HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Approve Pay Estimate #1 - Public Works Garage Remodeling �"� r_ . . :�,, � i"�1F�i�t_I��A C I t�tN ANU CFFt T IF I CA fE F GR P�YMF A�'( A t A bC1�;UMEN7' ti%0:? (F li1tMFl 1 j PAiik tSD1E UF 2 NAGL� �--- -------------------------------------------_---------------------------�-----___ _-_�_-------------___-----____� 'fU (Ownrr ): GON7RAC'f0(�- r�f N�rc�°rtur� ru:i I t)istrikiut Lcm' CiCY ut R�ar�em�wnt hlc�t-Con C��n�truction - ::875 W�et #45th :treet :]1�7 Induatri,il Drive t;l4JTJE:f2 R.U. Bux 51U f�'aribault . Mn 5SU'21 F�E.Rif)D F'�2fiM%F111tl�15L 1 , 1��f39 X+ r',Ii�:Ht7Ea.'i' ; Rab�muunt , Mn S�Obt3 • 'fG:Au��uut J1, 19£i� X t:[)N"f'i2�,C'1'uf2 PR03ECT a At2Ct l i FEC7: AftCN I7kL'T'S F2us�.maunt Public Works C.harle� Navak Architecte pf20;7E'Cf M[�: ;:s:'77 144�5 k3razilc: Avenue 14J50 �auth Ro�erts TYaii itosemount . MR. 55068 f2c,�emaunt . Mn. 55Ub8 Cl7NfiRF,Cr UA i't:� Ju l Y 27, 19ts') CCINTRACTOE2'S APf�LICATI0�1 FC1R PAYM�NT ArplicatiGn is mac/r:lfUr^Paymef�t . a��showri L�el��w.,^in'cor►n�ction' � wiCh th� Contr�ct . A!A Uc,�:;um«::rit U7t�3. is attached. CHANGE^l1RUER SUMMARY Th� present status� of the 3ccount f�r thi;:3 Cnritr�cC i� as foilaw�c ----------------------------- ' � Change Orders approved ; ADDITTGN� ,DEOUCTIUNa ; ClRIGIN�IL CONTRACT SUM �51 .05q • in pre�ious months by ; ; ; Owner i i i Net change hy Change Ordere� ��,4U0 TflTAI. i �O ; �0 ; _-___---��_�=:���---=--=-=---=======T�����__=_==_== CQNTRAC7 SUM TO DA"fE . �653.45U aPPfoVed thfs mdRth � ' � ---------------------------------------------------�__-_ � i � _'•-------------------^--------; i i TOTfiL CUMPLETED & STUREU Tq DATE ��3t).215 Numb�r i Date Approved i � i (Culumn G on G7U3) ;8/8185► ; 52.400 ; �0 � ; ; $0 ; $0 ; RETAINA�E 10% �3,022 � i i �� i �0 i for Coiumn T on �703) � ; SO ; �O � • ----------------------------------------------------- TOTAL EfiRN£D LESS RETAINAG� $27.1'�4 FUTA�S ; $2.4U0 ; $O ; -----------------------�----------------^------------- LESS PftEV I OUS CERT I F I GATE`.i FtJF2 PAYMENT SO Nzt chany� by Change Orders i �2.40q ; -----------------------------------------------------, �URRENT PAYMEN7 DUk �27.1�3A `Fhe undersf9ne�l Contraetor certifie� that ta the ___- r_ -� __• _�:__ best at his knowiedg�, information and belief ---------------------------•--_�__�_�__�______,____�__ the Work covered bY this Appli�atian for Payment has been completed in acc�rdan�e with the Contract �tate of":�/V C�ocuments, that all amounts have been paid �y him far • Wurk for which pr�vic,u€� Gertificates far Payment wert Suhycrik�r�dlswarn ta b4forr� m� t s ta� i�sued and paymrantss rP�.ei�e�1 firam the owner, an�i that �0�.� � . SEASHOLTZ current payment sh��wn hereln is riaw i�u�. NoCarY F'�iblic• �� A Q���SOTA CQPITRF�CTl�R: � My CUmm i as i un r_xp I rc::3:/-9•9/ �' � Exv�►es�an.9, t99t �y' � -�,/�� -- ----- [�at e:_�/_��� ��� ----------- ------------- ---_-__--------------------------------------�----- ---------- -•----------___.�___�:__ .�-r _ ARCHITECT'S Ef2TTFICf�TE FAFt F�AYMENT AMt]UN( I;ERTTFlED . . . . . . . . . . . .�_'_Z�rj..�� �` Ia accordance with the Cantract Uc�cumrnts, ba��d on � � � (Attach explanation if amount certific.d rliffer� frum '.r. an-s t C r i r�a,Nec t i or�s and t he rlat a c�mpr i r�i ng t he abov�: amout'it :.ipp i i+'�d for. ) a�plication, th�s Architect certifies tA thr� f�wner th�t ARCHITFCT= f�/���1 �O�jA�,� /�k,EXf�'�!''}' •6; ta th� b�:r�t nf th� Architect's knowle��y�. inrormation � �n� t:�lieF the Work has pr�grc:s�F�ci as in�fic�st�d. the F3Y= U�at�.: � .�t � -�--.,r��___._w quatity ot thr� W��rk is fn aar�rcJance with th�: Contract Thi� i:r:rtitirtate ir��n�,t ras��otiaulc�. TNE AMt:1UN1' l:k_RtiF=[ Dacuments. .ind thc� CUntractc►r is �.r�titlE:ci tu ��ayment i� pay4sk►le only to ttir_ cc�ntractr,r n.�mud h�r�in. �.. of thP AMtl1)N!' CEItTIFIE:D. ' _ � � „ <,.. _ CON f INUAT I UN SHF�7 A[A qC1C:UMENT 6703 (Ff.)RMAT) NAiyE � UF � PF�GES � AT� DoCumr�nt �Jp2. Af�F�f_ICATIQN AMD G['RT�FiCA'fE FCIR PAYMENT, containing AF�PLICATifJN �JUMRER: 1 � Contrartor'a :�igned f.'ertifiration is att,�r,•h�:d. ANk��iCATit)N C]AfF: Au!7ust 2'�, In t�bui•atians t�elow, �mounts arr� SC21tl'fj t� Lllf: nearest clollar. PFRI(�D FRuM= Au�ust 1 . 19t34 U,p r,,�liimn I �:�n C��ntrar,t� wher�-: �.�arial�ir� rPtainarae fr�r linp items may ��pply. Tt): AE:agust 31 , t9r39 � ARrHITFCT'S PRfl,7ECE NC�: 3�77 ,_..._A___;... _�____,....�...»..�______.!____ .'J_.____f _-__E)�__.-;-- -�___._.-;-----F.- ___;__.__.,.r��..._----____i__ __��_...__,.;__ __I___.._; � i � � . i � r i � r � �_______��.__.._-^-----.._._._�.____�__�.....�__----�__---------�-----------�------------�--�---------------r__..._____-�-�----�---�---� i i i i WOf2K CCIMPLFTE:D i i i• i i � � - � i__---•---------------..__:._-�-----------;Tf)TAI. COMP.i i i i ; ITEM ; [:�ES�.RIPTION .; SGHEOlt�EO ; ; This Application ;AN[3 STORED ; % ; BA�ANCE ' ; F2E7AINA6E ; � NO, � q1= Wf)F2K � VF1U1�S i Previaus ; Work ln ; Stured ; TODATE ;((3/G)� T0 FINISM � � � j ; ; APPi 'r1s. ; P1acE? ; M1tE:ri,31s ; {U+�+�) i i (C4Ca� ; ; � � t i � i � � i � r � �-_--.�__�_.��_.,_-_.._._-_____��.__�....-.,._.r-----�--_______^.-�___--_._�_.__�_..._-..._--- ___� � ...t__---_____-t -_�-__---_- ___.._ -_�--__�-� � � � i i � � � � � � � � � � � � t t � � � � 1 '>�(ienBYal COndlt10�3 i 3.096 j 0 � 2.000 � O � 2,000 � 65�� 1 ,09b ; ' 200 i i 2 �i U�mc►1 1 t l Otl i 2.603 � Q � 2�603 i A i t�603 � 100%i 0 i 26� � � 3 fC:OfiGT'et� � 74S � O i 745 i O � 74S i 100�� 0 i 75 i � ' 4 �M�sOriTy i 1 .4Q7 i 0 i 1.4n7 i O i 1 ,A07 � 100%i O � 141 i i 5 �C�3lrpetltry � S4p i O i I00 � . Q � lOp i 19:Gi 440 � 1Q � ; 6 ;GYPSUM DRYWAI.L i 3.617 ; O 1 3.617 i O ; 3.61? ; 100Xi O ; 3b2 � � : 7 �GABINETS i 993 i 0 i 0 i _ SOO i 500 i SO%� 493 � 50 i i 8 �INSULATION � 1 .885 1 O � 1 �B$S i 0 i 1 .f}85 i 100%i 0 � 189 r J i 9 iRqOFINIi ACCESS4RxES i 400 � O i 400 � 0 � 40Q � lOd%� Q i 40 i i 10 �.^tiEALAMTS � 1Q0 � O � 0 � 0 � 0 � Q%� 100 � Q i i 11 �Dt7URS �RRMES i 2:815 � O � 1,OOp � 0 � 1 �A00 � 3b%� I�t3tS � lOQ i i 12 iWINt�QWS � 1.40$ � 0 � I s000 i 0 � 1 ,000 � 71%� 408 i 1q0 E i i3 �1'ILE � 3.Fi4') � Q � 0 � 0 i O � 07,y 3,F349 � 0 i � . 14 �ACCUSTICAL � 680 i 0 � 0 � 0 � 0 � 0%i 6F30 � U � � 15 iRESI�ANT; FLIaORiN6 � I .di5 � O � 4 � 0 i O � Q%i 1 .415 � O { ; , I6 iF�AINTINPa i 2�190 r Q ; 0 i 0 ; O ; p%F 2,I9fl ; O ; ; 17 ;BATHRLIOM AC�£SSt�R IES i 1 �133 i O � . p i O � O � O%� I f 133 � 0 i i �$ i UEMOUNTABLE PAft7I T I ON; 685 i 4 ; O ; 0 ; O ;� U�; b£�5 i 0 i . i 19 rWCtJMF3tP1G � 9.544 i 0 i 7,158 � q � 7,158 i 7S%� 2►3@b i 71�i i i '.?O �HVAC � 7,34� � 0 � S.SOf1 i 0 i 5�SOU F 75%� 1.845 � S�iU i � ! i 21 i�LE:t:TR I CAL i 4�6p0 � 0 e 2.3Q0 � O � 2.;3Q0 � Sf.1%� 2.3U0 � 23O � i , 2r^_ i C:HANt.�F CI�I)Fct2 1 � 2.4U0 { O � O � 4 � O � O%� 2.4pU � O � ; � � , � � � � � , � � � � � � � r � , � � i � �_ �_ ._ �_ ... � t_ � �,_ �,,, �_ �_ ' �_ _ _ .,, �_,,, _� � --- ^� -•^--- - ----r - -- ---� ------- --� -----.....r--� ----------� ---- -----� ---� --^ -� ---__.•-- � i ' i Tt,7Tl11. ::' , i 53,A S0 { O � 29,715 � : SOO i 30,�15 i �57�'�� 23�235 � �,Q'22 i � `€� � , � � � � � � , �_ _r_ _�_ _�- --__�_____ __�_ _______�-----'- ---'- ---------' ; __�__ ..__,___..__�.�..._.�____ ___�___.._ ____,__f� ______ __,_ --- -.___....- _ � AtA [Snf`UMFNT (i7'p3 � CCJNTINUA7ION �.aNEE7 1E MAY 19t33 EDITIfJN �E ; THEAMERICFIN`INSTI'fUTF OF ARGHI7ECTS, f73»`"�+ NEW YC)RK AVE. , N.W.. WAaH1N.C'aTC1N, b.G. 20(?Q6 f3703 - 1983