HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Connection Charges / Park Dedication Fees / Permit Fees � • ITEM # 6 C ********�r**************�r************MEMO************�**,t******�r*******�********* DATE: DECEPiBER 1, 1989 T0: PIAYOR'& COUNGILMEMBERS C/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: GITY ENGINEERjPUBLIG WORKS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEM FOR TI�IE DE�EPiBER 5, 1989 COUNC�L MEETING NEW BUSINESS Proposed Storm Sewer Financing Policies The issue here is how to fund storm sewer improvement projects that benefit property located within the different local watersheds and their respective sub- water sheds as defined in the Storm Sewer Master Plan. The pnrpose of this memo is to inform you as Councilmembers that we plan to propose a policy for Councils review by the first meeting in February of 1990. Included with this policy will be a recommendation to increase the storm sewer connection charges as follows: Single Family $540/unit Ptulti-Family $2,250/acre , Comm/Industrial $3,135/acre These rates were determined with the assistance of Steve Klein of Barr Engineering based upon the Storm Sewer Master Plan. We need to develop a policy that is as fair and equitable as possible to cover three basic scenarios. One being the easiest and most obvious - property being newly developed in areas not included in any previous projects. Another situation is un-or under-developed property within a previous project area. The ' last one would be dealing with previously developed property. . • This is not, an ,easy matter, as I'm sure you we11 know. I'm .alsa.surQ this policy wa.1l not be all inclusive and compatible to everyone. i would certa'inly welcome ' any input as we prepare this policy.` There is no need for Council action, because this is intended to be for informational purposes only. • • P{3 t3ax 5a(l �j�'� (j 2875-1 aSTH ST. w. `, y��/�q� i10SEtutOUNT. MIfdNESOTA 55(�68 OJ�7/LV i��� 612--423-4411 iTE� # � TO: Meyor and City Counail � FROtit ROh Wasmund, Buiiding Official DATE: December 1, 1989 SUBJs Increase in Building Permit Fees we wili not be incre�sing �ny permit feea for the calendar year 1990. It is ant3aipat�d thst the Stete of �innesota will be adap�ing the 1988 Uniforra Building Code tU. B. C. > in �'ebruary of 1990. With the adaptive language in our City Code the 86 U. B. C. will be automatically enforceable in Roeemount upon the States adoption. We will use the 1990 cal�ndar ye�r ta study our current fees in relationship ta surrounding communities and adequecy to couer actual costs. This study will determine the need #or any incresses to he �ffectiv� in 1991. I �elcome any input or question you msy have. � / � PO. BOX510 (�i�-� ,Q 2875-f45TN ST. W. /���+p y�q ?�y� R�SEMOUNT. Ivi1NNESOTA 55068 �.sJG 7/fi�Vi�/Ii� 612-42.3-4411 TOs Mayor / City Council oT� # �� X Stephan Jilk - City Administrator ! F`ROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation I DATE: December 1, 1989 � RE: Increase in Park Dedication Fees Put in use in 19i2 the Park Dedication formula set a process whereby for each platted development area the developer wauld supply a certain amount of cash or iand that would be used for "open space" �a3.thin our - city. That formula used a figure of four percent (4 X) times (x),the number af ttnits in the development times (s) a land value figure set at four thc�usand dollars ($4,000.00) per acre af total land within the develapment. 4 X X � Units X $4,000.00 Council action was taken again in 1987 to upgrade this formula. At that time the item changed �as the value placed on the land value. The nea value set was $8,Q00.00 per acre. This created a formula: 4 X Y # Units X $8,000.00 Last qear no action was taken by the Parks & Recreation Committee to upgrade the fo�mula. Hawever, for the 1990 year the Committee has � recommended an increase in the land value from $8,000.00 per acre to that of $10,000.0 per acre. If Council accepts and moves to impiement thia �ha�ge the new formula would be: I 4 X , X � Untts X $10,000.00. ; , 1 There would be an increase when cash is consideared as the means of satisfying the ordinance. The funds would be used for park development in con�unctfon with general funds and CIP funds. When land is used as a means of satisfying the ordinance there would be no fncrease in the amount of acreage deeded to the eitp. An example af the use of the formula is: 4Q acres of land 40 acres of land 2 homes per acre ` 2 homes per acre land value of $8,U00.00 , land value of $10,00A.00 present formula recommended for�ula ' � 4 X X # Units X Land Value 4 X X � Units � X Land Value` .04 X 80 Units X $8,000.00 .04 X 80 Unita X $10,000.00 � • 3.2' %. $8,000.00 � $25,600.00 3.2 X $10,000.00 .= $32,Q4�.00 " CASH DEDICATION � $25,600.OQ CASH DEDICATION a $32,000.00 LAND DEDICATION '� 3.2 ACRES LAND DEDICATIQN � 3.2 ACRES Counci3 action is requested by the Parks & Recreatioa Committee to "upg�ade the Park Dedicatfon formula by increasing the land value portion from $8,000.00 per acre to that of $10,000.00 per acre".