HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approve Payment to American Legion for Sidewalk Project �,y � ... . � .... . . . - . � � .I � . � . � . � . ..._ "��� � �� �� �a***�r********************��*�*******MEAtb***�*******,r*********�r**�r********,t***�e** DATE: DECEAIBER 15, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/� CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR JILK � J 1 FRUM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC W4RKS I}IRECTOR HEF RE: ITEMS FOR TH� DECEMBER 19, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING CONSEI�I'P AGENDA Approve Payment to American Legion for Sidewalk Project This mem� is to provide a brief explanation as to the attached payment request from Bill Berg Constructian for the installation of concrete'curb & gutter, sidewalk and conduit around the American Legion site. The work under Bergs' propasal is complete, �ith the exception of the blacktop panels which need to be repiaced next spring after the te3ephone company and power company complete the � installation of their underground facilities. We plan to use our farces to c3o that Work. Covered under the $47,586 base price is the installation of the sideWalk, curb & gutter and the street light conduit around the entira block of the American Legion site. The sidewalk portion omitted for the utilities amounted to a credit of $4b7.00. There were some additianal charges as listed. The first charge was to remave three �rees from the boulevard. I have some difficulty in approving this portion of the bill as you can see by the deductian of two of those trees. I did agree to p�ying for the removal of the tree at the corner of 145th and Burma. HoWever, neither myself or Blake Crandall indicated to Berg Construction that we wauld pay far Che two trees along Burnley if th�y were removed. We had not intended on having to remove thase trees because we had purpasely left out some segments of sidewaik in c►rder to �o around them. In the end, it may have been the best thing to do to remove those trees because they were very ald and s�tarting to t►a11oW out in the middle. Nevertheless, I did not authorize removal of those trees at the Citys' expense. Next two items sre additianal cost to install conduit for the telephone company (Centel) and the electric campany {N.S.P.). Tha charge for the C�;ntel PVC conduir was for installatinn only. Cente3 danated the pipe. They have lines along 145th Street near Burnley that need to be buried next spring. They also have a�rial liaes an the I�.S.P, pawer lines along 145th Street that need to be buried. The N.S.P. conduit was for the purchasing and installation. As Council is aware, N.S.P. will b� going underground with their above ground power alang Burma next Spring. This will be a separate cost to the City somewhere in the ' neighborhood a€ $35,000-$40,000. The last deduct on the proposed payment is for bituminous work not acceptable to aur standards. Ou�r concerns are that the Contractor did not adequately cumpact the mix that he placed between the curb and the street. Rather than putting three inches of bituminous down in two lifts, the Cantractor elected to put it all in one lift. Subsequently we do have a ca-tch basin and manhole casting that • ,♦ � ♦...wr� R•, ,�.,,,� i2�i--�.ti�'2� ��i�P�r, Yt.�. INVdtCE � .�U�t�.F/? 33�8 151$t �ireet �e,�f R�C�nIE�° Q� � �oseuwun�, c`�t�1 5�068 D�G' S 19�3, � 72 �� ;'� , (61�� 4x3-�.437 ,/ CIYY AIr Rt►���1Me�w PHdNE DATE GUSTOMER 12/4/89 � R05EMOUNI' AMERICAN LEt3II1N P03T � 65 �a fl�e 14590 Burma Ave CITY Rosemouat, MN � SSOfiB 068CFIiP710N TOTAI PHICE J CU B GUTTER SIDEWALKS & UTILITY 0 L 47 586.00 Additional Char es to Remove 3 Mature Trees Frvm Boulevard 1,$00.00 Additional Charges to install 4" PyC es per Centel �,j�'p '�►-'. -�{Fu �!5 2,530.00 u u n u 5�� PVC �8 peY NSP � G�c� L 2,o�o.oa CRBD�T FOB SIDEWALKS UMITTED FOR OTILITIES 467.00 . � _�_ 1 8A1E8 i'AX ' �itIPPINO Tar�t 53 519.00 � . �tljt� ��t