HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Approve Plans & Spec's / Set Bid Opening, Deep Well #8, Contract #1989-1 t � � . • . . . �• . � .. . . . . � � . ���� � . �. � . . I � ****��r*******************�****�r******PIEPiO**�*****�********�********st******�t�**** nA2E: rtAxcx 17, 1989 T0: PIAYOR & COUNCILPtETtBERS � CITY ADPtINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIREGTOR HEFTI�' R�. ITEAIS FOR THE PtARCH 21, 1989 COUNCIL AGENDA � NEW BUSINESS �prove Plans & Specs/Set Bid Opening Date, Deep We11 1�$, Cc►ntraet 1989 1 At the P1arch 13, 1989 Utility Commission meeting, tl�e Utility Commissian a�groved the plans & speci£ications for the construetion of Deep Well �18. This well wi11 be a 1,000 gallon per minute well. It will be located adjacent ta the southeast corner of the future Jaycee Park, in the northwest quadrant of Shannon Park�ay and the future westerly extension of 156th Street, This contract is for the drilling of the well anly. We will be following up shortly with another contract �or the installation of the well pumps and motors and construction af the pumphouse. The estzmated cast for drilling the well is about $150,000. Well ��8 wi13: be drilled into the Jordan Aquafer, as is the rest qf our municipal wells. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve the plans and specifications for Deep Wei1 418, Contract 1989-i and set a bid opening for 10:4Q a.m. , April 14, 19$9. � � . CITY OF ROSEI`IOUNT i �... RESOLUTION 19$9 - , A RESOLUTION AFPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFIGATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEPIENT OF BIDS DEEP WELL �� 8 , PROJECT ��1$2 ; i WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineers for the City have prepared fina� plans and � specifications for Deep We13 418, Project #1$2, and such plan� and specificatians ' have been presented to this Council for appraval; � � � � N�W THEREFORE $E IT RESOLVED, by the City Couneil of tfie City of Rosemount, Afinnesota: .� � 1. Such plan� and $pecification� are herebq �pPraved and ordered pleced on � fa.le in the office o£ the City Clexk. i F f 2. Ths City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official i Gity newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement fvr bids upon !� the maka.ng of such improvements under such approved plans and specific�tzons for Project /1182. � 3. The advertisement shall be published in each o€ said publicativns at — least once not less than ten (1�) days before the date set for opening bids, s�hall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on April 14, 1989 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at Rosemount City Ha11 in said City and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Glerk and ' accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check ' payable to the City Glerk for five (5%) percent of the amount of sueh bid. ; � � ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1989. � � Rollan Hoke, Atayor i , ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk