HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. West Ridge 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #195 i � � i�l� # 6 *****************��r�r******�****��r***�rPtEMO********ar**�r**�*�*�r*********t�***�r**ar** DATE: MARCA 16, 1989 T0: I�tAYOR & COUNCILPIEMBERS % CiTY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DTRECTOR HEFT ` , ` RE: ITErtS FOR THE riARCH 21, 1989 COUNCIL AGENDA I �' � PUaLIC HEARING � Project 195, West Rid�e 3rd Addition Improvements � i � This item consist of holding a public hearing to consider the public improvements within the West Ridge 3rd Addition located in the southwest corner of Section 31. This memo will provide the chronological order of events leadin� up tp this � publie hearing along with a recommendation for Council to consider. On February 7, 1989 the City of Rosemount, upon a 100� petition by the owner, authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for utility and street construction in the West Ridge 3rd Addition. � On February 21, 1989 Gouncil received the feasibility report prepared by our � ; Consulting Engineers which indicated the project was fsasible from an engineering i ' standpoint. Based on that feasibility study Council ordered a public hearing ta be held on Ptarch 21, 1989 to cansider public input regarding this project. All necessary mailed and published legal notices have been taken care of and the City Clerk has in his possession the Affidavit of Mailed and Published Notice. Recommended action for Council to consider is to close the public hearing, approve the project and authorize our Consulting Engineer to prepare plans and specifications. � i i 4 � ..... .... _... .. .... .... .. ... . . . .I.■ __ .._._ ... ._.... .. .. .. . .. � � i P . � �. . � � . . � .. � � . . . . � . . . . . . i . . . . � . . . . � . . . ��j . � � � . . � . � .. ��. �. , . � � � � . . . � � . .� . . � ... ... � � . � . . . . . . . � . . . . . . I C ITY OF ROSErtOUNT ; � RESOLUTION 19$9 - i,....., A RESOLUTION ORDERING FLANS AND SPEGIFICA.TIONS OF WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION UTILITY AND STREET IidPRQVEMENTS, i �, CITY PROJEGT 195 ! WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for utility and street improvements on West Ridge 3rd Addition, City Project 195; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the £easibility report on City Project 195; and I WIiEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing on Atareh 21, 1989 to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of �he City af Rosemount 1 hereby orders the plans and specifications far West Riclge 3r�1 Addition Utility � and Street Improvements, City Project 195. � � ADOPTED this 21st day of Ptarch, 1989. i , , � . � ~ Rollan Hoke, Atayar I ATTEST: � Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Glerk � i j i i ; �,__„ i I � '�, � . • • P.O. 8QX 510 Z�� Q 2875-145TH ST. W, Oe7ers'[•C�ZIiYL� ROSEAAC}UtJT.M1NN�SOTA 55068 812-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILI�Y IMPRQYEMTNTS PROJECT 195 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. -- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the � City of Rosemount, Ptinnesata. On March 9, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City HaIJ., 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attaehed notice of public hearing re�arding West Ridge 3rd Addition Street and Utility Improvements, Project #195, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons Xisted on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Ptail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Step n Jilk Administrator lerk Gity of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subseribed and sworn to before me this 9�/S, day of March, 1989. . N ary Pub ' � � . . � � � . , . ..,... :,. �.}�l•'..y . .. ` t�_s. - ..oi,1 `.-�Y ` . :` ' .�$ ;i;it' � '�,, `" '��Y 0"Y Gd'5��1 E`'�N'�S �J�LE 11. tw32 .. * r. f- ,. ,`r4;�:�.� � � �. . . . . � • � � . � . �� � . ��i�� � . r�, nc+x 5�n ?l4i5-11�It1',riT iV � °''Ls' `�`� � �f`�y iit)SEM�t►NT.MtMNE^c�tn gS��R �4 '"•'�`, • OSe�ON./l�� B12-#23•4A11 P U $ L I G N O T I C � NOTIC� OF PUI3LIC 11FARING ON I�iPROVEr1ENTS WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IZtPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 195 TO WIiOPi IT riAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Counci.l of the City o€ Rosemaunt, riinnesota, will meet at 8:00 o'ciock p.m, or as soon thereafter as passible, Tuesday, Atarch 21, 1989, in the Cauncil Chambers of the City flall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the foilowing improvemeats: � Project #i95 - West Ridge 3rd Additian Street & Utility Improvements The total estimated cost of said improvements is $490,QQ0. The amount to be assessed is estimated to not exceed $454,000. Tl�e area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would general.ly be all that area generally described as the nortliwest quarter oE the southWest c�uarter of Section 31, Township 1i5, Range l9, Dakota County, Aiinnesata and lies immediately north af West Ridge 2nd Addition and east of the Apple Valley carporate limits. Such person as desires ta be tieard with reference to tlie proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinions will be considered. Date�i this 3rd day of rtarch, 1989. 13Y ORD�R �F TIIE CITY COUNCIL. ��: . � / , � , y �,* .0 x�,,, , �Step an Jilk �/ ' Admxr�istrato`T,t`lerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Ptinnesota ._ • � � Mailing List for West Ridge 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements - Project 195 Public Hearing Piarch 21, 1989 Rosemount Development Go. 3480 Upper 149th St. W. Rosemount, AiN 55068 � .: • � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �TATE QF MII�INESQTA ) � : County of Dc�kota ) NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON,being duly sworn,on oath sqs ihat s1�e is a�authar€sed ogent and P�B LI� NOTI�E . eM�°y�°f the pubiisher of tfie�wspoper known as Dakoht Coanhr Tdbuae,omt has fuM knowladge H07'�E Of MJlt�C HEARINB Of tltf fOCtS WI1iC11�@ StOteel I1lIOW: ON iMPROVEti{ENTS WEST RiDGE 3RD ADOITiON STREET AND UTIUTYIMPROYEMENTS �totEtr t�o.iss (A)The newspoper has tanplied with all of N+e require�neets conaHtuting�lifiaolioe as a bgd TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTFCE IS HEREBY GIV�N, that the newspaper,aa provided by Minnesota Startute 331 A.02.33t A.07 a�other oppikabk lows,es ome�ed. City Council ot the City ot Rosemuunt,Min- n�ota,vrill meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m.or as suon thereafter as possible,Tuesday,March -� 81,19�,in the Council Chambers�the City (B)The priiMed �- G }ta0.2876 145th Steeet West,to co�ider the 4'ollowing im�ovemenfs: Proh�et"195 - W�t Ridge 3rd Additia� Str�et�Utility Improvements Tt�e 1o4a1 estimated coat ot said improve- : ment��a t4so,aoo. : ; : The amount to be aasessed Is es�imated to` not exceed i454,o00. The srea praposed to be assessed tw�the r fo►egoing improvements wouid generaily be aii that area generally described as the nor. whieh is att�hed wos eut hom fhe colunr�s af said n�wspaper,�d weis pi�Nd and puMish�d ene�r thwest quaNer ot the scuthwest quarter of Sectlon 31,Township I1S,Rsnge 19,Dskote Couaty, Minnespta a�xl lies immedlately north o[West Ridge 2nd Addition attd saat ot eath week,fw_ �`l� suea�ssivr weeks:it wa� the Appie Valley corpprate limits.' Such Person as desires to be heard with re- ' terence to 4he Proiw�ed improvements wiU (} � be heard et thia meeting. Wrikten a�orai �} �..[ opinfona will be cousidered. frcst published an Thundoy,the i"�_dop d ���` C.,�C/'�,,. , Dated this 3rd day o(M�reh,1�9. B Stephan J kF THE GITY COUNCII,,� Q'� Administrator/Clerk � 19 .,�t_ . and was thsrooker printed and published on eva�r Th�ws�r to a�td i�la��g eisy ot RAsert,ounc a �g Dakota Caint,Y,Mian�ota 318 �3 } j_ (� -- Thwsdoy,the��do�r of �r�..('G'�^-.. ,19 �� ; ond prie�d 6elow is a copy of Nw fower eme�pheb�t from A to Z,`o!h inci�tiw,whieh�heMb�r aek�rowiedged as being the size m�d kind d lpps wed ia tM composi�iare�d p�tioa a#ths neNa�; a bedetgh9 Jklm nopqrstuvwa�ys 1 , . N ^. _. / sY: ELtt�, - ` t,.�, nT�:se�+� , i.�. , sul,s«ibsa oea:wwn to befo..me on s�5�.._elor d �r� .14 �i � � (�. � Notay Put►Ik v 1t�itMt�NM ,,:�,,,, CAROL J.MAVERLAN� �� �� NOTAAY PUBIIG-MtNN£SOTA t DAKQTA COUN7Y .. My Gommissktn Expkes flmc 3,t�