HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Scott Aker - Fire Department} Steven Jilk, Administrator 2875 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068 FIRE 0EPTS MEMBERSHIP Total Membership ----- 3$ Elected Positions/Approved by City Council Chief ---------------------1 --------------e Year term Asst. Chief ------------- I -------------- I Year term Secretary------------ I -------------- I year term Appointed Positions/Approved by the Membership Captains -------- -4 Lieutenants ------- r Fire Marshall -----1 Training Dept. ----3 Safety Officer -----t These positions and the number of people in each area can be expanded or reduced as the chief deems necessary. Any additions to the fire department are subject to the approval of the City Council. Likewise any resignations from the RFC are accepted by the City Council City ordinance allows the fire department to be expanded to a total of 100 members.. At the present time; operating out of one fire station and considering the population of Rosemount, the RFD has taken the position of attempting to maintain a roster of approximately 40 members. E Q I PHEM1 Aerial/ Elevating Platforms ------------ I Pumpers-------------------------------- 3 Grass Rigs ---------------------------- Tanker,.-------------------------------- I Reel Tr•uck----------------------------- I Rescue Vehicle----------- 1 These vehicles are replaced or refurbished as needed. Some of the vehicles are over 20 years old but st i 1 l serve the department we l 1 .There .are long range plans for purchase or reconditioning of the apparatus in the CIP budget for the next five Years. TFAI4IL1P--__�C_CAT I Cd During the first year on the RFD a new member wi 1 1 be required to complete the following training: Fire Fighter I --------------------------- 72 hour=. First Responder -------------------------- 40 hours Naz -Hat Training ----------- ----- ------24 hour RFD Training ----------------- -----------90 hours H i sc Training ---------------------------- - Y 226 hours + After the first :Near the fire fighter wi 1 1 continue to receive training at a rate of about 100 150 hours each year. Some fire fighters also coo on to be to be certified as Et°Fi's or paramedics. With ever increasing fire hazards, haz-mat incidents, state regulations, and OSHA requirements the demand for additional training will continue to increase. A number of fire fighters will be spending more of their personal time to increase their sk: i l 1 and better serve the community, Drill Schedule First Tuesday 6:30---^:30 Second Tuesday 6:30 --- 9 :311 Fourth Tuesday 6:.30---8: 0 8:30 Meet. ?� The -fire department doe=_ not dr• i 1 1 on the first Tuesday of June, July or August. Regularly scheduled officers meetings are on the Honda:r' before the first drill of the month. STATISTICS An annual report for 1987 ix1as suppI ied in January for '>,our rev i ear). It contained a br•eakdovin of ca.] Is by type and month. In addition you should be receiving a monthly report of fire and rescue cal Is. It is planned to expand the annual report to give more of a comparison to previous years.The fire department v1ill be r•epor• t i ng to the City Council twice each year, and whenever requested. On an average the RFC responds to :lust over 200 calls each Year. Approximately 67X of those calls are for medical reasons, and 53:x: for fire calls. OPERATION ---- FIRES There is no one at the Fire Station on a regular basis. VIhen the 911 system is activated the call is routed to the Sheriff's department. The Sheriff"s department has the responsibility to page the RFD. There are SOP' s for each type of call and the members are trained and knotwil edoeabl .y as to hots, to respond for each type of call and th t&oha.t equipment. tAle attempt to have a chief., assistant chief, or captain on the scene at all times. Because of vlork schedules and fami ly commi tmeats that is not Always possible. Each fire fighter has been trained to .assume command should the need arise. The fire scene operates in a papa -military fashion. Reports are filled out for each call. The Fire marshal] rev i evis them and fort,iar•ds them to the state fire marshal i `s office. 0PEERAT I Cdj__--_-_-F' SLUE CALLS The scene of a rescue call is operated much the same as a fire cal1.one notable difference is that at a rescue call the police have the authority to run the scene and the fire department is present to assist. The RFD does not transport victims. We assist in basic life support and prepare the patient for transport. The ambulance service Health East + formerly Divine Redeemer) does the transporting. Fire fighters from our department are often called on to go tyti th the ambulance ajhen they need more help on board. Reports of rescue calls are also kept and reported to the state fire marshal 1 's office. MISCELLANEOUS The RFD has a. mutual aid agreement wi i l all the departments Of Dakota County. The Chief's of Dakota County meet monthly to carry out business and share mutual concerns. The RFD belongs to the capitol City Regional. This is A number• of departments tai thin the state that get together three times each Year to conduct fire business. The RFD belongs to the Minnesota State Fire Fighter's Association. They meet once annually and tx)e send four delegates. The RFD belongs the the Minnesota State Fire Chief's Association. Heetinq once annually. The RFD is responsible for issuing burning permits voi thin the city of Rosemount The Rosemount Fire Department has a. hand in: parades, fire t%lor•ks, Various holiday and city celebrations, etc. NEEDS Having not completed and kind of extensive research And having been Chief for only five weeks I hesitate to project too far into the future as far as need_ are concerned. There appears to be a need in the areas. of: Increased Training Budget ----------- OBHA,titate Requirements Raise in Pay----------- ------------------------ Medical and Tax will lower our current amount of Pay.. <Aver•age $800.I0/yr�:. "Chiefs Car ------------------------- transportation, place for command post, radia Pagers-------------------------- --- Some of our pagers. are getting pretty old need updating, giving a lot of problems. Computer ---------------------------- SARA requirements, misc. OTHER The Dakota County Emergency Preparedness Board in conjunction with the 911 board had a surplus of money for 1?87. They made grants available to organizations who had done emergency medical training in 1=87 The RFD made application and recieyed $750.00 to be applied toward further training. We currently have an application in with the DNR in hopes of getting some funds to be applied to the tanker project. ROSEMOUNT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 ROSEMOUNT FIREMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION Membership consists of any regular active member of the Rosemount Fire Department The Relief Association is ruled by a board of trusties composed of a President, Vice -President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two General Trusties. The offices are elected at the annual meeting in January. Ex-OfficioTrusties are the Chief of Rosemount Fire Department, the Mayor, and the Administrator/Clerk of the City of Rosemount. It is the duty of the Board of Trusties to prepare modes and plans for the safe and profitable investment of the unappropriated funds of the Association. We also make provisions for assistance to be rendered to each sick or disabled member, and to the survivors of any deceased member. The Association has control of two funds. The General Fund is funded from dues, fines, application fees, entertainment and other miscellaneous sources and is dispersed for any purpose reasonably related to the welfare of the Association or its members The Special Fund is funded from any tax sources and all funds or property donated or granted to the Association. Its disbursements are specifically authorized by law as follows: a) The Association pays sick and disability benefits to its members not to exceed $1,000 per year or illness. b) The Association pays death benefits of $1,200 for each year of service in the RFD. c) The Association pays retirement fees to its members who have served as an active fire fighter in the RFD for 20 or more years and who has reached the age of 50 years or more. This retirement is $1,200 for each year of service. It is the commitment of the Board to continue the prudent investment of funds and maintain a retirement rate that is relative to the communities in the area. 2/24/88 Ij BYLAWS OF 111E ROSEMOUNT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ARTICLE 1 MEMBERS Section I. All members of the present organization as it now exists and all officers thereof shall hold their membership in this organization. Section 2. New members may be added to the Department until the number rear es as many as the Council has determined. Anyone applying for membership must live within the city limits of Rosemount. Section 3. Application for membership may be accepted by any member of the epi artment and turned over to the Chief. The Chief will turn the application over to the Membership/Grievance Committee (M/G Committee). They will interview the applicant, arrange for a doctor's examination, schedule the applicant to undergo an agility test, and oversee any other requirement the Department may deem necessary. Having evaluated the applicant on these requirements, the M/G Committee will present their recommendation to the Department at a regular meeting. If the applicant receives a majority vote of the members present at the meeting, the applicant may be accepted on a one year's probation, or placed on a waiting list. Acceptance of members is subject to confirmation by the Council. ARTICLE 2 OFFICERS Section 1. The Department officers shall be: Chief, Assistant Chief and Te—c F _eT ary. Section 2. All of the above officers shall be elected at an annual meeting w c s held on the fourth Tuesday in January of each year. The Assistant Chief and Secretary who are elected shall assume their duties following the annual meeting and shall hold their respective office for one year. The Chief who is elected shall assume duties following the annual meeting and shall hold office for two years. The election of officers is subject to confirmation by the Council. Should any officer not be able to complete his term of office, the membership will make temporary provisions until the office can be filled at the next annual meeting. Section 3. Any non -probationary member of the Department shall be eligible or iny- of the offices above mentioned. ARTICLE 3 DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Chief to have full control of the Department and apparatus at all times. He shall make such rules as he may deem necessary to maintain the efficiency of all- the fire fighters. He may appoint fire marshals, training instructors, battalion chiefs, captains and lieutenants as he may deem necessary. These appointments shall be subject to approval by the membership. Ile shall preside over al] meetings of the Department and perform all other necessary duties usual to the office of Chief. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Chief to assist the Chief in his work and to perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Chief. In the absence of the Chief, the Assistant Chief shall perform all the duties of the Chief. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate and correct minutes of all meetings of the department. He shall maintain a complete list of all members of the department and call the roll of the membership at every meeting; noting those present and absent. Ile shall perform all duties usual to a secretary's office and such other duties as may be required of him. ARTICLE 4 DUTIES OF FIRE FIGHTERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of a fire fighter to protect life and property Tn case of a fire or other disaster or emergency the Department is called for. Fire fighters shall respond to the station for all alarms, or as designated by the chief or assistant chief. Fire fighters shall participate in meetings, drills, and other Department training activities, and shall keep the apparatus, tools and equipment in good condition. After each alarm or training session, fire fighters shall be sure all equipment and vehicles are properly serviced, housed and ready for further service before leaving the station. They shall keep the station and premises neat, clean, and in good order. A fire fighter shall assume command at a fire or emergency in the.absence of an officer. Fire "fighters shall perform other related work as required or assigned by the chief or assistant chief. ARTICLE 5 MEMBERSHIP/GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Section 1. The M/G Committee shall consist of four (4) fire fighters and one c airperson who is a fire fighter. Each committee member shall serve on the M/G Committee for a term of two years. The chairperson shall serve for a term of one year. Chiefs, captains and lieutenants are not allowed to serve on the M/G Committee. -2- Section 2. The chief shall annually appoint two (2) fire fighters to the /GfT Committee at the regular March meeting. The two new members appointed by the chief must be ratified by a majority vote of the members present. Of the two outgoing members, one shall be elected chairperson by a majority vote of the members present. The M/G Committee is subject to confirmation by the Council. • Section 3. The duties of the M/G Committee shall be those that may be assigned y the chief in addition to the following; (a) Review all applications for membership in the Department and present a recommendation to the Department at a regular meeting. (b) Accept and consider complaints of members and refer them to the membership at a regular monthly meeting. (c) Make recommendations to the membership regarding termination of membership for the fire fighters and officers. ARTICLE 6 MEETINGS AND TRAINING Section 1. The regular monthly training of the Department shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 1830 hours. Additional day time or evening training shall be scheduled as deemed necessary by the chief. Section 2. The regular monthly meeting of the Department shall be on the fourth Tuisday of each month at 2030 hours. The chief or assistant chief may call a special meeting at any time if necessary. Section 3. The annual meeting of the Department shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in January at 2030 hours. Section 4. Members shall be excused from attendance at any meeting and/or raining session because of sickness, emergency in the family, or inability to attend due to the nature of their work. Members must contact an officer prior to the meeting and/or training session whenever possible to be excused. Section 5. All members are to report for meetings and/or training sessions within one-half (1/2) hour of starting time and not leave before being released by an officer to receive credit for attendance. ARTICLE 7 LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP OR OFFICE Section 1. Any officer of the Department for abuse of his authority or misconduct in office may be impeached and removed from office by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at a regular meeting. This may be done provided that: -3- (a) The charge against them shall be made in writing and filed with the secretary at least one (1) month before any vote shall be taken, and (b) The charge against them shall be served in writing by the secretary at least two weeks before any vote shall be taken. Section 2. Any member willfully violating any of the provisions of this ConstituFion and Bylaws of the Department may be expelled at any regular meeting (unless otherwise noted) by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. Section 3. All members will respond to thirty percent (30X) of all paged calls durTng the year. For the purpose of these Bylaws, the year shall run from November 1 to October 31. Any member who does not meet the thirty percent requirement will be notified to appear before the M/G Committee at which time the committee may recommend termination of membership. This recommendation will be brought to the membership at the annual meeting in January. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall terminate said membership. Any member missing three (3) consecutive training sessions or two (2) consecutive meetings shall be called before the M/G Committee at which time the member may be placed on probation for a period of up to six (6) months, or recommended to the membership of the Department at a regular meeting that membership be terminated. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a regular meeting shall terminate said membership. Any member whose attendance at training sessions is below sixty-six percent (66%), or whose attendance at meetings is below seventy-five (75%) at the end of any year will be notified to appear before the M/G Committee at which time the Committee may recommend termination of membership. This recommendation will be brought to the membership at the annual meeting in January. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present shall terminate said membership. In considering any of the above, the M/G Committee may consider extenuating circumstances, including, but not limited to work schedules, family or personal illness, etc. Prior approval is necessary for a special need. Section 4. Any action taken pursuant to Sections 1 through 3 of this Article Tis subject to final action by the Council concerning termination or retention. ARTICLE 8 ROLL OF HONOR Section 1. The Department shall place on the Roll of Honor any active member w o has become disabled, died, become too old for active duty or has reached full retirement. Placement on the Roll of Honor requires a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting. Section 2. Any member who has been placed on the Roll of Honor may sit in e meetings of the Department, and have the privilege of debate, but shall not vote. -4- 0 ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws shall not be made except at regular mee-`t�Tngs-of the Department. Furthermore, due notice shall have been given one (1) month previous in writing stating the amendments to be made. A two- thirds (2/3) vote of all members present and Council approval shall be necessary for its adoption. ARTICLE 14 ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. U— Meeting Called to Order (2) Roll Call (3 Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting (4) Report of Committee R5Communications , Unfinished Business (7) New Business (8) Good of the Department (9) Adjournment Section 2. Unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Department. Section 3. For the conduct of any business at any meeting of the epL�`a m nt, there shall be a quorum consisting of at list fifty percent (50%) of the regular members present. ADOPTED by the Rosemount Volunteer F,ire Department this ZZM day of December,. 1985. ROSEMOUNT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ByF. -` dooekt ure , F re leis BY coter ecr4ar ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota this ;Zr% day of January, 1986. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By B �an nu son,, on a yor Ton r RE m n s r for -5-