HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Metro Waste - SAC Charge Rebate Program . a � .. � . . � �. � � . � . .. . � . . � • � � � . . . �� ,. � . � . � . r o ��x s�o ��Z�� (j 2875-145TN ST. W O�G.�ON.!!�� �OSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5506$ 672-423-4411 T0: The M[ayar and City Council F80ti: Ron Wasmund, Building Official ���� � � DATE: Hovember 30, 1989 � SUBJ: Sexer Availability Gh�rge Refunde In 1973, the Metropolftan Maste Gantral Coa��i�sion Sft.W.C.C, 1 i�nitiated a poliay of charging feee at the time of buiiding per�ft i�suance to aetabliah a fund for the oonstruction and renovation of +rast� tre+�tment plants end interceptor eexer lines tS. A.C. ). This fee xas �+�tablish�d by l4.W.C.C. with th� r�sponeibility of collecting it being delegated to each municfpality rithin t�►e seven caunty metro area�. Theee #eea rrere collQated on each n�N building or remodeled buildings Mith additions based upon a paremeter table and residential equivalent�. Thi� epplied to all stractures built rhether they xere served by �uniaip�l eerer ar private serer systems. A monthly report and #ee remittance �►as med� to 1!.W.C.C. by �aah munfcipality. M.W.C.C. reviered the funds snd deposit�d them in their constructfon �ccount. � The practice af collecting S.A.C. fees from people utilizing privete serege treatment systems caused sev�rel queations of legellty and r�asonab�.eness #.o b� raised� resulting in a ?I.Mt.C.C. policy chsag�. The policy change exe�npted all propertiee utilizing private eyetems fram having to pay S.A.C. fe�s. Another result ot the poliay rss trie i�plementation of e voluntary refund progrem. M.W.C.C. set� forth the opportunity #or all f�es callected for priva�e sexer eystems to be refunded to th� propertiee fro� �rhich it xas calleated. These fees had been coli�cted from 1973 until the paliay chenge effectiv� 1/1187. Since many of the eff�cted properties cauld have chsnged own+erehip s�ver�l ti�es it made mvet sense to meke the r�fund to the property and current aMner. The retund is bein� made from M,W.C.G. to the entity rhich fssued th� p�rmit and remitted the fees. It 3s then the d�ciaion of this �ntity ss to rh�ther or not to refund the fee to th� property, or establish a fund #cr eerer installetian, " or to utilize the money in any other rsy council desires. The big catch is that xith a refund from M.W.C.C. the property o�ners Mill have to psy a S.A.C. fe� at the current rate Khen they hook to �unicfpal service. We at the City of Rosemount must decide the method of h�ndling the refund. Staff has reseerched the building permit files from 1973 to 198? determining th� number of properties affected e,nd the amount of fees r��nitted. Our records indicate thet 163 pro jeets Ker� aeceesed during thts t�me frame rith @ach pay�ent ranging from 8275 to 9475. The total S,A.C. feea coilected fro�n the 163 pro�ect� ras 559�325.00. It i� sta#fs recommendation that the City recefve the refund from M.W.C.C. and then in turn �aake the refunde to the current property orners. The tot�l refund money is not sufficient to inatall serer ta an area Nhfch is not curr�ntly served. Nor daes it see�n apprapriate, in staffs opinion. to use the a�oney for anythin� other than aexer aunetruction. There ere no plans to provide sewer to any of th� non-ser�r dfatrict� in the next five t5) ye�rs. Most af the areas �ay nat eee e�Mer in 2t} yeers �nd th� ' possibility exists thet so�ae areas may nev�r see seMer. . t � • • '��� � � � *************�********�r****��,t**�***tiEMO�r**�*�******,r****�r****�***�*****�****�r*� DATE: DECEPSBER 1, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILPiEA1BERS CIO CITY ADMINISTR�4TOR JILK � FROAi: CITY ENGINEERfPUBLIC WORKS DIRECTQR HEF�; . RE: ITEM FQR THE DECE1�lBER 5, 19$9 COUNCIL PtEETING NEW BUSINESS Adoptin� Resolution Establishing Water and Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits This portion of this item consist of adopting the attached resolution establishing the water and sewer rates, which were diseussed under "Qld Business", along with setting the new connection charges for 1990 for water, ` sanitary sewer and storm sewer. As mentioned greviously under the Utility Operating Budget and Rate Increase` discussion, this resolution proposes to set the water rate at $1.10 per one thousand gallons and the sanitary sewer usage charge at $1.85 per thousand ' gallons. The resolution cantains language that calls for the water, sewer, and storm sewer connection charges ta �e �a�usr.�a annually based upon the Engineers News Record Construction Index. The 1989 index far the Ptinneapolis area indicates an increase of 4.4%. We've rounded the inerease to 4� and applied tha�. to all the connection charges. Reeommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution setting the water and sewer rates, charges and deposits for 1990. , t . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RBSOLUTION 19$q - A RESOLUTION ESTAHLISHINC3 WATER AND SEWBR RATES� CHARGES AND DEPOSITB ' I. USE CHARGES A. �Iater Consumption Charqes The amount due and payable by each water user within the City for water taken from the water system sha11 be as provided below, payable quarterly and deposited in the Uti].ity Ogerating Fund: RATE SCHEDULE Meter Size Quarterly Rate ' Ali sizes 5�..�.o/i,000 tx� cal�ons MINIMUM QUARTERLY CAARGES Meter size Minimum charqe All Sizes None 1) In case the meter is found to have stopped, or to be operating in a faulty manner, the amount of water used will be estimated in accardance with the amount used previously in the year. 2) Any pre-payment or overpayment af charges may be retained by the City and applied on subsequent quarterly statements. 3) Each quarterly billing for water service nat paid when due shall incur a penalty charge of 10� of the amount past due. 4) For turning on water, where service has been turned off, a service charge of $7,5.00 will be made. 5) Water billing shall start at the time of i,nstallatian of the water meter B. Nater Meter Replaceme�t Charge A quarterly meter maintenance/replacement �harge shall be made for each mete�r as set forth below and deposited into the Water Meter Maintenance Finance Fund: �•� � t � . �. . . . . .... . �• . .. . . . . .. . .. . �� ' . . � .. . � � � �� 1990 Sewer and Water Rate - Page 2 Meter Size guarterly Meter Maintenance Charge 5/8 $ 1.25/Quarter 1 $ 1.50/Quarter 1-1/2 $ 3.50/Quarter 2 $ 5.00/Quarter 3 $ 6,50/Quarter 4 $12.50/Quarter 6 $28.00/Quarter 8 N�A 1Q $56.00/Quarter C. Sewer tJsaqe Charqe A charge is hereby imposed upon every person whose premi�es are served, either directly or indirectly, by the sanitary sewer system within the City, for the use of the facilities of said sewer system. The charge for residentiaT use will be based on the amount of water used during the lst quarter months of January, February and Mareh. Commercial, institutional and industrial charges shall be based upon the amount of water used during each quarter. The charges sha11 be as stated below and deposited into the Ut�ilities Operating Fund. All Users Quarterly Charqe $1.85 /1,OOQ (K) gallons Charges for sanitary sewer users without municipal water ar metered non-municipal water shall be $37.00 per qua�ter per unit. D. WATER SORCHARt3E A surcharge will be made for debt s�rvice of the core water facilities, effective July 1, 1989, at the following quarterly rates: Meter Siz� Rate Per,��arter Single Family $ 4.50 Mu1ti-Family $ 3.50 1" �a� $ 5.75 2n �a) $15.75 3" �a) $23.50 4" �a) $35,00 6n ��a $??.50 {a) Commercial, Tndustrial, or Institutional + � . . 1990 Sewer and Water Rate Page 3 The surcharge revenue shall be deposited in the Water Surcharge Fund. . II. CAPITAL CHAR(3E8 Capital charges for connection to the water, sanitar� sewer, and starm sewer systems are adjusted annually an January 1, based upcan the Engineering News Record Construction Index. A. City �fater Connection Charqes A connection charge shall be imposed for each new connection to the municipal water system. The eharge shall be utilized ta pay for the cost of eore facilities (water supply, stcarage and distributiorr main oversizing and etc. ) . The charge shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Water Hook-Up Fund: 1. Single family detached homes, mobile homes, and single family attaehed homes with individual laundry facilities: $964.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and single family attached homes with central laundry facili,ties: $772.04 per unit 3. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional: water Servic� size connection charge �-" $1,607.40 1_1/2" $3,217. 00 2" $4,825.00 a) The eonnection charge for wa�er services over two inches (2") shall be determined by the City Council. b) A connection eharge shall be made far each individual water service line, based upon the minimum line size required according to the fixture unit calculations in the State's plumbing code. B. City Sewer Connection eharge A sanitary sewer conn�ction charge shall be imposed for each unit connecting to the sanitary sewer system, or far any unit for which a buiiding pe�mit is issued and which is located within the Gity's 1994 sanitary sewer serviee district, as determined by the City's 1 • • 1990 Sewer and Water Rate Page 4 last comprehensive plan as approved by the Metropolitan Council. The charge shall be utilized to ' pay for the cost of �ore faciiities (trunk sewers, lift stations, forcernains and unusual circumstances) . Any unit involving a $ingle family structure which is located on property greater than 13,500 square feet, shall be charqed one basie conneetian charge unit for each 13,500 square feet of property area ar fraction thereof, but in no event - shall a charge result in mare than 2.5 basic units for each acre ` of property. Ponding easements, scenic easements or other extraordinary easements will not be included in the square faotage of the property area. These connection charges shall be deposited into the 5ewer Hook-Up Fund, 1. Single family detached homes, mobile homes and singls family attached homes with individual laundry facilities: $964.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and sS.ngle family attached homes with central laundxy facilities: $'772.00 per unit 3. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional: The connection charge shall be based upon the number of ' equivalent single family detached dwelling connections taken from the latest edition of the Metropolitan Waste Gon�rol Commission Reserve Gapacity Manual. The equival�nts fQr uses not listed shall be determined by the City Council. C. Metropolitan �aste Control cammission Service Availability Charge The City shall collect, in addition ta City connection aharges, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) Service Availability Charge (SAC) , as set forth by the MWCC. D. City Storm Sewer Connection Charge A storm sewer connection charge shall be imposed far each unit a building permit is issued for new construction provided the unit meets either of the following criteria: a) The subdivisian, in whzch the unit to be built is located in, was platted since January 1, 1985, ar b) The subdivision, in which the unit to be built is located in, was less than 90 percent developed by March 1, 1988. � , � �S : . . � � . �•. �� � . � . . ... . .�� . .. � � .. . . ].99� Sewer and Water Rate Page 5 The following is a list of subdivisions that meet either af the above criteria: (a) Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addn Shannon Park lst Addn ' Westridge lst & Znd Addn O'Leary's Hills 2nd & 3rd Evensan lst Addn Country Hills 1st & 2nd Wensmann Addn Carrollton 2nc�. Addn �b) Valley Oak Replat Addn South Rose Park Addn Replat South Rose Park 2nd Addn Broback Industrial Park The charge shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Storm Sewer Conneetion Fund: 1. ' For single family detached homes, mobil� homes, and single family twinhomes being considered as a unit, the connection charge shall be : $212.00 per unit 2. For multi-family developments such as apartments, condominiums, and townhouses the connection charge shall be one and one-half (1.5) times the rate stated above in �. 1, for each equivalent number o� single family residential connections. The equa.valent number shall be based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the conneetion charge shall bet $954.00 per acre The minimum multi-family connection charge shall be for on+� (1) acre. 3. Far industrial, commercial and institutional deuelopments the conneation charge shall be two (2) times the rate stat�d above in D. 1. for each �quivalent number of single family residential connections. The equivalent number shall be based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the connection charge shall be: _ $1,273 .00 per acre The minimum industrial, commercial and institutional connection charge shall be for one (1) acre. III. MISCELLANEQUS CHARGEB, DEPOSITS AND PERMITS A. Water Meter Acau=acy Check A Consumer may, by written request, hav� his meter aecuracy checked by depositing �he amount stated below with the Utility � � 1990 Sewer and Water Rate Page 6 Department. In case a test should show an error of over five percent (5�) of the water consumed, the depasit wili be refunded to the consumer, a correetly registered meter will be installed� and the bili will be adjust�d accordingly if the error was in favor of the City, Such adjustment shall not extend back more than one billing period from the date of the written request. The charges for mete� testing are as follows, and shall be deposited into the Utility Operating Fund: For testing 5/8" - 2" meters $ 30.00 For testing 3" meters $ 36. 00 For testing 4" meters $ 70.00 For testing 6" meters $100.00 H. Sewer and Water Permit A permit must be obtained to connect to the City water and sewer system or to construct a p�ivate sewer or water system in accardance with Section 1.12 `of �he Gity Sewer and Water ordinance. A fee shall be charged as establa.shed by the Git� Cauncil, which covers the cost incurred by the City �ta pracess and inspect the system installation, and shall be deposited into the General City Deposits. C. Property Assessments If a lot or tract af land receives abutting lateral sanitary sewer or water benefit, a building permit or conne�tion permit shall not be issued until ane of the follawing conditions has been eamplied with: 1) A lateral sanitary sewer and water assessment has been paid, levied, or will be levied in due course, or 2) The applicant shall pay an additional connection fee for ` lateral sanitary sewer and watermain service per lineal Foat of assessable abutting property based an the rates in effect at the time of building or connection permit application. The 1988 rates per lineal foot are as follaws: Sanitary Sewer 22.70/1. f. Watermain 19.45/l. f. These rates shall be adjusted annually on January 1, based on the "Engineering News Recard" index. These eharges shall be deposited into the Sewer Hook-up Fund - and Water Hook-up Fund. ' ' ' . � 1990 Sewer and Water Rate Page 7 SE IT FURT�iER RESOLVED, that the "City of Rosemount Water and Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits" is hereby adopted this 5th day of December, 1989, effective with the first billing period of 1990. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that adoption of this Resolut.ion hereby repeals City of Rosemount Resoluta.on 1989-11 and all Amendments thereto, ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST. Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk