HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Commission / Committee Appointment Process a _ _ , • � g P.O.BQX 510 �l� fa 2875-tA5TM ST. W. G1S�1'YEO?.lY�� ROSEMaUr�T.a�an�n��SOT��SosB 512-423-A411 ���� � � � December 1S, 1989 T0: Mayor Hoke CounGi.�.members: Napper Oxborough Walsh f� ... . Wigpermann .r-- FRQM: Stephan Jilk, Administretor/Clerk RE: Commission/Committee Appaint�ents Qn November 17th �hie matter was Qn the agenda €or discnssion. At that time I had requested eame direcCion as to how �rou wiahed to proceed in establishing appaintmentsrre-appointments to the variaus cammissions/cammittee�. No real coneensa� was re�ched. At thi� time I believe it is ir�gera�ive to p�oce�d 3n e�tablishing the praeedure we will uee i�n the appointm�nt procese. Most incumbents on the commissions/com�a�.ttees hsv� indicat+�d a deeir� to be re-appo�.nted. I a1sQ have two citizens who �re intereated on serving on commissions, We need to decide if those member� �111 be asked to serve again, if there wi11 be an interview proc�ss for incumbent$ and new members etc. It would be most apgropr�.ate to make the aPFo3ntments at the Januarp 2nd meet�n$. Attached is the list of exi$ting commission/cgmmittee appoit�tees and their terms. 1� .. . , • � COMMITTE�/COMMISSIOAI TERMS � . . . . . S� . . . . . Date Term Date Term L�nqth of Committee1Commissian Beqan� Ends 2erm . Planning CQmmission: ' 3 YRS. Ron �acobaon 1i88 12/90 Steve Toombs, Chair 1 /88 12/94 Sheila Nathaway 1/87 12/89 * Alvin Meyer 1 /87 12j89 * Daniel Huntington 1 /89 12/91 Utilities Commissi�n: 3 YRS. ' Welsey Hasbrouak 1/88 12/90 Joseph Walsh, Chair 1j87 12/89 * • : Tom Warner t/89 12/91 � Farks & Recreation Committee: 3 YRS. ` Ael T,orentzson 1 /87 ' 12/$9 * t�oris McKinley 1I88 12/90 Jerry PuciatY 1 /89 12/91 • . t,arry Walsh 1 /89 12/91 Tom Reller 7/89 12/91 �eanna Simpeon, Chair 1 /88 12/90 John Howard 8/89 12I90 fiRA Baard: S YRS. Rollan Noke 1 /88 12j92 . Dennis Wippermann 1 /89 12/93 ,7oe Walsh, Chair 1 /86 12/90 Mike wiliard 1 /67 12/91 Tom Tucker 1 /85 12/89 * sm� 11 /89 . 1 , > . � � CDUNCIL LIAISQN APPOINTMENTS -�----,-__.-�._..,. �.�....._,�__,. January 1, 19�9 • JOF tJALS�I Acting Maqor Commi�sioner of Plann�.ng �ommissioner of Pub�ic Imgravem�nt$ & Uttl.:i,tie�s DEltN�:S WZPPERMANY Corami.esioner of Finance �om�isssioner a� Insurance .JUHN OXBOROUG�i Comm9.ssinner for Parks & Recreation VERN NAPPER Commissioner of Puhlic HeRlth Comm:i.ssi�ner of Roads & Streets Li�ieon to Business ROLLAN H�JKE t;ommis�sioner for Public Safety OTHER APPOINTMENTS ��� Insurance Officer: Jon Darting i{eal.�h OEficer: Dr. Ra�►aond Mardell Ur. T. W. Lai Weed Inspector: R�3.1Rn �toke Dott Braan (��aietant) , ,