HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Request Speed Study - Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail � .' �..� � . • .. • � � . . ITEM #�. G *****�t*�*****************�t************ME1�i0*****��*******�**�*****�r***�*,�******** DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 1989 TO: MAYOR & COUIVCILMEM$ERS C1Q ADPIINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEEP�/FUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEMS FOR THE SEPTEMBER 19, I989 REGULAR GOUNGIL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA Request Speed Study for Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trai1 This item consist of adopting the attached resolution requesting the CommisSioner of Transportation to conduct the speed study for portions of Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail. This memo explains a brief explanation as to the need for the study and recommendations for Council action. Because Shannon Parkway north of 145th Street is quite wide open at this time, the speed limit on that roadway is based upon State Statute. This means the speed limit currently is whatever is safe and reasonahle up to a maximum of 55 � m.p.h. Also in accordance with State law, the Commissioner of Transportation is tlze orily entity authorized to set speed limits other than those being set by State Statutes. The attached resolution is for Council to adopt to officially request a speed study be performed to determine the speed limit for Shannon Parkway north .of 145th Street and Connemara Trail east af Diamond Path. Recommended action for Council to take is for Council to adopt the attached resolu�ion authorizing the request for a speed s�Cudy on portions of Shannon Parkway and Gonnemara Trail. .. �_ • • CITY OF ROSEMOt3N'T RESOLUTION 1989 - A RES�LUTION REQUESTING THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTION TO CONDUCT A SPEED STUDY FOR PORTIONS OF SHANNON PAkKWAY AND CONNEMARA TRAIL WHEREAS, State law authorizes only the Commissioner of Transportation to set speed limits along public streets and highways that don't fall under the "Urban" classification; and WHEREAS, Shannon Parkway (S.A.P. 2Q8-106-44) and Connemara Trail ES.A.P. 208-104- 02) are two such streets recently built at a design speed of 30 mph to accommodate traffic resulting from the Gity's recent growth; and WIiEREAS, the c�ty of Rosemount is concerned for safety of its residents travelling these streets. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Piinnesota: The Commissioner of Transportation authorize speed studies on the follawing streetst 1. Shannon Parkway from 145th Street West to 137th Street West. 2. Connemara Trail from Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway. , � ADOPTED this 19th day of September, L989. Ro11an Hoke, riayor ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk