HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Fire Prevention Week Proclamation � • . .. . � � . � . . .. � . P.O. BOX 510 ��u Q 2875-1�15TH ST. W. �+Q��A AOSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 �JG/7L���� 612-423-4411 � �� � A � � TO: Mayor, City Council, City Administrator Fire Chief Scott Aker Director of Community Development Dean Johnson Building Official Ron Wasmnnd FROM: George A. Lundy, Fire Marshal DATE: September 28, i989 RE: National Fire Prevention Week For the past 67 years the Nadonal Fire Protection Association, in cooperation with local and state fire departments, have sponsored National Fire Preventiva Week, the second week in October. The theme of this years Fire Prevention Week takes aim at the tragic fires caused by matches and lighters when they are used carelessly or allowed to fall into the hands of children. Of the home fires fatalities, where the cause eould be established, more tltan one-third involved children playing with matches or lighters or the careless use of smoking materials. Tragically, children are often the victims of fires they start themselves. Many of these fires could be prevented if lighters and matches were kept out of children's hands. The Rosemount F'�re Department will be visiting daycares, preschools and all grade schools in the Rosemount area during the week of October 8-14, 1989 to teach all children about fire safety. With your help in proclaiming the week of October 8-14, 1989 as Fire Preveation Week in the City of Rosemount, we will be able to spread the fire prevention message to the whole community and prevent this type af tragedy from happening in Rosemount. Thank you for your time and consideration. _ :. ------ - � 7��L�� � _ . __— � _ ! � �'� . � � , �� � * * * * * * * * � * * * * * * * * * * * P R O C L A M A T I O N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS C7iildren playing witl:fire is t1:e leading cause of deaths among tlte very youn� killing three of every ten prescl�ool cliildren who die i�: residential fres; and :` WHEREAS ' 'Matches and lighters are`what cltitdren playing with fire naost often use; and WHEREAS About 75% of U.S. resideTttial ftres begirt witlt`a n:atch or lighter; and ` ' WHEREAS Teacliing appropriate firesafetv beliaviors to cliildren Itas proven to save lives; and WHFREAS The Roseniourtt Fire Deparhnent and the fire sen�ice of tlte State of Min�:esota are dedicated to the safery of life ae:d'effects of fire and recognize tl:e vakce of firesafery education, partietttarly for:ttte very}�otc�tg; a�id WHEREAS T7te menabers of the fire sen�ice are joi��ed by tlre cituens of this cornmunity and b��sinesses, schoots, service elubs'a>:d organizatio��s in tl:eir fire prevention efforts. ` THFREFORE, f, Rollar: Hoke, �Iayor of Rosemottnt, do hereby proclaint the week of Oetober 8-14, 1989 as Fire Prevention Week. 77iis week eornn:e»iorates tJte Great Cltieago Fire of I87I, wliicli kilCed l5�people, left 100,000 honsetess and destroyed over 17,400 buildings. I ca11 upon the people of Rosemoui:t ta participate at home, work and school, and to renternber, as the 1989 National Fire Preventiat Week sz�ggests: "BIG FIRES START SMALL: Keep matehes and lighters in the right hands." In Witness Hereof, I hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of October, the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ei�hty-nine. Rollan Hoke, Mayor