HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Final Word - County HRA Presentation i ; � ' +�,.. M t:1 ,.� �.,, ��,,.. ..,,, � (:l�l, (�� "�r`' �f" �„''� „'; �3. ,. nc��ennc���Nr. M�rn�r ��,,, �,•.,,,.� ;. �� �,vse�vr.ot.�}��,1� �:,., ,., ,,,� 'I�Q: Mayor �toke �'t TTETIS 3 a. =':��c • Councilme�nhers: Napper , and 7 b. . Oxborough Walsh Wipper�nn IROM: Stephan Jilk, 1ldministrator/Clerk DATE: July 29, 1988 , RE: Gounty HRA Presentation er 1he County MtA througll it's Executive �i:rector hiark Ul£ers �rxl Gommun3.�y f)eveJ.orxnent Speci.�li.st Kirk Schni.tker meet with c:i.Ly StaEC �nci advi�ecl t�s of a proposal. to utili.ze tax incr�nents within the city foz additianal housing redeveloprnent. 'Ihrough the scattered site hot�sing �rc��ram the coi.mty t(R/1 establ.ished in 19$4 to build and sell hanes to qualified buyer.s, there are now resulti.ng tax i,ncrements which are available �o other tiousing projects in the city. The County FIIZA proposed to staf£ that use of those funds could allow them tv take hcxne sites and other property, now occupied by builda.ngs which are naw urnler utilized or by today s bUilding codes, zoning cales anc3 soci�l standards, may be considerecl for clearance. 'Ilie area they praposed to us to consi_der was that shown in i:he "Rose Park Addition" between Cameo, Can�da, 145th Street and Lower 147th Street. The activities propased, based upon the increment availab�.e, uroulci be to buy �roperty, clear the site and offer si_tes available to contractors to build single family andjar multi-family units. • Gity staf-f concurs wi,th th�t proposal and �lso rec�uesteel a further sitejproject for. consideration. 'Ihat is the f3roback Industri�l Park site on Diamorni Fath, south of 145th Street. StaEf requested that this arera, now almost comptetely under utilizect, could be purchased and a service road �.�t in and then o£fered Eor sale tv deve�.opers to construct multi�le housing that ' meets l.ow and mo�ierate incvme rent level.s. The incentive to the develc�per woul:cl be to have no assessment costs for the improv�nent (street construction} if the units meet the rent level requirements. ' • Increments derived from the new clevelopment would reimburse all cost to the city ancl would allow future i.ncrements to also be used in other areas of the c«nmunity for hausing rehabiiitation and redevelopment. The County HRA would be the �uthority in these pr_o�ects and �pprava�. from the city eouncil is requested. A resolution to approve this is attached. i�ean Joilnson and Kirk Schni_tker_ of the C�unty HRA wi11 present furthEr inEormation ta you at Tuesday's counci.l m�eting. , � �. .i � . � . . � . � � . � � � � . . . . CITY OF ROSk'MOUNT ' ' • RESOLUTION 1988 - RFSOLUTION APPRt3VING A NKJDIFICt1TI0N Ok' 'INE �:9$4 I�USING TAX INCREMf�Nf DISTRICT IN ROSEJMOUt�f BY TEIE DAKtXTA QOUN'TY �IOUSING �ND REDEVEGO�IMENT AUTEiORITY - W(1ERFAS, pursuant to C�apter 333 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1971, as amencled by ChaPter 534 of the Laws of Mi,nnesoka, 1972 (the "Enabla.n� T�egi.slati,an"} 'Ire Dakota caunty i�lousing arK# Reclevelo�nt Authority (the Authority") is authorizec3 to exercise the powers and duties of a housing ��nd redeve.lo�nen#: �uthority under the pravxsions of the munici.pal houszng arnl r�cievelopment act, incluciing the establisl�anent of. a tax increment financing district to provide moneys to Einance such programs; and t�-IEREIIS, a proposal has l�een made to the Authori_Cy that it amend the 19$4 housing tax increment Einancing c�istzict to iticlude st�h real property �s descrihed in Attachrnent A for the purpose of financing housing deveiopinent and redevelaprnent cost related to the amended project area. NO[J, 'IIII;REFORE, I3E IT R�SOLVED by tlte City Gfluncil of the city of Rosemount, as follows: 1. 'Ihe City Council of the City oF Rosmeount hereby finds ancl determines �hat it is in the public interest and to the henefik of the health, safety, and welfare o£ the City of Rasemount Eor the Authoxity to moda.fy the 1984 tax increment �inancing di.strict to finance the eosts associated with housing clevelopment a�xl redevelo�xnent activities related to the real property descrihed in Attac�nt A. 2. The Authority is hereby authozizecl to do all things necessary ka undertake sueh modi.£icativn of such tax inerement €inancing distric� on or about the property legally described in Attachment A attached ' hereto. ADOP'TED this ��" day af �, 1988. Ro an No e, Mayor ATT'EST: Stephan Ji , inistrator C erk ,