HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Approval to Proceed with Newsletter . ��_ • . 'c �� � P��� [���Y *;�n ,�,� ` .. `� ��r►/ �� <�;�, i�,r�� s� ��� �� ;' . , nc�sE:44t)t�td T MIMNi '�tT� �.,n�.,� �� .$``��� ��'�� � .._ �,t�3�'l'1�1C1t�.�`t t� � �.,,� ,.� c i� n�:t n:>>� . �� i.Y '��� . . . .. TO: Mayor, City Council, H RA 13oard �� ��� FROM: Tracie L. Pechonick, Ecun. I)ev. SpeciAljst � nAT�; March 14� 19$9 St1�3J: Rosemount Newsletter After meeting �vith the Park ancl I�ecreation Departmeni [o clelermine what portion oC the newstetter woulcl l�e needed for the Park and Rec Sumtner SchecluJe, it was decicicd that this first newsl.etler will be len �ages, six of which witl be devoted to Park and Rec. The remaining four pages will cantain generat news from Ciry 1-iall. The newsletter will be smaller in the futurc as the Park and IZec Sclieduic is at its largcst at this lime of year. Wa}ker En[erprises estimates the totat cost for preparalion of the first newstetter at $3,800 (see attached quote). Following newsletters witt be less c�stty as they wi11 be coasideraUly smaller due to less information from the Park anci Recreation Departinent (estirnated cost for four issues in one year is' approxima[ely $10,Q0�). : In order to have the cam}�lete ne�vslettcr for the Ciiy Council to review before Ehe final deadtine, all articles and in t'ormation wilt have to be handecl into Wall:er Enierprises no later than the last week oi April. This will allow . Council and Slaff �ime to review the }�roduct and make any necessary chan�;es. Upon appxoval, I wi{i rcquest 3,OOU compiete copies �o the newsiceter and 3,004 additional copies of the Park ancl Kcc Summer Schedule fa� use by those �ersons living ou�sidc of Rosemc�unt, �ut still wishing to partici�ate in the Park and Rec ��robrams. . Rathcr than bulk mailin� lhe ncwsletters, it will be much less expensive to �,ct them to customers as an inscrt through thc ADS �rogram (anproximately $2t)0)• As the Park and Recrcatic�n De�artment has -used lhis method of clislribution in the pas[, it shoulci bc a vcry smooth proccss. Finally, if anyone has c�ues[ions regarcting llic ne�vsletter or contributi�ns which they woulcl like to makc to the [irst issue, please contact me as soon as possiblc. Thank you. _ , . � ! � � � � •�► � � �s � Uellline Rark duilding • 4915 West 35th Street •Suite 200 • MinneapoNs,MN 55416 • bl2/92p-599� M��rch 13, 1JaJ Ms. Tracle L. Pechonick City of Rosemounfi 1367 145th SCreet C2osemount, MN 550Gf3 CITY OF ROSEMQUNT NEWSLCTTER SERVICES: Copy writing Editinc� Uesi gn Layout �lrt work TYPesetting Keyline Printing QUOTE: Based on a quarterly newsletter, 2 colors, 70 Pound Paper (See Chaska sampie). Four-page City r�ewsletter, with 6-page Park 8� 12ecreation insert. Stitch and folci to 8 t/2x11. QUANTITY 3,000----------------------10 pages 3,000-----------------------6 pages COST: $3,800.00