HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. 1990 Recycling Contract . � :...�z . . .. . . •. . . . . . . . � . .. � P O BOX 510 1�� Q 2875-145TM SF W. Q����u•�� R4SEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-d411 Agenda Item 5b, TO: MAYOR, CiTY CQUNC[L, CiTY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DEAN JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF C4MMUNITY DEYELOPMENT DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1989 SUBJ: DECEMBER 19, 1984 AGENDA iT�M 5b. 1990 RECYCLING CONTRACT At the October 17, 1989 Regular Meeting, the City Council suthorized staf f to prepare and distribuEe a Request for Qualifications for Ehe 1990 recycling program. The Council expressed the desire to cantinne the features of the 19$9 program and expand it or improve it w�ere Eeasible for 1990, Notiee of the RFQ �vas published and eopies were mailed directly Eo all 11 licensed haulers in the City of Rosemount. The deadline to respond was Nouember 21, 1989. The City received only one response, from Knutson Rabbish Service, Inc. During the past severai weeka, staff reviewed the requirements of Uakoka County's funding program and met several times with Knutson personnet to negotiate a contract. I am pleased to attach a copy of the contract for the • �99p recycling pragram, executed by Knutsor� Rubbish. Total 1990 paymeet to Knuison Rubbish will be $31,200. The 1989 contract with Knutson is in the amoant of $67,3D5, witb ap�roximately $25,500 for the purchase and distribution of recycling bins and $10,000 to implement a commetciallindustrial pilot recycling program. Knutson was alsa respansible far a variety of promotionalleducational activities in the 1989 program. The 1990 program will inciude the same features of the 1989 program. We , will cantinue the commercial/industrial pilat pragram and expand it, although there are no direet funds from the County to continue it. Perhaps the best element c�f the 1990 program is the commitment to begia cUrbside colleciion of plastic beverage coniainers in Fehruary. The City Qf Rosemount currently has the br�actest resideniial recycling program around. With the cooperaxion and assistance of Knutson Rubbish, we are going to improve it and ex�and it even further. 1 w�ulcl recommend the C:ity C�unci} approve the Snp�iementat Agreement for 19�0 recycting scrvices ancl authorize the necessary signatures thereon. r . • � Supplemental Agreernent . Betvuee�n , City of Ros�emount and Knutson Rut�isM Service, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made this 19th dap of December, 19$4, hetween the CITY QF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota munici�al eorporation, �hereinafter "City") and KNUTSON RUBBISH SERVICE, iNC., a Minnesata eorpnratit�n; (hereinafter "Knutson"). WITNESSETN: WHEREAS, the City and Knutson presently have an oral agreement for rubbish pickup; and WHEREAS, the City and Knutson desire to supplement the existing agreement to pravide For addilional services. - NOW THEREFORE, the City and Knutson rnuEually agree as follows in consideration of the mutual promises and c�venants contained herein: SECTION L DEFtNIT10NS A. "Service Area" means the City of Rosemount. B. "Recyclable Materials" mcans newsprint, glass, k�everage cans, tin eaas, pl�stie " bevcragc containers, f�secl m�lor oil, car and hnuschold hattcries and aChet malerlals as mutua}ly agreeci upon by the City and Knutsan. C. "Recycling Collection" means the taking up of all recyclable materials accumulated at residential �roperties and the trans�orting c�f t6e recyclable materials to a specified processing site or rnarket. SECTION 2. PAYMENT A. The City wilt compensate �{nutson for the performance of its obligations pursuant • to this Agreement as follows: _ 1) $3,fi�0.00 payable within thirty (3(1) days af'ter the cammencement of this Agrccmc:nt. 2) $2,300.00 payahle on February 1, 199Q, and a tike amount on the first day of each month thereafter through December 2, 199Q, and the batance of $2,300.00 due upon successful completion of this Agreement. SECTION 3. OBLIGATIONS A. Knutson shall provide once-a-week collection services i'or aIt residential recyclable materials. ..{ . . .i � . .. . � �. . . . � � � .� . . � .� .. . � � � . � �� � .. . . . . . . B. Knutson shall dislribute coilection bins to all residences, exce�t multi-family un`its as described by the City, and to new residences upon natii'ication oE th� location by the City to Knutson. Knutson shali provide cenUalized containers, �pproved by the City, a[ alt multi-family units. C. Knutson shall.operate an attended recycling center, open to the public as a drop off facility for recyclahle materials, including but nc�t limited to plastics, cardboard, tin cans, "white" goods and certain [errous enetals. D. Knutson shaTl continue the existing commerciai/industriat recycling program providing for the co}lection of high quality office paper, glass from thc hospitality sector and cardhoard from retail establishments, and ather materials as mutually agreed upon by the City and Knutsan. The City and Knutson shall work together to ex}�and the program. E. Knntson shall furnish monthly rc�orts to the City indicating tonnages of each material collected, route scheduiing, participaUon rates and citizen camplaints and resolutians. F. Knutson shall impiement curbside coliection of plaslic beverage coniainers no later than February 26, 199�. G. Knutson shall perform any obligations nf the City, not specified in this Agreemet�t, required by the Joint Powers Agreement between the City and Dakota Con�ty, Minnesota, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". S�CTION 4. TERM The term oT this Agreemcnt shall be between 3annary l, 1990 and December 31, 1994. SECTION 5. CAN�ELLATION Either party may cancel this Agreement at any time, without causc, upon sixty (60} daqs written natice to the other party. In sueh event of termination, Kautson shall be cntitled , to payment of those services furnished u}� to tl�e terminacion date. SECTION 6. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Ali services and duties perfar�ned by Knutson pursuant ta this Agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of the City and in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulatians and the attached Exhibit "A", as a conclition of payment. Knutson agrces to c�rr�ply with Minnesota Statutes 181.59, relating to non-diserimination. B. Knutson must obtain and provide the City with a certif'icate of insurance indicating the following minimum levels of insurance coverage are in effect: Workers' Compensalion Insurance: - Statutory Contractor's Pat�lic Liahility lnsurance: - $ 50�,000 eaJperson $ I,O00,000 ea/accideni Property Damage: - $ 250,000 ealaccident - � SOQ,OUQ aggregate Automobile Public Liability: - $ SOQ,0�0 ea/person $ 1,OQd,000 ealaccident Property Damage: _ $ 100,Q00 ea/accident The Certificate of In�urance shall contain a prc�vision that the coverage wilt not be eancelled without thirty (3D} days �rior wrillen notiee to the City. 2 #.... o��.. . . �. . . . . � .� . . . . . . IN WITNESS WNEREUF, the parties have subscribed their names as of the date first writfen. CiTY UF ROSEMOUNT By. Rollan Hoke, Mayar , B y: Stephan Jilk, AdministratcarlClerk KN UTSON R U [ SE E, C. B y: Its; , STATE nF MINNESOTA ) , ) ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknawiedged before me this day of , 19f39, by Rotlan Noke, Mayor, and Stephan Jiik, C'Icrk/Adminislrator, of thc City of R�semt�unt, a Minnesota municipat corpc�ration, on brhaif of thc corpc�ration and pursuant tn the authnrity �r.�nted hy its City Councii. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY nF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �_ day of ,1 I�(`���Y� �_� , 1989, by -Q.i��'S��;�L�"TSG'� , i�nutson Rubbisl� Service, 1nc. t�o�;►att� xnurso,� ,,��_��1�t.;.�G�.� `�„��Lt�� i ����� Notary Public 3