HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Receive Bids / Award Contract for 1990 Single Axle Cab & Chassis Truck � � ITEM #� . 6 � City of Rosemount I'��-..�.52 To: Mayor and Counc3.lmembers, cJo Steve Jilk, C ty AdministratQr FROM: Public Works Director/Gity Engineer Heft � DATE: December 15, 1989 SUBJ: e 'v ' s A o g C on Friday, December 15, 1989, at 10.00 a.m. , we opened sealed bids for the purchase of a single-axle eab & chassis truck. The results of the three bids we received are shown in the following table. Bidder Base Bid A�te�.�at� Trac��-in Astleford International $38,225.00 $43,225.OQ 5,000.00 Lakeland Ford $40,513.54 $42,313.54 1,800.00 North Star International $40, 174.48 $42,374.48 2,200.00 As you can see, the apparent low bidder for the Base Bid, which includes the trade-in, is Astleford International. If we don't ac�ept the trade-in, then I,akeland Ford is the agparent low bidder. Bab Radda�z and Dean Sandstrom axe reviewing each bid as it pertains tc� the speeifications. They wi11 be done with their review and some background checks privr to the council meeting so that we may hav� a recommendation then. If Council has any questions regarding the specifications or bid price prior to the meeting, feel. free to contact either Bob Raddatz or me. � , ; ****��*****�r�*�*ar��r*******�,r��**AfEMO*�r**�r*��******�*�*�r***��***** DATE: DECEMBER 18, 1989 T0: RICH HEFTI FROM: ' ROBERT RADDATZ ��` �� RE: 1990 TRUGKlCHASSIS With the bid split with two options, I did some research concerning whieh truck would be best and which options we stcould take. Looking over the truck bids i have found the trueks to meet the specifications we have asked for. We have also visually . inspected the trucks and found very little difference in the two models. The Ford has better visibility and a better ride. The service from both dealers would be very good. We have dealt with one of the dealers and received exeellent service and parts availability. I took � very lonq �ook �t the trade in opt%on offe��d. Z took mhat th+ay had off�r+�d and re���rahed how �hat �amount comp�x�d with selling the old truck straight out. I talked with twa truck dealers and Barb Sutey (Hcnnepin County Cooperative Purchasing) concerning selling the truc�C outright. The two dealers felt we would be better off seiling the old truck on our own. They felt Crading it in would not be in our best interest. Barb Sutey stated that the Coun�y does better by selling them at aci�tion rather than trading them in. She stated we could sell the truck at their auction next spring. She stated several exampies of truck prices and years old to indi�ate how the older trucks sell at auction. It �ppeared to be in our fav4r. With �11 this informatxon in hand, I would recommend that we buy the truck straight out and se11 our old truck at the County Auctian next spring, This would mean we would purchase the law bid (Lakeland Fard) for a cost of $42,213.54. A note on the selling of the old truck, if we wanted to see what the market is, we could advertise in the local papers, put a minimum bid amount with it and see if we wauld reeeive some bids for the truck. If this did not wark Qut we could then take it to the County Auction.