HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. 1990 Recycling Program - Funding Application � ` • � • P.O. BOX 510 ��•�Zj Q 2875-145TH ST. W. �+ � ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ��7 e��u�� 612-423-4417 TO: Mayor Hoke Councilmemb�rs Walsh '��� � � � Wipperm�nn Oxborongh Napper FROM: Tracie L. Pechonick, ED Special➢st DATEr September 14, 1989 SUBd: 1990 Recycling Application Attached are copies of the 1990 Funding Applicatioa and correspaading resolution for the City's 1990 recycling 'progra�t. The application is an estimate of what will take place in regard to the Rosemount reeycling program in 1990. As established ihrough 1989 -Dakota Gounty funds, the City of RasemKount presently has a curbside collection program, a drop off ceater for recyclables, a compost site (in Lakeville) for yard waste and a separate commerciallindustrial recycling program. The funds allotted to the City of Rosemount in 1989 totalled $69,$14. While that is almost double the amount we are receiving this year, one must keep in mind that approximately one- half of the 1989 funds were used for capital expenditures and to initiate our current recycling programs. Staff is confident thax the allocation of $35,988 for 1990 will be sufficient to operate the recycling program for the City of : Rosemount throughout next year. The maximua► dollars allocated by the Gounty for 1990 are $35,98$. Staff has broken down the amount as follows: $ 3,888 Administrative Costs 25,900 Operating Costs 5,000 Commercial/Industrial $ 1.200 Education/Promotion $35,988 TOTAL The budget in the application is a summary of anticipated costs for recycling activities throughout 1990. At this time all of the City's recyciing programs are in place, however, it is not yet known who the vend4r(s) will be in 1990. This information is expected to be available by December 1, 1989. As the attached application is somewhat lengthy, Dean Johnson and I will be at Tuesday's meeting to summarize the do�ument and respond to any questions you may have. ' � • ATTACHMENT 1 • - 1990 FUNDING APPLICATION City/Township: Rosemount Date Sutxnitted•: 10/1/89 Address: 2875 145th Street West Program Period: 1/1/9n Rosemount, MN 55068 to 12/31/90 . Con�act Person: Ms. Tracie L. Pechonick Phone: (612) 423-4411 i : � .� .,. I. If this is a multi-community project, please list all participating communities and the lead community or agency for the project,' and atta;h a copy :of the Joint Powers Agreement. . =;; . . ,- . II. Please provide a brief overview of� 1990 abatement activities; indicate whether these are a continuation of existing programs, or new programs: (If .more space is needed use extra sheets .) I , . 1 The City of Rosemou�t contracted with a single hauler to carry.out the curbside collection of recyclables and to operate the Central Drop-Off facility. Each single fami.ly househald has a basket in which � to place recyclable�, while the multi-family ho�s use on-site containers. The hau7.er collects weekly from single family homes and from multi-fami.ly site as needed. As in�1989, the City of Rosemount will contirnie its com�nercial/ � "• industrial recycling program. , . � . � Residents are encouraged to bring yard��waste to the Dakota Caunty � Compost Site, �-�Arrangements can also be made with their independent ; haulers to dispose of yard wast, separately, for a fee. � � � � It �ha.s not been determined. at this time whether the City will. contract � all of this service'with a single vendor, portions of service with a � vendor or require recycling to be part of each individual waste haulers � license to do }3113].TIESSEB i.n the City. A determi.nation on this is anticipated by December 1, 1989. � � . � , �: : � • � . ; n 1 -1 ,: ,, i T , ` ' • • III. Complete the foTlowing section for ail applicable attivities , whether a continuation of existing activities or new activities for 19�0; , A. Curbside CoTlection of recyclables : Yes X No (If more than one collector, use a separate sheet; please provide the same information for each collector.) ' I. Number of households to be served: ��-�_ 2. frequency of collection: (circle one) � ' �P._kL� twice manthly monthly�� other 3. Gontainers used: Yes X No �'. Wumber of containers per householci: � 5. Materials collected {circle all that apply� :' ��s�.a�.er= m i x ed p a per a 1 um i n�� �.�e1_Jz�t.Qx_s�g.e=s�.n.s= � _glass_ plastics u���_Qi1: other (s�ecify)�.�,��o 6. Name of collector: batteries ' K�z.utsnn Ruhhish Address : (�Iet�do in 1989 1990 vend.or unknown) 15120 ChiD�nctale �venue, Rbsemount 7. Cost of collection: $25�ppp 8. Dates of eollection contract: 1/1/90 to 12/31/90 � 9: Anticipated participation level : �� of total stops/week 10. Anticipated abatement in I990: 450 tons per calendar B. Drop off Centers for Recyclable Materials: Yes g No . 1. For. each drop-off center please provide: .,. a. Operator: �uts9n Rubbish (vendor in 1989; 1990 vernior unknown) Addr'ess : 14345 Biscavne Avenue, Rosemount Costs: per Days/Hours of Operation: M�� g-6, F: 8-3• Sat: 8-1 Materials Collected: nPW. ��r= �p�, ice �p�r, g�ass, steel cans, ti.n cans, alwninum, limi.ted plastics, used oil, _ -• �IA�S�30�,�813t.Q at p,,,,ri w+c.� 1 imi ta,sj,, fP�-n�ia tn3tP?'1,.8�. � cardboard. . . � �2 � . _ . _ . ._ _ __ _. ..._ _ ._ - � ' , , , � • ., . . . , b. Operator: ' Address. � Costs: . per , Oays/Hours of Operation: i � � Materials Collected: . , � f : • .t' � ,�i � c. Qperator. i _ , , � Address: � : _ ,Costs: per _ DayslNours of Operation: Materials Collected: ��:; , , . - . . �_ . , _ . _ . d., Operator: � _ Address: . Costs: per : . � � Days/Hours of Operation: , Materials Collected: , , : 3. Antie�ipated abatement from all drop-off centers above in 1990: 30 tons per calendar year * � 1-3 , � � C. Multi Family; complete this section only if a separate program 1. Describe the manner of eotlection: . , : . ..:_ .: . . _ � • � . � , , � - 2. Total number of units served: t, �.� 3. Materials collected (Circle all that apply) • newsprint - mixed paper aluminum ��. .:,. steel� beverage cans glass plastics oi1 other `4.•_:;,Costs: � . per. , �,- . 5. Anticipated abatement in 1990: , tons pe r D. Yard Waste Program . _ 1. Piease provide a brief description of the comnunity's role . - in yard waste collection. : . , _ Rosemount residents are encouraged to bring their yard waste to the Dakota Covnty Compost Site. Residents pay per hauler ._ _. , to have their yard waste picked up at curbside. . 2. Curbside: ' Yes No X Taken To: :� ; , �� ; ` . 3. Orop off: Yes X No Location: Dakota Cotmtv Com�st Site . Hours: M: 8-9: T-F; 9-6; Sat: 10-4 - � , � . ' 4. Fee Schedule: as �r a�eement with hauler/County 1-4 � � � E. Describe any commercial/industriai recycling activities you will undertake in 1990. Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, farmington, Hastings, Inver Gr�ove Neights , Lakevitle, Mendota Heights , Rosemount, South St. Paul , West St. PauT will be required to provide a list of businesses operating in that community. : Information should include name, address, number of employees , SIC code, contact person and any other pertinent information as agreed� upon by County and City staff. This list should be � included as part of the April 1, 1990 Progress Report. The car�anercial/i.ndustrial program as established in 19$9 wi11 conti.nue as established. . � ,- F. `��escribe'program specific public education/promotionalactivities that wi11 be undertaken in 1990. • - :. _ residential = There will be two household mailings consisting of`promotional information and./or participation/progress reports. -' It is likely that these maili.ngs will be included as inserts in the Rosemount City Newsletter. - corr�nercial/industrial - ��rcial/industri.al establi�shments wi11 be targetted and encouraged to participate in recycling. In addition to the program already in place, staff persons will , be trained so they will be better able to provide informa�ion and assistance to promote creation of programs"for those businesses. - institutional (schoolsj� �ee educational programs will be conducted throughout the year ta inform students about the �enefits of recycling and the effect their participation covld have on the Rosemount recycling efforts. ' � G. Describe your in-house recycling program � � The City of Rosemount has had separate containers in all municipal buildings for the separation and collection of high grade office paper, newspa.per, and pop cans si.nce May of 1988. Separate . contai.ners were also placed i.n public parks for trash and cans in the spring of 1988. As of September 1989, household batteries are collected fram the City Ha.11 as weil as all municipal buildings. These programs were utilized in 1989 and will be extended i.nta 1990. 1 -5 � � N. Describe completely any other abatement programs for which you . are requesting funding (eg. aperation of compost site, special waste handling, household hazardous waste collection) . Include ' . projected abatement. , No additional funding is requested at this time. • � � : , � �� .�, . ' . s♦ ,;.a, V. Work Plan � Dakota County will distribute any approved funding in four equal payments;�' provided comnunities � meet specif�ied development objectives. Please provide a work, plan for 1990 and highlight the objectives to be met by the following dates: � , . o March 15 o June 15 ' . o September 15 � , MARCH 15: All recycling programs axe in place and will be maintained Y throughout 1990. 257 (112 tons) of the abatement goal for 1990 will be reached by this date. One school program will �fie completed by this time pursuant to the consent of the district admi.nistration. No mailings �re anticipated for this timg period. ,TUNE 15: Curr�nt programs wi11 be maintained. 50% (226 tons) af the abatement goal for 1990 will have been reached. One mailirig/newsletter insert promoting the benefits. of recycling will be sent to Rosemount res�dents by this date. One school program is expected to take place, again pursuant to the consent af the district admi.nistration. SEPTEMBER 15: ; Current programs will be ma.intained. 75% (338 tons) of � the 1990 abatement goal will be reached. Because of the sLmaner months, no school programs will take place during this time period. . DECII►�ER 15: Current programs will be maintained. 1�9� f450 tons) of the 1990 abatment gaal will be reached by this date. The f�.nal 1990 , mailing will be sent to Rosemount residents, � 1-6 t f . �! i , VI. Budget 1!1 ,19�p to Oecember 31, 1990. Pro ram Amount Administrative Costs : � $ 3�ggg Salaries Consultant Fees � � , Capital Costs (specify) :* , ,; ,, ; ' Residential Operations & Maintenance: 25�qpp i � Contraacted Seryices ; Labor ' j . Equipment� Rental , Space Rental ; Utilities � Postage Printin�g � � 900 Other . ' ; . i , � Comnercial/Industrial Activities:* S�pQp : ; Other Programs: . � ThrPa S�hnnl Prnsrr�mS 1�Z� Total : $35�988 . � Anticipated Re�enue: ommun i ty S��f are Other Funding (specify) � 1989 Corr�n/Ind. Carryover ; 1989 Capital Carryover , Requested Fundin9 �* ��,988 From County: ; ; * Unexpended 1989 funds may be carried over to the same line � item for 1990. ; � ** Request may not exceed that amount shown on the Maximum ; � - ` Reimbursanent Schedule. i .. a-t-abate5 � 1 -� � � ' � � - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Resolntion 1989 - A Resolntion Authorizing Application ta Dakota Connty for Fund�a� the Cit� of Rosemonnt 1990 Landfill Abatement Program WHEREAS, according to the Dakota Couaty Community Landfill Abatement � Program Guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 1990 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program, which promotes recycling opportunities in the community and encourage landfill abatement; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, the City Council for the City ,of Rosemount approves the 1990 Landfill Abatement Funding Application, authorizing the necessary signatures thereon aad its distribntion to Dakota County. _ Adopted this 19th day of September, 1989.. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: $tephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk