HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Star City Update. . . ��, • _ . r�t � !'�� �it1Y ',f�i .� . !�`.:� i.�`�"� �� `�--''�/ �� f) :�l1 i r� 1 i'•!!1':1 1V � �,� � 3/ ) R!t;1 hl?�Ut I 1 t.1f/IPJF :�vI A'+'•�u'," y � �.��•_)����'���i,R l �� ti1:' .ti.i .f-11 i � •.�"' � C!:' .-3 . � � . . . . . .�'� .^y ��� � �� TO: Mayor, City Councit, 1IRA [3oard CRnA�t: Trarie L. Pechoniek, Econ. Dev. Specinlist � I)ATC: March 15, i989 SUBJ: Star City Pro�;ram A[tcr meeting with LaDonna Riste �f Dakota Electric and .ioyce Simon [rc�m thc Minnesota De��artment of Tracic and Econ�mic Development, thc Rosemount Star City Pr�firam secros to he l�ack �n the road to complctic�n. doyce wilt be supplying thc information nccessary tc� �;et !hc Star City Committee started an lhe final steps ot thc process. The major projects to be nndertaken at this point �uill inclucle having tite Rosemount City Council designatc an u�dateci "Star City Committee" and the commi[tee in turn will work toward cvmpleUon of both [he on�e �nd five year cily development plans. In addition, LaDonna �vil� he assisting Rosemount in thc crcation of a new Urr�el�urc promoting our city. I �vill come back t� you ��+ilh additionai information anct reryuests [�r specific acti�n as soon as possible.