HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Approve Erickson Park Fence Project Bids � � � � � � � t TU. Steve Jilk - City 1�cinrinistraLor : FROM: David J. Dechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: March 6, 1989 ItE: Al.terations to Fences in �rickson Park I�ive years ago fences were purcliased and installed at three of Che fields in Erickson Park (FIELDS 1 - 2 - 3). At that time the contractor had inadvertenCly installed the outfield fence on the ouCside of the posts ieaving the posts "directly" exposed to the playing area of the fteld. Investfgation into installation practices at that time indicated that it was a common practice ta inetall the fences on either side of the posts. 4ne of the main reasons indicated for installation of the fence material an the outside of the post area was that the tension of the wire was more easily maintained. A21 considerations were given ta the issue. It was noted at that time that, although it may be an acceptabl.e manner of installation for the fence ta put on the outside of the posts, it was the preference af the department and the city ta not make this type of installation a common practice. I The pro�ect was accepted as completed and payment was made to the vendor. Athletes appear to be getting more a�gressive each season`. We now find the outfielders attemptin�; to catch fly balls by running into the fence and ��snagging" the ball high ahove that f3' barrier. This action causes two ma3or problems that need to be addressed. Running into the fence material causes the ties holding the fence material ta the post to stretch and/or to break. This resu7.ts in the fence material coming loose from the post. The once accepted method of installation that �-- produced a tighter fence that retafned tension longer now is proven to be autdated. ' An outfielder running into the post directly would appear to possibly have the same results whether the fence material was on the inside af the post or on the outside of the posC. The second major problem with the construction ae it presently exists is in�uries cause from outfielders hitting the fence anci glancing into the �ast. Tlie post now becomes a solid obstacl.e that breaks the natural turnin�. The fense material on the inside of the post would allow additianal turnin� and spinning of the body thus helping to prevent ma�or in�vries euen to the most aggressive player. ' . � � � � The situation as it now presents itself t�as caused me to seek informal c�uates from various fence companies relatfn� to the cost of taking down the fez�ce material, installfn�; bottom rails, instalZing t�ie fence materfai on the inside of the posts, supplying all ties ana materials necessary to complete the pro�ect. We have received four (4) quotes. The fallor�ring are the amountss Dakota Fence of Minnesota, Inc. $ 12 366.OU F'en — Co i,50d.00 Mfdwest Fence 6,500.00 Crawley Fence 4,950.00 The request that I have at this time is to obtain approval for Crowley Fence Company to fallov through �ith this fence project with funds to come from the revenues from "user fees" related to adult softball programs. ( 49SO.OQ} This "user fee" was initially supported and vated into affect by the Rosemount Softball Association about three years ago. The fee was also accepted and charged to the City Lesgue teams that same season. Initially the fee was set at $40.00 and now is at set at $60.00 per team. mhe purposes of the fees were to: 1. off set over runs on projects related to Erickson Park softball aress 2. assi.st with pro�ects that were taken fxom the budget due to other items being placed higher in the priority list 3• aseist with projects that are identif3ed during the season that will afd in uggrading the quality of the park for use by the little Zeague, gfrls softball, etc. 4. assist in some fashion with �arC time salaries if the need arises (NOTE: some of these fee are being used in 1989 to pay for the salary of Jane Mallman, our 3/4 time employee working with Lisa Jost. Uecember 30, 1989 the remainin� balance of the "Self Sugporting Funds" listed under softball was transferred to the Park Dedication account. The total� on that date was $14,240.78. Since that time appraximately $3,000 was approved by the city council to be used to pay for the additionai costa related to the fence pro�ect on fields number four and five af Erickson Park• (maCerials and installation to raise the fence from a 4' to a 10') This pra�ect does meet the criteria for the inCend�d use of the "user feeB". It is �3sa a project that has been requested by the softbali teams. A much safer playfng area will be generated with the completion of this pro�ect.