HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Budget Discussion To: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers Napper Oxborough Walsh Wipperman , From: Stephan Jilk Administrator Re:1990 General Fund Operating Budget 1990-1994 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Attached please find for your review copies of' the 1990 General Fund operating budget, the 1990 thru 1994 Capital Improvement Program Budget and a summary sheet of the proposed expenditures, revenues and levy information. Staff has been involved in the budget process since March of this year in anticipation of the many expected changes the state legislature was expected to cause in levy limits and Zocal government aid to cities - two major items we look to for determining our revenues for the upcoming year. The process has been long and exhaustive. But, I believe a healthy one and a thorough one. The budget that we present to you, at this time is based upon the levy limit and iocal government aid' information we rec�ived on August 20. Additional information, based upon the tax bill which was vetoed by the Governor was recieved just this week. Still further information may come from the special legislative session taking place this fall. Changes in levy limits and local government aid could lower our revenue projections or raise them. The budget presented to you has some funds added for contingencies if revenues drop bas8d upon ehanges in levy limits and local government aid. The basis for the amount of contingencies set will be discussed in greater length at our workshop. This proposed budget, though balanced in the sense of working within . the levey limit, as it is now determined, is not in the true sense of the word a balanced budget. Tn the estimated revenues we have provided an "internal revenue" estimate of $884,000. . This figure includes some $�oo,oaa. in a draw on the general fund operating reserves. A large portion of that, some $$0,000. , set aside for the contingincy of changes in levy limits and loocal government may or may not be needed. Also, in the funding for the CIP program we have shown a need of $497,825. The actual need, based upon our five year program and the formula we use for funding this program our needs would be $657,500. . We are proposing that the difference of $159,675. be drawn from the CIP reserve which will stand at some $800,000. at the end of 1989. In the area of Bonded Indebtedness we reflect a need of $224,608. . These dollars are necessary to pay off the general obligation bonds we have outstanding on the city hall and a 1976 park improvement issue. They also are needed to pay off the required levy, as set by law, in support of the special assessment projects we have bonded for. The actual need is $557,043. . We are recommending that we draw the difference of $332,435. from the accumulation of funds from completed and paid for projects. This will assist in holding the overall levy down. A few facts about the budget. The total aperating budget, as proposed, is set at $2796,159.00. This compares to last years $2,312,182. or an increase of $483,182. . The ma�or increases are due to increases in salary and benefit costs - some $334,000. . Those increases reflect the adding of three new employees in 1990. One secretary beginning in January, one maintenance person in April and one maintenance person in September. The increases also reflect scheduled Comparable worth adjustments(the last) and proposed salary adjustments for 1990 for non-union employees and scheduled adjustments for union members under contract. - Other areas of the operating budget reflect an increase of $150,000. for supplies, maintenance, repairs, eonsulting, electricity, gas etc. The levy of $2,102,730. compares to last years of $1 ,675,252. or an increase of $427,478. or 25.5�. Though this is a very significant increase I don't expect this increase to cause an increase in taxes for the city share of taxes, on individual properties, due to the fact that our property tax base, or property value ta levy taxes against, has also increased substantially -23� over last year as of May 31 . This will increase even more by the end of the year when values are used for setting tax rates by the county. With the present tax laws and how that determines haw individual properties can be affected it is extremely difficult to estimate just how this levy will effect a specific property. In judging the merits of the proposed budget and the suggested levy this ambiguity can cause some uneasiness. i wili not go into any �urther detail at this time on the budgets but allow further explaination to wait until Tuesday evening. At that time staff will be in attendance to discuss the individual budgets and we will attempt to answer all questions and concerns you may have. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1990 OPERATING 1990 - 1994 CIP BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR COUNCIL & STAFF DISCUSSION PREPARED AUGUST 29TH, 1989 1990 BUDGETS EXFENDITURES RECEIPTS Council Budget �155,340 Administration Budget �178,783 Finance Budget $142,328 Election Budget �7,600 Commun:ity Development Budget �276,029 Police Budget $598,242 Fire Department Budget �110,Z75 1990 FORM 280 ESTIMATE Public Works Budget $447,356 TOTAL LEVY 2,102,730 Park & Recreation Budget $369,786 TOTAL SPECIAL LEVIES 275,775 Park & Recreation Special Budget $54,000 TOTAL SUBJECT TO LIMIT 1,826,955 General Goverment Budget $100,600 1990 LEVY LIMIT 1,826,955 Government Buildings Budget $59,820 OVER-(UNDER) LEVY LIMIT 0 Paved Streets/Street Lighting $179,100 Ice & Snow Removal/Signal Lights $17,000 : Insurance $100,000 TOTAL OPERA7ING BUDGETS $2,796,159 Five (5) Year CIP Requirement $497,825 Retirement/Severance Fund #107 $38,088 Bonded Indebtedness $224,608 Fire Relief $25,165 Armory Anticipatory Levy $26,002 ****INCOMES**** ****pTHER THAN LEVY**** Local Goverment Aid $607,226 Internal Revenue Generated $884,301 Anticipated MSA Maintenance Funds �13,590 NEEDS $3,607,847 $1,505,117 INCOME TOTALS TO LfVY $2,102,730 1994 CfP BUDGET Draft �6 1990 CIP Budget Presented #or Staff piscussion August 29, 1989 ` ------------ :-------------- :------------- :---------------- ITEM . COST : FUNDINC NEEDS --lRECAP SNEET---------------- 8-------------- 8--------------- 8---------------- ------------------------------10--------------10---------------10---------------- . • . ------------------------------12--------------t2---------------12------.---------- 1990 TOTAl.S : 663,000 : 25`6 : 165,750 I ------------------------------14--------------14---------------14---------------- ' . • . ---------------- ---------16---- --------16---------------16---------------- 1991 TOTALS • 517,500 : 25� : 129,375 ------------------------------18---- ---------18---------- -18----------- . • . ---------1992 TOTALS----------20-----373,000--20-------25$-----20--- ----93,250 --------------------- --------22--------------22--- ------- ---22--- ---- - . • . , , -------------------------- 24--------------24---------------24---------------- ---- ___1993 TOTALS : 442,500 : 25'� : 110,625 ------ -----------------26--------------26---------------26---------------- ------------------------------ZS--------------28---------------28---------------- _________1994 TOTALS : 634,000 : 25� : 158,500 - -----------------30--------------30---------------30----=------- ------------------------------32--------------32---------------32---------------- ------------------------------34--------------34---------------34---------------- ------------------------------36----------- --36---------------36---------------- . . , --------- � ' ---------------------38-------------- 38---------------38---------------- TOTAL : 2,630,000 : : 657,500 ------------------------------40--------------40---------------40---------------- Page One 90CIP 1990 C1P BUDGET 1990 CIP Budget Presented for Staff Discussion AlL DEPARiP1ENTS ------------------------------ •---------- �----------------------------------------------------------- •--------------- ITEM . COST . : DEPARTMENT -- -------- :---------- ------------------------------------------------- •--------------- �202 Truck (replace) � 78,000 : Replace Truck with package (plow and wing) : Pub Wrks ------------------------------ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8--------------- #202a Plow (replaee) :in above : for above : Pub Wrks ------------------------------t0----------�0-----------------------------------------------------------10--------------- +C202b Wing (replace) :in above : for above : Pub Wrks ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------11--------------- Chippendale Trail . 8,500 ; Trail completion 155th south to 160th : Parks ----------lh----------th-----------------------------------------------------------lh--------------- North & South Nockey Rinks . 22,000 : Mtrl for Upgrdg-changed to replace entirely-add 59,000 : Parks ------------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------------- Replace '84 LTD . 14,000 • '84 LTD entered Motor Pool from Police in April of /87 : Planning ------------------------------18----------18-------------------------------------------------_---------18--------------- 3 Police Squads * 25,500 : Squad Update : Police ------------------------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- Dodd Road Bike Traii 25,000 : Chippendate to Carrollton 11 : Parks . ------------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- City Halt Area 85,000 : 5hetter and Rest Rooms between Rinks and Garage : General . ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- Sweepster Broom . 3,000 ; Replace #2t5 Broom for Bobcat : Pub Wrks ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- Camfield Park 10,000 : Basketball Court and Landscaping : Generat . ------------------------------28----------28-------------------------------------=---------------------28--------------- New VehicTe * ; Administrative/Staff Vehicle - replace '80 Fairmont : General . ------------------------------30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30--------------- City Hall Lot 15,000 : West Half of North Lot + Storm Sewer : Genersl ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- Radios/Pagers 3,000 : New and replacement : Comm Dev . ------------------------------34----------34--------------------------------=--------------------------34--------------- Park Benches & Trail Shelter 5,000 : Continuing Park Improveme�ts : Parks ------------------------------36----------36----------�-------^----------------------------------------36------,-------- CIS System 60,000 : Hardware,Software,Groundwork, etc : Gen/ComDev ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------- Ford 402 Traetor/Mower 31,000 : Replacement : Public Works ------------------------------40----------44-----------------------------------------------------------40--------------- Ptayground Equipment-Datlara . 1-0,000 : Park lmprovements : Parks -------------- ---- --- ------------------------------42----------42-------------------------------- ------ ---42------------ Rescue Van 95,000 : Replace Existing - Keep Old one for equipment hauler : Fire . -------------=----------------44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- Erickson Pk Hockey Rnk Lites 15,000 : Replace Lighting System-added 57,000 due to Line 16 : Parks ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46--------------- , Front End Loader 60,000 : Replace Fiat/Allis loader with Plow and Wing : Public Works ------------------------------48----------48---- ------------------------------------------------------48--------------- Paint Striper . 5,000 : Pavement & Recreational field Marking Equipment : Public Works ------------------------------50----------50-----------------------------------------------------------50--------------- Bulk Fluid Flow * . : Continuing Department Improvement due to expansio� of Flee : Pubtic Works ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------=-----52--------------- Crack Fitling Equipment 20,000 : Moved from '89 - added $2,000 : Public Works ------------------------------54----------54-------------------------------------------------r---------54--------------- Lawn Mower Replacement . 12,000 : Replace 508 Toro : Public Works ------ -------------- -- --------------------56----------56----------------------=-----=------- --- 56------------- Soccer Lighting JC Park 35,000 : Item Moved from '91 c Parks ------------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- Curb 6 Gutter Erickso� Park 15,000 : Errosion Controi in Parking Lot : Parks ------------------------------60----------50------------------- --------------------------------------60--- -------- -• Copy Machine * 11,000 : Gen/Admin ------------------------------62----------62------,------------------------ ---------------------- --62--------------• TOTAL : 663,000 :Draft #6, August29, 1989 . ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64--------------• Page One 91CIP 1991 CIP BUDGET 199Q CIP Budget Presented for Staff Discussion ALl DEPARTMENT6 . • - ------------------ -- - - - - _ _ ITEM . COST . : DEPARTMENT _ . -------- :----------------------------------------------------------- •--------------� Snow Plow Equipment • 3,d00 : Mountings and Blades for two pickups from Fire Dept : Pub Wrks ------------------------------ $---------- 8------------- -------^------------------ ----------- --- 8--------------• 2 Police Squads 26,000 : Update Squads : Police ------------------------------10----------10--------------- --------------------- ------------------10--------------• Tandem Qump Truck 85,000 : Additional Tandem Truck for Fieet : Pub Wrks ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------• Dodd Road Bike Trail 45,000 : Shannon Parkway to Diamond Path : Parks -•----------------------------14----------14-------------------------------------------- -------------14--------------- 4 X 4 Pickup 18,000 : Rotation of Trucks : Fire ------------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------- ----- Piayground Equipment 10,000 : Winds Xing b Kidder Park : Parks ------------------------------18----------18-----------------------------------------------------------18------------ -• New Vehicle 14,OOU ; Fleet Addition - moved from '92 : Comm Dev --------------- ------- -^---20----------20------------------------ --- - --- ---•----- - --------20--------------� JC Park Baseball Field lites 35,000 : Ongoi�g Park Improvements : Parks ------------------------------22----------22--------------------------____---------------------------=-22--------------, Park 5hetter 30,000 : Twin Puddles Pa�k : Parks ------------------------------24----------24------------------------ ---------------------------------24-------------_. New Pickup 12�000 : Replace 1983 Ford Pickup : Public Works ------------------------------26----------26--- ------------------------------------- -- ----- ---26--------------• Aeriator 3,500 ; Replacement , : Parks ------------------------------28----------28------------ ------------------------------------- ------28------- ------� Urag 3,500 : Added for Batlfield Maintenance : Parks ------------------------------30----------30-------------------------------------------------------- --30--------------. Park Benches 2,500 : Ongoing Park improvements : Parks ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------� Articulated Tractor 60,000 s Mu1ti Purpose Tractor for Trail b Park Maintenance : Parks/Pub Wrk: ------------------------------34----------34------------------------ ------------------------- - ----34--------------� 1/2 Ton Pickup 15�000 : Replace Car/Swap with Public Works : Fire ------------------------------36----�-----36---------------------------- -------------------------- -36--------------• 1 Ton Truck � Reet 30�000 : Hose Truck & Reel : Fire ------------------------------38----------38---------------- ------------------------------- --------38--------------• JC Park Shelter : 100,400 : Ongoing Park Improvements3Match JC Funding : Parks ------------- ----------------40----------40---- ---------------------�-- ----------------------------40-------------- JC Rink � Lighting 25,000 : Ongoing Park improvements : Parks ------------------------------42----------42------------- --- -42-------------- ------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------------44----------44---------------------------------------- ----- ------- -44-------------- --------------------------- --46----------46------------------------------------- --------------------46------- ---- ------------------------------48----------48-----------------------------------------------------------#8----- -------- ------------------------------50----------50--------- -----------------------------------------------50-------------- ------------------------------52----------52-------------------- -- --- --- -52---------= ------------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54-------------- ------------------------------56----------56----------- --------- --56-------------- -------- ---------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58-------------- -- ---------------------------60----------60-- ------------------- --------- -------------------- --60- ------------ ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------62-------------- TOTAL : 517�500 : Draft #6� August 29� 1989 : ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64-------------- Page One 92C1P 1992 CIP BUDGET 1990 CIP Budget Presented for Staff Discussion ALL DEPARTMEN ------------------------------- . ------------------------------ •---------- •-------------- : DEPARTMENT I TEM . CAST . ------------------------------ •---------- ;------------------------------------ Fuel 7ank Replacement � 25,000 : Underground Fuet Tank Replacement Program : Pub Wrks ---------------- ----------- 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8------------- 3 Potice Squads 39,000 : Upgrade Squads : Police . ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------1Q------------- Additional Pickup 15,000 : Pub Wrks . . ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12------------- Benches & Small Shelters 5,000 : Erickson Park Ball Fields : Parks . � ----------------------------14------------- ------------------------------14----------14------------------------------- JC Park General Improvements : 60,000 : Additional Landscaping, Picnic Areas, etc : Parks ------------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------T6------------- Score Boards 12,000 : Erickson Park Ball Fields : Parks . ------------------------------18----------18-----------------------------------------------------------18------------- Aerial Truck : 100,000 : $100,000 1992, $200,000 1993, $300,000 1994 : Fire ------------------------------20----------ZO-----------------------------------------------------------20------------- 4 X 4 Pickup 18,000 : Replace '86 Unit 227 in Fire Dept • Pub Wrks ------------------------------22----------22--------- - -------- ---------------- ---------------------22------------- Sprinkle Fire Hall : 18,000 ; Moved from '91 ' Fire ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------_-----------------24------------- Engine Analysis Equipment : 19,000 : Continuing Department Systems Upgrading : Public Works ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26------------_ Lawn Mower t2,000 : Reptace John Deere riding mower • Parks ----------------- ----------28----------28-------------------------------------------------- ---- ---28------------- Shelter & General Improvement : 50,000 : Continued Park lmprovement : Parks ------------------------------30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30------------- - ----------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32------------- ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34------------- . . . . . ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36------------- ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------36------------- . . _ , . ------------------------------40----------40-----------------------------------------------------------40----'--------• . . , , . ------------------------------42----------42--------------------------------=--------------------------42-----------_. --------------------- -- -44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44------------� --------- --------------------46----------46- ---------------------------------------------------------46------------• ------------------------------48----------48------------------------------------ ----------------------48------------• ------------------------------50----------50--------------------------------------------------------- -50- ----------� ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52------------ . . , . . ------------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54------------ ------------------------------56----------56-------------------------------------- --------------------56------------ . . . . . ------------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58------------ --------------------- - ------60----------60-----------------------------------------------------------b0------- ---- ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------62------------ TOTAL : 373�000 : Draft #6� August 29, 1989 • --------=---------------------64----------64-------------------------------------------=---------------64------------ Page One 93CIP 1993 C1P BUDGET 1990 CIP Budget Presented for Staff Discussion ALL OEPARTMENT. ------ITEM-- ------------------.----COST---.---------------------------- --------------------------- . DEPARTMENT Reriat Truck � 200,000 � Replace 20 Year Old Truck ' ' • Fire . . . . . ------------------------------ 6---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 5--------------- S�ren : 10,000 : Complete Siren lnstaltation North of US Homes at 128th : General ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10--------------- Shannon Park North : 4A,000 : Lighting of Athletic Fieids : Parks ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- 2 Police Squad Cars : 26,500 : Update Squads : Police ------------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14----=---------• Roadside Mower : 3,000 : Replacement Program :Public Works Reptace '87 Tempo -16 15,000 _16 Replace Inspection Vehicle acquired spring of '87 --16 Car�n_Dev _ , . . . ------------------------------18----------18--------------------------------------------------------- -18- ----- 4 X 4 Pickup : 20,000 : RepTace Grass Rig Unit-shift old unit to Pub Wrks : Fire ------------------------------2Q----------20---------------------------------------------- -------- 20---------- ---- City Halt Shelter : 60,000 : Add on to sheiter near City Halt for General improvement Parks -----^---- --- ---------------22----------22--------------------------------------^------------- ----22---• -- ----• - - � Seeder : 3,000 : : Parks ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- Electronic Oistance Measure : t0,Q00 : Continuing Equipment upgrades for efficiency - : Public Works ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------_ Skid-steer Loader : 20,060 : Replace '86 Model : : Public Works ------------------------------28----------Z8---------------------------------------------------------- 28---- -------- Erickson Park Parking Lot : 35,000 : Add to curb b gutter by paving parking lot and drives Parks ------------------------------30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30--------------- -------------------- ---------32----------32- ---------------------------------------------------------32--------------- ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34--------------- ---- ---- ------- --------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------• ------------------------- --38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------� --------------------- --------40----------40---------------------------------------- ------------------40--------------� ----------------- ----------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42-------------- ------------------------------44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------� ----- -----------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46-------------- ------------------------------48----------48---------------- ---------------------- -------------------48-------------- . . . ------------------------------SO----------50-----------------------------------------------------------50-------------- _ ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52-------------- ------------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54-------------- : : . ------------------------------56----------56-----------------------------------------------------------56-------------- -----------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58-------------- ------------ -- ---- --------60----------60-------------------------- ------- ------------^--- -------60-------------- ------------------------------62----------62----------------------------------------------- ----------62-------------- TOTAL : 442,500 : Draft #6, August 29, 1989 ' ------------^-----------------64----------64------------------^----------------------------------------64-------------- Page One 94 GIP 1994 CJP BUDGET . 1990 CIP f3udget Presented for Staff Uiscussion ALL DEPARTMENT: ITEM . COST - . --------------------------------- - ---- ------------. DEPARTMENT--- Aerial Ladder Truck � 200,000 Replacement � Fire ----------------------------- 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------- ----------- $----- -------- New Vehicle 16,000 : Administration - replace '89 Garavan " : Ceneral . ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10-------------- 4 Police Squad Cars . 52,000 : Update Squads and add to Fleet : Police • ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12-------------- Park Benchs and Tables . 10,000 : Continuing Park Improvements : Parks ------------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14-------------- Kidder Park Sheiter 30,000 : General Shelter and Slab for park Area : Parks ------------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16-------------- Enabak Area Park 50,000 : Aid in Park Devetopment : Parks ------------------------------18----------18-----------------------------------------------------------18-------------- Gomputer Upgrades 35�000 : Periodic Upgrading Requirements : Finance ------------------------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20-------------- Erickson Park Equipment 15,000 : Play equipment for park areas : Parks ------------------------------22----------22--------------------------------------------•---------- ---22-------------- Front End Loader : 110,000 : Replace 1974 Unit, Plow 6 Wing : Public Works ------------------------------ 24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24-------------- Puiverizer 3,000 : Replacement : Public Works . 26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26-------------- Sander 3,000 : Replacement : Pubtic Works ------------------------------28----------28-----------------------------------------------------------28-------------- Sign Board 5�000 : For construction zone safety : Public Works . ------------------------------30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30-------------- Skid Steer Loader 30,000 : Additional unit - with attachments : Public Works ------------------------------32------ --32----------------------------------------------------- ---32-------------- Schwarz Shelter 75,000 : Add to Northwest Corner of Park next to Kelley Property : Parks ------------------------------34-------=--34-----------------------------------------------------------34-------------- -- ---------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36-------------- ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38-------------- - ----------------------------40-------- -40------------------------------------------------------- ---40-------------- ------------------------------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42------- - ---- ------------------------------44----------44------------------------------------------------ - --------44-------------- ------------------------------46----------46------------- -------------------------------------------46----- -------- ------------------------------48----------48---------- ------------------------------------------------48---------- --- ------------------------------50----------50- --------------- --- ---------------------------------50-- ----------- , , , ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52-------------- -----------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54-------------- ------------------------------56----------56- ---------------------------------------------------------56------------- ------------------------------58----------58---------------------------------- ------------------------58------------- ------------------------------60------ -60------- ---------------------------- -- -----------------60------------- . • : . ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------62=------------- TOTAL : 634,000 Draft #6, August 29, 1989 ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64-------------. ,,. 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . CITY COUNCIL 41110 Page One DRAFT #4 Aug 29th 4bject Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total --------------------------------------------------- 101 41110 1103.0 Council Salaries $20,148 101 41110 1103.1 Mayor $4,556 : 101 41110 1103.2 Councilmember 411�0 $3,898 101 41110 1103.3 Councilmember 41130 $3,898 101 41110 1103.4 Councilmember 41140 $3,898 101 41110 1103.5 Councilmember 41150 $3,898 101 41110 3307.0 Management $41,000 101 41110 3307.1 Newsletter $15,000 101 41110 3307.2 Training $8,000 101 4ll10 3307.3 Spring Clean Up $12,000 101 41110 3307.4 Fireworks $6,000 101 41110 3307.5 1D1 41110 3307.6 101 41110 3307.8 101 41110 3307.9 101 41110 3307.A 101 41110 3329.0 ommun�cations t er $� 101 41110 3329.1 101 41110 3329.2 101 41110 3329.3 101 41110 3329.4 101 41110 3331.0 Trave �� 101 41110 3331.1 101 41110 3331.2 101 41110 3331.3 101 41110 3331,4 101 4].110 3434.0 Con erences Seminars $6,000 101 41110 3434.1 Two to National Conf $3,000 101 41110 3434.2 5 to State & Regional $3,000 101 4111Q_ 3434.3_. 101 41110 3434.4 101 41110 3439.0 Misce aneous Other $� 101 41110 3439.1 101 41110 3439.2 101 41110 3439.3 101 41110 5579.0 apita ut ay Ot er $$8�1g2 101 41110 5579.1 Education Reimbursement $7,500 101 41110 5579.2 All Employees-LMC Dues- $4,400 . 101 41110 5579.3 AMM bues $2,000 101 41110 5579.4 Contingencies $74,692 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $155,340 $155,340 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATOR 41320 Page One DRAFT �4 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total --------------------.-------------------- 101 41320 1101 O Salaries $T73,233 101 41320 1101.1 Administrator $68,900 101 41320 1101.2 Deputy Clerk $34,417 101 41320 1101.3 Secretary $23,425 101 41320 1101.4 Receptionist $23,066 101 41320 1101.5 New Position (ComDev/PWj$23,425 101 4I320 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $� 101 41320 1103.1 101 41320 1103.2 101 41320 1103.3 101 41320 2207.0 raining & Instruction $500 101 41320 2207.1 $500 101 41320 2207.2 101 41320 2207.3 101 41320 2221.0 quipment Parts • �� 101 41320 2221.1 Computer 101 41320 2221.2 101 41320 2221.3 101 41320 2242.0 Minor quipment $� 101 41320 2242.1 � 101 41320 2242.2 101 41320 2242.3 101 41320 3307.0 anagement $2,000 101 41320 3307.1 Contract Negotiation $2,000 101 41320 3307.2 Comp Worth Update 101 41320 3307.3 Affirma.tive Action 101 41320 3309.0 Miscellaneous $� 101 41320 3309.1 Computer Prog �� 101 41320 3309.2 Logis Costs $0 101 41320 3309.3 Studies 101 41320 3309.4 101 41320 3309.5 101 41320 3309.6 101 41320 3331.0 rave $600 101 41320 3331.1 $600 101 41320 3331.2 101 41320 3331.3 101 41320 3331.4 PAGE TOTALS $176,333 $176,333 1990 BUbGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATOR Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total - - --- -------------------------- 101 41320 3339.0 Transport Other $300 101 41320 3339.1 $300 � 101 41320 3339.2 101 41320 3339.3 101 41320 3396.0 C aintenance $200 101 41320 3396.1 $200 101 41320 3396.2 101 41320 3396.3 101 41320 3413.0 DP Equipment $0 101 41320 3413.1 Printer 101 41320 3413.2 - 101 41320 3413.3 101 41320 3433.0 ues Subscriptions $150 101 41320 3433.1 MCMA $50 101 41320 3433.2 ICMA $140 101 41320 3433.3 ICMA News Service 101 41320 3434,0 Conferences/Seminars $1,800 101 41320 3434.1 National Conf $250 101 41320 3434.2 MCMA Conf $400 101 41320 3434.3 Other 101 41320 3434.4 Deputy Clerk $750 101 41320 3434.5 Staff $400 101 41320 101 41320 101 41320 PAGE TOTALS $2,450 $2,450 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $17$,783 $178,783 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS F FINANCE 41520 Page One u DRAFT #4 n Aug 29th Ohject Requested d Account 41 Obj N Uescription ilmount Total ------------------------------------------------------------------ 101 41520 1101.0 Salaries $124,438 ` 101 41520 1101.1 Finance Director $47,009 101 41520 1101.2 Deputy Financ.e Director $25,813 101 41520 1101.3 Finance/Deputy Registrar$29,653 101 41520 I101.4 Deputy Regi.strar $21,963 101 41520 1101.5 New Position ??? 101 41520 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $0 101 41520 1103.1 101 41520 3308.0 Instructor's Fee $300 101 41520 3308.1 Deputy Schooling $100 101 41520 3308.2 ' Finance Seminars $200 101 41520 3308.3 101 41520 333i.0 rave $300 101 41520 3331.1 Director $150 101 41520 3331.2 Deputy Director $100 - 101 41520 3331.3 Staff $50 101 41520 3391.0 Computer Maintenance $12,000 101 41520 3391.1 Mini System Maint $7,500 101 41520 3391.2 Mini Software License $4,500 101 41520 3391.3 101 41520 3392.0 omputer ccessories $0 101 41520 3392.1 101 41520 3392.2 101 41520 3392.3 101 41520 3393.0 Computer Hard/Soft ware $0 101 41520 3393.1 101 41520 3393.2 101 41520 3393.3 101 41520 3393.4 101 41520 3395.0 C aintenance $600 - 101 41520 3395.1 Micro Maint Contract $350 101 41520 3395.2 Printer Maint Contrac $250 101 41520 3415.0 Qther Equipment $1,500 101 41520 3415.1 Replace Cash Register $1,500 101 41520 3415.2 101 41520 3433.0 ues ubscriptions $115 101 41320 3433.1 MDRA Annual $75 101 41320 3433.2 MCFOA $i5 101 41320 3433.3 GFOA $25 101 41320 3433.4 101 41320 3434.0 on erences Seminars $2,975 101 41320 3434.1 MDRA in Sept for 3 $175 101 41320 3434.2 Computer Symposiums $200 101 41320 3434.3 Chance Opportunity $200 101 41320 3434.4 National Conv $2,400 101 41320 3439.0 Miscellaneous Other $100 101 41320 3439.1 Not covered by other $100 101 41320 3439.2 101 41320 3439.3 101 41320 PAGE TOTALS $142,328 $142,328 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS/DEPUTY CLERK Page One D R A F T #4 41410 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total 101 41410 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $4,000 101 41410 1103.1 Judges $3,500 101 4I410 1103.2 Medicare $100 101 41410 1103.3 Staff $400 101 41410 2203.0 Printed Forms $200 101 41410 22U3.1 Ballots $200 101 41410 2203.2 101 41410 2203.3 101 41410 2229.0 t er $1,000 101 41410 2229.1 Meals/Cleanup $700 101 41410 2229.2 Misc Supplies $300 101 41410 2229.3 101 41410 3309.0 isce aneous $900 101 4141A 3309.1 Maintenance Agreement $900 101 41410 3309.2 101 41410 3309.3 101 41410 3321.0 e ep vne $400 101 41410 3321.1 Precinct Phones $400 101 41410 3321.2 101 41410 3321.3 101 414I0 3351.0 ega otices $100 101 41410 3351.1 Election Notices $100 101 41410 3351.2 101 41410 335I.3 101 41410 3359.0 rinting & Binding $1,000 101 41410 3359.1 Printing $1,000 101 41410 3359.2 101 41410 3359.3 101 41410 5581.0 t er quipment $0 101 41410 5581.1 101 41410 5581.2 101 41410 5582.3 101 41410 101 41410 101 41410 � 101 41410 PAGE TOTALS $7,600 $7,600 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page One D R A F T �4 41910 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total - ------------------------------------- 101 41910 1101.0 Salaries $239,354 101 41910 1101.1 Comm Devel Director $61,648 101 41910 1101.2 Econ Devel Specialist $0 1Q1 41910 1101.3 Secretary $26,378 101 41910 1101.4 Planner $39,103 101 41910 1101.5 Building Dept Secy $32,898 101 41910 1104.6 Building Official $44,910 101 41910 1101.7 Building Inspector $34,417 101 41910 1101.8 101 41910 1101.9 101 41920 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $1,400 101 41910 1103.1 Planning Commission $1,400 1Q1 41910 1103.2 101 41910 1103.3 � 101 41910 2203.0 raining Instruction $l,OflO 101 41910 2203. 1 Printed forms $1,000 101 41910 2203.2 101 41910 2209.3 101 41910 2212.0 otor ue $1,000 101 41910 2212.1 Inspection $1,000 101 41910 2212.2 101 41910 2212.3 101 41910 2221.0 quipment Parts $575 101 41910 2221.1 Repairs $575 101 41910 2221.2 101 41910 2221.3 1D1 41910 2229.0 t er $200 101 41910 2229.1 Repair & Maintenance $200 101 41910 2241.0 Sma11 Too1s & Equip $200 101 41910 2241.2 $200 101 41910 3304.0 ega ees $750 101 41910 3304.1 $750 101 41910 3304.2 101 41910 3309.0 ro essiona ervices $5,000 101 41910 3309.1 $5,000 101 41910 3309.2 101 41910 3309.3 101 41910 3311.0 ontract Inspections $16,000 101 41910 3311.1 $16,000 101 41910 3311.2 101 41910 3312.0 Temporary Services $1,000 101 41910 3312.1 $1,000 101 41910 3331.0 Trave $3,600 � 101 41910 3331.1 $3,600 101 41910 3323.0 Radios $0 101 41910 3323.1 � 101 � 41910 3341.0 Emp oyment $500 101 41910 3341.1 Ads $500 101 41910 3341.2 101 41910 3341.3 PAGE TOTALS $270,579 $270,579 1990 6UOGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page Two 4191U ,; Ub3ect Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ----9------------9-----------------$200 101 41910 3350.0 Printin & Publishin 101 41910 3350.1 $200 101 41910 3350.2 101 41910 3350.3 101 41910 3351.0 ega Notice $950 101 41910 3351.1 $950 101 41910 3351.2 101 41910 3351.3 101 41910 3352.0 Genera Notices $200 101 41910 3352.1 $200 I01 41910 3352.2 101 41910 3352.3 101 41910 3395.0 C aintenance $0 101 41910 3395.1 101 41910 3395.2 101 41910 3395.3 101 41910 3397.0 PC Hard & Soft ware $300 101 41910 3397.1 $300 101 41910 3391.2 101 41910 3397.3 101 41910 3433.0 ues & Subscriptions $525 101 41910 3433.1 $525 101 41910 3433.2 � 101 41910 3433.3 101 41910 3434.0 on erences/Seminars $2,500 101 41910 3434.1 $2,500 101 41910 3434.2 101 41910 3434.3 101 41910 3535.0 0o s Pamp ets $575 101 41910 3535.1 $575 101 41910 3535.2 101 41910 3535.3 101 41910 3439.0 isce aneous t er $200 101 41910 3439.1 $200 101 41910 3439.2 101 41910 101 41910 PAGE TOTALS $5,450 $5,450 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $276,029 $276,029 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POIICE 42110 Page One DRAFT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total 101 42110 1101.0 Salaries $499,864 101 42110 1101.1 Police Chief $60,426 101 42110 1101.2 Police Leutenant $52,220 101 42110 1101.3 Police Secy/Dispatch $33,970 101 42110 1101.4 Police Sargeant 42150 $49,915 101 42110 1104.5 Police Sargeant 42150 $47,898 101 42110 IlO1.b Patrol 42130 $49,299 101 42110 1101.7 Patrol 42140 $40,815 101 42110 1101.8 Patrol 42170 $44,147 101 42110 1101.9 Patrol 42175 $37,505 , 101 42110 1101.A Patrol 421�0 $46,164 l0I 42110 1101.B Patrol 42185 $37,505 101 42110 1101.0 Patrol 42190 $0 101 42110 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $9,706 101 42110 1103.1 Secretary 42191 $9,706 101 42110 2207.0 Training & Instruction $6,200 101 42110 2207.1 Training $4,950 101 42110 2207.2 Special classes & Amo $1,250 101 42110 2207.3 101 42110 2209.0 Supp ies- ther $1,20Q 101 42110 2209.1 $1,200 101 42110 2209.2 101 42110 2209.3 101 42110 2209.4 $9,000 101 42110 2212.0 otor Fuels 101 42110 2212.1 $9,OOD 101 42110 2212.2 101 42110 2212.3 101 42110 2212.4 101 42110 2212.5 101 42110 2213.0 ubs dditives $150 101 42110 2213.1 $150 101 42110 2213.2 101 42110 2213.3 101 4211U 2213.4 101 42110 2219.0 Ot er $200 101 42110 2219.1 Supplies for Auto $200 101 42110 2219.2 101 42110 2219.3 101 42110 2221.0 quipment arts $3,500 101 42110 2221.1 Car Repairs $3,500 101 42110 2221.2 � 101 42110 2221.3 101 42110 2221.4 101 42110 2222.0 Tires $1,500 101 42110 2222.1 $1,500 101 42110 2222.2 101 42110 2222.3 101 42110 2241.0 ma oo s $150 101 42110 2241.1 $150 101 42110 2241.2 PAGE TOTALS $531,470 $531,470 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLIGE 42110 Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ----------------------------------------------------- 101 42110 3304.0 Legal $25,000 101 42110 3304.1 Grannis & Grannis $25,000 101 42110 3304.2 101 42110 3304.3 101 42110 3304.4 101 42110 3305.0 Medical & Dental $1,000 101 42110 3305.1 $1,000 101 42110 3305.2 101 42110 3306.0 Personnel Testing $� 1D1 42110 3306.1 �� 101 42110 3306.2 101 42110 3306.3 101 42110 3309.0 Misce laneous $1Q,850 101 42110 3309.1 Dispatch Police & Fire $9,000 101 42110 3309.2 Develop film & Purchases $350 101 42110 3309.3 Blood & Breath Test $1,500 101 42110 3323.0 Radio $2,500 101 42110 3323.1 Radio Purchase 101 42110 3323.2 Recertify & repair radio $500 101 42110 3323.3 Repair Sirens & Radios $2,000 . 101 42110 3331.0 Travel $1,100 101 421I0 3331.1 Chief's State $150 101 42110 3331.2 National Convention $650 101 42110 3331.3 Crime Prevntn/Two Offcrs $300 101 42110 3391.0 Computer Maintenance $8,800 101 42110 3391.1 ENFORS Software Main. $2,200 I01 42110 3391.2 ENFORS Turnkey Main. $5,900 101 42110 3391.3 CJDN connect charges $700 101 42110 3392,0 Computer Accessories $1,350 101 42110 3392.I Disc Facks $600 101 42110 3392.2 Computer paper $500 101 42110 3392.3 Rack cleaning $250 101 42110 3395.0 P.C. Computer $250 101 42110 3395.1 P.C, Maintenance $250 101 4211Q 3395.2 Software Purchases 101 42110 3419.0 Other Rental $10,972 101 42110 3419.1 Animal Control $5,772 101 42110 3419.2 Wages $500 101 42110 3419.3 Insurance $1,200 101 42114 3419.4 Yet Clinic $3,500 PAGE TOTALS $61,822 $61,822 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE 42110 Page Three , Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total , 101 42110 3433.0 Dues & Subsciptions $200 '� 101 42110 3433.1 See Comments $200 ' 101 42110 3433.2 '' 101 42110 3434.0 Con erences / Seminars $1,150 ', 101 42110 3434.1 State Chief's & Disaster $200 ' 101 42110 3434.2 Chief's Nat'1 Conv. $550 ' 101 42110 3434.3 Crime Watch/Two Officers $400 , 101 42110 3435.0 Books & Pamphlets $600 ', 101 42110 3435.1 Bike Safety $250 ' 101 42110 3435.2 Other Programs $350 ' 101 42110 3435.3 ' 101 42110 3436.0 owing arges $200 '� 101 42110 3436.1 $200 ', 101 42110 3436.2 101 42110 3436.3 � 101 42110 3439.0 Miscellaneous ther $80a � ' 101 42110 3439.1 Tax Transfer $0 ; 101 42110 3439.2 Setup Squads $800 '�, 101 42110 5551.0 Capital Outlay Auto $2,000 101 42110 5551.1 $2,000 '� 101 42110 5551.2 ', 101 42110 ' 101 42110 101 42110 , 101 42110 , 101 42110 ' 101 42110 101 42110 101 42110 . PAGE TOTALS $4,950 $4,950 I DEPARTMENT TOTALS $598,242 $598,242 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS �I FIRE DEPARTMENT Page One I D R A F T #4 422L0 ! Aug 29th Object Requested , Fund Account �k Obj # Description Amount Total 101 42210 1103.0 Salaries Part Time $57,800 � 101 42210 1103.1 Salaries $55,900 101 42210 1103.2 Pension $800 101 422i0 1103.3 FICA $200 101 42210 1103.4 Medicare $750 101 42210 1103.5 Life Insurance $150 101 42210 2201.0 Office Supp & Access $1,500 101 42210 2201.1 Cleaning $500 101 42210 2201.2 Medical $500 101 42210 2201.3 Hardware $500 101 42210 2202.0 Duplicating & Copy $100 101 42210 2202.1 Copier supplies $100 101 42210 2202.2 101 42210 2204.0 nve opes letter ead �125 101 4221Q 2204.1 Department Supplies $125 101 42210 2204.2 101 42210 2204.3 1.01 42210 2207.0 Training Instruction $3,000 101 42210 2207.1 Sectional & State $1,000 101 42210 2207.2 Haz-Mat $700 101 42210 2207.3 First Responder $700 101 42210 2207.4 Pumper Class $6Q0 101 42210 2207.5 added 101 42210 2209.0 Supplies-0ther $300 101 42210 2209.1 Miscellaneous supplies $300 101 42210 2209.2 101 42210 2209.3 101 42210 2212.0 otor ue s $2,000 101 42210 2212.1 Truck fuels $1,500 101 42210 2212.2 added $500 101 42210 2212.3 101 42210 2212.4 101 42210 2212.5 101 42210 2213.0 Lubs Additives $1,000 101 42210 2213.1 Oi1 Changes - Lubs $300 101 42210 2213.2 Routine Maint. $700 101 42210 2213.3 101 42210 2213.4 101 42210 2217.0 General C ot ing $6,000 101 42210 2217.1 Coats $2,600 101 42210 2217.2 Pants $1,600 101 42210 2217.3 Helmets $600 101 42210 2217.4 Accesories $1,200 � 101 42210 2221.0 Equipment Parts $5,D00 101 42210 2221.1 Equipment $1,000 101 42210 2221.2 Parts $2,000 101 42210 2221.3 Repairs r $2,000 101 42210 2221.4 101 42210 2222.0 ires $500 101 42210 2222.1 replacement tires $500 101 42210 2222.2 . 101 42210 2222.3 101 42210 2229.0 t er $2,300 101 42210 2229.1 Mechanic - outside $1,fl00 101 42210 2229.2 Eg. Testing $1,300 PAGE TOTALS $79,625 $79,625 1990 BUDGET WORKSNEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Two Object Requested Fund Account � Obj � Description Amount Total 101 42210 2241.0 Small Tools $1,500 101 42210 2241.1 Fittings & Adapt. $800 101 42210 2241.2 Mech. Tools $100 101 42210 2241.3 Garden Hose $200 101 42210 2241.4 Rescue Tools $200 101 42210 2241.5 Axes - Shovels $200 101 42210 3305.0 Medical & Dental $2,000 101 42210 3305. 1 Health Testing $1,500 101 42210 3305.2 Health Equipment $500 101 42210 3306.0 Personnel Testing $2,000 101 42210 3306.1 New Emp. $1,800 101 42210 3306.2 Emergency Checks $200 101 A2210 3306.3 101 42210 3309.0 Misce aneous $2,000 101 42210 3309. 1 Haz Mat $2,000 101 42210 3309.2 101 42210 3309.3 101 42210 3322.0 Postage $200 101 42210 3321.1 Miscellaneous Mailings $200 101 42210 3322.2 101 42210 3322.3 - 101 42210 3323.0 Radio $4,000 101 42210 3323.1 Mobiles $1,500 101 42210 3323.2 Hand Held $1,500 101 42210 3323.3 Pagers $1,000 101 42210 3329.0 Communication Other $1,500 101 42210 3329.1 Hand Held Repair $400 Y01 42210 3329.2 Mobile Repair $300 101 42210 3329.3 Pager Repair $800 101 42210 3331,0 Travel $2,700 101 42210 3331. 1 National $1,000 101 42210 3331.2 State $1,000 101 42210 3331.3 Schools $700 101 42210 3382.0 Water $550 101 42210 3382.1 Contribution to Utility $550 101 42210 3382.2 101 42210 3382.3 101 42210 3395.0 C Maintenance $50 101 42210 3395.1 Maintenance to existing $50 101 42210 3395.2 101 42210 3397.0 C ard So t ware $500 101 42210 3397.1 Hardware 101 42210 3397.2 Software $400 101 42210 3397.3 Accessories $100 ' 101 42210 3397.4 added 101 42210 3433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $300 101 42210 3433.1 Magazines $lOQ 101 42210 3433.2 Dues $200 101 42210 3433.3 PAGE TOTAL $17,300 $17,300 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Three 42210 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ---------------------------------------------------200 101 42210 3434.0 Conferences/Seminars $750 101 42210 3434.1 National $ - 101 42210 3434.2 State $500 101 42210 3434.3 Other $50 101 42210 3439.0 Miscellaneous Other $3,000 101 42210 3439.1 Food $100 101 42210 3439.2 Oxygen-Plagues-Emblems $600 101 42210 3439.3 Painting $1,600 101 42210 3439.4 Extinquisher $30Q 101 42210 3439.5 Patcher + ID $400 101 42210 5561.0 Capital Outlay Furniture $100 101 42210 5561.1 $100 101 42210 5561.2 101 42210 5571.0 fice Equipment $600 101 42210 5571.1 Xerox $600 101 42210 5571.2 101 42210 5581.0 t er quipment $8,800 101 42210 5581.1 Light Bars & Sirens $2,100 101 42210 5581.1 Nose $2,000 101 42210 SCBA $3,000 101 42210 Nozzles $1,000 101 42210 Tarps $700 PAGE TOTALS $13,250 $13,250 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $110,175 $110,175 � 1990 BUOGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS 43110 Page One DRAFT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total 101 43110 1101.0 Salaries $318,892 101 43110 1101.1 Public Works Director $28,053 101 43110 1101.2 Engineering Tech 43101 $33,823 i01 43110 1101.3 Building Custodian 432Q6 $23,346 101 43110 ' 1101.4 Engineering Tech 43107 $27,468 101 43110 1104.5 Foreman 43120 $46,215 101 43110 1101.6 Maintenance I 43118 $24,539 101 ' 43110 1101.7 Maintenance II 43116 $36,064 101 43110 1101.8 Mechanic 43113 $33,057 101 43110 1101.9 Maintenance III 43115 $36,447 101 43110 11O1.A Maintenance I 43130 $22,030 101 43110 1101.B Asst Pub Wks Dir $b 101 43110 1101.0 Maintenance level II $7,850 101 43110 1101.D Clerical $0 101 43110 1102.0 Fuli Time Overtime $36,000 101 43110 1102.0 Full Ti�ne Overtime $36,000 101 43110 1103.0 Part Time Employees $21,364 101 43110 1103:1 Engineering Intern $8,500 101 4311Q 1103.2 Public Works $12,864 101 43110 1103.3 101 43110 2202.0 opy/Dup icating $0 _ 101 43110 2203.0 Printed Forms $0 101 43110 2209.0 Office Supp-other $2,500 $2,500 101 43110 2211.0 Cleaning Supp $200 $200 101 43110 2212.0 Motor Fuels � $12,000 $12,000 101 43110 2213.0 Lube & Add $3,000 $3,000 101 43110 2219.0 Operating Supp-other $4,000 $4,000 101 43110 2221.0 Equipt Parts/Repair $15,000 $15,000 101 43110 2222.0 Tires $3,i00 101 43110 2222.1 loader/grader repl $1,500 101 43110 2222.2 truck repl $800 101 43110 2222.3 misc $800 101 43110 2241.0 Small Tools $3,000 $3,000 101 43110 2242.0 Minor Equip $6,750 101 43110 2242.1 traf counters-2 101 43110 2242.2 misc $3,000 101 43110 2242.3 start tester $1,000 101 43110 2242.4 wheel caddie $450 101 43110 2242.5 misc survey equipt $1,500 101 43110 2242.6 metal detector $800 101 43110 2242.7 35rr�n SLR camera 101 43110 2242.8 101 431TO 2242.9 101 43110 2242.A 101 43110 5561.0 ice urniture $500 101 43110 5561.1 2 desks/chairs $200 101 43110 5561.2 . filing cabinet $300 PAGE TOTAL $426,306 $426,306 1990 BUDGET WORKSNEETS PUBLIC WORKS 43110 Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ----------------------------------------------- 101 43110 3303.0 Engineering Fees $2,000 $2,000 ZOl 43110 3304.0 Legal Fees $1,000 $1,000 101 43110 3305.0 Medical Fees $500 $500 101 43110 3321.0 Telephone $� 101 43110 3322.0 Postage �� 101 43110 3323.0 Radio Units $1,500 $1,5UU 101 43110 3324.0 Messenger Service $50 $50 101 43110 3329.0 Comm - other $50 $50 101 43110 3331.0 Travel Exp $2,000 $2,000 101 43110 3333.0 Freight & Express $100 $100 101 43110 3339.0 Transportation $50 $50 101 43110 3341.0 Employment 101 43110 3349.0 Advertising $500 $500 101 43110 3395.0 PC Maint $800 $800 101 43110 3396.0 PC Accessories/supl $100 $100 101 43110 3396.1 new 386 101 43110 3396.2 networking 101 43110 3396.3 20 Meg tape backup 101 43110 3397.0 PC Hard & software $2,000 $2,000 101 43110 3404.0 Machinery & Equip $1,500 $1,500 101 43110 3409.0 Contracted Rep&Maint $5,000 $5,000 101 43110 3419.0 Rentals - other $600 $600 101 43110 3433.0 Dues & Subscrp $500 $500 101 43110 3434.0 Conferences/Seminars $2,000 $2,000 101 43110 3435.0 Books & Pamphlets $30Q $300 101 43110 3439.0 Miscellaneous $500 $500 Total Other Serv 101 43110 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-GEN $21,050 $21,050 $447,356 $447,356 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS' & RECREATION Page One D R A F T #4 45110 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj � Description Amount Total ------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 45110 1101.0 Salaries $235,365 101 45110 1101.1 Parks & Rec Director $51,642 101 45110 1101.2 Admin Assistant 45120 $32,110 101 45110 1101.3 Program Director 101 45110 1101.4 Secretarial Added 101 45110 1101.5 Foreman 45112 $48,232 101 45110 1101.6 Maintenance I 45117 $24,539 101 45110 1101.7 Maintenance II 45114 $35,750 101 45110 1101.8 Forester Added $26,608 101 45110 1101.9 Maintenance I Added $16,484 101 45110 1102.0 Fu11 Time Overtime $6,500 101 45110 1102.1 Parks $2,500 101 45110 1102.2 Maintenance $4,000 101 45110 1102.3 101 45110 1103.0 art Time Emp oyees $34,500 101 45110 1103.1 Playground $8,000 101 45110 1103.2 Warming House $6,000 101 45110 1103.3 General Recreation $9,000 101 45110 11Q3.4 Parks Maintenance $11,50Q 101 45110 1100.0 TOTAL SALARIES PARKS & $216,365 $276,365 101 45110 2202.0 Duplicating & Copying $2,438 101 45110 2202.1 General Programing $438 101 45110 2202.2 Brochures $500 101 45110 2202.3 Drafting Supplies $1,500 101 45110 2207.0 Training & Instruction $1,000 101 45110 2207.1 Videos $100 i01 45110 2207.2 Machine Operator Guide $100 101 45110 220?.3 Maintenance Guides $100 101 45110 2207.4 School Tuition $700 101 45110 2209.0 Supplies Other $585 101 45110 2209.1 P&R Office Supp & Furn $585 101 45110 2209.2 101 45110 2209.3 101 45110 2212.0 otor Fuels $1,463 101 45110 2212.1 Lawn & Turf Equip, $1,463 101 45110 2212.2 Trucks, Cars, etc 101 45110 2215.0 Shop Mat/Park Supplies $14,000 101 45110 2215.1 Herbicide $3,500 101 45110 2215.2 Fertilizer $4,500 101 45110 2215.3 Seed $1,000 101 45110 2215.4 Red Rock $4,500 101 45110 `2215.5 Soi1 Tests, Etc $500 101 45110 2216.0 Special Programs $3,500 101 45110 2216.1 Sunday Specials-45137 $1,750 101 45110 2216.2 leprechaun Days-45137 $650 101 45110 2216.3 Halloween-45137 $650 101 45110 2216.4 General Playgrd-45130 $450 101 45110 2216.5 PAGE TOTALS $299,351 $299,351 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ----------------------------------- 101 45110 2219.0 Operating Supplies-Other $1,000 101 45T10 2219.i Arts & Crafts $500 101 45110 2219.2 Brushes, Brooms, Etc $500 101 45110 2219.3 101 45110 2221.0 Equipment Parts $7,313 101 45110 2221.1 Fence Repair $2,500 101 45110 2221.2 Lighting Repair $2,500 101 45110 2221.3 Miscellaneous $2,313 101 45110 2222.0 Tires $488 101 45110 2222.1 Replacement Tires �488 IDl 45110 2222.2 101 45110 2222.3 101 45110 2223.0 ui ding epair Maint $4,875 101 45110 2223.1 Paint �750 101 45110 2223.2 Shingles, Boards, Etc $2,500 I 101 45110 2223.3 Miscellaneous $1,625 ' 101 45110 2225.0 Landseape Materials $7,313 ' 101 45110 2225.1 Trees, Shrubs, etc $3,657 101 45110 2225.2 Timers, Fences, etc $3,656 101 45110 2226.0 Repair Materials $2,500 101 45110 2226.1 Nets, Poles, Bases,etc $2,000 101 45110 2226.2 Miscellaneous �500 101 45110 2226.3 101 45110 2241.0 ma Too s $4,875 TO1 451I0 2241.1 Chainsaws, Hammers etc $2,900 101 45110 2241.2 BobCat Tools & Parts $1,975 101 45110 3309.0 Professional Srvs Other $4,000 101 45110 3309.1 Engineering $1,500 l0i 45110 3309.2 Legal $500 101 45110 3309.3 Miscellaneous $2,000 101 45110 3323.0 Radios $0 101 45110 3323.1 . l0I 45110 3323.2 101 45110 3331.0 Trave $2,500 101 45110 3331.1 Seminars & Workshops 101 45110 3331.2 Conventions $2,000 _ 101 45110 3331.3 General Misc $500 101 45110 3333.0 Freight $585 101 45110 3333.1 Materials Shipping $585 � 101 45110 3333.2 101 45110 3333.3 101 45110 3349.0 dvertising-Ot er $8,500 101 45110 3349.1 Brochures $6,000 101 45110 3349.2 Flyers(Schools, etc) $1;OOQ 101 45110 3349.3 Employment Ads $1,000 141 45110 3349.4 Miscellaneous $500 101 45110 3381.0 Electricity $9,750 101 45110 3381.1 Skating Rinks $4,500 101 45110 3381.2 Softball Fields $4,5Q0 101 45110 3381.3 Miscellanous $750 101 45110 3382.0 Park $ Rec Water $975 101 45110 3382.1 `field Irrigation �975 101 �5110 33$2.2 PAGE TOTALS $54,674 $54,674 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION Page Three Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total -------------------�585 101 45110 3395.0 PC Maintenance 101 45110 3395.1 Maintenance Contracts $585 101 45110 3395.2 101 45110 3395.3 101 45110 3397.0 C Hard/Soft ware $2,000 101 45110 3397.1 Equipment & Software $2,000 101 45110 3397.2 101 45110 3397.3 101 45110 3409.0 Other Repair Contracted $4,815 101 45110 3409. 1 Irrigation Equip $1,500 101 45110 3409.2 Electrical Equip $1,500 101 45110 3409.3 Miscellaneous $1,875 101 45110 3419.0 Other Rental $6,825 101 45110 3419.1 Portable Toilets $4,900 1Q1 45110 3419.2 St John's & Gyms, etc $1,925 101 4511Q 3419.3 101 45110 3433.0 Dues Subscriptions $488 101 45110 3433.1 Various $488 101 45110 3433.2 101 45110 3433.3 101 45110 3434.0 Conferences / Seminars $500 101 45110 3434.1 Seminars/Workshops $500 101 45110 3434.2 101 45110 3434.3 101 45110 3435.0 0o s amph ets $0 101 45110 3435.1 101 45110 3435.2 101 45110 3435.3 101 45110 3439.0 isce aneous Ot er $488 101 45110 3439.1 Various $488 101 45110 3439.2 101 45110 5561.0 Capita ut ay urniture $0 101 45110 5561.1 101 45110 5561.2 : 101 45110 101 45110 101 45110 101 45110 101 45110 101 45110 PAGE TOTALS $15,761 $15,761 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $3b9,786 $369,786 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS F PARK & REC SPECIALS Page One u D R A F T #4 45121 THRU 45135 n Aug 29th Object Requested d Account # Obj # Description Amount Total 101 45121/35 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $20,000 101 45121/35 1103.1 Various Program Payrol$20,000 101 45121/35 1103.2 101 45121/35 2219.0 Qperating Supp ies- ther $5,400 101 45121/35 2219.1 Various Prog Supplies $5;400 101 45121135 2219.2 Finance Seminars 101 45121/35 2219.3 101 45121/35 2226.0 epair Materia s $5,600 101 45121/35 2226.1 Equipment Repair $5,600 101 45121/35 2226.2 101 45121/35 3309.0 ro essiona Service $13,900 101 45121/35 3309.1 $13,900 lUl 45121/35 3309.2 101 45121/35 3331.0 Trave $�3,000 101 45121/35 3331.1 Bus Rental for Trips $8,000 101 45121/35 3331.2 101 45121J35 3331.3 101 41520 3433.0 ues Subscriptions $1,100 101 41320 3433.1 $1,100 101 41320 3433.2 101 41320 3433.3 101 41320 3433.4 1O1 41320 PAGE TOTALS $54,000 $54,000 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Page One D R A F T #4 41810 Rug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Qescription Amount Total ---------------------------------------------�--- 101 41810 2201.0 Office Supp & Acces p 101 41810 2201.1 101 41810 2201.2 101 41810 2201.3 101 41810 2201.4 � 101 41810 2201.5 101 41810 2202.0 Duplicatiny & Copy $5,000 101 41810 2202.1 $5,000 101 41810 2202.2 � 101 41810 2202.3 101 41810 2203.0 Printed Forms $4,000 I01 41810 2203.1 $4,000 101 41810 2203.2 101 41$10 2203.3 � 101 41810 2204.0 Enve apes Ltr Head $2,000 101 41810 2204. 1 $2,OOQ 101 41810 2204.2 101 41810 2204.3 . 101 41810 2209.0 Supplies - Other $8,000 101 41810 2209.1 $5,000 101 41810 2209.2 $3,000 I01 41810 2211.0 C eaning upp ies 101 41810 2211. 1 Cleanser,Mops,etc 101 41810 2211.2 101 41810 2212.0 otor Fue s $600 101 41810 2212. 1 $600 101 41810 2219.0 Operating Supplies-0ther $p 101 41810 2219.1 101 41810 2221.0 Equipment arts $1,000 101 4181Q 2221.1 Admin � $1,000 101 41810 2221.2 101 41810 2223.0 Bui ding Repair & Supp y $p 101 41810 2223.1 101 41810 2223.2 101 41810 2223.3 : 101 41810 2223.4 101 41810 2225.0 Landscape Materials $p 101 41810 2225.1 101 41810 2229.0 Sign Repair Materials $p 101 41810 2229.0 101 41810 2241.0 ma oo s �p 101 41810 2241.1 101 41810 2242.0 inor quipment $500 101 41810 2242.1 Admin * $400 101 41810 2242.2 Pub Wrks $100 101 41810 2242.3 101 41810 3301.0 udit ccounting $9,000 101 41810 3301.1 * $9,000 ' 101 41810 3301.2 101 41810 3301.3 l0I 41810 3302.0 rc itect s Fees $2,000 101 41810 3302.1 * $2,000 101 41810 3302.2 101 41810 3302.3 �32,100 $32,100 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Page Two 4181� Object Requested Fund Account � Obj # Description Amount Total ---------------------------------------$-'----- 101 418i0 3303.0 Engineering 3 000 101 41810 3303.1 $3,000 101 41810 3303.2 101 41810 3304.0 Legal $8,000 101 41810 3304. 1 $8,000 101 41810 , 3304.2 101 41810 3309.0 isce aneous $12,000 101 41810 3309.1 Senior Center $6,000 101 41810 3309.2 Vermillion Watershed $6,000 101 41810 3309.3 101 41810 3309.4 101 41810 -3321.0 Telephone $21,000 101 41810 3321.1 $21,000 101 41810 3321.2 101 41810 3322.0 Postage $8,500 ' 101 41810 3322. 1 $8,500 l0i 41810 3339.0 ransportation $1,000 101 41810 3339.1 $1,000 101 41810 3352.0 eneral Notices $4,000 101 41810 3352.1 $4,000 101 41810 3352.2 101 41810 3381.0 ectric ti ity ; $p 101 41810 3381.1 201 41810 3381.2 101 41810 3383.0 Gas ti ity �p 101 41810 3383.1 101 41810 3384.0 efuse ervice $p 101 41810 3384.1 101 41810 3413.0 DP Equipment $3,OOD 101 41810 3413.1 $3,000 101 41810 3413.2 101 41810 3414.0 Data rocessing enta $p 101 41810 3414.1 101 41810 3414.2 101 41810 3419.0 t er ental $5,000 101 41810 3419.1 $5,000 101 41810 3419.2 101 41810 3419.3 101 41810 3439.0 isce aneous $p 101 41810 3439.1 101 41810 5561.0 apita ut ay Furniture $3,000 101 41810 5561.1 $3,000 101 41810 5561.2 101 41810 G TOT LS $68,500 $68,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $100,600 $100,600 1990 BUDGET WORKSNEETS ' GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Page One D R A F T #4 41940 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj � Description Amount Total -------------------------------------- 101 41940 2211.0 Cleaning Supplies $800 101 41940 2211.1 $800 101 41940 2211.2 101 41940 2211.3 101 41940 2221.0 quipment arts $p 101 41940 2221.1 $p 101 41940 2221.2 101 41940 2223.0 ui ding epair & Maint $2,500 101 41940 2223.1 PD Remodel $2,500 101 41940 2223.2 Shop Remodel $0 101 41940 2223.3 101 41940 2225.0 andscape Materia s $500 101 41940 2225.1 $500 101 41940 2225.2 101 41940 2225.3 101 41940 2229.0 ther $100 101 41940 2229.1 $100 101 41940 2229.2 101 41940 2229.3 101 41940 2241.0 ma oo s $100 101 41940 2241.1 $100 101 41940 2241.2 101 41940 2241.3 101 41940 2242.0 inor quipment $100 101 41940 2242.1 $100 101 41940 2242.2 101 41940 2242.3 101 41940 3309.0 Misce aneous $6,220 101 41940 3309.1 $6,220 101 41940 3309.2 101 41940 3309.3 101 4I940 3381.0 ectricity $18,000 101 41940 3381.1 $18,000 101 41940 3381.2 101 41940 3383.0 Gas $21,OOQ ldl 41940 3383.1 $21,000 101 41940 3383.2 101 41940 3384.0 e use $4,000 101 41940 3384.1 $4,000 101 41940 3384.2 101 41940 3384.3 101 41940 3419.0 t er enta $6,000 101 41940 3419.1 $6,000 101 41940 3419.2 101 41940 34L9.3 101 41940 3439.0 Misce aneous ther $500 101 41940 3439. 1 $500 101 41940 PAGE TOTALS $59,820 $59,820 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PAVED STREE7S 43121 DRAFT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested FFund Account Obj # Description Amount Total ----------------------------------------------- 101 43121 2224.0 Street Maint Matl $58,500 101 43121 2224.1 crack sealant $5,000 i01 43121 2224.2 bit patching $18,000 101 43121 2224.3 striping $500 101 43121 2224.4 chloride $18,000 101 43121 2224.5 gravel $16,000 101 43121 2224.6 storm sewer $1,000 101 43121 2225.0 Landscape Mat'1 $1,500 101 43121 2226.0 Sign Repair Matls $p 101 43121 2226.1 traffic control 101 43121 2226.2 street ID Total Supplies $60,000 101 43121 3303.0 Engineering Fees $2,000 101 43121 3309.0 Prof Serv - other $66,700 101 43121 3309.1 sealcoating $30,400 101 43121 3309.2 bit overlays $18,000 101 43121 3309.3 traffic marking $b,500 101 43121 3309.4 c&g repl $4,800 101 43121 3309.5 s/w repair $8,000 101 43121 3309.6 pave't testing 101 43121 3384.0 Landfill Street Sweepings $10,000 101 43121 3419.0 Rentals - other $1,000 101 43121 3439.0 Misc $500 ' Total Other Serv $80,200 101 43121 TOTAL PAVEp STREETS $140,200 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ICE & SNOW REMOVAL -43125 ORAFT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested FFund Account # Obj # Description Amount 7ota1 ----------------------------------------------- 101 43125 2216.Q Chemicals $7,500 101 43125 2224.0 Street Maint Matl $1,800 Total Supp $9,300 101 43125 3419.0 Rentals - other $2,800 101 43125 3439.0 Misc $500 Total Other Serv $3,300 101 43125 TOTAL ICE & SNOW REM $12,600 . f . . . . . . , � � . � t 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET IIGHTING - 43160 DRA FT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested FFund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ------------------------------------'----- 101 43160 2226.0 Sign Repair Materials $1 000 101 43160 2227.0 Uti1 Sys Maint Sup $800 Total Supp $1,800 101 43160 3381,0 Eleetric Util $35,000 101 43160 3409.0 Contracted Repair $2,000 101 43160 3439.0 Misc $100 Total Other Serv $37,100 101 43160 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING $38,900 I , 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SIGNAL LiGHTS,SIGNS - 4317Q DRAFT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested FFund Account # Obj # Description Amount Totat --------------------------------------------- 101 43170 2227.0 Uti1 Sys Maint Sup $2,300 Total Supp $2,300 101 43170 3381.0 Electric Uti1 $2,000 101 43170 3439.0 Misc $100 Total Other Serv $2,100 101 43170 TOTAL SIGNAL LTS & SIGNS $4,400 1990 QUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE 47240 Page One DRAFT #4 Aug 29th Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total � ----------------------------------------------- 101 47240 3565.0 Workmans Comp Insurance $50,000 101 47240 3565.1 Annual Premium $50,000 101 47240 3565.2 101 47240 3555.3 101 47240 3565.4 101 47240 3565.5 101 47240 3565.6 101 47240 3565.7 101 47240 3565.8 101 47240 3565.9 101 47240 3569.0 t er Insurance $50,000 101 47240 3569.1 General Liab & Auto $50,000 101 47240 3569.2 101 47240 3569.3 101 47240 3569.4 101 47240 3569.5 101 47240 35fi9.6 101 47240 3569.7 101 47240 3568.8 101 47240 3569.9 101 47240 101 47240 101 47240 101 47240 PAGE TOTALS $100,000 $100,000 i�o iass le� 6LSS 30 LLSS ie� L955 1e� 1555 'SW 6£b£ �i 9£bf io9 S£h£ io� fi£+►£ '�a ££h£ i�0 6lh£ ed +rlh£ dd £lh£ '�0 60h£ �eW hOtr£ �d L6££ �d 96££ �d 56££ p� E6££ p� Z6££ p3 16££ �0 68££ a2! +r8££ 8J £8££ $M Z8££ '13 18££ �I 69£� ul 59££ �d 65££ a'J ZS££ al l5££ �d 45££ Pd 6hf£ �3 ib££ '�l 6£££ �� £'E££ . �l !££E p� 6Z££ �W #Zf£ !�21 £Z€£ ��d ZZ££ al LZ££ �1 ZLE£ io� il££ ��W 60££ ;u 1 80£E «W LO££ ��d 90££ ` iaW SOE£ ia1 �►U££ iu3 £0£f ��V ZO££ mt! 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