HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Fire Department Semi Annual Report �� r • • � ���� �� � _ ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL , SEPTEMBER 19$9 . Respectfully Submitted by SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - , � • As my ' term of office is quickly drawing to a close, I will have to say that the second year as Chief of the fire department for the City of Rosemount was enjoyable and even more enjoyable than the first year. Having made more than my share of mistakes the first year, I was able to improve and make a few less the second year. You still have a very dedicated group of fire fightexs working for the City of Rosemount. The department pretty much runs itself. I am just lucky enough to represent them in the position of Chief. MEMBERSHIP Total Membership ----- 40 � On Leave ------------- 3 � � � � � � � � � Active Members ------- 37 The fire department has been accepting applications as usual and trying to process them into becoming active members . We have not launched an active campaign because the study which was completed by the Hoisington group suggested that this active campaign be centered around the fire station. At this time, we do not know where that will be. We do have the potential tor two additional members this fall. EQUIPMENT Aerial/Elevating Platforms (35180) -�--- 1 Pumpers (35181 , 35182, 35183) --------- 3 Grass Ri s (35192, 35194) ------------- 2 Tankers �35195) ----------------------- 1 Reel Truck (3S196) -------------------- 1 Rescue Vehicle (3590) ----------------- 1 Chief/Misc. Vehicle (3598, 3599) ------ 2 As far as repairs are concerned, 1989 has been a good year. We have had very few mandatory repairs except on one pumper. This � has allowed us to do some other work with the monies that were available. With two vehicles available for the Chief and Assistant Chief, we were able to rotate them when the Assistant Chief John Strese or myself were not available, so that we always had two officers able to respond ta the scene at all times . This has been a great as5et to the operation of the fire department. . � 3590 ----- Good condition. Scheduled to have some body work done. 3598 ----- Terminal, not scheduled to be replaced until 1991 . 35180 ---- Good condition. 35181 ---- Scheduled to have same pump work done, it will then be in excellent condition. 35182 ---- Okay. This truck took a lot of abuse when it was needed for emergeney pumping during the flooding last summer. 35183 ---- Excellent condition. 35192 ---- New. Excellent condition. 35194 ---- New. Excellent condition. 35195 ---- Very good condition. 35196 ---- This was replaced with a truck that was rotated to this position. It is now in good condition. 3599 ----- New. Excellent condition. As you can see, two new grass rigs and a new suburban were put into service at the fire department this year. Ninety-nine percent of all the wiring, the hook-up of light bars, sirens , , radios , etc. was done by members of the fire department. This saved the city approximately $3,000 or more in installation costs . Members of the fire department are very eager to get involved and do these things . As reported earlier, our new Assistant Chief had already set up a maintenance program with Dean, our city mechanic. This program seems to be working very well. Dean` s assistance and input on our committee as we prepare to spec out a new rescue truck for 1990 is also very valuable. TRAINING/EDUCATION So far during 1989, 13 fire fighters took the opporturiity to attend classes outside of the department on their own time. These classes are offered primarily on weekends . We did have an incident command class brought into the department for the officers along with a condensed class for all. fire fighters . Interest in attending classes has somewhat dwindled over the summer. As we get into the fall season, we will again have several members attending classes outside of the department. +.. . + � . . . .. � : � , Again, as I have indicated in the past, should there be an instance where council feels that it would be necessary for me to elaborate on anything other than at the two scheduled meetings during the year, please feel free ta contact me. I would welcome any input, suggestions , criticisms , or questions that you may have. It is sometimes ditficult for me to determine how much in£ormation �o put into the various memos I send to the council. I know you are very busy and would like things to be as concise as possible. On the othe�: hand, some of the items I need ta request are rather technical or unique to the fire department in nature, so I tend to elaborate more than I perhaps need to. Thank you for alT the support you have given me during these two years as Fire Chief. The support that the council has shown the fire department and the assistance that Steve has given me has made the position of Chief, the fire department, and the total city environment an enjoyabie one in which to work.