HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Shannon Parkway Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #194 � ..t� + . � � � • . � � . . � � � �.���-f. � . .� . � ��****��**�*****�*********,r�******�**AtEPiO*�*�r*************�x�*��***�e******�r*��**� DATE: MARCH 16, 1989 T0: PtAYOR & COUNCILPIEPIBERS % CITY ADPtINISTRATOR JILK FROrI: GITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECT�R HEFTI RE: ITEPtS FOR THE PtARCH 21, 1989 COUNCIL AGENDA � P � UB LIC HEARINGS Project 194, Shannon Parkway Im�rovements This item consist of holding a public hearing to consider the praposed improvements recommended in our feasibility report for this project. This memo will touch on the chronological events leading up to this pub3ic hearing and provide recommended action €or Council to consider. Council initiated this project at Staffs request in order to accommodate the new elementary school being built in the ��aa�.e of Section i9. The proposed date for ' the school opening is June, 1990 and it was necessary for the City tc� mav� as quickly as possible to provide street and utility access to this property. This is essentially what Projeet 194 daes. Council suthorized the preparation of a feasibility report on January 3, 1989. Our Consulting Engine�ring firm completed the feasibility report and found the project to be feasible £ram an engineering standpoint. Council received the feasibility report on February 21, 1989 and because the project was found feasible authorized a public heara.ng ta be held fcar Piarch 21, 1989. A,ttached are revised pages $ and 9. Please insert in your copy of feasibility report. Mr. Bud Osmundson from the Consulting Engineering firm of O.S.PI. , Inc. will be present tq provide s presentation of the project with the public hearin�. A11 required notices have been sent to the progerty owners �ffected by this pro,ject and the appropriate notices were also plaeed in the legal newspaper. The City Clerk has the Affidavit of Mailed and Published Notice to attest to this. Recommended action for the Council to consider is to approve Project 194, Shanr►on Parkway Improvements, in its appropriate phases and authorize our Cansulting Engineerin� firm to prepare plans and specifications. I • P.O. BQX a10 ��Z�� � 2875-145TH ST. W OSC�QVL�� ROSEMOUNT. Mi1Vt�l�SOTA 55�'i9 s�2—�23-sa�� AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND PQSTED HEARING NOTIGE SHANNON PARKWAY STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS : � PROJECT 194 STATE �F MINNESOTA ) ' COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY QE RQSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being �irst duly sworn, deposes and saysc s ; I am a United States GiCizen and the duly qualified Glerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. ' On rtarch 9, 1989, acting an behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2$75 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing reg�rding Shannon Parkway ' Street and Utility Improvements, Project �194, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with pastage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the glace of mailing and the places so addressed. i Step n Jilk Administrator/ erk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minne$ota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �• day of l�iarch, 1989. otary Public . � � � . � . . . . E� . . , .. ... . . � . . .. . . . . . � � . � � . � . � � . . � �..� � ... .. . , . _ . .h � � . . . . . . . . . ' . . .. �. . . .. � . . . . . . . ' _ . . . .... ��_"!r'.� �> . . . . � . . . . . . . . .'- �: . ,1 1 -�'.R ih � .. . . .;��' n .. . . . . . f. �..fr C U�.:i. �..'� u�J�uvc:w 11. 1�}$ � � � �� �� . 1�t"w,ld�.°:'wLM1Rb+✓�yyyyfYVY'tsfVy�Po a�yyYVqd,� __— ---- _ _ ■ -' � .•� � .., , . . � . .. . . � � �... . . . . . . . . . . . . Mailing List for Shannon Parlcway Street & Utilitie� Improvement Froject 194 (between Country Hills 3rd and Shannon Qaks) Public Hearing-March 21, 1989 James E. Kelley, Trustee 425 Hamm Bldg. St. Paul, D1N 551d2 U. S. Homes Corp. 300 So. Cty. Rd. 18 Suite 870 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Joseph S. & Sherry J, Licata • 13584 Diamond Path Rosemaunt, PIN 55068 . +, � � AFFIDAYIT O� PUB��AT�N STATE 4F MINNES(�TA ) SS - County of Dakota } NANCY). GUSTAFSON,being dulg swom,on ooth soys t�t she js e�aiathoe�ad op+►nt aad emptoyee of the puWia6er of ihe newspope�knawn as Dak�o Connry Tei�aM,aa)lro�f�kaowled�t PVR`�C ND I �CE of the facts whicb crce atated b�low: NOT1tE OF PUlUC NEARMG � ONIM�ROYEMENTS SMANNON tkRKWAY UTILITIES Atro s'rRteT unwtovcMENrs (A)The newspoper has complted wit(�all of the roquirementa coastituli�qnotlKeaHen�o legd PRO)ECT NO,T41 TO WHUM tT MAY CONGERN: newspape►,as provided by Mim,esora Srafure 331 A.02,331 A.Q7 and ofhe►vpplieGWe I�ws,ers on�ended. NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN, that the C�ty Counci!of the City of RoaemounE,Min- neaota.will meet at 8:00 o'c}ock p.m.or es saon thereafter as possfDle,Tuesday,March �'� �✓ 21,1989,in the Ca�ncil Chambers o[the City tg��P�� Hall,�75 145th Street West,to ron�ider the folbwing improvements: Pro)ect•194•Shannon Parkway UtiBty� Street [mprovements between Country Hiila 3ed and Shannon Oaks Addition The tota}estimated cost ot safd improve. ments is¢1,067,000. The amount to be aesessed is estimated to not exceed 2720,U00. �ag proposed to be assessed tor the whieh is attoehed wos eut han the eolumns of aa7d newapapix,a�d wt�printed and puWisl�onee fo oin im ovements yvould ger�erally be ali that area ge�rally desctibed as the Saith: 1,400 feet ot the East Half of the Northwest• � Q�artee'; the East Half of the Southv�•est Quarter; the Northeast Quarcer; ami tbe each week,for__ �� sueGessiw wesks:it was Sa�theast Quarter;aii located within Section 19,Townahip ll5,Range 19,Dakota Countq,. Minnesota;except that portian lying within (�(^+���„ _ 8 en�co�,try x�ns a,►a e�a 3,�aaa;uo��s f�at Published oe Thyrsday,Hae+����r oi 1 � � c.���'�. , recotded on a piat at the Office of the Dakata, �tp ReRister ot Deeds a�the Swth 1,880 feek o[the East 1,9�i Eeet�the Soutl�eaat QuarterofSectionta. printed and published on every Thiwsdo�t to a�d i�eledin9 Such pereon as desires to be heard wlth re-. �9 � • qnd was fhereaft� terence to the Proposed improvemenks will be lwrd at this meetlng. Written ar aral q►fnions w{ll be co�idered, t � J��(� � �• Dated this 3rd day o(March,tses. Thursday,d+e��l,� �L'\ day oE ��..:'�'� ,19 � , BY ORDER OF Tf�CFTY COUNCIL. , Stephandtlk aed p�lrMed below is a eopr of the lower ta�alphobet froee�A to Z,bWfi i�tetasiYe,whiel�is he�ebp Administratar/Clerk C'ty°f Rasemw,�t aeknowledged os being the size and kind of t�rps used in 1he composiHon and pubHeoti�d tUe notiee; Dakota Couoty,Mimfesota 347 8� abcdM i ktm Bh� �P9rstuvwacya BY: � --�"'" � 17'fLE:Seer�(.fo the Subscribed ond swom to beforo me on this��da�r of ��C�..�,�.,19 �� , � .� - _ � � � �.�� � hotm7r Rublic : �r,'�'��:ti, CARQLJ.H,AVERLANLI ��� � NOTARY PUBIiC-MiNN�SOTA . �,, flAKQTA Ct3UN7'Y' �`�' MY C�rtxniselon E�ires O�ac 3.198$ I • � Revised 02/27/89 PART 4 - FINANCiNG 4.1 COST ESTIMATES A detailed eost estimate can be found in the Appendix. The foliowing estimates are based on I9$8 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor and all related administrative costs. The administrative eosts are estimated at 20� and include legal , engineering, interest, and otf�er administration. A summary of these costs are as follows: Sanitary Sewer � 250,400 Watermain 176,000 Storm Orain 123,U�� Street Construction (Includes Grading} 468,400 lighting 25,OOQ Trailway ZS.00Q TQTAL $1,067�000 TMese eosts do not reflect the cost of land acquisition for easements. 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA The following parcels of land are Toca�ed within the project and assessment areac Parcel No. Section. Township. Range Pronosed to be Platted Owner 013-75 Section 19, T115N, R19W Country Hills 4th and 5th U.S. Homes Oi2-Ol Section 19, T115N, R19W Country Hills 4th and 5th U.S. Nomes 012-55 Section 19, T115N, R19W Cauntry Hil�s 4th and 5th U.S. Nomes 011-01 Section 19, T115N, R19W Unknown at this time Kelley Trust 012-75 Section 19, T115N, R19W Unknawn at this time Kelley Trust 4.3 COST RECOVERY 4.3.1 Assessments The street work and storm drain construction for this pro�ect will come from local and state sources. Sanitary sewer and wa�ermain work wili -8- � - ! � Revised 02/27/89 be funded totally by the City of Rosemount. Assessments wili follow _ the standard City policy rates as follows: Assessment Assessment Basis Per FrQnt Foot Residential Street 32' wide, 7-ton equivalent street �34.38 ; per front foot (total eost of ; $275,000) ;, , �` Sanitary Sewer Cost per front foot (8,180 L.F. 530.56 I r of front footage) � � Watermain 6" main equivalent per front faot �17.77 ' (6" main total cost of $126,�0) ; � i , NOTE: These rates are based on Shannon Parkway length equal to 3,950 i ' L.F. (7,900 L.F. of front footagej. The assessments will be ; ; based on actual costs of the project. � Using these estimated assessments, funding for the projeet would be as � follows: z i Estimated City � Item Cost Assessments ate A,�d Trunk Funds Sanitary Sewer $ 250,000 �250,000 -0- -0- Watermain 176,000 126,000 -Q• S 5�,0�0� Storm Drain 123,OD0 50,350 *� 22,304 5Q,350 Street 468,000 275,000 193,OOQ -0- ' � Lighting 25,000 1$,650 6,354 -0- Trailway 25,000 -0- -0- 25,000 TOTAL $1,067,000 �720,000 a221,654 �125,35Q * State Aid Street R.O.W. Area = 7.25 Acres (20�6 0� total) Assessable Drainage Area = 32.75 Acres (80� of total) Totai Drainage Area = 40.0 Acres -9- — _ __ _ __ _ . � ,. . � � i CITY OF ROSENiOUNT i RESOLUTION 1989 - ! A RESOLUTION ORDERING TIiE FLANS AND SPEGIFICATTONS FOR SHANNON PARKWAY UTILITY AND STREET IZlPRQVEMENTS, PROJECT 19�+ WHEREAS, the City Council of the Gity of Rosemount has, on their ows initiative and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Shannon Parkway Utilifiy and Street Improvements, Project 194; and ; WHEREAS, the City Conncil has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project 194; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public heazing to reeeiue input on the prajeet. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Couneil of the Gity of Rosemount hereby orders the plans and specifa.cations for Shannon Parkway Utility and Street Improvements, Gxty Project 194. ADOPTED this 21st day of riarch, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Fiayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Glerk �