HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Review of Proposed Revisions to Zoning Ordinance ) � � d � f'n RrlY�fs�0 � � � � 5 ���F �� � ��,_tnr,rH �,� 1+V � •�"" ��' a - , � " ,�� t.#IrJN�f ^�i n �.r,rlrct� � ..� �. 4 � �,F a i �;; � � � fi1. •i�"' i t! � �. TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZN[AK, CITY PGANNER, AICP I)ATE: APRIL 7, 1989 SUBJ: APR1L 11, i989 - SPECIAL C'OUNC:IL 111EETIN(; R�VIEI�V PRfJPOSED ZONING ORUINANCE EtEVi�W AN1) 1)tSC USSION The City Council hctd its first S�ecial C��unei) l�tcetinc* �c� initiate form�l review of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance on February l�, 1989. f'1t that mceting ther� was no consensus of Council Me�nbers present as to what �a�c>uld hc a Ic�gical time period (i.e, number of ineetings) to adequatcl�- rei�icw lhc or<iinance and reaeh a ec�nsensus. Severat o[ the items outlinec) in the Planner's Ret ic�+� for tl�al mceting were discussed at the meeting in gencr.�l «-ith nc� final cc�nclusi�>ns hcin� drawn. At the meeting Staff recommended thal thc t:itv C�uncil st�hmit in writing for the next review session, questions and commcnts regarcling <inv spccific sections taf the ordinance where it is perceived therc may be <i problcm. 1 ha��e ceceived lists of questions, comments, and recoinmendalic>ns from sevcral C'c�uncil Memt�crs �tnd hac�e decided that it would be mosl appropri�tc to s��en�l this w�rk session discussing quesli�ns and eomments which tivexc sabmiUed by C'c�uncil 141�mf�crs. The remainder of Ehis revie��� includes a listin¢ of queslic>ns rcgardin� thc Prc�posed Zoning Ordinance which were generaced hy C�unci) Men�Uers f�llowed by answers or , recommendations from City Staff. ' Also being cppied to Council is a rcview entitlea PR�POSEU ZONtN(� ORDINANCE- MAJQR CHANGESfISSUES, �vhich was pre�iouslu distrihuted for the first review session. Discussion of the issues addressed in this reti�ie��� «�as nc�t ec�mpleted at the February 14th meeting and will hc rcinitiatcd t�y St��ff. COUNCII, QUESTIUNS & C:Q11�1�1IE;N'fS: . Page l. Sectiorr2,1: Why are ive promc3ting tr�tnsitic�n fr<im rttral ir� url�an? Staff eomment: T� accommodatc I+:��ical cxn�ioisi�rn e�f the origina) vitiage at comparable density; lo accc�mmodc�tc residcntia) c�ev�lr��ment ce�mparable � Eo other third rin� metre> eummuniti��. � T�� aec+��iamrxl:�Ie rc��ttlatitan gr�wth while maintainin�; an a�cyualc [cc�cl of t�ul�lic s�.rviccs inclucling prc.�vision of public water ancl sewer. For example: restrictin�* c�evelopmen! t� nnly Rural Residential cie��elc�pment is not en��ironmenc�iliy sc�unc� {pr�tnotes ground water contaniin�tlic��t) and is als� nc�t cfCicient fro�n the perspcctive of initial ea�ital impr�vemcnts expenditures anci lon�?-tcrm maintenance of public improvements. Page 12. Section 4.2 A.2: Old langua�e rcquirect conibinalion if land is uncicr same ownership adjacen� lo (ol in quesiic►n - wlay �ic,t kecp tli�ii langu.igc7 � � � Staff eommcnt: If 1�t� ���as legallv� divided � cottrt �uou(d iikelu decir�e thaE � � � � � � � unless�t.liere was e�n�-ironmental� coneer��s which ��°oulEl }�reclude develo�►n�ent � � � � without cndan�cri���* tlfir E�ul�{ic hca(th �.t�lctt� zu�d �i�rll�,���e �that ctenaa�tiin� � � � � t��t comi�inatic�Fi �vnuld t,c :� t�il�in�< <�I' tiir ��r���,rrt�'. , , Proposed Zoning Ordinfinec - RE�'!EW K UISGUSSION Special Council Meeting Review� April 11, i9$9 Page 13. Section 4.4: Ilcria C' (rc�m an cariicr �raft f�.ict hcLn climin�tcd - "All Singte-1'amily Attacl�cd Uevclo�u�enis which lia��e c��nilc�niinium �wnership shall be permilted only by �UD. 1Vhy �iu1 kecp tl�at langua�e? Staff comment: ('iiv t�ll�srne� c�eltitir�l 113iti as, f�eii��; ttnnre�sti�:rv .�nd de(c�ling the ��ur���>sc nl I�.i� iiif� ,i �li,�inc� r��nin� �ii,icici [ue atl��ehcci housing (12-2 Sin�lc I�.iiriilv �1lt;�chrcl Rcsicicric�: l�i,trict). Page t3. Section 4.9 C: OIJ lan�,ua�c }imitcci c�ulctocrr sto��<t�c to 2 Rcere�itic�nal Vehicles - why was t1�is ehan�ecl° C�uld �4�e restriet c>utdaor storage to Agriculture District? Staff Comment: Tli� F'l�innin� C'nmiais�i�7n can<luded th�tt many homeowners ha�•� scvcral Ri1s (�;ttoti;�mobilc, t���<<t, carn��cr) ancl that it may not he acceptahle to t1�e puhlic tc� limi� outd��c�r stor<4ge of RVs. Tt�ere is lc�gic to limiting outdo�r st�rage �f RVs to rcc�uee the appearar,ce of clutter in the residenliat disiricts. This malter �varrants discussion by City Council. Page 14. Section 5.1: Shot�l<i ��•r t�sc a di[fercnl iv:tmc r�r numl�cr (��r REi District? Stafl Comme�ntc Sl;iff recc�mmends t6at thc RE Rcsidential Exceutive Dislrict be ren�njccl t<� the R-1 Lo�v Llensity Sin�*Ic Family Residential District. Page 16. Section 4.14: Shoufcl an�� pro�isi�ns hc macic for camper5 c>f shor[ siaY? Staff Comment: Sta f( is in ��ec�i«rnt that it i5 nnt ;►p��r��riate tc� allow ten[s, RVs or any othcr type ��f tcmporary d�vclling to be used in any district unless otlier than in a cfic��et�3ped camp�;re�un�l. I Fage 19. Section 6.1 B: Kenntts and keeping �f furhe��ring animals should require more acreage (i.e., 20 acres). Staff Commeni: �1s ('ity f'I,�nnrr. I l��r,ulc# Icncl tc� ���ree Ihat i�ee��ing of furbearing animat� tili��t�i�l icc�t�irr n��,rc than I'i��r arrr� ��f 1anc1; ht�wcv�r, beeause kennels �irc muct� mc�r� �retalrnt anet since there is a grcater demand for them, it mav be unre<�sonahle l� reyuire a rninimum of 2(1 acres for kennels. Council sliout�l discuss this istue �ncl rrach a c�nsensus. Page 20. Section 6.3 B.3. Sh�,uld vrterin�ir�� cfi�firs, kenncls an�l kec}�ing of furbearing anirnals 1>e :tIIO1L'((I in the Rural Resid�ncr [)istrict? � Staff Comment: As cit�d in cariicr qur�tit�n --- Ihi; shottld tir discussed by CounciL Page 24. Section 6.7 A: Delete la�t ihree �v��rds in p��r�i�r;�ph (end �aragraph with "�PPartunities"). Staff Comment: (�c�c�d icira'. t\-c cfiuuld, not .�s�u�nc �ch�t! thc ncrds of a contemporary family are. � ' " Praposed Zoning Ordinance - Rt�;1'if11' .K fIISC'liSS((1'� Special Coancil Meeting Revie�c April li, 1989 Page 25. Section 6.8 B: I..an�;�i;�ge from an cs+r(ier draft macic ref�rence te� s;�me uses as R-3 DistricL l�VhV �t'as that ian�uaee dreT�����cl" Should thcre lie Ianguage placing c��nclitions :�n i2�- stor<t�;c siniilar in R-3 [�is[riet? Staff Comment: Includc �#, C;, 7. 9 anci tU fr�m Scctic�n G.7 B. i'age 38. Section 7.1: I,.ot siics fcir RE l�islrirt sl�t>utci hc Iar�;cr .-_ 22,f1�U square . foot minimum. Lot sizcs Cr�r ft-1 �)i,�tric[ sl���ul�l ,�ls« h� lar�er -- t2,�Ot)- 15,000 square fc�s�t minimum. Staff Comment: 13ascd t�Eion ��ruhibiti�•c cc�nstruction ccasts for improvements, it �roold nc>l he practical to rcc�uire larger than 22,00� square foot minimutn lol sizc in �i�e RE T�istrict. It is at the discretic�n of Council to raise thc minimum Ic�l size front I�,f)t)1! tc� ?.�,I)t)O Squarc feet in [he RE Dis[riet. it tivc�ultP rcciucc m,�xi�num ciri�5it�� �+ncl prc�hat�lv he[p to � better meet �th�: inie«t c�f [hc Oi�lrici. Thc t�r«��r��ed 1{),O(?U sytt�rc foc�t � � � � � �Ot Si7_C minimt�m f��r thc R� l (>i�,lric( tti;�lchcs �iitr currrni stasat�itTil :�nc3 15 comparable t� reqi�iren�e��ls fc,uncl iri �a�<�st oihei� m�iro 5uljurhs siinilar in character to Rosemount. Raising n�inir��um lot sizc in ti�e R-1 D'rstrict to 12,Q00 or 15�QOO 5(}Udi'C 1ec[ could make it dif!'icult for devel��ers in Rosemount t� comrcte ��ith clec•cl�pces in c�tMrr crnnmtinitie5 anil would raise the cast c�t� h��u�.in� in that Dislrict. tt i1 u;� Ic� C'it�� C'c�uncil tt� evaluale tl�esc impFica�iuns. � Page 39. Seetian 7.2: The c>rcfii�ancc� nccds c�tr�� proeisi��r�s for "C'entrat Business� � � District" (i.e., �lain roek faced hlc�ck is nc�t accc�tahle}. Staff Comment; C:ouncil shozalct discuss this issue anci give staff an indication of what is accc��tal�lc tio lhat ne«� provi�;ic�ns could Fie drafted. Page 39. Section 7.2: Sta���lards for ;�c•cctisc�ry huilclin�,s sl���ulc1 be Icss s(rin�cnt east of Akron Avenue for buifclin�s not fc�r a�ricuitt�r�l use. Maximum square footage east oi Akrc>n A��enue - �,40{). Maximum square footage west of Akron Avenue - 1,200. Staff Comment: This standarct is rcaconatilc ancl c��tti�l I�e sel uiy with a s�ecial over(ay �ii�.lric�i. Page 40. Section 7.2 A.S: Shou[cl fir�t sen��nec rc�*arcline pre#'a}�ricatecl meta) storage buildings al�<j inc(udc RR l�istriet? Staff Comment: Yes. Page 4t. Sectian 7.2 5.b: R�:m��re h. -- t��c a� t+arg.�iniiit; c•hi�i as 14e currrntly �1n. Remove d. -- �lc>cs "c:lt��ct� ttz,itcl�r�.� itrc�in ti�sn�c cr�lur:' Staff Comment: C'c�u�jcit shoulcl discu`< <vhetticr c�r nc�t metal r��fs present a �r�blem on acce��ory i�uildings. The term "cic��ct�� matches'' reCers tQ style, not color. � ' ' Proposed Zoning Ordinance - RE;♦ IE1�' �� i)ISCliSSfON Special Council Meeting Review Aprit i l, 19f39 Page 42. Section 7.2 A.S. t���►ot��ote #�1): Dr�cs iMiS mc:in thc. t�rlal flc�or area of ail the accessorv huilclint;s c�mhined? }s tlie c��m�aris��n to thc main flc��r area of the principal huit�in� only? � � Staff �Comment: Th�is fv��in��tc is nn l��n�,er� nec�lccl h;ca���sc �f I<iri#�ua��e in � � � � Section 7.2 A.S. (�ia�_�:c -ill) �vhich ��lace� rctitricFi�rrts c�n tiquarr f����tage �f accessory buildin�;s. Page 43. SeCtion 7.2 C.l.d: C?��c� liiiti alic�tv dccks lo enc•roa�?� into varcl setl�acks? Wh y? � � � Staff Comtnent: � { ain unc��riain h+��u� Ihcse ��rr���i�io«s r���i�inaicd,� but wi�}1 �� �� � � have an answcr at II�c mrctin�;. Page 44. Section T.2 C.l.l': fic��v dc>cs a h��lccar�y diffcr fr��+t� a cl::ek? Staff Comment: A haicony is generally c�ntilcucr�cl �rr�m the watl of a strueture without supporl undcrnealh ancl is usualty smalier than a deck. Page 47. Seetion 8.1 H: Ts ihc mini�z�um p��rkins; rcc{uired l���r ,� ��:nior hi�*h schc�c�) adequate? Staff Comment: tt is tlic intcntic�n of staff to cc�i�sult ���ith inclenenclent School Districl lt)G in ordcr to hetter detcrminc 1�#�:i� tl�c p<�rki»g needs for a high schooi are, Page 5I. Section 8.1 L.6: Shc�utd Ihr mii�irnt�tn ��f 3-172 fccl hr ?�is�lter? Staff Comment: 1'he titai�d.�rd oi� 3-1,�2 feel is t,��sed upon the hci�ht needed to screen he;idli�hts 1'rnm vchicl�s, lJnless C:t�ur�ci( is interesled in totally screenin� thc ti�icw c�f� t�ehicics it is i1c�t ncccss<try to gc� hi�her. For safelp reasc3ns it m�y be untvisc ic� t��ta}ly �crccn E,arkiF�g arcas. Page 53. Section fl.3 B: Arr miitimum j�tantiii��� acicquatc? Sta[f Comment: f'r„r����,rcl �I:�Fi��:ii�l� :irc c��m��;ir.�l,lr 1�� th{,�c uticcl in inany other communiti�s. �ic�u�:t�cr, s�,mr cr�mmu��itic� li.tti•c zc�E�histieated standards for type (�t�ecies), �ir.c ancl {�(accmc:nt c�f (a►f�lscape materials. If it is the desire c�f Councii, s(aff cc�uld clraft a more detail'ec1 section regarding fandscapin� rcyuiremcnt�. Page 57, Secti�n 9.1 C: Fr,r Natnr.�l F:nt ir��t�m�nt ��'�►l�t'S. ���hy clid 1+�� area � � � � reyuireme�nts go fr��m •1i).Oif(1/211.f)OO t�f t�i.Ut111;� IK.t}E►1�':' � �� � � � Staff Comment: '1'hc s(andar�I (��r n�inii�ltlFn I�>t 1i�c (sew�c:rcd) in Ihc Shoreland Uverla�� Kc�ulal.ic�ns for Natural �etielc��ment W�ters was changed to ]8,0�() tc� confc>rm t� c�tir titanclard (c�r Ihc RE District. The � 18,fIQ0 squ�arc f��i! riiinii��u�t� ��t�ii� �usc•cl � t's,r f�c�Ih �ti�:ilrt� fr��itt {c�ts��ai��d c.t!ter � lots. If Council scc� If�i nctd, t(iiti niiriiii�unt can I,e r,�i�ccl. � ' r ' Proposrd Zoning Ordinance - RE1'IE1�' � I)ISt'UStiION Special Council Meeting Re�ie�� Aprit 11, 19$9 Page 59. Section 9.1 F.5: l.anguage ('rc�m ��rc�•i�us c{raft required that alt app(ications be suhmittccj to DNR --- ncsv tan�i�ac�c c�nly talks �t�t�ut hearings. Why? Staff Comment: "f�liis Itinl�ua�� cniifc�rms t�ith DNft - Sh��reland Regula[ions. The E;ity h<+s cn(circemrnt resEx�nsihilit� ft�r statc cicsi�nated "Public Waters." � Page fi7. Section 1Q.3 B.3: Add ". . . . . tit �hc discrction c�f ('itv C"ounci}. Staff Comment: E�.�if„rccmcnt res�inn5ii�iliiics ecner;�lly rest ���ith C'ity Staff, however C'c�unc�il ma� cct��ainiv r�•mu�c tl�is �ttclhr�rity fr�m staff, if desired. " Page 77. Section 14.5 B: Shoul�l tive require permits tc> ��um� a �e��tic tank? Staff Comment: 1 ��itl ciiticu�.� this yur�ti+in al ih�� inccti��tt. Page 85, Section ISr I�oes ihis uclinn alto�� I�rr Ihe k'i1}- C'cjuncit tc� liave final say in all matters? Staff Comment: 1'es. Page 85. Section 15.2 C: Fc�r F'tihlic H�arin�: ttuli fieati��n. r.Iist,tnce sl�uulci be increased from 35{) fcet ta 1!�l niilc in r1G an�l RR L)ititric�ts. Staff Comment: 'f his ictc�� ni��krs scn�c ancl shc�trlct li� eonsidcrecl t�y Cauncil. Page 87. Section 16.2 C: Is thi� in c�ur a1J c�rdiif<►ncc? Staff Comment: �'es. Page 87. Section 1b.2 E: Why n�it � simri� m�i_j�rril�r 'to .t���ro�e ronin� ehange? Staff Comment: I3ecausr of tt�c p��fentia( tii�nil�ic<�ncc <�f � zc�ning amendment, requirin� a ?/3 �-�>te tc► a�a�,r����c i� a srticc�tiard tti ensurc that a ciear consensas has hcrF� re.tchrd. Could there be a time iimit «n ��t��� re�c�nins;? If a de�•etc�per has �c�ning changed and ihe�a thc �irr�.jccl dic�, ec�ulit th� ta�ict thrn rcy�rt hack to thc zonin� tha[ it h.��i 1,cl�irr Ihc dc�cl����cr .isl;��cl ftir ,lie chan���? A timc limil might hc srt ;it t���, �,� Ihc�,•c t��.n�. If r��� ;�c�iinn ��n a r�•f,jrcl t�as occurrcd, then tlir I.rn�l ���>t�lc1 lic rc���n��cl I�acl� tc� it�ti cari�+itt�tl �:<�ijins.;. � �� � � � Staft'� Comment: Zoni�tig� chana�cs c��»not hc� c:o,nciitirj��alt �hoa-e��er, �Couneil � � � � may elect to �prr��ve pr�ajrcls t,v PUD ��I�ich w�rr�ld inc�luitc a deacllinc f�r � � constructi�n start :aftcr ���hirl� 1}�c �i�t��ro��,t1 ���<�ttli( n« I���ns�r�� i�c f�indiat+,. � � � � � � � . Proposed Zoning Ordinance - ltEt'IE:W' & llI5(:U�StUN Speciul Council Meeting Re��ie«� April 11, 1989 Could there be an autc�malir. �v<'titin� J�cric�d on thc r�:rc�nin� of tan<1 Ehat woutd end when thc dr�elc,�cr <ictu�►fiv cc>rncs in �vith �;xading rlan� and request permits to starl .i �arc�_jrct? . Staff Comment: Ycs. Council couic! ���ithhc�}d r��c�ning until ccanstruclion is ready to begin. This it a ��cry �ood idc�, cspccially fc�r commcrcial projects or large residc�ntial ��rc�.jrccs. Could there be si�ns ��crs�rd on ihr laii�l that ��•as t�� bc rezonc�l, nc>tif}'ing anyone that saw tttem tl�at �he land ���as tca hc rezc�ned, and then }isted about when the rezoniii�; hearing would he 17e1c1? This tivoutd alsa mean that a waiting perioc� of up to thirty, sixty c�r mvre clavs before rezc�ning. Staff Comment: Rczonirigs coiild he I�nndl�ci in this nia��ner as is done in ather communitics. 'This �l�ould slc��� 1h� nrc�eess ancl hc more costly to the developer. Council shc�tild cliscuss tl�is ortir�t� �ind re�tci� <� consensus. � . . . . . . . � �l � � . . � � � � . . . � . � t'itOi�OSf?I) Z,t)NiNG t)[tl)tN��Nt'1�, f�tAJOR C'IIANGES/ISSl11�S Ns�1c: 14tisprint has sllocvn pa�c 5 repealc� c>n ��agc fi (nott►in� it r►ii�sin�;) 1. ('t�[;ATtON t)r NG�V Ilt�i7'I21CT t)I.;�i1GNA'I'It)NS: �1'hc t'rc���t�sc�I �nnin� Orclinancc inrlticics thc f�►{Ica���in�* i�c�v Zt�nin�; f)i�l��ict Ur�i�;i�ati���r�: Tii: Rcsictenti:►I 1?xcci�tict• 1>isfrict i2-2 Sin};tc F:tmil►� Attachcd Rrsicicncc 1)istricf R-3 1�loltiple•F.ut�ify Resiclence llisirict R-d Mullirlc-Fan�il�' Resiclence t)istrict C-3 (:encrs►t Com'�nrrci:d Itislrict !'��tEn<•il 141cntbcrs &hc�ultfi rrfcr t�► Srctinn (, (�ia�;t•ti I'►-?.7) f�rr c�it����tt�l� �Irscri�alions c�f thc ncw Ic►nin� Uislricl I)ctii�,nc�li�anc i��r��rp�ir;Flr�l i►tl�� tlrc Pr�►}�o�ri1 ?ening Ordinaiicc. ltl: FtF;s���ctvTt�t, Excc�r•riv[;: .�s thc drscriplic�n of t�ur�,r��c ata<1 intciit r�f 11►is �Iislricl (�.2t)) suggesls, il is bcin� proposcd as a me<���s c�f acr��mm���l��lin� � �i�rne�vh.it rrclueecl density {,i�,��ro�imately 2 tini��lacre) ��f �c�rercit sint±lt• f,�i�iilt• resicicntial clevclo��men[. Tlae iniciit is tca cariilaliie ctn ttn�cmi,u�it's 1ii�iitcel ;►rras ��1� rcjlliri�; tott<>gra��hy s�ncl �vt►��ilrcl I.itid�e,i��c Iry Ii�nitii�tC thr nr�tatic•c irn�r:it•!s c;iusc�l hy cicvclop���ent includint; trce covcr �055 an�l rn7jnr cartti muti���; u�l�irh is rcryuircd for hi�hcr cicnsity dci�cict��i��ent. It is rec���a�izect 1H;�1 lr,c��cr dc�jcilv d�uclo��itirnt allo�ved u��cter rcctuircmcnl5 �i( ttiis dititi�ic! avc�nld nr�! Ic�t<ill.v ruilifialc lhc envirc�nmcntc�l im�i,icl t�( dccelc►E,mcnt liu� ��•ernl<I ht•(1i Iii tcci�rc•c s{,ittc ��f thr nc�;.t(ives. Anolhcr c��nsittcrnti��n is �h:i� Il�c Icss cie����c tteccic►��mt»i �,rovidc� for in thc districl wt�ulcl hcl�� pr�>mcrlc thc ��crcicvc�ci ,:sms�ll t���cn" characicr �vl►ich has liceti cx��rc�srct ;�s i,�:in� im��c�rt;tnl 1�� i��,�n�� citi�rns in lloscmount. If Couneil Mcmbcrs refcr to thc clii��enSiona{ rh�r1 �ti� r�a�c: :i�4. �he I+>t sir.c, setback and fr�t�ta�e rec�t�ircmcn4s are indicatrd. 1'f�c contro��rr�� a�soci�itcci with additit�n of Ihis dislrici t� the 7��ning t)rdin;�nce is assc�ciatcd +vitlt the faet that a ��rospcclivc suhdividcr of land �ti��rtrfd he timiteci [�� Ic�s huilding lots than would he a41c�a��c) on ti�c samc siic ti;�rcrl it� Ihc F�-1 tiinklc I�:imifV Rcsicichlial Dislrict �vhich ha5 ,i t11,t!O1! tc��a;irc (n�►t I�il �izc n�inina��m ���it�� � au 8(1' �mirumum fronla�c rc<�u�irci�icnt. � T#�c RL Uistrict �3•uulc�� It.�ti�e aai ��t.t)1111 � � ' s�1►iarc €oc�t minimum tot sizc .ind 1JO rni�fimu�n fron(a�c rcc�r�iremc�it. �Tininr4itn 'side y,�rd sctt�acks would bc 15' �cjr thc RF_ DiStrict lo I11' fcjr ll�c R-1 District. nithotif:h ti�e clifference tlt IOL S17C 111t� �vielth stanciarcl� is n��t clranfa(ic i1 dt�es h,�vc im��c�rt:tnt in�plicati�ns. I,c�ts wiihin thc t�[� t�islrict w�aulci l�c al�lc tr� �tc'co���►zi�ldalc larger laa�ncs ctr I�amcs with tl�ree csir �ara�cs; rils��. t!►c l:ir�cr I«t �izc �votild allow more (Icxii�ilily in the cx�tct sili�i� t�f :� hc�mr t��i tl�e loi. 'i'hc I���ver clensily would inceeasc devctc���n�cnt c{�sts lace;iu�r „f thc l�iF�l�er conctr�ciic�ia costs per lal (marc lincar fret c�f fitrects ,�nct ►itililics} ��i�} tlicrefc�re �curild su�;gesl a hisher scllin� �irice for Ic>ts. A ct�r�scnsus ��f Ihe 1'lan�tin�* C'c,Entnissic�n a�rccd th�t i2c>srmniir�t ha5 ;►cc<>mmcxlate�) a lii�h }�c�rccnlat�r c�f cnlry-Icvc) (moclestly priccJ} sin�lc f:�mil�� h�using in tl�c �,as1 ancl is c��n�iniiiinF In do «�. It �vas ��;rccil Ihal ii i� im�i��rt�int I�i ��r��m�itc aJlcrrtafi�c �,tvtrs ��r �iricc r;�n�es vf Iic�asiFt� I�i acc�>rnm�>date lhe needs ancl decire< <►f re�i�te�it� r�r ��rri��ic�•tivc residc��ls of �lilfcrrnt i�icnmr I�rackcts. In r,<utit•irlar it ti4•<�5 �i�,1�•ct that littic lia� I�ccn c>ffcrcd in 12nscni�unt iyi tlic �vay �tl' a �ic��-t��� (m„dcr,riclv i,riccd housin�;). A key aslaccl r�f cvafualing tiic usc <�t thc Itt? IJistrict �vif4 bc .' , �Irc'ictin� s}�rcifit;illy u�liich ,iicati in 12�i�cirinunl thi� Ui�lricl .�h,riitit Ir<• iitili�cd. In a �:c��aratc_actrcart frc�m Ihc Lc�nini, Ortiinancc revicw� C:itv ('i►uncil ���vuld hc r�•qttircd tta auiltc�rize usc <,f this f)istrict in ���cri(ir .�rc.�s ti�•hich ���i►al�l br ti�,ccifically dcsign.►tcd in thc C'ily af Roscmounl C'��mf�rciicn�,ivc t��ii�le F't.in. tt-2 SINGI,G ('A1111L�'-ATTACttl�.Ii RI:S11)I:NCG 1)t�'fR1('7': In the currcnt ?_.��nin� f)r<lir�.incc all atlachecl' residcnti.i) units (�c�tivnh��uses, luinl�oi��cs, a}�artrnc:nls, con<liminii►ms) n�ust l�� cic�•rJ��t�ccf ���ilhin a sin�;ir diclricl Ihc� RAt IZ�siilc��li.�l �ttilti�ile Uistrict. T'I�c ncw_ ortlin�incc cre�ilc!� a hicraracl�V ��I di�lrict.�; 1�► ;�ccc�mmodalc attacliccl cir multi��le residcuti�a) dc�•eio�+n�cnt. '1'hic hict�url�v inclucics tfic It-2, IZ-3, a��el it-•1 Oislricls. 'I'hc tt-2 �istrict as clefinec! o�i ��. 22, allc��vs attaehccl singlc f.arraitv clu�clNn�?s ;it �� cirnsitt- a trp lo six units f�cr <�crc. Also rcco�nirr�l .�s an alfr�«�rct �r<e in thi� �litilrict arr ntanufacturcd hnmc r�;irks hy f t<�nnrd lti�il C1ci�ct�,p�u�c•nt ccc Sri•�i���t t�.G. 't�l�c in[enl c�f lhis dislri�! is tc� .IIIE)\V �ligl�Il�� hi�!Mcr de�isi��� rrsi�ici►ti;il nsG ��� �� tr�u�silion ')4IWCC11 sirt�,lr l�amil�� resicicnti.�( :�i�c1 hi�zh traffic• c��ttu��c c�icc�t� ut� hi�;hcr intcnsity u�es (cc+�nr�scrci��l cjr lii�;h cicnsitv resicl�i�tiai). ' R-3 A1tJI7'IfiLE-FAMILY itF.,41UFNCt' t)ISTRICT: AS incfiratcc} «�i €»�r ?:4. Il�e . intcnt t�f ihis clistrict is to �ceom��rc>datc hi�hcr <iensity �a�trtti�,t4 res;cicnli�t t�ousint; in arcas cl�sc to shc��i�iing ancl rccrcalinnal facitilits. tl�ru�ing 11'pes iiicPu�tc apartmcnts, concion�iniaii�s, an�t Ic���•nh�>ttse5. R-q I1iU1,TIPt.I;-f An111.Y R1;!ilUl?Nf;l; IIIS't'I21C'7': `I'his r�c•Insivrit� hihh ctcr�sity resi�ie�itial clistrict is }�rimarily iutcn�lcct to accc�mr�io�latc lii�h risc ���artmcntc an�l c�ir�ct�i� �ncl senior citizcns h��t�sin�. 1! is tlie intcnt o( tlae c�rdii��nce thal IhiS IJislricl bc within or aci.j�ccnt tc� thc Rc>scmount ('f3t) tc� ��rovide ft�r n►<�xiisttim e�jnvenicnce and accessihlity (or resielents. [�ensity �>f up 1�� �ltl itnilt/at•rt is allc��vcd. '('hc Ciiy Council sl�caulcl rci�ic�nlj�r tl�,at crealin� {lii;� ne�c hicrarchv taf 1�1t�lli�,lc 12csidcntial Uistricts �Ic�cs n��1 in and t>f i1 sctf o���n up nc�v ;irr,js fcir 111t�1ti��lr Itousing. It will taken sep<tralc action rcl,ttcd t« a s��ecific �?rc���c�sctl fc�r C��unri) to rezc�ne speei(ic �arecls c�f (>roperty. ('-� (:(:NEkAL CU111hiCRC1At, 1)1,5TR1('T: Uctaiic�l iii Scclic>n t,.t� (��;��cs Z�>-i't1), tf�i� dislrict is intcndccf tb acc.c�mr»c�d.�ir :� I,rc�;iil r��n}��• ri( rcl:ti) �c�r�tls a��d sc•ri•icc:s tvitich scrvc t1�c cnlirc ccfmn�anity. `I'h��u�h n��t cxi•lutiivcty, hlisi�scsscs iri this district arc cxpcctccl lc� !�c rela(ivcly frec sl�ndin�; ancl trnding 1�� c�cruN�y incicpcn�lent. builcling sitcs. Thcy �t�c�t�fd clepend can Fc�od accessibility, hi�h �.itiibility a»d relatively lar�;c v�ilumes c�f traffic xtnd wotild Ihcrcf�ire hc t��tind alon� m�jor strects. Cttrrrntly Sciuth R�sc Park iti �onctl t.`-? Flis�l�w<+y Scr�icc _ Cc�mmcrcial, sincc it is cx��ectecl ttiat much of this sul,clic�ision �vil) he cicvcl�i�arcl fc>r rctai} use tltcre exisis El�c �ic�(ci�li.�l fc�r incom�►:�tit�ility he1t+•et�i� Ihc hi�h�+��y r�nd antomr�bilc c>ricnted usc ;�Ilr����ccl in tl�af clislrict .7���1 Ibc r�•ti11� tlSt�s «�hich ,irc hcin�, proposed. Thr t��ir���►sc ot� crc�fin�; tl�c C'-J (.'ctnimcrciaf I.)i�tricl ic to ` a�rc�i<t this prnhlcm iir thc futui�c tjy� liati�iiag a ntean� �►f accc►rnnsc►ci:�lin� , frccsl.ir�clin� comntercial usc� �vlaieh c,���noi. irr,�tcticall�� hc It�catcd �vitlfin tt�c cl����nt�iu�r� area (G2 Cc�q��itt�n'rty C'ommrrcial t�istrict), h«�rccer, �rlaict� mi�;l�t +�c►1 , hc 'ap�irc���riately located �vill�in llie (:-� l)islrici. ! � � .. � � . � . . . . .. . . . . . . . � . .. Z. LANI)f�li,LS: i3ccausc o}` thc rcccnt �►rc��i��ss�l f��r a (ndusttia) C'�rntai»t��tnt 1�acility fram LISPC:t, ihc ros�nner i�> >vliich the C'iiy acl�ires�es the re�trlali�►n c�f Sitili(�P�+ Iiiil(I�1II5 h�s I�cc��rnc an issuc. '1'i�c currc�nt clraft of the t'rtrf,�►sctl 'Z.rii�in�* Ordi��ancc �vl�icli rrcctatcs ;tii1y c��i�t��ci ���ith tl�e E_'ity fr�►i�i 1Jtii'C'I cl�+�s , ncit incfiudo t�rndfilfs as a ��crmilic�) ��sc in thc In�itislri;il I)isiricls. l.aFii}filts wrrc cacludcd ,ts .� �ic:rmiticcl ust in Ihc tnclastria) Uislricls I�rr� �»nnt� rr;�z�►nr ' incluc}ift� envirc�nn�cnl��l ccanccrns and ��otcn(ia} im��acls i�n ��rcr��ertv ��alu�s anct or� the aM�ilit}, to at'tract morc cicsirabtc usc�. t3reausc thi� C'it� (:'c�oucil h:is ayi�►rr�vcd <r six iitc►nth r»eieatorium �rn p�rrniitlin� �iF I;�n{)fitis an<I �lirectcd ihc C'i!y Ptanncr tc� resrarcli tbc mattcr 1 will ttcfcr cliscussiri� thi� m,�ltcr at Icn�;th �intil ha�•ing rc�c:ircf�rd a�,��ro�iriatc mca�urcS fnt rcgtil.itii��* sueh uscs. f'rirjr Ic� aetirjg �n thc Pia�,��tir�l l��ning Orclin����rc il �vil) hc in��,nrlanl C�►r City C'��t�pcil tt� c�ami�ac all issurti ��crl��inin� I�i �r1�clhri� „r i�<rl 1(ic t'iiy sliuuld chc�c�te to allc►�v 1<inil(iits �ir s��ccifir tr�pcs �tl I:�ndlilt� (i,r. (ndutitrit►) C��nt<�inmcnt Pacilitics}. ' 3. I'ttOV[SIONS P[?RTA(NINI: 'I'O 'ff1E Rt;(.I1t.A'('If)N Ot� (il�it.#ftNt. AI:STIIE'i'IC/h1A'T[;KIAI,ti: i�ii itn��ortant ancl Sotncwh3t conl�ovcr�iaf additi�in t�� 1hr i'rn��r�scc! 7nnir��; Ordii��ice is found an pa�;c�, 39-41 (Scclion 7.2 Su���jlcment�ny Rc�;ui,�ti«r�s}. 'ihis scctirlr� in gener��l aticlressc5 l�uit�ting stancl.trcts rc�:arclin� c�rnsli•tac�tet�n �ncl cxtcri«r n�atcrials fc�r all di5tricts and s�ccifically ��lace� sr,��ie neiv rcyt�irctt�cnts c�n (�uildings constructed in llic ('��in�i�crcial ai�ci Inda�tria) 1)i�iricls. .t'hc (;cncra) Provisic�ns c�t Ihi� srctic�n irtdic.itc� that (�ryoi�il h�inL req�►ire�l (�i . mccl all a���lical�Ic I3uitdin� ('��cic rcc�uircmcnts that tl►c- t'i�y rrq��ire� a hi�l� st<�ndard ot' architectural ancl ac5lhetic cc�m�i�tihilit}° For hi}ildin�.� cc�n�trt�ctrcf in all clistricts �vithin the C.ity. A list oF acecplal�lc �natcrials [��r cxtcrior finisl�e� f��r bt�itdings is provicted. Spccific sta�idarcts regardint*, Il�e use of cxtcrir�r �tiiateri.ils f«r I�t�il�lin�s in f.'r�mincrcial and (nclustrial C)istriets ha�•e I�ccn includc�l (Secti�►�� 7,j.?, 7.�"..3, 7.Z.�, c�n pa�c 39 c� 4{�). Tl�e inteitk of tltese pr»visi��ns is to �ireciude 1l��: cnn�Irt�c�li��» - c�f c:niirelv ii�clal vr fihcrgl:�ss sided huildings ia these clislrirts. tn �n cIf<:rt Ic� prc�mc>te ��ro��crty values and im��rove s�c�lhrlic qu:�lilies uf Ihe C'i1V's t`�mntereiat .�ncl 1r��lu:5tria) arcas it h;►5 I�ccn Cit�r �,olicv, cstahliShcJ fsy ����cceelent. n�,t to ;illc►�v completely metat!(il�cr�;las� cide<I 1►uildin�s. 7'1je ��ur�sace �f ItiecG ��rc�visinns ,is to f�rmali�e Il�is E�c�licy hy tr:in�},�iinrz i1 inl�► clefitt�ci and en(orccahlc sta»clarcls. 'i'I��sc �irovisi��ns h;rv� ljccn rw�Ewciclt:d a(trr �imil��r : ��rovisi��ns in U�c C:ity o( t.akc��ille 7c►nin�, Urclinanec hasccf u�,nn rcrcaii�inen�latir�i� � � r►( N�c City Attorney. Alih��ii�;h t}�ese ���rrc�visions� ��rc ruclintc►rt�ry arrJ dc��� nczt � � � � � � s��ccil�ically a�l<Iress desi�;n mattcrs suc1� �as archileclur�l slyle (ic hi�tc�ric �criod or desi�*n c�etaits) lhey c3c� i,rc>vidc a basic frame�v��rk tc� �,tr,�ranlec (h;�t � ;nix c�f accc�itril�le hoilding malerials ���eti l�c usec( t� facc tlie exteri��r c�( cc�roimerciat ;�r�el indu5tri;�1 t�uilclin�s. The C'ity C��uncii aiidlc�r thc I'lannin� Cc�mrnissi�rn c�cJ►enclin�► ��n ihc acti��n requirccl rci.iiia clicrctic�n t>ccr lhc cpccific arcJaitectur.�l cirlails c�f �i ��r��.jrct. f�1.�n�R ��ros��ecH��e clevelr���crs ,tn<I hvildioc� cc�nlrartors 1i,rt�c ar�;urd ttre casc (nt thc cily i� allo�v corn�ilelc{v it�ct:il sidccF t�rc-ci��i►iccrccl t�i�ildin�s. '}'hc .►r+;ucrncnts usually centcr aroi�nd lhe i<Ica thal ii�cy rcr�resent � cost e(fcttis�e �e�a<< tc► !)ui�if Inw n�<iintcnance, cncr�;y e{�ficients c�rmmrrciat i�r in�lu�trial t�uilc(in�.�. 'i'Itc ('ilv htis c�in�,i.Icnll�' hcld I�i tl�r �u�tic) lh��t tisrns� a ntix nf r�lc•ricir �ua{cri���s c�r a�t��r�aali�•c c��nclri►cli�in (ct���nir�urs (i.c. ��trcast t•�rn��r,.•Ic � ��,in�=1s � or� m<lsonr��) c�.in� I-rc �ac•c���r�ipli�l�cd in a c«tif � cl�('cclirc ►»�rtncr ;tr�<I � � � �'r,nlrihutcs s:rcatly to itic t�+���c��rat�ct c►f nctv strtrcttires �s t��cf! as scttin�� a s1.��►ci,►tit �+�hich E�rontoics c�rr�i�r>ar;whlt• c�ii�slr�ictic�n c�n ;�1it111iii�= ��r�►��i�lirs. ,�, tii(:N i'ttO1'ISlUNti: ticctinr� 10 ��f Ihc I'rn�ic��rd 7onin�, t)ri(itis�nc•c (i�a�cs (,(1-(�7) n•l�icii dctails ��r«c•isioi�s rc�ulatin� ihe usc of �i�;na �cncratcd c<�nsicicrahlc cliscatssint� t�v tltc 1'la�rning �'c�mn�issi�n. Althc>u�;li it cc�ntains mcarr dctailccl f�r�>��isitins tl�c: ccinicni ��f Ehis scction rc�nains ��4ry similar to thc CurrcnE ronin� ��rdina�ice in inEent. A very impc�rlaiik issuc it tM.il thc sizc ancl ttSc of �3ilihc�arcls .►clvcrli5ing si�;ns) is til;htly restricicd. Tltc lar�;cst ci���s tat1�►w•edtc�un�cler'�t'he nr�tiri,incc arc 1�Q �quarc fcci (111' x I(i'). "T'Ite l'I��nnin�► C'�>mitricsi„n t�•heti rrvic�ti•in�; thesc prUvisions <�Ilo�vccl rc�iresc�rtatit�rs r>f Nacgc}e i1cl��crlisin�; ic► ��resent an argEicment c��� hclralf oC a11���vin�; hitlljc�ards in ltc+sc►ttrittttl. � 12c}jrc�ciftalivcs failcd to c�a»t�incc the f'lannin�, C'otnn�ic�i�n t�f tl�c n�crit� c�f :iltowiit�; hillboarcls. I wc�ulcl i�c>Ic that tl�crc i� a r�alic�n7) mr�rcn►ent i�► rc�lrict the ucc of bill�c�ards ancl ct•cn havcns fi�r c>ff-r�rcn�i�c ��cl�•crti;�iri� si�;ns sucl� as ttc�ustc�n, TX, t�avic eh�sen tc� ixaii or se<<erclv restrict their usc.' �1r��(irrr imE�ortarit 155tIC 8(�t��'CSSCII in Scrtit>n IO is Ih,il thr �tsr c�( �iurt,�h{c si��n.5 (tcmpr,rary} ti�!n�; is reslrielcd t�� <t r��aximiim ��f ttl days �,cr �•c•c�r. ,As tfic C'otincil is pr�laably a�tiarc �vc have nuntcr���s yclli�w ����rt.�hlc si�ns (ss�n�e ��•ilh ('I.�shin�; li�hts) hcin� ulilixccl ��ithin c�tir fOF11flICCC1;1I (II.C�YtCIS. �IIICSC (/t1tI.�I7IE` �il=��s :i�•c uns��htty a►�J 1 l�elirve si�;nificantly detract fr�im ttic a�t�car;�ncc i�f Itye (. ily�'s cc�mmcrcial areas. Tiie prc�t�isinns c�f thc ne�u �rilin7i�ce �ciil provicle the Irs�af n�cans lo causc mc�st of these }���rt�l,lc ti�;ns t�� hc remt��red. 5. Mt,�'CRA1. EXTKAC7'ION: S�ction 1�i.8 (pagcs 78-$3) of tt�c Pr��ric�sed Tc�nin� Orc(inance (�tinrra) l:x�r:�etic�n) 1>rovides much more �etailcd E�rovi:sions rc�arfiing the re�;ialatic�n oF �;�ncl h Krav�1 ntinin�. T�v<i t�cry in�����rtai�t as��ccts c�f thc City's perliry rc�;irdi�tg tlllllltl�.; CX�I�CSSCII in this pr<�f��scd c3rtlinance are: 1. Sand a»c! Gra��e[ 1�[inin� is prc�hit�ilecl ���esl of �lkrc,n A�•eriuc t� avoicl conflict with urli�in cfcvcic��imer�t aeiivities. 2. S�nd Rc (;r<t�•cl Mini�a�; is allc��dect as a permitteci use l��� t,c•rmil c�nky wit}iin thc Gcncral InclttKtrisil I)istrict ratiter than in <�tl I»clustriaF Ui�tricts and llie Agricultare t:)i�t�ict .is is nu��� ttic case. '1'hc i'Iannin�G C�mnaissitan rccc►�i�iird tha( S7nd <�nd f;ra�•c! 1�linin� is a cliffic��lt ►�tic, tc� regula[e and I175 tl�c }�c�tential tc� eause �ignfir�nt cticru��Lion t� thc tancicca��c t�otl� in terms ��f envirbnmcntal anc) acstlfetic in�{�act. T'he intenl c►t limitin�; whcrc or undcr u�l�at cirruanstanccs Sanct ai�el (iravcl 1�linin�; �t�ay c►cct�r is cunsidcrcci a n�can� �f rcducinc� Ilic ii�►tct�tial fc�r rn��i��t�nm�nl:►4 ��rul�lcros sttc�h ;is s<►if crc�sion ancl seclimcnl7ti��n �s �vclt �� at•oidin�: �vl�at cnn hc a raiaj«r tur�ir��. en�orcemcni rroblem. Thc Pl:iniii�i� Com�nissio�� has rccci�ni�etl Ili;rt �a•ill�in the E'ity t6crc are currendy tlirce lon� tcrm Sancl a�fd Gr�c�et Minin�* Operaii��ns �� fjicla encompass a tote} c�f i80 acres; also, the (;ity is cerrently r��nsiclering a I�r«R��.i1 f�r �nother lon�;-tcrin n�irtin�* o1�eration fc�r :�n �tU acrc 5i1e (i3M1). it ��',is furlhcr recagni-r.ecf t>y thc 4'l���tnin� Ct►�nmissic�ft tli��t il' Ihc ncccl f��r IocaF a�>i�rccs c�t' sand and gravrl cannc�l hc nict that tl�c C'ity aht�a�'s has It�c c��,ti�,�� t�f rhrin�in�; fliis pc�licl' atid :�tl�����iit� tninin� (o ciccur it► arcas iri►tctl rl�ric•tttt��rc. � ..�, . . a � � . . �. . . . . . . . . � . . I�or lh� lin�c hcin�, hc►t��c��rr, sincc thcrr is liltl� I�cficfil frntti a l;t� ��c�s��rctive I��r tlic (:'ity to allo�v minin,e ,incl f�rc;��isc Ihcrc ;�rc ma�i>' prc�l►Irr�►s .�ssaci,►teci �rith nionitorin� and cnfnrcin� cc�niiiti<ins ass��ciaicci ��•ith �nininRT i1 t��s laccir �Iclerminecl to b� ��ruelent hy Ihc t'I<�nnin� C'uuiii�icsic>u t�� limit Ihc �c�j��e t�f minin�! in Koscntc�ttn(. ticveral Iric<t} mining t���tr.�tc>rs hav�: hecn i�ifc�rmrJ tl�al fhc C'ity i5 c��►�sicicrin�;` tlii� ���►licy �nc� ll�ey have i�icliralcd cap�ic:��itic�n as ttt.iy I1.1t�e heen cx}sectc�l. 'fhr ��(�ci'al�►rs feel tMat if thc C'i,ty ��rcefu�lcs mining in the A�*ricultt�re 13is1ric•R 11t:+1 ,� fargc ��t�fenlial saurce c�f sanc! �nd �ra��cl ���itl hr reslF-icteel frti��� elevct�i��m��rl, tlicrci�y efCeclin� Iheir ('uturc �;���i,a,,,�,�i. ir ,#,15 +���liey is en,�c•tr�i ll�c t'if}' ct►��tcl tx��cct it ta !�c ciaalle��gccl at s�mc poiijt in tt�c tuturc. fi. JUNK ANU SAL!'AGE QPGRA'1'it)N (i2CCYt;1.1N{:) RE:(jU1Rt•:i11t?NTS: S�c�tic�ii 14.9 (ra�cs F33-84) itictu�le �irneisic���s Ic► re�:ulale 1he <Ir��et�rpmcnt �at .lunk and Salvagc t)��crations. Staff ha5 dccicicd th;�t a ni�rc <���pr�►�iri.Hc tille far Ihis �cctir�it woutd be Recylin�; Oner.�tion ldequirernents. T'lic res�sen f��r Ihi� i� th:�l ' it is thoughl Chat the nc�alive conc�tatir►ii assoiri,jtcci �vitl� .tunk yarc�s i� ��c�� a��pro��riatc for rnodcrn ����cr,itions �vhich are i��v�ilvc�) a�i1h rcc}�lin�± t>f .�utom�abilcs or olhcr cqui��crncrrl c�r malerials. Kcc��cling Operalions �vc�ulcl hc aflc�wcd only in Ilic Gcner;il }t�duslrial 1)isirir•t hy �,crmit accorcl'rn� to ihc rcc�uire�ne�its o� Seclie�ir 1�#.<>. 'l�h� 1'I;�nnint� (.'�����miti�i�tiii in revic�ving these �iravisi�ins ►ce�►�niicd tliat i( wa� tteceS�:�r t � I�� rr�r�•'r�ic an �►p�����'lunity tc� all��v such o��crations to exist in Ko�emot�nt unc{cr �,Irir�[�cnt c��nciiticxns !� c�ntrol vistitil irn�i.�ct on s�trrc�uE��lin� prci}�crty. 't'lie t:c�nitnis�ic�n t�arther rcc��nized tl�at thesc iirovisions �vot�ld t�r r�ecess;iry :Ic► .i1t���v rrtr�c�tion ' c�f the' AAA Salv�ge nperation currently c�peratinfi �n a sile �i•Iaere il has nt�i I�ccn t��;ally permittecl. 7. t'I�.I2A�It'fTCI) USCS 1'�'1"t`t11N TIIF t'-t NI',1GIt6(1KlIOOi) ("t)11i111f�.N('1AL ; UISTRfCTc hnoihcr sig�tificant issuc WI11CI1 (Irc P(annin� Cc�mmissic►n aticlrc�scd ir� revic�vin� tl�c I'r��posrd Zonin�; �rclina�tcc w�s tiic is5tie of n�hich tiscs shriuld 1>c rcr«�ni�cd as �icrmillcd uscs witi�in thc C-I Nci�;hborh��ocl Cnm�ncrci.�l Oi:sl�•ict. �'he t'itv C��uncil w'rl( rccall that last F�all, sta(f recanime»Jcd :� xc�ni��� atnenclYt�ent i« the current ��rdinance whicli w�?t�ld h,�ve allotinrd cetf-scrc-ice �*as/e�,n1•cnienrr slc�res ��� a�� alfowccl usc in that Uistricl. t3ccat�se this icsiic s��arkc� cc>nsider:�hlc c�intrc�vcrsy among Couneil hirmhcrs` a dreisic�n was i��adc tii.�t il �+•,is :t4i�arc�{,ri��tc tc� wait ut�til the entire f'ro��c�sed Zc�ning Orciinancc t�-as acldressrei tt� de�! �+�ith it. hs draftecl the Propc�sed lo»i���; Oretinaiice d��cs rrr��gnirc Sel!-sercicr �as/cc>»venienee stc�res as an allo�vecl use in t1�c C'-! F)istcict. 1t is 1he c��iini�in c>( botl� the Directur of C�ptflSllptttly I7evcic>pment ancfi the ('itv F'lanncr that tl�is is ;in <+i��>roJ�riate usc tU .311c�w witt�in tlfc C;-1 Dislrict. ThiS usc is in farl nri�;1�U<tirliovd orienled ancl ��roxirrrity is lhe kcy (c>r cor�vcnience stnres to ser�•e ti�c necds c�f residents. tn tcrda�•s �narkct (liere are ��irtually nr> c'r�nt•e��icnc�e �tr�t�es I�cin� constructcd withnu[ scl(-ser�•c` �as hcea��sc it for thc n�o�t �ir�rt is n«t pr�rfiia(alc lo o{jeratr onc «ithout thc r�ll�cr. Otir rxi5ti�i� 'fum 'i'h«ml+ c>n I.#it►� Strcet 'ts an ckccpii��n ti� ihis rulc in Chat il i� 1�ic�te�l ii� an ��l�ler y` ` . . . . . . . . . . . liuildin�; whicl� wouici nc�t havc thc lii�h ��vcnc�acl assuci,�icd ���i1h dcvcic���rncni n( a nc��� site. Anc>ther issuc to cc>n�idcr is Ihal thrrc is rurrc�ttly one sclf-�crs-r �,�s/c��nvenicncc slarc in thc dcy�vntc����n (l���cc�) ai��) two at�ilhin Sc�u�lt ttc�sc 1'ark (ftolid.�y & Tom Thumi�). '('herc is ecrt.�inly no ncrcf Cc►r actdilican;�l devctc�pmcnt of this use in these areas. 1t ,� dernancl does exist c>r w•i11 exist in the faturc €t �vill I�e in otlicr areas o( ll�e C:ity in I�igli visihility, l�igh traffic �rcas ���hirli �re c��ndurive to serving aar newly dcvclnpin� nei�hl�onc��ocls. In c��nxidcrinK tl�e Prnposcci Ordinanec City C'r>unci! n�t�s� cc�r�sicicr thr rnerits c�t inclu<1i���+ li+c n►c�n� c�f allowing sclC-scrvc gaslr.orivcnicncr stores in thc C'-1 i:)islrict kcr,�+ing in mi�icf Iti.it C'cauncil wc�ulcl still I�.�vc tc� rcznnc nc�v ,ircas t�� acec�tnmuclalc dc��eFr�p c�f this usc. Alttiou�h it I�as nvt yel hcen addret5cd in 1hc Prcjp�>SecJ 7ttnin� Orc4in;incr, an issuc for C:ouncii tc� cnnsicler is �v6ei.l�cr thc f.�cl 11}at a variely Fif nthcr comnxcrcial uscs beside self-scrvc g�e/cr�itvenicnec stores �re �Il�r�vc�F iif thc C'-1 Uiclrict ce�ulc( lead to ttndcsircd con���ctili�an �vit11 lhc [)a���nlo�vn ((.'-2 1)i;�tricl) and Sc�ullr i2osc Park (C-.3 Uistricl). As shc►�vn in Ihe Pro��ciscd 2s���in� Orclin,incr ilic C-t Districl is moc{cicd cl��scly .�ftcr Ilte ��rn��isio�� ��� Fl�c cutrcn! z�rni��g orcJinance. 1 suggest that C<>uncil 141cmljers examir�c the tist c�f peemilted uses in thc C-1 District (p. 2G) and cc�nsicicr if it woutd be desir�hfc t� furthcr limit thc I��pcs c�f CQ111111CfC1ill USCS wliicl� �vc�ulJ l�e allowcci in th� C-( Uistrict.