HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda • ClTl'Y OF ROSENKXII�P � AGENDA RF�GUL�,R CG[fiTC]Z M�fiIIJG SEETFJ++�F�t 19, 1989 � , 7:30 P.M. �L�/2.�� ' iL-� � 1 . Call to �der/Pledge of Alleg3.ance /�g 1'�� , 2. A�lclitions or Correcti�ns to Agend� - Cauncil, Staff, Audi�oe 3. I3�PARZT�T HEADu REP�2TS/BtJSIIJ��S a. b. 4. C1C� AGE[�TLY� a. Minutes c�€ Septe�nber 5, 1989 R�ul.ar Cauncil Meeting b, Minutes of Sep��nber 12, 1989 Su�cial Oauncil t�ting c. Ap�avai of Bills Listing cl. Ap�rc�val o.f Licenses ar�llor Pezmits e. Fi�e Depar�nt S�ni Annw�l R�port f. Falice Department Annu�l Report ���-�g. Request Spe�l Study-Sharulon Par}cw�.y ar�d Connemara Trai.l h. Appro�ve Pay Estimate #1-Public Wbrks G�rage R�nodelling i. Ap�ra�ve �ndments to OS"�i Eng3.neering S�svives for SYLannon Parlcway j. Approve Pay Estimate #2-Wel.l No. 8, Proj ect 182 k. Ap�ove Pay Estimate #�6-Shannr�n Parkway/Conriemaxa Tra�l, Pro�ect 189 � ,�j 1. Tree Purchase for Pa `�� i /�,� ��_SC�CS�"/�� � D1���T/S� Ff�R ��/AS�fFH.��.fl 'Y!%' i��ie,�i��(�L'Ti/�fJ�S � + 5. OLD BUSII�SS a. Pine Bend Developn�nt Co./�i.chard Schuh Grading Pexinit b. 7-45 P.M. - PLTB1.,iC HEP�i2ING 6. PUBI,IC f�Ai�ING - WENSMANN FI�UR'I�i ADDITIC�1 REZOi+1ING a. Open c. Close . b. C.a�uct d. Action ,-�r$��'�'/ ' -�_ �,�,_ ,�h 8•00 P.M. - Pt3B�LIC F�EARILJGS 7. P[)BI,IC �IE�IRING - PINE BE�1D 2'RAZL IMPRI�V�E�V'PS, PR0.TECT 199 a. Op�a1 c. Glase b. Cor�luct d. Action �. �i -,/� r��� �9--/rJs' 8• £�U$LI�.' ��ARZNC? '- �ONI.'INUA`1'I� 07.'' PI�P015�'D ZON i QRDINANCG" R�v.L.FW 9. NEW B[TSINESS a. Wensm�nn Fc�urth Acldition Final Plat��sa ���/ b. C�rallton 3rd Addi.tion Final Plat- �E� �'lo� - c. 1990 Recycl3ng Frogram - Funding Appl.ication_�E� �/03 d. Transfer from Gen�,ra.l Fur�d to Shannon Park F'i.u�d e. Reoeive B ds/Award Cantract 1�-11, AmPxican Legion Curb, Guttex & Sidewalk Tmpp�. � Tm f� �acor.g v,,�r� �,LF}�vJ��,✓� isr,e�cT"�o�/F/c�TlO� 10. �. ��-,di✓i�✓o� C'oM,°y�sSic�T `�3ft-Ls9c��S �'ic,cJO rn�,�/T" YOR'S REPORT ' a. b. 11. ADMIl�II5'1'RAZUR'S I2EP4RT a. b. 12. S ' ��. �.�:ro��r