HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Continuation of August 15, 1989 Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Ordinance Review � � � y • • Levv nFFic.Fs G�utvrtis,'Gnn�rNis, f��ta��,�, & Krau�rso�a DAYip L.GRAp►NIS- {$T4-j�1 pROiBt31qMAL/�SSOC�ATI(3N U�v�n L.G�u�.1�,- t9io-�980 Poar UFwcs 8ox ST � Tfeerxm�ea: • t6l2}�ST-2359 VeNc:e 8.Gti+ru�ea �fl9 N��sT 8�+uc Bv�wiNc Eu.irn�r 8.lCNsr� YeNce B.Gaarny�c,jR.• iGi i+tcr���n�xat+u�8 Mrca�AEt f.di�r�te Ptiruc:K A. Fn�u. . DAYII)L.CaRAtJNiS.fl! SOtt'!N ST. PAUL, Mtt�tNESt)TA SS07S. � . � � . . Rc�csrt N. Kwc� TecEw�te(� 612�45;.16b1 Dnvw L. tiesMe�rER —`.� •A��daw�rren Ta AUCJLI$� �g� '�9�Q � PItAt,TN:R IM'{iV1itJ1ltlIM . . Mr. Mike Wozn3.ak City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rasemount, Minnesata 55068 Re: Froposed Zoning Ordinance -- Ju1y 18, 1989 Draft Dear Mike: Pursuant to our telephone canversation, T have the following reGommendations regarding changes in the above-referenc�d draft o� the Zoning C?rdin�nce: 1 . In Section 3,2 DEFINITIQNS, add �he fallowing definitionz C._.,..it.,� The City of Rc�aemount, Dakota Coun�y, M�.nneso�a. . �• Section 1�.2 VIOLATTQNS AND PENALTtES sho�tld t�e �mended to read a� follow�: SECTION t 4.2 StZQLATIU�tS AND FF�i�TALT�BS Any person w�o viola�es or fails to comply with any provisions of thi� Qrdi�ance shail be guilty af � misdemeanor and upon convic�ion thereof shall be puni�hed to tMe maxf�num extent authorized in Minne�c�ta ' Statutes section 412.23'1 , as amended �rom tim+� to time. ' Each day �he violation continues �ha:Ll constikute a separate a€fen:s�:, The City r�ay bring action to re�train, enjoin or abate vie�Iatians af this ord3,nanee. � �. Section 16.2 PRC?CEDURES� paragraph C. Planninq CommissiQn Recc�mmenclatic�n, shauld b� amended to read a� follows; C. Planninc� Commission Recommendation An amendment not initiated by the Planning Commissfon sha13 be referred to the Plann�tng Commission fQr stuciy and re�iort and may not be acted upon by the City Cout�eil untii i� has rec�ived the recommendati.on of the Planning Commission , . . . �V � � . e . • - ' � • . . . Mr. Mike Wozniak � August 18, 1989 Page Two on the:proposed amenclment or unti]. �f.xty �(60? days have elapsed f�o� the date of reference Qf t�€� �rmendm�nt withc�ut a report by the Flanning Gammis�ion, 4, Sectiar! 16.2 PROCEDURES. ParagrapM I?. Pulali�c Hearin , shouid be amendea to read as fol.low�z D. Fublic Hearincr No am�ndment ta th3s ozdinance shall be ' cons�.dere�l untii a publi� hearing has been helcl by the City Council. A noticc� c�f the ti��� place and pur�se of the hearing shail be published in the City'� official newspaper, a�, least ter� {1 Q) days prfor to the he�r:ing, 1�nendments af�e�ting changes fn zoning distr�.ets sha�l require mailed notice ta' sach property owner witt►in 350 fee� of the a��ected property, �ia�rever, zoning chat�q+�s fn the Agriculture Di$trict shall require mailed notfce to each prQperty owner within 1/4 mi3e of the affec�ed property. The City �hail use its available r�cords to deter�fn� the names and addresse� of property owners. Failure ta give natice to ins�ividvsl pr+�perty awner$ or de€ects in t�e notice shall not invalidate the p�aceeding�, provided a bona fide attempt was made to eomply witk� thes� provisions. 5. Se�tion 'tb.� PROGEDURES, paragraph E. City Cou�►cii Actic�n, should b�a am�na�d to read as �o11Qws: . � . . E. Citv Counc�.� �►etian Amendments to this vrdi.nanee requ�.re a twa,third� f2/3) vote of �he Ci�y Council. 6. S�etion 16.Z PRf}CEDt3ItES� add a n�w pa�r�graph G. to read as foilows; G. Generall.v Notice requirement aRd procedures set fortt� in this Section in excess of those required by state l�w are diarectory. F'a�lure to comply with such procedures will nok. invalidate the proceedir�gs. . . If yau should hawe any g�aestions, please do not hesitate to ca7;1. Very t�uly ys�urs, GRAPt�+TI�, GRANt�IS, F'ARRELL & KNU SE?N, P,A, . � . . � By• ' • Davi L, Gr r�nis, �II OLGIII/klt t�. t . . . . � . � ' � � � : . . � :� � � .. . . .. � . . . SECTION 3.2 I�EFINi1"IONS Haz�,r,,;d�us Waste Substances listed as "hazard+�us" or "toxic" in the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation Act, 42 U.S,G Sec. 9601 et. seq., Ehe Rssource GonservaEion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et. • seq., and regulations inierpreting such acts, Minnesota Statate Sec. 116.06, Snbd. 13 and regulations inEer�reting such statute or any other federal, st�te or lacal law regutatin� toxie vr hazardaus subsiances. In�erim Use A tem�arary use of property until a p2�rticalar date, untit the accurrence of a� particular event, or uniil zoning regulatians no langer permit i#. � Nun-Hs�zard �a a u� � Waa,�,g Solid waste generated fro'm an indvatriat or manu[acturing process. Nan-hazardous indusErial w�ste shalt not include: incinerator, resource reeovery or �1pWC'1' plant ash; liquid wastes not �rrocessed at the facii+ly; sewags studge, inciuding ireated or digcsted stwage sludge; PCBs; in[ectious waste; household garb�ge or teiuse; nvn-hs�zardous indusErial waste that is economicalty feaisible to recycle; radivacEive or nuctear wesle; rendering or slaughterhouse waste, or hazardo�s waste. . Nqn-HazardQ�����,��@+. rQ�����ent gacilitv A facility that accepts and tand d'isposes o( only non-hazardovs iadusiriat w�ste. The facility rnay accept avn-ha2ardaus industriai tiquid wastc iE such liquids are processed ko iasure no free fiquids are land disposed. A [acilily sha11 include cantainment cells and atl other appnrtenances necessary ivr its operation. SECTtQN b.i5 WM WASTE A�IANAG�MEiVT DISTRICT A. Purn�s+� an�, Intent This districl is inEended to accommodate waste induslries �ad ths i�herent environmental problems sssociattd with wastc m�nagement. 8. U�es Permitte8 bv tnt�r�i� �,e �*ermit 1. Non-Ha�rdo�� tndLs�r��,� W"a���on1�.�A2�llLt.Fac�lit�, SECTtON 11.3 NpN-HAZARDQUS INUUSTRiAG WASTE LANiI DIS1'QSAL FACiLiTY A. Permit ap�lieanEs shall submit the fvlic�wing informatian together rvith any ather information rcquested by the City; 1. The proposed prvjcct layout inctuding siie drawings showing baelding iacations, access xoads, butE'ers and all major [acilit�es. 2. Proposed iechnolo�y and design. 3. A complete description of the �Sroposed project's operation, including but not limited to phasing and anticipaied operaEing li[etime, types of wastes to be aecepted and methods to verify tl�e waste stream, record keeping methods, staffing, anticipated �vaste aalumes, containmcnt facilities, €ontingency and res�onse plans. , �� � � 4. A description a[ anticipatecfi tra(fie generated by the Eacility, rvutes to be used, and access to the site. 5. Identificatiqn o[ known and potentiai environmenta� tisks associ�ted wiEh the co�nstrttction, operation and eiosure of Ehe facility. G. eiosure, post closure and eontingency pl�ns, tncluding �finaneing plans. 7. A descriptivn oi lhe existing site anJ surroundi'ng area including currer�t ownership and tand uses, current zoning, transportation access to the s+te, to�ography, existing soil and hydrogealagic conditions, vegetation, weldli[e, surface waters. 8. Need for City emer�eney services iecluding fire, palice, ,eimergency response, mcdical. 9. A deseription of the aPplieant's experience in operating the technoiogy, proposed training i'or ali aptration staffx ar+d the environmental reeord of the technotogy. B. Permits for non-hazardons industriai waste land disposal facilit�es shall only t�e issued if the [c�llowing standards are nnet or exceeded: L The [acility mUst represent the best availabte technoiogy f4r Iand d'+sposai of non-l��zardous industriat waste. Z. The operator and sfaff must have sat'ficient experience ia the operation ot saci► facilities ta ensure campelent operation. 3. . The d�sign, constrnctiQn and operation of the facility m�st minimize negative envirflnmet�tal impa�ts and must miti�gate sucb impacts to the fultesE extent possible. 4. Publie beaith, sa[ety and wclfare must be e�sured. 5. Adequate closure, post elosure and contingency plans must be established. , . . - � 6. An emergency response plan must be establish�d and accepted by the City. 7. An EnvirQnmenta�i Impaci Statement must be complete and deciared adequate by the respvnsible governmenEal vnFt. 8. There mnst be adcquate access to the siEe. 9. The proposed project must be cannpatible witb surraunding land use. . lU. The applic�nt {�rovides finaneiai security �sufficient to gua�antee comptiancc with the terms of the permit. 11. The economic benefits, incentives and other advantages to th�e City and cammunity must outweigh any known ar potentia) negative �spects af the facility. 12. The a�plicant must have � �fan tor w,�rking with industry to develop teehniques �n� markets �ar recycling indastri�l waste streams, , � ' . • � 13. An inierim permit shall not be issue�f until all required local, staEe . andlor federal permits h�ve been �btained by the applicant. 14. TMe ah�licant must notify each uset of the site that free liquids cannot, be placed in the containment ceiF; inspect e�ch cantainer vf waste for the presence Of free liquids; and have procedares to prevent any Iree iiquid itom being placecl in the celi. SEGTION 14.10 iNTER1M USE PERMITS A. �pllcat[on��bli�Hgar�g�i Naticp and Procedure Tfie applicatioa, pvblic . hearing, public notice and �trocedure requirements for interim ust permits shali be the same as those far arnendments as provide� in Sectivn 26 of this ordinance, �exce�t th�t tl�e permit shatl be issued on Ehe a{ficmative vote of a majority af the entire council. Specific submissions required to compleie an applicaiion 1'or an interim use permit shalt be sQecefied for each type of interim use allowed. B. �'ermination An interim use permit shafl kerminate on the happening of any of the foltawing events, whichever first oceurs: l. The date stated in the permit. 2. Failure to eom�ly with the conditions of the permit. 3. Change in the City's zon#ng regulaEion whieh tenders the use noa- conforming. C. �tandards ]�. The interim use must be �llowed ie the zoning district W�#EfC the praperiy is located. 2• T'he interim use must meet or exceed the performance standards set forth in this ordinance and oEher applic�bie City ordinances. 3. The interim use must camply with the spcc`sfic staadards ior the use identitied in this ordinancc, and must evmpiy with at1 E4htltifOflS of approval which shalt be included in an 3atePitn usc permit agreemtnt. ll. �onctttl,g,�,,,s, The City may attach evnditians to arpproval of a p�rmit ta mitigate anticipatcd adverse impacts associated with the use, ta ensure cesmpliance with the standatds of a�►proval, to prate�t ihe v�iac of athtc property, and to achieve the goals and objectives of thc cornprehensive gtan. .� � . � !'(1 8�x 5tt1 ��Z� O 28T5-145tN ST W �+ � �y flOSEMOUNT,k11NNESOTA 55{M'.H �a7��Qus�� 6f2--423-d41 t � . . . TO: CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: MIGHAEL WOZNIAK, AiCP, C]TY F'L,ANNER DATE: AUGUST 25, 19$9 SUBJ: AUGUST 29, 1989 - FUBLiC HEARING { PRO�OSED ZONING pRDINANCE - PUBLIC HEAitING At 7:Q0 �r.m. City Council wilt reopen ihe public hearing t4 consider the Prapased 2oning Ordinar►ce �3c Map. The intent of this hearing date is for Caun�il to conside� the provision of the zoniag ordinance rel�tting to the USPCI Proposat. Enc}osed wikh this review is a copy oi a revised version bf the zaning ordiaance provisions pertaining to Ehe USPCt Proposat; I will note thaE Council Members recieved cvpies of this revised version oE the provisic�rns at the Augnst 16th Spccial Meeting. Al�o encic�sed with this review is a co�y of some additional minor ch�nges to the Proposed Zoning Qrdin�nce draft which are being recommended by City Attorncy, llave Grannis. 1 witi briefl'y summariae these changcs at the Pnblic He�ring. s; StafE is recommending that Council follow the same �►rocedures for conducting the hearing as were used on Angust i5th. This would tnfaii $ta[f summary oi the zoning ordinance prt�visions to be considered; clari[icatiae o1' prvicedures for asking questions or making comments by Mayor Hoke; first recieving queslions of clari[ication from Council and then frern the public; and, lastly, recieving comments [rom the public. . � - . . �- �� � t:�:�f . -. . . . Copies of the zoning ordinanee provisions pertaining�'Eo USPC� wilf be available ' for ihe public �c the meeting. n If ihece are any �ddiEionai questions or comments at�oat pravisions of the Zonin� Ordinance othEr than those rela�ting to the USPCI Propasal, t would recommend that Cot�ncil wait until ciiscussion ef USPCI retated pravisions has beer� eompteted to recieve them. I would once again ask that if City Counci� Members have any additionat questic�ns regarding the Propased Zc�ning Qrdinance or Map thai you contact me so that they may be addressed �rior to the meeting, � �� �'�0�-�;1. ��' . i � .. _..---------------- , �} �Y! �..._. � t�•��-'�.�� ' � / Ci �'l�C��[�� � ��C.) �'%t' �l 1,-`�(`�� ,�����''•...r„�<.� ��'�'� " , - , - � . . . , � �., . _ .�r�� . ar � � - a �. .� �.� �, ,: � � � . , : {{{/// _� ���. '. _ , � �Y �.: ( \ , .�� . .. . �. 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C � /\�t;•'fy7��rft� � � ��LV� , )(� ����1t� ����� ��f.����r ��i ��1;l�Y�C�L�� � { r �/ ..� ,,c..,. �• ��tl.�.�.� J��'(l ���D �Cl�-,t;�t..�;b Gl 4�--f � /lt A.� ��'�2-'G, �"' � , 'f��l�'�S-`�J �l. � tf`f�' r !�-l�. 14�a�"�' 7 /���..,�'./ J��G'� � tc.��. �s.f.t,/ ?.S�C�t.� , �/� 9�' , c2,��Z.�e,�f �Q,.s-u�t.tl�+-, ���.�i,2� �(��'`�t'/rc'C_.f T��t'. j��(':c'r t�c"c'�tr� �;`"'�(:4� � � �. � . � .. _ `q �..����""�--� � I Y q 'l?`��f�� �,,/t e ✓ ) tzOa,X*ir,c-� f7'f�./ �:y .:-:�(� t� _ �' � .� �-' � �"--/S' �! �'c Ce t��7� (,,%� �.S �' f.4e',,.��5:,,,r``�,�-.�.�y,..1` S.S G�.::r} -- , • _ _ ' . ., �0 �.,_ � � y,�,�._,�,� � ��5� ��4 w�at� �U-�t= �rssE's,,t«.•�.x�—' �.�,�� �"i �S ,/A l/ � � . ; �,,,w ;•� v `�f f /I���`i � 47 s-fj/ �';��y y r�/,,i-� (.�..J .�-...;�l�/ �' / � �� ..,�../ I�_av.�:►.'.�c�:?(S�f •"�rt:*� '?��:��� ..�..%�I�� 'rc?'�'"�"/� �%�''�J' b'�� " J (l ; . � � , ., =�.. ���'' `"'�� ���� �� i W I SH TO TMANM TNE MAYQR fllVll h1EM£�G RS QF' 'fHE COUNG I t_ FOR Th1E ORPOR7UNITY 1'O AD�RESS YOU TWIS EV�NING C�IUC�RNING rHC PF:OF'CiSED HAZARDQUS 4JflaTE QRDIfVAtVCE. I S i NCEREL.Y HORE THAfi YQU COL.t._ECT I VELY AS ELEGTED DFF I C I AI.S W x LL. VOTE TH I S Q R�?I NAhlCE L?CIWN ps THAT I� THE W 3 SH OF THC hiAJOR I TY UF' 7HE K�CflF�L..E HERE FQR THE �'OLLOW I NG REASONJ, 1. THE C1�ipINANCE A i �'RC}RO�E�1 WI�L C3PEN THE I}OQF2 TO ALLAW 71-IE CASTEF2N HALF OF OUR CCiMMtlhJ I TY TQ E��COMES A F�UHL I C DUM�' IN TERh'iS OF LANn, flIR� AfUD WATER �'pLLUTiTON. I �THINK YOU W i I�L AGREE itJ I TH ME WHEN YOU CONS I DER TNE F01.._I.QW I N FACTS. A. THE CEL„L� A� 11. S. F�. C. I. CALLS THEM, MAY£�E LINED AND WITN EXSIS7IIVG TECHNOL,QGY AF'F'EAR TQ �E �aAF'E TO�AY. I f=IND THIS VERY HARD Tfl ACCEF'T nUE TQ THE FACT THAT OVER Tk#E YEARS I MAVE WQRKED IN LCADTNG CDGE TEGNNOLdGY THAT NAD Al..L THE ANJWE�IJ QNLY fiQ F I h{U THAT TME R I GHT QUEST I ONS NAD 1VOl' E+EEN A5KED. YCiU GAtV ASt; AtVY ENG I NEER faNf� THE�' W I LL TELL YOU THAT I T t�lClRKS F'ERFECTt_Y QN F'AF'CR QR COMF+UTE€2 MODEL, t]NLY TQ f=IND OUT WHEN F'UT TQ THE TE�T EVERYTHZiVG DID NQT �D A5 F�LANNED. I DQ IVOT WAtVT i"Cl MAN� TH I 5 TQ MY CH I LDRERI NQW ONI.Y TD F I ND OLt'T THAT AT' THC ENI7 Q�" ,?,t� YEflRa 'i"I-iE T'EGHNQI._L1GLY DOES NQT `r,=�- �xs�sr l'0 CLEAN UF� THE MES� I GAVi� TH�M. �. WE ALSO HAVC THE FdL.LOWING CUF�RENT �OU�GE� �F �'Ol._!UT I t�N Ti�AT I FEEL. �aFiOU�� F I l.� 4+!I TH L1S WHAT 1'MEY ARE CU I NG TO llC3 TU HEL.�� I R1��RDV� QR r�i f�, LANlL� Af�lI3 WATER QLJAI L7Y Ai�fD WHEN I T W I LL B�E DONE E+EFQRE WE ADi3 A NEW SOURCE QR vOURCES QF F�DS�Z�LE F'QLI.UT I CIN. A. KOCM REF I I�IER4` ESTA�L I SHED I N A�'G�Rt7X i�5� ANIJ I'� �'RC�CESSIiV� ? AMQUNT M[1RE h10W TNAN T(�IEN. �, MIA--AMEFt�C�1 �'IF'E LINE E�TAE�I.I�NED IN 7NE 1�5C�' S C. GA5 SUF�PLY CO. tNORTHERIV i-tYD�tU CARL�CIN) ES7ABt�I SHED I N THE i�;��' S. D. SUE�UR�AN GRS; EST. ? HA� AT LEA�T 4 3C}I� GAL,. �l"C1F2AGE TANKS SOME O� WHICM WERE MADE FROM E+ARG� TRAN�FER TANK�. ARE THESE UF' TO C(ODE? THEY ARE c MILES FRC]M 1{OCH. LF' GA5 RETAIL�R. E. CENEX EST. '? THEY ARE AHOUT t3NE NALF A MILE FROi+1 KOCH. REFINERY. . F. UNI[lN CARE�IDE CARPl3N CHEMICALS CORF'. EST. ? THEY ARE RIGHT ACROSS T!-�E �'ENCE FRC?M KC3CH. WMAT ARE THEY DOING THERE? IF T'NEY MANUFAGTURE OXYGEtV TMEY ARE FRR TDC} CLO�E TO A HYDRO CARB�t7N F'I.ANT. L�AaEU U�tIIV THE FLAaH F'OINT OF THE ��ARTICULAR HYpR�-CARE�ON ��'ONTANOUS GCC�h1E{USTIOM CAN AhtD 1�lZt..L OCCUR DUR I NG THC h1AiVl1FACTUFt I NG �ROCCSS. ,. . .-.. G. UN I VEl�S I TY Ur M I NIV. EST? t_.AND GRANT I NST I�UT I QN, E X��EFi I MCNT ,.STAT I ON WH I GH I1V THE 1 t]SC7' S WA� WELL KN(7WN FOR I 7' S �EAD I NG EDGE TECFiNOL.OGY I N THE DAI ftY INDUSTRY IN THE AF2EA OF �'I��E t_INE h1ILKER�"-a AND MII.KING G�ARI�QRS. TO DAY THEY NAVE THE UNt�ES I RAPL� REF'UTAT I QN OF �EING A Mfl3QR GROUND WA�'ER F'OL.LUT�R, RY HAVING HpZAFtL�QU� WASTE, �G�' S AND WASTE �F20DUCT� FRflM THE MANUFAC7URE t7� AMMUi�I I T I OiV DUft I NG WW `. H. S��ECTDR ALLOY FST. ? 3. TNERE i S ALS� TALK APC]UT A E�URN FAG i l.�1'Y THAT W I L�t� F�RODUCE ASH AN�? FLY ASM. IF THE 5CRUP�ERS DON' T WORF; IT W�LL AL50 PRQDIJCE AIR F'OLLUTIDtV AND I� TNEY A�t]VE MEN7I�NED INDUSTRIEa Dt7N� T E�l1RN CLEAN WHD GETS THE E+LAME? 4. TFiERE I� R��O TAL.K AE�t3UT THE IV�Ei? FCJR R ASH RECYGL.I NG F�LANT Tf� TAIiE CARE �F THC A�N t R'EME�ER M��LS. I S NQT H�V I NG ANY L.UC:F: GF7'T x N� Al�lYt7NE TO TAKE i"HE I R�} . RE�Af2DL��aS H�W TMEY ATTEM�'T Tt3 COhll'AIN TF�#E Mfll'ERIAL TMERE I S fl �ETTF R `f HAi�I AVC RACC CHANGE I T W Z L�. LEACN I IVTQ T'HE t�ROUND WAT�R THEId WH� WIL.L E+E E�i...AMED THE UNIV. OR THE ASN F'LANT? AC.SC] ONCE THE G*i..ANT I� I Pd ��LA�E TI-fERC I J h10 G�TT Z itil� R I D OF TT. .�.�. QN AUCt1Sl" c�`, 1'��� THE GQUNTY L-��AfiD �AW F I T TC} RLI.QW ' ��;E+ T0 �U I LL� A 47 ACRE DEh1QL I T Z ON WA�TC MANAG�MENT FAC I l.I 1'Y .�<_tt.f YARD� Er�ST C}F R I CM U�1LL.EY �SOtJLEUA�t1? I N I PtVER �Rt?�C HE I GHTS AtVD R[1SEMOUNT. S4SE� SA I D TFiAT TMEY WERE G47I NG TC3 Ftf7 I N A CLAY G I NER FOR TF#E I R RRt]TECT I�N flNT} THC F�Rt3TEGT I t7N QF THE COMh1UN i TY. THEY �Tt�ESSED HOWEVER THAT l'H� WATER GAN �EEF' TN70 THC GROUNI� AND THAT THE C.I1ttER ZS NOT A TU?`ALLY TIGNT CCINTAINER. 1'HIS LINER HAS A MINIMUM LIFE tH�t�DIIVG THE I*tt7LECULES) OF ;�i� YEARS. TNE l..i NEFt I� E�E I NG F'UT I N PECAUaE OF TFiE CI.Q�E FROK I M I T`f TCI KC?GH? THIS ZS VEFtY GCC�UI? DU€ TQ TME FACT TNAT TNE AREA E�EHIP1�7 KflCFd I S CR I S�--CRC}a�'aED W I TH LP—GAS P I RE L I M1IEa�' �'RQM CLEAR L.AFfE I QWA AIVD WDQU�TQCK I LL. t M I U—flMER I CA) flND THEN TQ SUFURFsAN GA5 COI'�IF-'ANY TO THE NC1R1'H. KOCM GETS THE I ft GRUDE �RQM KANSAS SQ 7HEY WILL HAVE INCOMING CRUDE AND OUTGOiNG FINISHED fiRODUCT I i�l TME �AME F i ELA. CENE X GETS Ti-1E I R CRUDE FROM WREWSHA THEREFtIRE TMEY WiLL HAVE AN INGOMING CRUDE ANI} AN CtUT'C{7I NG F I N I SMCD Pftt]�UCI' I.,I NE I lV THE �AME A REA. E+EH I N�? �UNUREiAtV GA� THERE i� A LANDFILt� WITH HEAVEN ONLY Y,NOWS WHATS iIV THERE. � � IN CONCLU�ION THERE I5 hIOT A �'ERSON HERE THAT DOE�IV} T WANT TO DO THE I R �'ART I N TFIE F I GNT AGA I NST F�Q�LUT I ON TNERE FCIR I FEEL. THF�7 WE ARE THE SILENT MAJORITY AIdU RES�ECTFt1t,_LY REQLIEST THAT YflU 6�ROTECT US THE P'�OPLE TMAT VOTEI? YOU iNTO OFFICE AND VOTE THI'a [IRDINANGE DOWN. THEN WC C�N WQRK TO�ETi-1ER W I TH THE 1+1ANUFACTUF2E9,PACKAGE'R' S ANI? RCTA I LERS, TQ STOF� �OLLUT I�N I�HE RE I T BEG I NS. .�.(._i: {Yie.�t d!G)Y" F1C?�. .{.t�l"i F}cal::c�} �::cr�!•1 {c:r..:n t9r-. F'zat..t l. ',"�irtt i.'k.h q Ci�(:.•Y i:::t_��_�rir_.� :t MF�rnt�€�r��:.=� }'�'I��E�,r..� t"�::r�.ar�ic�:7 1. ? C�'r.a��>�•�r�ir?�?i-xt:.4 !°ti r�:•�t�.�w:t,rkz-� 1=!"�t:il�lr Mr-. �'t����y f�;G�h�i;7, t:l��r�i�r. f�i t_I-� L'P:,.l. E�r v t��c:�l.�f #:�,l�.E ha ::;f3M i �.'3�:':ith �>�.. [:=�t�,". (;c��=.E;srr�cac.�r��t,, i'�h� `_`��`=��::>ta��� xJf.�i..i �.::: i•1!..ti�)l..t'•:a�: .:'.t..:i p .L�J i;;�c7r / . � �,.7�::: � .� �}� .:� ��=•1:�.� F'it�,'•:t��i'i1f'iE:� �;r7?�;r.5r�nt:ra_�rai:. �:.c? i.t�c:1t..�r.:4•r_a e� ��'r.`tf��!� {''��ilc:ll'��F7ffi�:'!"i+'. 17:i��:>�t.� ir:��t. ![�Jf`1) �fr-a��- t.:)riit;�}cl �k.�a�l::E�<� t"�'r��l. .tt..�t�.:i:�.�rt (':�:�s�i�.:rra1. „ :Cr-�c:� ' s ft.t.'.�,F�'r';Ti ��,t~��::;�,�c�s=,E=s:i, h�ac,r�--F�lr:�d. ��.►� ti�:y�.ss :trtc�it..c�:�:r-i�?1. Wr:�<.:��h.r.., ��1-ar���ac�a�rn�:�a•�t:. �a,�.:i. :I. ;.fi;.y :� ,:,n� !3t�r-r�r��ql.,�r r��a� r..f;c.=ci fi:r.x �k:l�c� 1:r-�c.r�at:.�.c-�r�► t�ni;i �ht7is t:-r.�G�a���:�i1. ' , <-�����.::i.rarY c.��� ��.�.:c�iri�.�t.iriy �t�.t� r-��:•��-ar���3 t:.t���W� �r::it:.'y c:,� Ft+.ar:��.rym��t_tnt:. fi�ta :i.��c:_1 c:t cl� r� !r�!"I �:1� :,1::r��a. c.t �t:aE�- t..t;�F"'C�� ' :� �7 r-��a c?w{���K i rt t�i..i��k r-i�x l :t t��1 G:I-�a. l. :t�a ��<-; c,;.�r��i~� �r�#� �:i c::t� `�1r�:1 :I.e::��„• t.ar:�x7. 4� i':7.�..�ta, 7.c��.„�;�i:.r�r_i c:li r�c.t l y �c�t..�kt•Fu��::,t. C:7•$ h.f"iC�3 �tr��,�►r.:+�.�f��ci q l;Jl� ri�. :,a.:�-.i c;t:R �: F:i.r7=:9 r��:::+w�ai'�7.F'i4.� �k:l�t:i<.� l.s�r�ic1 e�nt:.:i r-F,J.y, :i r��rr.arn��<��.;ila 1.� w:'t l-h rn�• i:;t.<<�i r��::r.:�;_c �Frar.. tl�e-� �4�i;:y.l :L c.�t��J:i s�►t�7 r-r���:r.ari�� 1 3 •�•F,..ca�F��:�� �ir�rr.1 n;:1i a� :L��,.e:�t<�;u t.J£:iF''!.:�: F��t�.i�rr�.at.:c�<�: +�.h�� �:� €r�i ni.m�..trzr c�-�� �:?� �r-�..t e-��:� Sr t�}r.. t:9���; a:�:i: �. t h.t t_-� i,�:>a.r r c� 1�.1�c::i.s•.. �:i�:tn�+�_� r-�L;,:t:�:1:�i�i ti.� :'t r� •:a'�.: �t���c:t?"-i{:; ;:'1�,) 'k:Y"1�:?�: t;.(3 �.=dt'li:f �i"'i:tfYi 'FI"ik:? 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I:aF: C)[::11 1�':?�� I. 6 d'L I � 1.11( t..i l :I.;I"i f'rA t'.t.i(i l.f:� (i t:'�'?1 P�(:,..! c:l'k'.1.G'11'l i::?}' fTl'y' .R<:it 11 f..� ?:ii f.:l..il J"E{'1'��= 4'i�1.�C.tC:?M i.1i'if'� f'If] C�f.:)t_l�':}'�: �at.(•f'i'kal'' ci �':.1?'F'.F1I. ,Lf.'?'�3�; t.]Ci !Ti)/ (�)l..t::i:i �'i(ii°%ie�=i.. �T��"1t_.'..i ::? •i'ii4f:::'�:.�'i £iirl�:lt.S.�.f�� �::?C! t:l��L tUC.S?"i �:".(:i {':.Fi1�::f {:::C3t:.4P'3C::1 :�. n t11'� .. _...._._._.._....v. . . C::t_i:"•'I:C:)t(7E•.?i'"�s .�i.��:'s'I". i:�l"'(i:•?t"i' t'; t�)t_i7.!'tC� '�'.f.] h'7k� e��:J�.Ei? C'?Y" �:'VC?t"i fA�r?.Cl'i.'. 'r:C7 _ .. '.�1°.z:I f r•i,::�:;i�: �:��r <•.����► :i.r.�r.l�.� ;F.r��:i :a.t 1<--�r�r.:l;�:i.1: :! rrr ,-;.r�s y t.!-�:i r�i r, �:��:�.r.,:, .f:t����.:_ ('.�i'.c?�:i'�:.C:tFci {'.:f'ir!i: �':3. flt:f f:�� C�:t. ::7�'.:L?t' �:)��ft{:;�_f (::tY` 4':L C?!,J„ __... � _ � � � , �� / � ,� ��y ':�i c�ri�:�c:l �..� _CZ :p') '��Z�t� /l '-r� �- _ .�1_��- .. �_._ k____._w..__._M.._.__.� _..� _�.�_. .__ � ���� � � -,. • -w; CQMMUNITY DECLARATI4P1 flF St1PPORT The proposed USPCL containment facility for non-hazardous industrial waste serves the best interests of our con�nunity by prov9ding a long-term ecananic and environmental partnership with the City of RosemQunt. The undersjgned do hereby declare. WHEREAS, bus�nesses which generat� by-produets should pay the higF�er costs of building and monitoring long-term, environmentally�safe containment facilities for those by-products; WMEREAS, the fiacility wi11 only accept non-hazardous by-products fr an industry and recycling operations and will use state-of-the-art technolagy to protect our environment; WNEREAS, the faciiity will i�rove environmental quality in our comrnunity by i'mproving handling and starage of certain classes of satid waste already being dispos�d in our area under 1ess stringent environmental standards; WNEREAS, the faciiity wi11 generate over �I00 millian in benefits tv our c�nunity of Rosemount and the surrounding area ovsr th� next thirty years; WHEREAS, the develaper, USPCI, will establish a e�nunit,y trust in perpetuity whicfi will d3rectiy 'benefit Rasemount residents with funding for car�rwni�y improvements, econcwntc development, and new publ�c facilities -- without requiring additional tax revenues from rssidents ta achieve these ob�ectiues; WNEREAS, USPCI wilt contribute, over $18 million dollars to suppvrt environmental efforts of the City of Rasemount af Dakota County over the 3Q years of the pro�ect; WHERfAS, this land use represents an appropriate, practical and acceptabte use of the proposed sjte; �fHEREAS, this develapment establishes an important precedent in the c a�unity of R�semount -- where the developer is required ta estabiish a long-term par�nership with the cortanunity and create direct econanic and environmental benefits ta its cc�nunity;- THEREFORE, we urge our elected officials, associated staff advisors, commissions and boards -- to proceed with development of the Minnesota � � Industrial Conta#nm�nt��aci�ity in a ti�mely manner whic�h wilfi most � � � � � direetly benefit the ctty, its residents and our environment, . Name: i� Ic.r�Act� k N i�N�S �`il�� , Names (���'�e._ . .. .� (y 9'1� GAmF t1�4 '` 4 Addt�ess: � Address: �-� , ��• �as�ma� �t .��3:�68� Name: ��;ea ��v£n► a�.f l��^ Name: ��c�n ��.�,sc�� Address:���s: f��srtS'��lT #3 Jv ( t t�`'� ,�'f, �,1 �,�f s�va�r Address: (� K.i� y c ��6 Name: ,�,� ►.+,�.""Z'►u��� �-�---�~-�--�—� �,�i � Name: �,,.��� Rddress: 1�i;n"a� L►..�►,r�.-�, ra,,� Address• �1�� �C.� /� / n�� �£�t C#mvf J���o '�`"'C' w►� •.�.�s � s �� Narne• �/2.�-�- � � Name. . . �d�!l t�.., Address: /�.34�2 .a a�-�� - ' .�ef .--') �� . 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F�.ttt.x��.C�, r..�:,�t �cr �v�ar:>9 t�i: E::� '�Y`i.�1 .�5n CiY �:?e..�ll"R: ict{..i(:.� Y f=?t=:P"'k.'s�'t:.:1.f.�Yt:�.a. t:tt"'k.=?i:i.5`��:'' 4�Jx:� st.cyr��.��t: t.l-s.::��t: �.7F.::'f:;'T'Tt�)I`i �. 1. . 9. t,Ea�il:X;7Llr�L._ i �_.:1'TG.1�'4{'��a, t�. "h.lr..ri�:>�:�" t;rt� e:t(Ti(lt�:5(1(��Cf '�.:C:l :l.f1C»�.t_4L��t� �� ., . � C.::i{�'?p)W�l:':�:�,(:�I'lc��:?�.f.? C�l.�lf,.� �:£3 t�ltl.�t^��t�::l[i......_..,...,..�� 4�:i.'f:I'i Y"1?[,�;�t'"C F �:.C? r-C7 tit r}�,?�:'.:1.�:):t J. 1"�_'V r:t{: �.<:i.f7 t� t 1�3 Ei•?,� ., . .f.'�;f:tfi} �. �; . F���tE' t:?C.:t:1Yl{"tRl:t C �FF�C"'it"��'A F'.::a n 1�}te:E?I1�..1.`.•'F?i5� . . ITlt.t y�:. C..?4_l{.;�lJ�;!C�t'i �:a r�'�.C-»?f'i'�1���: 1"i kaC�r?.�'.1 V S;.' a:i r'a�f?Cw'�:�a� � �� " ... "'�,� (;.}����-. tht i l:I k:,c.� €�.t`t t:+ .:.._. :L{'t{'�i'�::<`.t.�.r"i F..C� t_�C.".�-..{:. �'t�?Y" 1'"C?c14� iTi i:.�1:f'1 t.:!.":i"i%�l i"i C.:(;:?y t:.�I..t::7 fi:.�:� i r�r_r���ri:�.�:aci t.�~��F�#.�: t.:n t.�t,�''t'�;: 7 �: I�ne��i. 1. 1 �r7c,�! ��tt'at�t-.. •#t�cr�il :it:�:e-; ean t�.l�:i�� �.ar�c��:����r��k�.��, cav�r� t..��e� r�i��;;�:: ,;':) y�<�i���-,�' Ud!-t r� L'd 3.�. �: (�c.�V i t;?Y" 1�'.:":ry :;:�� (:J t���►4: i t�7 t.t���:_ +.r_�k:�1 ���e:c i E-i{���r,i r 1-r��rr���4�i t •.�.<:a l�:i r�r.� i n t c� �c:;c.:���G.:r7 t: ��lE? 7 c,tr,R'l1&'fs: 3.f"1 �:.�3'..E?\%7.�.:3t��..}.�.'.; f.i�::i:3�;Ge(:� L�t..l£?::��'.:1.C:�Pi�� f ram'��:e''.�:� :-t3�' �:l1�ft�t r�E=c�i:t�.7:`r'f:! <���,rr::ts�ti !-�t:�� t:t�ti .:a e.:cai_is�c: i 1 �Fc:}t.u•��.�4 c��� l,fr�� c�:::C z��-�r.i �:f:.' s �?rc:i�:�r����.1 ,� �?r�ic9 �.,�h�t� �,r..ca�,.i.d��:i t_F��� a.n.f,..��...m�t:i r.�r�r �.:ir�sc�ri tcF�'l:t.C��'t `y'CJI_IY' 7 k.AE:�t�f:.3(Ti{:'11'�" :L za �::)i..-i"'-i�.?C.��:' 7 �_r-:�rx .t'.�:", ,��1'F��c�� ����:�:1 i.t�<.�r�t a��_tw�t� l7;���y� <_� �-tl�r� �f c:�r- �c�r k�i rtc� �vz�k:r� :ir;r.a!_�::�:r•y' t.s:� �f�e�!�d�tica��� ���+�:::hr�:i c�E..tF�� <=tr�� �t�,r F.��=i�.:� 1�t�-a�� ►�-;�a�yc::�:ie�c� 1.1"iti�k.l:�t.:t'"1::t.� Gd 3.:'r�F•� '::��'::Y"t'<:1titY"» rt ••:��r.:�y �,��..�rl'�e :L :: �..�i���_..� � �:?�aii')n tr,,.'..j��.�. �:)G:!i'"C»(:$17�..c:1t;�(1 [:i'i' 4'Je3?.:t�.L: (:�C1 'F:�`iC;?`.� i'�r.t�:��? �:.5_7 �"4���:::y'r:.I.t.�: <',ail�::; �?j% Ut�'is:'fi`r' . � w'Fl(`�'� :; r't�F 7 r::�,: �:���-t c:�•F t::��.��.. lela.�:� i:c.:�n ��F�t���:c.�r�faa,�t,, i`Jt'h��(�t�E:_ v,<<�7�s r..:i°•�:�:?t:�-�� ��:.c�, �.�t�r:� i�;w�l y' YJ(�7Y"I::, i.r� �ti�ti .t.�..��,,r .,t�i:i:�::=q ��i t!-t ���_iF�:l. �i,c: c�f��i.r:i�:i �> r.rri E'ctl'1�i'7.1"t�li"il1iE?ft�:.:i�. .1.�:_=�l_ir-?ra�• 4�4�!:t :;:tY"P? (_C:�iPlfi'il'�':C^'C'� '�.:C) �'sf:?5:::L�i'"7.fl?� t::t =a..��'P,•�r. �,:i r_��.:r_= tr., 7. :i.�vF, .�rai�� r.:,c..�r�•s�>F.�:i:vcat::>„ ca�.:.ir.. t..t,i :t�l�r r,r� r�r���_( �f�.;t t i:�t�:� c3:,,r.��w�,..r�l..f.r.,r��;w � t=':t c :s�:� .yr.�����:t �"r r:;rz:� t::c_r r_.r_rri"��+r.::�� rn�y -�t�a:�� <�arr;+ r_:�.s�r�:i��:c.Mi t�:.x��+r�r crt�x t::c:yF�i�n��:rt�:.=s:, c:a��r S��t.::i�::s��7-=:> c;=� <��si..�r, c: ��rr�t�..�=c:Y r-r•-.;�,'].t:�lt:�fi;_,� • .�..� -a i � � u . . . . . � � � � . � � � . � . . . . . CITY OF RUSEM(.)UMT SPECIAL 114EFTIN(: t)�' T11E C1TY COUNCiL TUESUAY, AUGUST 29, 1989 7:00 P.M, �'IIBLIC I-IEARIN ; t�t ES7'l(�N,�S UF t;LARIF((:ATIUN 1. If �lic��li�ns a�7inst t1St'("I (;illr�*rd fincs �fi�insl 1lSPCl's Pacililv I��c.�tcd in Ui�h) arc lrac, M�►w wcattic) thc M;�y�r / C'ily C'nuncil rcact c�r res���rnd? 2• Wi�y weren't a11 Rosemount eitir.ens nntified by mail oi the public hearings regarding revisions to thc Itpsemount Zoning Qrclinanec? 3. Are the tests used lo monitnr the �roposed USPCI facility done through the statc or hy USPCt itscif? 4. Why wasn't a PUfl (Planne�l Unit Deuelc�}�ment) �ermil required of USPC:t? 5. is PUD (Plannecl Unit nevcic�pment) �ermitting a mc�re throrough meihocl nt permitting than othcrs availaMle? ' f. If the USPCt [acility werc constructed: how woald i# be �oticed? haw would cilizens ofi Rosemount ae profected? h�w often would the iacitity � be checked / tested? 7. What wc�ald USPCI's res�►onsihiiity be if water contaminatian were to �ccur? �. What factc�rs dctcrmimc thc "ac�equate fundin�" that USPCt officials refer to as Ehe source af funds fc�r �ny clean-ups that might he necessary? 9. D�es Ft�semount currently have "Was[e Management" ciistriets ar is this a new cancept being intradueed �n Efie revision of the Rosemouni Zoning Or�iinance? 1U. ls the pur�ose of the "WasEe Management" sectian af the new Rosemaunt Zoning (}rdinance to mak� way tor USPCI and simiiar fac'riities? 11. in the event that a watcr cc�ntaminatic�n cau�cd by USPGI's iacility was not cleieeted immediaieiy, ivhat wc�uld he cl�ne Eo reetify the siluation? 12• Wfiat effect will having USPC1 �r iike facitilies locate� in Rosemount have �n proper[y values? �' 13• What ha�pens if the v}aeraEions of USPC1 are lerminated? �� i � , � PUBLtC HEARING CUUESTIt?NS UP CLARtFIC;ATIt1N PAGE 2 14. How �ioes the new Roscm�nnt Znning Ordinanc�c address the safety of �eopie and natural res�ur�es in regarc! io such [aci#ities? 15. Wc�uld il l�c a��prr��►ri�tc fc�r fcclrral rcrmittin� a�encies tn revi+ew Ihc informaEion on USPC;T hefore the Stale oE Minnesota or fhe City of Rosemount issues a permit? 1.6. What is defined as "free liquids"? 17. What is "hazardous" as c�r�osecl t� "�t,-hazard�us" waste? 18. Would � change in future st�tc regulatic�ns regarcling a facitity lifice USPt;t afifect the regulatians ihe cily vvili already have in place fo�r such a faeitity? 19. What is "leachate"1 What is considered an accec�tabte tevel of "}e�chate"? 2(l. �iher th�n ihc�sc alreacly rec�uired, are there any ad�itional mcanitc�ring systems heing pr��o4ed For the U'�PC'I faeility? 21. How would the montoring of the USPCI facility differ from the manner in w6ich Pine Bend is currently monitared? 22. Wili thc com}�c�sition �f materiala stored at USFCI change over iime? What wiil lhe end result be2 23. Is there a p�s��hility ihat the n�n-ha�ardc�us malerials, whcn stared together over tirne, Could becnme hazardons? � 24. Hc�w will thc USPGi tacifiity beqe[i! Rosemvur�!? 25. is i1SPC'! a rrivptc cc>mnatty? ls it e�»�E�cnsaicd thrc�t�gh ptivatc c�r puhiic funds2 .�-,.,"�,,-�; 1 ��. `� '� � L A�� F I �1�,� f � � L� 4 . :;� ►� F Iv� �� t� F.��.I���I��� I � t p -� � l.n�a O��c� GI�.ANNlS, GAhNNlS, �hRR��..L & KNi��rsar� D���io L.GRANNIS • 1874-1961 PaQ��sut�t,�i ASsoaAroN DevID L. GIUNh4S,jR . 19� 1 � . ... . �I�ELEc,nPtEit7 . �:. 9,e.. _._ . . Po�rv�,���Cx s� � �frati�is•23s9 VANfF F1.GRANNIS �O+ NaRaEsr Bnr�x Pt��tatti� Etur,�T 0.kr.�rsc.ti VANCi. B GMNNIS�JR.• 1G� NQRTN CONCOitA f,xGMl4NGt M1GilAE4}.�{AYE1l P.17RIGF.A. PARRRLL . a.Mr... . ' DAVItt L.GMNNIS, 11l SbIfTM S7. P�ui, Min�N�b�rtA 33075 ROSiER N.FCNUTlO� TQClPHONE(6(2)�}}.16bI � Devin [., H,�iw�rFn -�_ �Aun Aowrmo To ( f�''"'" ^ //}Q Q.. � L � ( `7C/ �•(J � PMCTIC[IN��XOK51N . ��� � / Q / � . . . K J Z'0: nean Johnson ( 423-5203) Trudy Richter Gasta�zoa�c� (342-2547) Sharon Recker (339-9133y FROM: p�ve Grannis, IIi R�: Zaning Ordin�nce An►�ndment� uA'I'E: August 16, 19�9 Ai:taahed please finr� lat�sG ciz�f� a.f t��x t�lepl'►nne conCerence with Trudy. Pl.ease call if ana� of yc�u sha�al.d tiave ar�y cJup��ior�s. ` < - i � B�t�'T't4N S.Z. tiffi821�ITIU3+�� �nt�r�� Uare � t�mporary u�a ot �rcap�rty utttil a pc�rti�u3ar d�tt�, ur�til ��� th� c►ccs�rr�nce of a parti�ular r:v�nt, �r ur�tfl ��nin� recfulaticne no longer permit i�. Hon-Bm►�a�douar Z�tduatrial i►��t* �cntainaes�t �a►�ili� A t���.lity th�t � accept� �nd lr�r►d di�posea cf only t�t��-h�z�z'dc�u-si���n u�tria� w�ste. Th� ta�ili.ty may ��c�pt non-ha��rdc,us i�dustrial lic�uid wa�t� �� such `2= 2 iquids ar� pro�e�s�d tc� in�ur+� nr� fr+�+� 3#�uid� are land d�.�p�sea. �, b �ac3.2i�y �h�1Z. inclu�� car►tair�ment c�ii� and �11 other ap�nurten�n�es �`i+�c�s,�ary far its cper�ticn. I�+�n-�i�k�d�'tl�►ue IAt�t�e►trial �i'a�ts �r�1id Wdgt� �ener�t�d frb�ll at� it��lu�- tr�.al rsr m�nuf�tctur.�ng proc��g. Nc�n-haz�►rdou� ind�strial wa�t� shall nat in�lude: a:nciner�tor, r�sc�urc� recove�y or pawer piant a�h; �ig�ui� �-wastes nct gracessed at th� facila.ty; sew�c�e sludge, including treated �� cr di�ested ��wage sludge; PCBs, irr�ectious wa;�te; hau��holc� garbage or ��f�s�; non-�hazardous ir�dugtria�. waste that is ecanc�mica2ly feasible to r��ycle; radiaactive or nuclear waste; rendering ar siaugh�terhous� waste; �,r hazardous w�s��. Ha��rdau$ �a�gt� Substari�es iisted as "'haz�rdou�p r�r �*toxic" �n th� Compreh�nsive Enviranmentai Resp+bnse Cramp�nsat�Qn A�Ctr 42 U,S.C. §9&��. et. s�q. , the Resourc+� Con�ervatic�n z�nd R��overy Act, 42 U.S.C. �69�1 �`� et. �eq. , and r+�guZatian� interpreting such acts, �t�.nrtesota Sta�.ute §i16.of, �ulad. �.3 and r�g�a2ations interpretine� such statu�e ar any other. �ed�raT, state or 2aca1 2aw re�ulating taxic or hazardous sub- �a�:ances. ��CTYC3�,+I 6.15 1PM i�AB'PL ldlsiNAGEMENT L��:BTRZCT 6�=A. i�trp��e and Int+�ri� Th�s �ii�tri�t i� intended ta accomm�►cta�.� w�st� �nd�stri�s and �i�� inherent environm�ntal problems as�c�ciated with waste m�na�em�nt. �� B. Ct�e� �+ermitted by T�t�erim Use F�rmit 1. Ncan-Hazardous �nd�stra-al 6Jaste Contait�ment Fa�ili�Y. SECTIC)�+1 11.� N{��-HAZA�DtXU� I'i+@IISTRIAL i�ASTE C�NTAINMBN'� FAC�LITY ��A. P�rmit �i�pli�an�s sh�ll �ubmit th� �c�lir�wing informa�ian together wi�h any �ther inform�tion reque�ted by the City; �`�-1. The propersed pra�ect ��yout including site drawings shc�win� b�ildinc� lacatians, access ra�ds, buffer�, �nd �11 major facil- �.�ies. a��. Prt�possetl te�hnc�lQqy ar►d de�ign. ��3. A cort►plete d�scriptic►n c�� the pr�pose+� prc��ect's op�ration, �l' including k�ut nc�t limited to ph�si�g and ant'icipa��d �pe-r�ting li£et.ime, t�p�� of w�st�s t4 �e accepte.d and metha�s to veri�y . r ��the waste straam, x�cc,rd k��ping metha�e�, �t�ffinq, an�iripr�t�d �ra�t� vaiumes, con�ai.nm�nt ��ciiities, contir��en�y ai�� respors$e plan�. L�4 . A descx�iption flf anticfpated �ra�'fic g�:nerat�a by �ha tz�cili��, route� tc �e us�d, and ����s� to th� �it�. ���. 7dentifieation cf known �na �a��ntiai en�rircxnmmnt�l r3,ska as�oeiAt�d wi.th tl�� con�tr��t3.oM, ape��tion and clo�ur+� af th� fa�ility. p��. �I.o�ur�, paa�t� c].o�ure an�l cc�n�ingen�y pla►rt�, inclu�ir.� fin�ncinq pl�tn�. ��7. A d+��criptic�n of th�2 �xi�ting �ite and �urraunding �r�►a in�3udin+� cu�rr�nt ow�e��ship anri land u�e, curren� �oning, �xan�spartaticn �c���� tc� the sit�� �ap�►graphy, exi�tireg sc�il �nd Mydrog�olc�gic �c�nditions, v�geta�ic�n, wildli�+�, s�rface w�t��rs. p�''� . Ne+��l for City em�rg�ncy services inciuc�irr+� fire. po2 i�e� emerg�n�:y �e�por�s�, medical. ��'�. A d�:�c�iption i�f t�'t� �ppl�.c`�ri�''� exp�rience in o�eratin+g �kh� t�chnUlrgY► Prc�pc�ssd training fc�r all oper�tian �taf�� and the envir�nm�n�al re�ord c�f the �echnolc�gy. �. Permits frsr nan-'�azard+�u� indus�ri�l wast� Gon�ainment f�ciliti�� sha31 only b� issued if th� follr�wing �tanda�d� ar� met or � exce�d�ed: � � � � 1. The f�a�ility mu�t r�present the b�st avaxlable te�lYnalc�gy far 1� land dispc�sal of nc�n-ha�ardc�us indus�ria3 waste. '1 '� �. The c�peratc+r �nd staff mu�t h�ve suf�icient ��cp+�ri�nLe in thr� . `, a�eration af such faca.lities to en�ure comp�tent caperatiQn, � ? 3 . Th� ��sign, con�truc�.i.on an�. op�r�ti�n c�f th+a facil�ty must � ' minimize r.��ative �nvironm�ntal impacts and me�st ��itigat� su�h `� impact� tcr the f�:l3.e��c extent pers�ibl�. 4. Public heal�.h, safety an�2 �r�lfare m�tst b� er�su�ed. 5s .A�e�ua�e cla�ure, pc,st closure and conting��+cy pl�ns must b� estat�l ished. 6. An emex-gency respnnse plan �r�ust �e ��t�blished and �ccept��. �ay the Gity. '? . An Env�r�r�menta�. Impact St�tement rnust be camplet�e ar�d dec3ared �d�qua�e by �he re�ponsible grav�rnm�ntal unit. . r r / �. There mu�t be ader�u��r� a����s to tha �it+�. i � 9. The prvpas�:d proj��t must be cc�mp,�tib�.e with �urrc��ndln+� land u��. �� ' ib. The a�ppl�.c�nt provid�'� �inan�i�al a�cur�.ty �uffit��.+�r�t ta � � guarmntee �cm�l�.r�nc� with the t�rm+� of �h+� �a�rmi.t. � 11. The �cononi3.c ben�fit�, inc�ntit��� and �ather adv�ntag�� �� the ti Cit�r and crrm�u�ity mu�� c�utt�eigh �tny knowrt �r �ot�n�i�l riega- ! t�.ve a�:peat� c�f t�e f�ai2ity. \ \ `�, l�. The �ppl,f.cant mu�t �have � plan for warkir�q with indu�t�'y �c d�v�lop t��hn�.qu�s and ���)Cets ��x� r�cyoling fnd�a�triat �.va��e �tr�ams. 23 . An int�r�m p�rmit ssh�tli nat b� i��u�d until all �+�qiair+�d 3c+�z��:, st�t�, arts�/�r f�d�ral p�r�riite hav� '�ee� obtair�ed k�y th� � ��l�iic�int. � 14 . The app�.iGant must ndti�y each us�r of th�e ��.te th�t fr�� liquid� cannc�t be pla�ed in the cont�inment ce11: in�pect ���h . cvn�ainer a�C w�st� �or �he pres�nce of fr�:e liquids: and h�ve pracedure� ta prevent any fxee 3.iquici from b�in+� placed i� the aell. �ECTYt�N 14.1{1 ��t'�'1�RIM td3�L P�RM�T� A. �pI_x��stf�n�Publi�c x�►a�inq. Natice and Prc��edux�� The �pplic�tir�n, publ%c hear3.rig, �ublic ri�ti�e and prc�c�dure r�quirements for interim us� p�rmits sha�.l �e th� same �s tria�e fcar amendm�t�ts as ��� prQvided in 5��tiQrt 26 of this Qrdinar�ce, +exc�p� �hat the permit ``�� sh�1.1 be iss�ted Gn �he affi�m��iv� vate c�f � m�jQrity af the �ntire cc�uncil. sp�Gifi� submiss.ibns required tr� �ompl.ete an application f.ur an �.nt�rim us� pe�nit shal]. be speeified for each t�pe of interim u�e allawed. �. T�,rminati4n �n int+�rim use ��:r_mi� shall termin�t� an the happenir�g r�f �riy of the fallowinr� �vents, which�v�r firs�t occurs: . �' 1, 23-ie t��te �3C�teci in the p�tmit. 2. Fazlure t�i camply with th� cvnditic►ns af the p�rmit. :� . Chanc�e in the City's zoning regu].atian whach xencier� the us� nc�n-cc�nfcarming. C. 8�and�srd� ( _.._. __�__. 1. �rhe int�rim u�e mus�t b� allcw�d a-n the z�ning distri�t where / the �roperty i� lt�cated. ' �`�, � . Th� interim u�e must meet or ex�eed th� perfc�rmanc+s starzda�ds set fc�rth �n this ordinar�ce anc� other app�i.cabl� Cz�ky Qrc�it�ances: , , �3 . Th� interim u�e mu�t comply' with th� �p��i�ic ��a�nd�rds �c�r th� � u�+e i��rtiti�d ir� this orc�irtan�e, �►ns� m�s�t cctmp3y with al.l c�n+�iti�n� c�f approval whi�h shall �� i,ncl��ed in an ir,terim u�e ���m�t agreament. D. �r��i�ition� Th� City may at��►ch �ondi.tian� to apFrr�val af a p+�rm�t ta m�gat+e anti�ip€�t�d adv�r�� i�apacts ��s#csciat�ed wi�h th� use, �c� � b\�-- �n�ur�a �samp�.iance wi�h th� Bt�,r�d�rds o� app�av�l, ta pret�et the value a� oth�r prop�rty, and �t� ach3.ev� th� ga�l� and c�b�e�tives af the compr�henaiv� plan. ---------- -------------------�-----------_ - -- - - - - - -- - --_ �-.-..�.. _ _ :=�..w,