HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. AG District Excavation Policy v � � I ��1 P.O BOX 510 Zl� �? 28T5-145TH ST. W �/J������ ROSEMC?UNT. MfNNfSOTA 55�8 612-423-4411 TOs CITY COUNCIL I�� � � � r FROM: MICHALL W4ZNIAR, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1989 SUBJ: DECEMBLR 19, 1989 — REC�ULAR MBETING R�TIBIPB AGRICULTURE DISTRICT EXCAVATION POLICY The purpase of this discussion is to a11ow the City Council to clari�y its pasition regarding what activities may be conducted in conjunction with issuance of a GradingJExc�vation Permit. With adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance long term Sand and Gravel Mining is now restricted to the General Industrial District (east , of Akron Avenue} . However, the City Council while considering the new Zoning Ordinance indicated that it does not ok�ject to the issuance of Grading/Excavation Permits on strictly a seasonal basis ' to allow removal of sand and gravel ta improve a property for agricultural use. The exampie which comes to mind i.s the Otto Ped property wher� a long ridge exists. It is the desire of Mr. Ped to a2low a Sand and Gravel Contractor to remove material from the ridge to lower its elevation thereby making additionai groperty available for agricultural use. The question to be addressed is what activities should be allowed a,n conjunctian with this type af grading activity. If a substai�tial amount af sand and gravel is tv be removed in , conjunction with a seasonal excavation it generally is necessary to operate crushing maehinery to facilitate processing of the sand and gravel into marketable products. This machinery is portable and can be brough� to a site and then removed when the processing is complete. Also, portable asphalt plants are often used in canjunction with long term mining operatians, however, air quality permitting requirements needed to operate t�e asphalt plants make them less practical for seasonal excavations. It is the recommendation of staff that the City Council elarify its position regarding this matt�r. The Planni.ng Commission considered this matter at its November 14th meeting and has recommended to City Council that it is appropriate to allvw the use of crushing machinery in con�unction w�,th seasc�nal excavations restricted only to excavations taking place on properties located east of Akrcan ' Avenue. This position would conform ta the intent of the mining zegulations which do not a1Tow sand and gravel mining east af Akron Avenue. Further, staff recommends that the PZanning Commission recommend to City Council that the use of portable Asphalt Plants not be allowed in canjunction with seasonal grading permits. __ __ _ _ ' . . �