HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a.1990 Community Development Block Grant Application. � � • � . P O. SQk 51d Z�� � �a�s-t��T�sr w. 05rLYYLDZ�Y�t RosEasau�vT.anin��vEsa�a ssc� 612—d23-4411 A�ncla item 5►a. TOt MAYOR, C1TY COUNCIL, NRA BOARDMEh1B�RS AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DEAN �dHNSON, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEYELOFMi:NT DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1984 S�JBJ: DECEMB�R 19, 1989 COUNCIL AGENDA iTEM Sa, HRA BOARD AGENDA IT�M 4b. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATIUN Attached is a capy of the FY 199Q application for Community Development Black Grant (CDBG) fuading to Dakota Connty, The county achieved "entitlement" status after exceeding 200,000 population ia 1985. The eounty autamatically receives a share or en[itlement of federat funds each year from the Department of Housing and Urban Devetopment (HUD). Dakota County commnnities apply directly ta the county, rather than HUD, for funding. Rasemount is entitied to funding in the pro�rara every other year. � In 1988, the City utilized CDBG funds to assist in the acquisition and relocation of AAA Auto Salvage from 135th Sereet to 16Gth Stxeet. The activity was eligible under Ehe category of aiding in the "prevention or elimination of slum and btight." The City has $17,500 left from the 1988 grant, which can he carried over into the 199Q grant, if used in the "slura and blight" category. As we have discussed in the past, another eligible category is "benefit ta low and moderate incorne persons" This is typically related to housing programs; althoagh, tl�ere are additional activities that can be permitt�d, pravided they benefit low and moderate income persons. The City �as a successfal applicant fnr C'DBG discretionary funding in 1980, whieh assisted the Rosemount Greens rental hausing project on 145th Street. The City was awarded discretionary funds again in 19$5, which 'allowed for a major housing rehabititation program. The 19$5 CDBG program also provided substantiat fundiag for acquisitions under the slum and blight category. Projects resulting from this program included the new post office, a new residence next to Centel, [he Sauth RoberE Square retail project, Plaza Deii and Plaza Condaminiums. Dakota County has estimated the amount of funding available to the City in 1990 at $95,OU0. In previaus discussions, staff have identified potentia! acquisitions thac would be eligible under the program. In pariicnlar, we would suggest Ehe acquisition of the fire-damaged I.aunderville home on Buraley Avenue and the Schneider rental property on Burma. Both owners have met with staf f and have expressed interest in selting their properties. These acquisitions are eligible under the slum and blight category. Use df 1990 funding in this categoty will allow us to carry-over and use the excess 1988 fuads, as well. We estimate the total costs to acquire aad clear both properties to be $136,OOU. The lotal estimated grant funding available is $112,500. We recommend that the City HRA administer the program on . behalf of the CiCy, as we have done in thc past. �inalty, we reconnmend thst the City HRA utilize tax incremeat funds to cover the reraaining $24,500, aeeded to complete the program. . , � � : �-, ,r U�KOTA COUNTY CO�IUNIi'Y �YELOPMEN7 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSAL FISCAL YEAR 1990 ict #4 ega ame o p can omnun y eve oExnent istri�t . —_�$7� 14�t� S�reet Wear ' ' _�P.O. Box 14 : .. , legal Addr.ess o PP can� ' f . ` Rosemoun� Minnesota 55068 : Y a e 'r`"_'..�.i'p � ; �' } Tra�ie L, Pechonick : Zantact Person Econamic Dev. S ecialist { 612) 423-4411 ; e �hone�_�er , ` 1990 CDBG Ac uisition :� rg ec ame , ! s , ; # , 3 . , `i • t� I ;i . ���.�d�Q.�Q � oun eques e � . rt . kh-for� �:r . • . - 1 . Nas this pro�t received funding CDaG be€ore� � Yes � No , •-, . - 2. Pcoject duration; � Dne Year . f� Other (Specify) ; ' Proposed beginnin date: . 9 ��a______p ___-- Prop�sed conpfietior� datz: �1�40 3. Grant funds will be used for: - ' . � �cquisition � Clearance �ctivities � Dispositian , , q Economic Devslopment p Planning ' � � Public Faciiities ' � Public Services �� � Rehabiiitation . ,f ,*' ' � Other (Specify) : 4, Federal ob,�ective addressed (attach documentat9on�: . p Beneftt to lor� and �,oderate incoa�e persons � Aid in the prevention ar elir�ination of siums and blight p A1leviation qf urgent community development need 5. General deseription of the project {include pro,�ect goals and importance to commun i ty) ; pleaa ,-afer ta �h�at ra�t,pa . ��„� 1'A�P[`1' f�Pa�r�r�#�n� •''� .� , » '� :� '�i _, , • '" �i:� �. . . . � . . :j ��� � �' Y. . � - . � � . . . .A.. � � . . � . � , . . . � . :S . � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1990 CUSt3 ACQUIBITI�N t3eneral Pro j ect �esari�ti�on The Launderville p�operty, located at 14520 Hurnley Avenue, was . severely burne+d several months ago and has been determined unsafe and ultimately uninhabitable. As it stands it is a hazard to �he co�aunity. The current appraisal completed on the Launderville property values it at $36,000, after the fire. The Schneider site, located at 14675 Burn►a Avenue, is a vacant r�ntal praperty. It is currently in a substandard state such that substaqtial renovation would have to take place to a21ow for it to � be rented again. A rece�t appraisal completed an the Schneider property v�lues it at $69,000. Both residences are adjacent to non-residential uses and are currently zoned C-2, Cammunity Commercial. Owners of both properties have indiaated an interest in selling said properties to the City af Rosemount. The City Council and HRA of the City of Ro�emount have both determined that the foilowing process would be of substantial benefit to the entire community. Through CDBG funds and Rasemount HRA funds, both of the above praperties would be acquired, any neces�ary relocatian procedures would be followed and the - propertie� would both be cleared. The foremost goal of this proposed project is to improve Rasemount�s Central Bu�iness District by eltminating effect� of slum and blight and enable new economic development to take place. �, a y ;� � � � :i '•! • • ,,,,� ;• „ � � � � � 6. Description of project area (attach map) ; �� . Site; 14 2p BirnleY Avenue. Rosemount, MN Site: 14675 Burma Avenue Rna�+mn��r��, M� Please refer to attached m� and le �1 descri tions. l . Persans beneriting: Total number o= Qersans benefitin9� N/A Percentage of iow/rnoderate income: � y ,� ° 8. Canstruction schedui�: , . � l�ot Applicable Q �PPlicable . If applicabie: (demalition) , . Estimated date .cq��,tr.��;�.o.�, wil l begin: Fall �.990 . fstimated date �a�a�.ir.����n- rriil bt compteted: Fal� �990 � 9. Project cost; , �: ''� Total pro,�ect cast: ftmount of C.p. Grant request�d: $�c 5 OQ� $ 137 b0a • {Percentage of t�tat project cost): � �q � Source and amount of other revenue: ` _19$$ CDB ('arr Ovpr S 1 7 i_SQ0 -AoQemo ,n NRA S�4..500 ;+ . . � '.� lOr SUd�et Sumraary by aCtivityt Act3vity C08G Other/List Source Total I.a�nder�=i� 1___�-�'_aS.�n ,� .�6_�3t�0 $�_ � , $_,,,,. 6 000 - � Lauttdervi l l a �►07 b �,fl�.._ p �5.000 �° �aundervillp d mo ; � ,500 6,500�HR� _8,000 .� tei e • t �2 _70,000 0 70,ppp . � � ne er d mo�— — 0 $.000/HRA _ _8,000 ; _A4'Imi n i a t�,a�i�p--�_ 0 �.0,O+�O�HR� A _� � � 20_,000 I Totai $112.500.00 _�24,500/HRA �137,OOO.UO u :t i' . 't. .. ' ' OERNI A �"' '" � • t�..t- . ,��r o a c+a. �Z , � .� v q � / "„r.''+►�"" O.y � w C• � � � • '� O � �. . � � .. .. � ' S►i�i.�.. ( �� , � 21 � . �. V ����.L'IY� �.L:.J.t.✓ 1 1� � J , ``� . . � �'9 ��NO• tt � � `� � fi � f a� �Q���.i�1� 4J �� ��� . , .-.-.,..:... .�_...:... ��. " ' . � � _ �... �. i4 33 r ����� �t� 6 6 ' S 0 �n _` "' '., � � e , � -� � SUBJECT , �� � � � J�Z ' � ' � " tr`' � " 5�'� 1'P 5 0 ;� .�,� ,. .____��lJ�__ �'� Q�' � P 4' 6 5 ��"�'/F �3,E' �'�.QQ���-' '� �� 12 3 3 �l �O 5_-�� -- __ � ,3 2 . ,� '� � ___ I 14 � � •J • ' �4 �- 1 0 5T R EET � ,�►� � � , 7 ,� � V t� � 3� O •.� � 5� 6 9 '� o � b� 5 �� N . � • � ��a � o � � � � a. s = + 3 IZ � `� ' � R`.'� w. 2 f'�' � r 60 � 1 1 f •• 6opher- ' � � � -._.._.._. . 27� � FLUEG�L � 26 a � ELE����� k ry � �.Of 6 2 • �5 z '� ��'�a J�- o i • ^ . �' ��, � . 1 h lE0 ' 2� u t�W ilU�G Ei. � �' � � �� � ��' ��` � ' �az �,,�,� � � � Q v �� .0�� � W 2� '�� , � � . 55 , z � � Leqal Descriptions Launderville Sfte; Itosemount Vi11ag�, Lot 6, Block 5, the South 4 feet of Lot 7, & part of Lot 8, Block 5, lying South c�� the East extension of the North line of the South 4 feet af I,ats 'I & 8, Block 5. ' Schneider Site: I�ots 11, 12 and 13, Black 3, R�o�emount Vill�ge , , 't c 3 r � i f� ,. � �, , :� _ � ;. 1 < . � - 3 - ` . . ,... l3. Additiorial supporting items submitted �rith propasal (check if attached : ) � Benefit documentation (see question 4} � Resolution nf governing body requesting grant � . � Add�itionai praject infor„�ati�n ` � ��ap ar si�etch cutli�ing pro,;e�t �rea . Q Professional 's certification oT feasibiiity and acruracy ot sco e and budgei (engineer's, architect's, etc.) p � � Le#ters in suppar� o� projettlor ietters o� com�nitment .� � flth�r (SpEc i fy) ; � .j ;r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,{ • �.. � .• _��".��^���..,..�..�.�«��..••......�..�.��.... . .�� �.�....��. ��� � _ �. .��•..�....��.......�....� . . . � � Certification . • ' I certify that the statements and app)ication requirements of this officiat �ra- posai are correct and tfiat thix praFosai contains no misrepresentation or falsi- fications, omissians or conc2alr��nt of rraterial facts and that tfie information given is true and complete to the best af my kno��ledge and beiief, and tt�at no ,�•' Dids have 5een auarded, contract executzd, or construction begun on the propased praject. . ; t ; tgnatur� o u#, or ied tcia . ata • �i tv Admin,�e rg tor/ l pr� . � ���ie , � ; j4 , ,k ; T ;. �; , . � �� # � � � , . ;� N ;� a � ' .' � . ; ' ' � � , CITY Q�' R0881�0IINT HOtJBII�Ia lyND &SDEVELOPMBNT AUTHORITY . RLBOLUTiON 1989 - A 1t880LtTTIqN EBTABLIBHxNa PROPBRTY . IN '1'HS CITY O� R48EI40vNT A� BLI(3HT8D PURBitA�1dT TO MINNSBOTA STATfTTEB SECTION 469.Oa2, SLTBDIVIBIUN il � WH8RSA8, the City of Rasemount desires ta use Cammunity Deve2opment 81ock Grant Entitlement funds t� assist in the acquisitian and clearance of blighted property; and WI�ER�AB, the �ity of Rase�naunt Housinq and Ftedevelopment Authority is acting on behalf of the City of Rosemount in administratiue aspects of the grant program; and WHEAL�AB, the City of Rasemount HRA has evaluated praperties located at 14520 Burnley Avenue, parcel identificatian number 34-64800- . 082-05, and at 14675 Burma Avenue, parcel identification number 34- 64800-130-03, to determine their eligibility for fundirig. NOW �`HEREFOR$ H� �T RE80LV�D, the Board of Commissioners af the City of Rosemount HRA hereby certifies that the properties in questfon her�eby meet the �riteria a�nd definition o�' a blighted are� as defined in Minnesota Statutss Section 469.OU2, Subdivision 11. Adopted this Z�tn aay of �ecember, 1989. � Joe Walsh, Chair�an . . ATTEST: � Stephan Jilk, Exe�utive Dir. ;; ¢ �. ;. , , S. . . . . . ... . . � . � ,rl . � . .. ' . � � . �� � . . '� � . . � � � � � � i� . . . . � . . . . . . � � fr � � . . � . . . . . . 1 . � � � . � . � � �y R� � . � . � . . . � . �� . � � . � . . � . � . � . ' ♦ .� � } • . . �� . , CITY dF R08El�tOUNT RESOLtITIdN NO. 1989 - A REBt�LUTI�N A$PROV�Nt3 THE APPLIGliTION O�' THE CITY OF RaBEMOUNT F0� FIBCAL YEAR 1990 DAROTA COi�NTY COMD�dUNITY DEVBLOpMBNT BLOCK t3RANT FUNDINO 8B IT RB�OLV�D by the City Cauncil of tha City of Rosemount as • follows. � 1. The application is� approved by ths City Council and the Administrator/C1erk is authorized to submit the attached application to Dakota County for a Community Development Block Grant in Fiscal Year 1994. 2. That the City of 12o��mount HRA cantinue to be dgsignated as the administrative entity to carry aut the pragram on behalf af the City. ADOpTED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount this i9th day of December, 1989. Ro11an Hol�e, Mayor ATTEST: Staphan Ji1k ' Ad�ninistrator/Clerk :.. i° � . ri . . � . � . � � � ',t . . . � � . � �� . . . . . � . � . � . � � � . � . . ;���� � � � � . � � �. � :� � � , . . � . , .t il .. . . � � . . � ,A . . . . . . . . . . �, �.J . . � � � � . . ,� T � . . � ' . � . � . � . {