HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Zoning Ordinance Amendment � � • • ���/.�/,.' R� 8�X 510 ��� d 287,5-1a�tFi ST W � 'ty� ROSEAhC7UNT. M1f�tNESOTA 55()fi8 ������VL j i� 612�-423-4�31 1 TO: CITY COUNCIL I��� � � � FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAR� AICP� CITY PLANNER DATE: DECEMBER 1, 1989 SUBJ: DECEMBER 5, 1989 = REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS ZONTNG ORDINANCE AMENDMBNT Enclosed with this review is a copy of an Ordinance Amendment for Ordinance B (Zoning Ordinan�ce) . As requested by City the Ordinance Amendment includes definitions for the terms Agricultural Stand, Commercial Greenhouse and Landscape Nursery. Also, the proposed amendment includes a provision to establish an appeal procedur� for Planning Commission Site Plan Actions. The Ordinance Amendment proposed by eouncil Member Napper which would alter provisions regulating the size of accessory buildings has not been included with the Ordinance Amendment that has been provided for Council. The public hearing to cansider this amendment will be continued at the January 16th Cit� Council Meeting. The definition which have been provided for City Council. cansideration have been redrafted by Ci�ty Attorney, Roger Knutson, to incorporate the preferences expressed at the last Council meeting. Th� definitions as written in the Ordinance Amendment (attached) should be closely examined to ensure that they adequately express the intentions of Council in respect to restricting sales of agricultural prod�cts. The language establishing an appeal procedure for Planning Commissian Site Plan Actions has not been altered from that which was reviewed by Council "at the last meeting. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of this zoning - Ordinance Amendment. Unless there are further concerns regarding the proposed language, it is recommended that Council take action on the Amendment at this meeting. ,R r • � ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF ROSEMDUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCB AMENDINt� TIiB ZONINt� ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEM�UNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 14.4, Subparagraph A(7) of the zoning ordinance is amended to read: No building permit shall be issued until a site plan has been prepared in accordance with the pravisians of this ordinance and approved by the Planning Commission. The applicant, a member of the City Council, or any resident af Rasemount may appeal the Planning Cammission decision to the City Council. An appeal must be filed with the City Clerk within ten {10) days after the Planning Commission decision. Section 2. Section 3.2 of the zoning ordinance is amended by adding the following definitions: Agricultural Stand. A booth,' stall, or residence located on a farm from which farm products raised an that farm are sold to the general public. Commercial Qreenhouse. A structure in which vegetables and flowers are grown indoors from seed exclusively for s�le at whoiesale to retailers and jobbers. Exterior storaga is prohibited. Accessory sales are prohibited. Landscape Nursery. Land or greenhauses used to grow from seed or seedlings flowers, trees, and shrubs exclusively for sale at wholesale to cantractors, jobbers, and retailers. Flowers, trees, and shrubs grown outdaors must be qrown bare root in the ground and may not be grown above ground in planters and the like. Exterior storage is prohibited. Aocessory sales are prohibited. . Bection 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon is passage and publication. ADOPTED this day of , 1989. r11 /29/89 � � . ' � • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: Rollan Hoke, Mayar ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk (Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1989) . -2-