HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Budget Discussion • � n P o. eax s�o ��Zll..� � 2875-145TH ST. W , ' T • ����Ou�� ROSEMO�INT.;MINNESOTA 55068 612-42�-441 1 December 1, 1989 ITEM S. e. T0: Mayor Hoke Councilmembersz Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Cler RE: 1990 Operating Budget 1990 - 1994 CIP Budget This item is placed on the agenda for continuing discussion and consideration. Following our work session scheduled for Saturday, December 2, I would hope we will be able to reach � agreement on the budgets and finali,ze aur position at our meeting on December S, 1989. I have no further documentation at this point and look forward to a satisfactory conclusion to our budget process. , � lj , s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1989-114 " A RESOLUTION OUTLINING NON-UNION FULL-TIME STAFF SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR 1990 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has reviewed - certain salary and benefit adjustments for the non-union fu11-tirne city staff; and WHEREAS, the City Administrator has provided supporting information as to recommending salary and benefits adjustments for 1990; and WHEREAS, in 1988 the City Council adopted a comparable worth implementation plan to be implemented in 1989 and 1990; and � WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed a p.roposed policy for implementing annual adjustments and employment step adjustments in 1990 (this policy is attached as Exhibit "A" ) along with implementing other benefit changes as proposed by city administration; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount feels it is appropriate to institute such xecommended changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary ranges are to be set for all non-union positions as set out in Exhibit "B" to this _ resolution, which salary schedule will be implemented as set out in the Salary Adjustment Policy ('Exhibit "A" to this resolution) , and that the following benefit schedule be adopted for all non-union city staff and will become effective January 1 , 1990: A. Holidays: 1 . New Years Day 7. Columbus Day 2. Martin Luther King Day 8. Veterans Day 3. Presidents Day 9. Thanksgiving Day 4. Memorial Day 10. Friday following 5. Independence Day Thanksgiving Day 6. Labor Day 11 . Christmas Day. B. Vacation: Vacation shal]. be earned by non-union full-time staff monthly per the £ollowing schedule, beginning January 1 , 1990: 1st year of employment .67 day/mo. (8 days) 2nd thru 3rd year of employment 1 day/mo. (12 daysj 4th thru 10th year of employment 1 -1 /2 days/mo. ( 18 days) 11th thru 15th year of employment 1 -3/4 days/mo. (21 days) 16 and above years of employment 2 days/mo. (24 days� C. Vacation Accrual: --.- Fu1l-time non-unian city staff may accumulate vacation based on years of service to the maximum prescribed below. Payment in Resolution 1989- Page 2 -- lieu of vacation accrued beyond the amount listed will not be considered. 0 thru 4 years of service 20 days (160 hours) 5 thru 10 years of service 25 days (200 hours) 11 years of service and above 30 days (240 hours) D. Compensatorv Time: Compensatory time may be accumulated for overtime worked at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Compensatory time may accumulate to a maximum of 80 hour�s. Combined accumulation of compensatory time and vacation will not exceed vacation maximum plus 40 hours. E. Sick Leave• Fu1l-time non-union staff will earn sick leave at the rate of one day per month with no maximum accrual. Sick leave to be available for use as accrued. Buyout Provision: Employees accruing in excess of 60 days (480 hours) of sick leave under this section may, on January 1st only of each year, elect to "sell" those hours in exces's of 480, to the city at a conversion rate equal to the percentage figures in Section F times the hours being "sold" times the ernployee' s then base rate of pay. (Example: Employee John Doe, employed �ith the city 14 years has 640 hours of sick leave accumulated. His rate of pay is $14.00/hr He chooses to "sell" 1-00 hours. The calculation would be: 100 x .45 x 14.00 = 630. This would leave him 540 hours of sick leave left. The $630 woul.d be added to his payroll check subject to all taxes, social security, etc. ) F. Severance Pav: Full-time non-union staff will receive payment at the employee' s rate at time of leavinq, as prescribed below when leaving the employ of �he city� in good standing. Vacation: up to accrual Plus the following when the employee is leaving the employ of the city for retirement pnrposes: 5 thru 9 years of service = 2 weeks pay 10 years of service and above = 4 weeks pay Resolution 1989- Page 3 Sick Leave: 1 thru 5 years of service - 15� of accumulated sick leave 6 thru 10 years of service - 30g of accumulated sick leave 11 thru 15 years of service - 45� of unused sick leave 16 years of service and above 60� of unused sick leave G. Lonqevitv: After 5 years of service - 1 � of base • After 8 years of service - 2� of base After 12 years of service - 3$ of base After 16 years of servi.ce - 4� of base H. Health Insurance: Cost of Basic Plan - 100� of employee coverage ( 1st Dollar) - 65� of the difference between the single employee coverage and the total family coverage. The cost difference between the basic ( 1st dollar) plan and any optional plans available to employees, will be paid by ths employee. � I. Life Insurance: The city will pay the cost of: (1 ) $10,000 Term Life Insurance (Minnesota Mutual Life) (2) Declining value PERA Life Insurance Plan Any additional life insurance costs for optional plans available to the employee will be born by the employee. J. Lonq-Term Disabilitv Insurance: � (Wi11 be considered in 1990) K. Dental Insurance: (Will be considered in 1990) L. Education Reimbursement: The city will pay 100� of all costs of taking a cl.ass not to exceed $750 a year for classes approved by Administration and successfully completed. The city will also pay 50� of costs above the initial $750 for classes approved by Administration and successfully completed. ADOPTED this Sth day of December, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Aiayor � ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk EXHIBIT "A" , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: SALARY ADJUSTMENT POLICY - NON-UNION EMPLOYEES POLICY NUMAER: PE - 3 PROPOSED BY: 1�DMINISTRATION DAT� APPROVED BY COUNCTL: DECEMBER 5, 1989 PURPOSE The City af Rosemount values its employees and finds it necessary to maintain a credible method by which employees can expect to gain and maintain salary levels within the city' s salary structu.re. This policy will determine a consistent method hy which an employee' s sal�ry is set and how an einployee' s salary may be adjuste3 from time to time allowing th� employee to advance within the salary range for the position the employee holds. I. The City Council of Rosemount has established a certain sal�ry compensation schedule which is updated on an annual basis to rAflect changes in position requirements and compensation value for those positions. (The current schedule is 3ttached for reference to this policy. ) II. Employees may be hired anywhere within the salary range for the position they will fill at the discretion of the City Council based upon recom�nendation by city administration. III. Salary adjustments can be made b�sec3 on two �riteria: ( 1 ) annual cost o£ living adjustments, or other factors such �s comparable worth which affect the salary range the Pmployee is in; and (2) �djustments to the specif�c employee' s salary due to movement witfiin the range. IV. It is envisioned that the ma.ddle of the salary range will rnaintain an "average" salary for positions for cities the size of Rosernount and for positions with similar duties and responsihilatties. In order for an employee to reach that "average", he/she should exhibit "at least" average e�perience an�3 capahilities. It is further assumed that ta qualify in meeting the experiencP factor, an employee should have at least one year in the position currently assigned. Movement through the salary range will also be determined by satisfactory performance eval.uations completed by the employe�' � supervisor. V. tdovement of employees to salary levels alc�ng the range to points not specitic�tly coinciding with mid and top points is sata.sfactory and will be determined hy the employee' s sup�rvisor and the a�proval of the city ar�ministrator uilder budg�ting - r SALARY ADJUSTMENT POLICY - NON-UNION EMPLOYEES PE - 3 Page 2 guidelines determined and approved by City Council. VI. Unsati.sfactory performance evaluation by the employee's supervisor w3.11 be the basis for holding an employee back from potential movement in the salary schedule and/or annual adjustments to the positi�n' s salary range. �'� c- c� Nt� �S b0b0 �O � l� N 7�1 �9 'V' �]' 'G' 4� O N � f� ('M7 � Or1 � NR � V� OO r- s— Mtr� � • • Ol OOl OOO � � rrj • • • • • • r— �— s— �— �OlOO Q • • • • � r • • • • • • • • • • td � � � ;�{ n � � � � � �� � �i � � � � � � ��p � � � � � �c� �c� � � �tr� �j �cyvc�� t�1 N +r1FhNNN +"1c+� �V FlfVNNN �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �1 � � � � � � � � � � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � �, 5i � d � � � �i �i � � � �l � � � � F� � fi � �if� ��l � � � � � � f� � � N �.t) � O � lI7 � em-� � plQ1 � f'�7 � p10101O1 � a� �105ON1 � � e�— c�— � �f' NNM � NN L�� • • • • • s • • • O • • • • • • • � .• � • • • � ' : � • • • • • • • • • • � . 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