HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of December 5, 1989 Regular Meeting and Executive Session + . ROSEM�� CITY PRUCESDINGS � REGU� A�ISETING DECEI�B$R 5� 19$9 Fursuant ta due eal.l and natice thereof a regular meeting o� the City Council of the Gity of Rosemaunt was duly held on Tuesday, December 5, 1989, at 7;30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayar Iioke called the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor fioke led the grou� in the Pledge of AllecJiance. The agenda was amez�ded to inc].ude Ztem 3ta1 Star City UpdatefLogo and Sl�gan Contest; Item 4(d) Approval of Off-Sale L3.quQr License for Mac's Bottle Shop; Item 6( f) Ratify Fire Department Leav� of Absence and Item 7(b) Final Word, Economic Development Specialist Tracie Pechoni.k advised the Star City CommittPe is very ne�r. completing the requirc�ments €or the city to be designated a Sta� City. Pechonik and Rosemount Cha�aber member Marie Jensen announc�d the Rosemount Chamber is sponsoring a logo and slogan cQntests to Rosemount residents. Jensen felt the eontest would provid� �n excellent opportunity far coinmun3ty involvement. See Clerk's File 1989-37. MUTION by Walsh to a�prove the Gonsent Agenda. SECQND by wip�Pr�nann. Ayes: Wa1sh, Wipparmann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napp�r. Nays: 0. _ Administrator Stephan ,7ilk presented for Counci� consic�erati4n a Joint Pow�rs Agreement which would es�ablish a hazardous material response team consisting of trained members from varicaus fire departments �hroughout Dakota County. Jilk advised each eity and the caunty, in renresenting the townships, would pay into a response team fund, and the funds would be used for training, equipment purchases, s�laries and administrative costs. Cit�.es and th� county would make contribut�,ons on an annual basis, and Rosetnount' s cos� for 1990 would be $2,226. The final draft o� the joint powers agreement will be presented for Council approval at a future meetir�g. See Clerk' s File 1989-3?. City Engineer Rich Hefti reviewed with Council the 1990 Utilities aperating Budget for water and sanitary �ewer �ervices, Hef�i discussed the ir�crease in w�.t�r and storm sewer rates from $.95 to $1 .10 and the reasons far the recommended increase. Hefti advised the i.ncrease in the sanit��ry s�wer rats from $1 .�5 to $1 .25 iS mainly attributable to the incr��se in the metro was�e fee charged to the City by the �ietropolitan Waste Control C�mmissian. See Cls�k's File� 'l989-37. MOTI4N by Hoke to adopt the '1990 Utilities �perating Water and Sewer Budget. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: Q. , � ROSSM� CITY PRQCBEDINGS REGUG MEL�TING DECEMBFsR 5, 19$9 Community Developinent Director t?ean Johnson provided background informatican regarding �he request by Rosemount WoQd's, Inc. �o ex�»nc� th�ir business �.Qcat�d i.n T3rc�b�ck T-�'ark develo�r�nent, �nd t:he Plarzninc� Comm�.ssion' s refnr.ral oF th3.s reqti��t �o tf�e Gi.ty Coancil sinee thP E�rop�rty was designatea a housing tax �,nerement dis�rict. Johnson cornmented on the lack af development �.n Broback I-Park since its tnitial site grading in 1974 t� present, and thp lacle of agreement between the ci.ty and property awners regarding design and costs f�r � .frontage road. Johnson advised that in August, 1988, city sta�f hosted a formal meeting with the �rope.rty owners of the uacant parcel5 who dic� not re�ch a consensus on whether this dav�lopment shou�c� be buitt as single €amily or multiple fa�nily hausing or zemain as an industrial park. See Clerk' s File 49$9-37. Commu».ity Develapm�nt Director Johnson requestec� that staff b� allowed to complete a land use study of the ar�a by meeting with Broback I-Park pro{�erty owners and ad3acent neighbors ta determiz�e a valid use for this land. Johnson fur�khe�c recommen$ed that a mor�tarium on building permits in �roback I-Fark be Astablished untiZ the study is aeco�npli.shed. niane �Iichalskis, owner of Rosemount Woods, Tnc. , requested C�unail' s approval for expansion a� the business and expressad some fruatration regax�ding the length of time the city h�� �aken : to detexmin� how this area shoul� be developed. � Michalskis object�d to the �roposed mor�t�rium being in effect until May 1 , 1990. Chucl� Stauffer, 14587 Delft Avenue, supported expansion of Rosemount Woads and maintaining the area as an indugtrial park, Stauffex advised Counc�.1 the industrial park was not a detriment to his home or neighborhood. Following discussion, the Council concurred Rosernount Wocads, Inc. should be issued a building permit to exp�nr� their busi.ness, and a formal land use study of the area wou7.d benefit Council in future decision making on development of the nroperty. MOTI(?N by Napper to issue the building permit to Rosemount Woods, Inc. and to purs�ae ths l.and use evaluation. SECO�iD by Waish. ayes: Hoke, Oxk�orc�uqh, Napper, Wal.sh, Wip�aermann. Nays: 0. City Qlanner Michaei Wozniak presented the final draft of an ordinanee amendm�nt to the ?oning ordinance regarding definitions for t�1e �erms Agricultural Stand, Cammercial Greenhouse and Landscape Nursery and the propased amendment to establish an 2 . ' , RQS$I�� CITX PRQ�EDINGS RSGUL MBBTING DECBNIBER 5, 1989 ,� appeal procedurs fo.r planning commission site plan actions. Se� � Clerk' s File 1989-37. MOTIQN by Walsh to adopt AN ORDINANCS AMENDING THS ZONING ORDINANCE �Sertaining to the app�al procedure for site pl.an a�tions and the definitions of Agricultur�l Stand, Commercial - Greenhous� and Landscape Nursery. SgCOND by Wippermann. Devel.opez of a proposed landsc�pe nursery, Sandy Sachtez, and his attorney, requested that the developer be allowed to provide general information regarding the definitions being considered by Council. , Mayor Hoke advised public input was reeeived at the November 21 , 1989 public hearing to consider the defin3.tions; and upon th� closing af the public hearing, Council concurred the definitions should preclud� retail sales in an agricu].ture district. Role call of moti�n: Ayes; Oxborough, Napper, W�lsh, Wipp�rmann, Hoke. Nays: 0. A short recess was called with the meeting con'�inuing at 9;30 p.m. City Administrator Stephan Jilk presented for cvntinued discussion from previous CQuncil meetin3s �he 199Q Operating Budget, 199Q-1994 CTP Budget and 1990 salary and benefit proposals for non-union staff. Jilk spectfic�lly add�essed questions by Council regarding insurance, vacation and severance pay benefits. Couneil coneurred sev�ranee pay, in rega�ds to receiving pay based upon numbear of yeaxs of employment, should be a benefit only for thosP employeQs who l�ave the employ of th� ca,ty for retirement purposes only. See Clerk' s File 1989-37. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESQLt7TION OUTLINING NON-UNIQN FULL- TIME STAFF SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR 1990. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Naya: p. Council dire�ted the Administrator to prepaxe a summary and presentation of thP proposed 1990 Operating Budget and 1990-1994 CIP as proposed for the December 7, 'l989 public hearing on the 199Q Budget. Fire Chiet Scott Aker requested ratif�.e�tion of approval by the Fire Department mAmbPrship of a re�quest by a Eire depaztment mernber Bernie Szeze�niak for a me�lical 1eav� of absence. MOTIUN by c��tbarough to ra�i£y an appraval b� the F�.re Dep�rtme,nt of a meclical l�av� �f ab�eiice for Hernie Szexesniak. SSCCIN� k�y 3 , ' . ROSE�MI�T CITY PROCEl3DINGS RBGUL ME1�TZl�G DECEMBEit 5, 1989 P�anp�r. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Qxbozaugh, Napper. Nays: 0. City Administrator Ji,lk presented from the Armory Committee a 1.isting of potential uses and corresponding facility compc�nents for the armory/community pro�ect. The administrator brought the Couneil up to date on the various activities o£ the comm�.ttee which included tours of several cities' armariAs and/ar aommunity• facilities and m�r�tings with National Guard "representatives to discuss overall planning, the armory program and arch'itectural desigz� aac� construetion options. Jilk requested tha� funds be expendad from the armory fund to cantract the ar�l�iteetural firm of Boarrnan & Ass�ci�tes to provide cost est3.mates on th� potential uses provided by the Arznory eommittee. Jilk advised th� cost estimates would allow the committee to consic�e� each item as to its relative cost and a�sociate its cost to the aftect i� will have on the cammunity in regards to tax levy. See Clerk's File 1989-37. MOTION by Wipperrnann ta authorize the firm of Boarman & t�ssociates to review the pro�ect list put together by the Armory Commith_ee and to place dollar costs on the potential uses. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wipperrnann, Hoke, C�xbarough, Napper, Walsh. Nay�: 0. - Building Official Ran Wasrnund reviewed with Council the options available to the city regarding a Metropolitan Waste Contxol Commission {M.W.C.C. ) policy change whieh exempted all properties utiliziny private systems from having to pay a service availability charge (S.A.G. ) when app].ying for building permits £or new buildings c�r, remodeled buildings with additions based : ` upon a parameter tab].e and residential equivalents. Wasrnund advised this po3.icy change b�r the M.W.C,C. �.mptemented a vo7.untary refund program where all S.A.C. fees coll.ected from 1973 to January 1 , 1987, could be refunded by the M.W.C.C. ta each municipality which in turn woulcl have the opt3.on ta rebate ` th�: connect3.on fe� sum to the property own�r. , Patabl.ish a f�ind �or �utu�re sewer in�tallation or utiliz� the rnoney in what�ver way the city woulel chooee. Buil.ding Official Wasmund advised research indicated that 163 ' pro�ects were 'assessed this fee, an� staff recommended �he appro�riate funds be refunded to the current property owner. Wasmund noted the tot�l refund money from the �I.W.C.C. would not be sufficient to install se�aer to an area which is not currently serve�, and it would be inequitable �o th� prQp�rty awner for th� city to escrow the funds of those people who have paid anc3 wi11 never have municipal ' sewer service. See Clerk' s Fa.le 1989-37. 4 , � ROSE��T CI�'Y PROCSFDINGS REGU MEBTING DSCSMBBR 5, 1989 MQTION by Walsh to adApt A RESOLUTION REQUBSTING AND APPROVING A SSRVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE (S.A.C. ) REFUND PROGRAM. SBCQND by Hoke. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wipp�rmann, Napper. Nays; 0. Gity Engineer R3.eh �EIefti requeste� Council authorizat3.ort to adogt a resolution establishing the w�t�r and sewPr rates and sett�3.ng the new cannection charges for water, sani�ary sewer and storm sewer for 1990. The city eng3neer nQtec� the resolution contained 1.anguage that the water, sewer and s�orm sewer connection charges would be adjusted annual.ly bas�d �x�on the� "Engi.n�e�a New� Record C+�nat��action �nc�ex". Diseu��i.on �n��se�� re�a�r�inq th� ��sr�1 w�►tea� sy�tem rec�ntly in�sta].l�d ir� the e���ern p�rt Q� the city and whether use�s o£ the rural water �yst�m would b� charged the connection fee proposed for 1990 once this sys�em is turned over to the city from the University of Minnesota. Staff advised this issue would be reviewed and determined when the city begin� mainta3ning the ru.ral water syatem. Discussion also ensued regarding the p.roposed city sewer cannPct�on charge far l.otg greater than 13,500 square feet, and the correl.ation bet�reen larger lots and a higher connection fee. See Clerk' s File 1989- 37. MOTYQN by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION BSTABLI3HING IIATBR AND SEWER RATES, CHARGES AND DEPUSITS. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxuorough, Napper, Wa].sh, Wippermann, Hake. Nays; 0. MOTION by Wippermann that staff be directed �o review the city sewe.r coilnection charges as they per�ain �o larger lats and the unit charges for th�e larger iots by June 1 , 1990. SEC�ND by Oxborough. Ayes: Napper, Wa1sh, Wip�ermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. �arks & Recreation D�.rector David Beclztold �resented the Parks & RPcre�tion Committ�e recomxnendat�.on to incre�se th� lanc� valu� in determining park dedieation fees regarding new r�sidentia]. subdivistons from $8,Q00 an aere to $1t1,000 an acre. See Clerk'g rile 1989--37. MOTTON by Walsh to updata the park dedication formula hy i.ncreasing the new :r.esidenti�l lanrl value from $£3,400 an aca�e �o �1Q,�40 an acre. SECOND by NapPer. Ayes: Walsh, Wip�aermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: Q. City Planner Michael Wozniak requested Council approval of ths applications for the City of Rosemount Com�rehensive Guide Amendment #12 and #1 4. Woznia;c advised Amendment #'� 2 would re- 5 ,-• ' • ROSE1�� CITY PROCBLDINGS REGUL MS�ZNG DECEI�BR 5, 19$9 est�blish a lanc� h�nking syste}n for allocat3ng a+creage for sewe��3 development and wou3d increase the city's current und�signated land bank acreage of 318 acre� to 600 acres. Amendment #14 would transfer 2.4 acres from the city's undesignated land bank into the Munic3,pa1 S�,�vice Area (MUSA3 to allow �dclitional right-of-way of Shannon Parkway for th� installation of sanitar�r sewer, Wozniak noted both amendments have be�n approved by the M�tropol�.tan �oun�ci� and �he Planning Commissi.on. Sea Cl�rk's Fil� 1989-37. MOTTQN by Napper to adopt A RESULUTI4N AMENDING THS CITY OF Rt?SEMOUNT CQMPREHENSiYE GUIDE PLAN. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Hoke, Ox�iorough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: Wippermann. Community Development Director Dean Johnson briefly discussed wa.th Council the d3,rection staff has taken regarding the prepar�tion of a formal �ppli.cat�on to Dakota County for funds avatlabtP ta the city through the 199A Community Devei��men� IIlock Grant Program. The �ormal <�pplication wiLl be present�d �or Cauncil a�prov�t a� tl�e December 19, 1989 City Counc�.l meeting. See Clerk's Fi.le 1989-37. D'tay�r Hoke retninded Council and staff of thP x�cention for citizPns who ha�e served on the Citixens Advisory Commi�tee and the �taster Storm Water .Adv�.sory Commi.ttee. Certif icates of �PPreciation will �e pres�ntec� to each memla�r in apprec3a�i.on of theiz serving on these committees. Mayor Hoke announced this would be his last regu],ar Counc3l meet�.ng as Mayor of Rasemount and took the oppor�unity to re�lect on his last twa years as Mayor. Mayar Hak� than�Ced the Council for two years ot copacetic invc�lvernent wifih each other and thankerl the eity staff �or their support and a very close relationship. Mayor Hoke commented on the accompl.ishment of creating goals derived from the community involvement p�Qcess and the importance o� being vis3.onary in decision-making. MOTION by Walsh to holcl � special executive session to discuss a litigation matter. SECOND by Wippermann, Ayes; 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: S. Nays; 0. Respectfully submit�ed, • 5usan M. Johnson Deputy Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Pulalished this day of , 19 , in Dakota Gountv Tribune. 6 � . ROSEMUUNT CITY PROCSSDINGS EXECUTIVB �BSSIUN I�}ECF.�9BER 5, 1989 Pursuant to due call and no�ice thereof an E�ecutive Se�sion o£ the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held oc� Tuesday, December 5, 1989, at 11 :OQ p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The purpose of the meeting was tq discuss li.tigation involving assessment appeals regarding the Hawkins Pond Improvements Pro�ect and easements for that project. No action was taken. MOTIU[d by Walsh to adjourn. SECQND by �ioke. Ayes: 5. Nays: � 0. Respectfully submitted, St�phan Jilk Admini�trator/CZerk :ATTEST: Rollan Hoke, Mayor Published this day of in Dakota Countv Tr�•