HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Sachter Project Appeal , ���� � <� . Nertags Fluege! Sfoben Polk Jones 8 �aYerdlere � � PAOFfSS10NAL ASSOCIAt1pN . . . . . . . . . . 999 Westview DNve Mastings, MN 55033 December 14, 19 8 9 _ (612) 437-3148 FAX {612) 437•2732 CERTTFIED MAIL -- RSTURN R1�CEIFT R8QU8STED —,s— � Samuel H. Hertogs � *Donald J. Fiuegel TY1G Ci�y of Rosemount •hMichaei R. Sieben p�O. $OX �J 10 **Michael S. Polk 2875 - 145th Street West *Harvey N. Jones .�Richard A. LaVerdiere RO S EICtOUII't� MN �J 5�6$ Steven D. Hawn George L. May Thomas R. Longfellow A't't@AtlOTi: Stephan Jilk� City Administrator Leo F. Schumacher MiChBel Wozniak, City Planner Shawn M. Moynihan Bernie M. Dusich RG': Agpeal of Rose G1iEf Landscape �tursery, Inc. � Mark J. Fellman Michael R. Strom John P.Sieben �entlemen s Seott J. Hertogs James M. H�miiton E��c,o. snor► Please consider this lett�r to be a Notice of Appeal by Rase Craig M. Roen Clif f Landscape Nurse�y, Tnc. pursuant to rec�ntly amended *+Virginia A. Kraus John A. Zbiegisn S 14.4, Subparagraph A(7) of th� Rosemount zoning ordinance. Sara L. Micallef Tl'1.18 appeal is taken from the denial by the Rosemount orco��sei: P�anning commission of Rose Cliff Landscape Nursery, Inc. 's James M. Goetteman aFPlication for a building permit to eonstruet and operate a landscape nursery on a ten acre pareel owned by Rose Clif� *A�so admitted in Wisconsin �andSCSPG NLlY'S@ry and located at the intersection O� 12Qt�'1 **Admitted in Maryiand and the District of Columbia Street and South Robert Trail, City of Rosemount, Dakota aCerti#ied as civil trial County, Minnesota. The appeal is taken f rom the decision of specialists by the National the lannin commis�ion dated October 2� 1989 on the basis Board of Trial AdvoCacy P g ► � that the planning commission's decisa.on was cantrary ta law ST. PAUL OFFICE: and th@ controlling ordinance. Gallery.Building s��te aos Would you kindly contact the undersigned wi�th respect to 1�w. EXona�ge st. $�heduling a h�aring date befor� the Rosemount city council SL Paul, MN 55102 �n this a eal. (612)222-4146 Pp FAX(612)223-8279 HBRTOGS, FZUFsGEL, �IEB�N, POLR JONES� & LSYERDIERE� F.A. � � �;� � By: ••`� d t.t G�o ge L. May, � 905X Attorney for Rose Cli� Landscape Nurser�,��"Inc. 999 Westview �rive Hastings, MN 55033 (612j 437-3148 cc: Rose Gliff Landscape Nursery, TnG.