HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of March 7, 1989 Regular Meeting .� , � ' • ��� ,�.�. R(?SEMOUNT CITY P ROCEE�GS REGULAR HSBTING MARCH 7, 1989 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesdap, March 7, 1989, at 7 ;30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Citp Hall. Mapor Hoke called the meeting to order with Couneilmembers Wals�, Wippermann and Napper presen�. Councilmember Qxborough was abs�nt. Mayor Hoke Ied the group in the Pledge of Allegianee. The agenda was amended as follows: Item 3(c) Recpcling Update, Item 4(�) - - Set Hearing Date for Variance Appeal, and Item 5(e) Kellep Froperty Land Use lliscussion were added to the agenda. Item 5(d) It�source Recovery waa deleted from the agenda. Recentlp hired emplopees, Debbie Widstrom, Receptionist; Dennis Werner, Deputy R�gistrar Clerk; and Karen Keilp, Folice Department Secretary, were introduced to Couneil. Fire Ch3ef Scott Aker reviewed with Council the Rosemount Fire Department Annual Report dated March, 1989. See Glerk' s Fi2� 1989-7. Community Aevelopment Director Dean Jnhnson repvrted on the eity' s recpc�.3.ng program atter one week in serviee. Johneon commeated tk�at participat%on on a e3ty wide basis was very gaod . MOTIQN by Wippermann to agprove the Consent A$enda as presented sub�ect to s correction to page 2, paragraph 2, 1at sentence ta read; Mot�Lon by #ioke to request the city Hous#ng and Redevelopmer�t Authoritp to consider th� vaxious Qieees of community input that had been received through th� communitp involvement proeess. SECOND by Wa1sh. Ayess Walsh� W�.gpermann, T�oke, Napper. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1989-7. Council reviewed the Bituminous Materials, Inc. s$nd and gravel mining permit for an 8t3 acre site iocated on TH56 immediately south af So].berg Aggregate. City Planner Michael Wozniak advised Council Che cczunty traf€ic engineer was requested to comment on a safety eoncern expressed by Councilmember Napper regarda.ng the impact of truck t�ca�fic at the CR1�2/TH56 intersection. Wozniak referred to a letter received from Peter S�renson, Dakota County Traffic Engineer, who indieated that th� ➢epartment of Transpartation has jurisdiction vver the intersection, and any changes or restrictions would have to be determined bp that department. Wozniak nc�ted that based on a previous meetinp with MnDOT District 9 staf£ to discuss the mining proposal, the access restrictions were agreed to by that staff, �nd Wozniak felt that MnDQT staff would not recommend anq ehanges to the intersection. Councilmember Walsh requested that mining Qperatians be monitored on a regular basis by the city and suggested that aerial photographs be taken of the operation as part of the annnal renewal of the �ermit. See Clerk' s File 1989-7. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the mining permit for Bituminvus Material�, Inc. subject to the conditions as proposed, SECOND by Hoke. Apess WipQ��r. manny Iioke, Walsh. Nays : Nap�e.r. s . � . ROSEM011NT CITY PR4CEEDINGS REGULAA M�G�TING MARCH 7, 19$9 MOTION by Walsh to set a specia]. cauncil meet3.ng work session to cantinue Gounc�.l review of the proposed zoning ordinance on Thursdap , March 30, 1989, at b; 30 p.m. and to ad�ourn no later than 1Q:3U p.m, at City Hall. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Hake, Napper, Wa�.sh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan J3.lk reviewed with �ouncil the Draft Eneixc�nmental tmpact Statement presented by the Metropoli.tan Counci2 as drafted by the Site Evaluation Committee for the Environmentai Qua�.ity Boarc} for the cogeneratian plant proposed by Oxbow Power Corporation. Councilmember Napper, a member of the S3.te Evaluation Committee, reviewed the thre� sites propvsed £or the pro�ect. Council unanimously ob�ected to the souther�n alternate site stated in the statement with Cauncil requesting Gouncilmember Napper to inform the committQe of the Council' � ob�ection at the ap�ropriate time. Councilmember Atapper advised he wi1l keep Couneii informed on the progress of the site seiection. See C1erk' s File i��39-7. Community Developmen� Director nean Johnson provided �n upd�te an the elementary school/city park development and requested Council to approve the low bid on the city park site, as received and candi.tionallg approv�$ by the Independent School District 196 Board of Education. Johnson informed Council of the city' s commitment to cost sharing i.n the boundarq survey, topographical survey and grading plan for the development, amounting to approximately $].0,000; and the agreement to shaxe in the eost of relocating fences on the Kelley property as a condition of the land transfer. See Clerk' s FiZe 1989-7. MOTION by Hoke to approve the expenditure of $28,700 €or the park site grading far the elementarp school/eity �azk development. SECC/ND by Walsh. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: Q. Councilmember Wippermann requested discussion on the Counc3l`s acceptance at the February 21 , 19$9 Counc3l meeting of the feaeibility report for Shannon Parkwaq street and utilities improvements, City Pro�ect 194. Councilmember Wippermann expressed concern that the extens3on of san3.tary sewer and watermain services, as a part of this improvem�nt pro,�ect, would preclude the areas adjacent to Shannof� Parkway from being developed RR rural residentia3. Councilmember Wippermann suggesteci that sta£f enter into negotiations with the owner of Che Ke11ey p�roperty to ascertain whether the Kellep property could be rezoned from R-1 Sin�le Familp Residential to rural residential throughout or if a buffer area could 1�e designated to provide a natural transition from R-1 to RR Rura1 Residential to prevent the abutment of 18,000 square foot lots against 2Q0,0(3Q square faot lots. Wigpermann felt that in an attempt to maintain the rural atmosphere desired by a Zarge percentage of citp resi�ents, as indicated through the community involvement praeess, that al�. areas approximatelp north of 135th Street both east and west of Highway 3 be mazntained and expanded as rural residential. Councilmember Wigpermann further requeated that the citp' s consul.ting en�ineer for Project 1'�4 provide a means o€ delaying the extension of sewer and water in this project until there is a better understandin� of what wi11 happen to the bordering progertp. Considerable discussion followed with Community Development Director Desn 2 t � i • RUSSMOUNT CITY PRQCEEI�ZNGS REGULAR MEETING - �iARCH 7, 19$9 Johnson providing background an how certain areas af the northern portion of the czty became zoned and included in the city' s urban service ar�a. MOTION by Wipp�rmann to direct staff to research and report to Counctl what woul.d Ue required in order to maintain the northern portion of Che Ke11ey property in a ruraZ residential character. SECOND by Napger. Uiscussivn followed regarding the intent of Counciimember Wippermann` s motion. Mayor Hoke stated he �elt a yes vote to the motion would imply one is in favor of rural residenti.al in that partieular area. Gouncilmember Wipperrnann stated his motion is a request for staff to eommunicate to Counci7. the process �nvolved if Counc3l would �ieem it appropriate to change the designated land use. Cauncilmembers Nspper and Walsh agreed to a review of the process for this issue and future iand issues. MOTION by Walsh to direct staff to research the legal rami£ic8tions of rezoning the area from R-1 to RR, the nec�ssary steps ta change the Comprehensive Guide Plan and the necessary steps to cha��ge the Urban Service Ares. SECOND by Napper. Apes: Walsh, Wippermann, Napp�r. Naps: Hoke. Poll of original motion; Wippermann, NaPPer, Walsh. Nays: tioke. Consulting Engineer Steve Campbell provided an overview of the feasibility report for Valley 0ak Addition Replat, Phase IV, street and utilatties impravements. The engineer described the sanitary sewer, watermain, drainage, street and street lightin� improvements and provided eost ` estimates for each. The total estimated project cost is $235,000. The engineer recommended that the gublic hearing to consider the improvements be held on Tuesdap, April 4, 1989, at $:00 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possibie. See Clerk' s Fi1e 19$9-7. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION RECSIVING THE FLASIBILITY RSFORT QF CI'PY PROJECT #i96, VALLEY OAK ADDITION RB�'LAT, PHASE IV, IITIt,IT� AND STRi3ET IMPROVEMENTS, AND CALL�NG FOR A PUBLIC HEABING TO CONSIDER TH8 PROJB�T. SECaND by Hoke. Apesc Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays; 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk informed Council of. the notificatian received �rom the State o£ Minnesota De�artment of Human Rights that the citp'e Affirmative Action Plan was approved. �he administr�tar h�.ghlighted areas of the plan and requested Gounci�.' s adoption of it. See Clertcts k'i�e 1989- 7. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt the Affirmative Action Plan, SECOliD by Walsh. Ayess Walsh, Wipperm�nn, Hoke, Napper, Nayst 0. Council revi�wed the infoxmation presented by City Administrator Stephan Jilk regarding city council sal3ries and per diem payments. Council requested the administrator to put to�ether several op�ians regarding �er diem payments to be reviewed at a future date. See Clerk' s File 19$g-7. 3 e L � • ROSEMOUNT GITY PR4CEBDiNGS REGULAR MBBTING MARCH 7, 1989 MOTION by Walsh to approve and rati.fq the amendments to Article I, Section 3, and Art3cle IV, Section l , of the Bylaws of the Rosemount Fire�sen' s Relief Assoc3,ation. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes. Wippermann, Iioke, Atapper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Council unanimously agreed it would not be necessarp, to meet with the Urban Design Team to discuss th�ir recommendations and find3ngs, Mayor Hoke suggested that staff submit a report regardin$ �ta�£ discussion with the Urban Design Team on at their meeting on Mareh 13, 198q at the March 21 , i9$9 Cauncil meeting. Mayor Hoke provided an update on the Citizens Advisorp committee meet3ngs. Administrator Stephan Ji1k reporCed on the first meeting of the Armory Committee held on February 28, 1989. The next meeting is scheduled for March 13, 1989. Jilk advised a press rele�se wil�. be prepared to solicit comments £rom residents on potential uses of a prap�s�d cQmtnunity center and to advisr: residents of the committee' s work. MOTION by Wa1sh to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes; 4. Nays: fl. RespeGtfuliy sub�itted, ATTEST: Susan M. Johnsoa, Deputy �2erk Stephan Ji�.k, Administratar Published this day of , 1989 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 4