.4 acre addition to the city's MUSA, drawing from the land bank estabiished by the city, be approved. Respectfully submitted, Joan Campbell , Chair JC:pb