HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. Redevelopment Plan - Modification V �'- p.. r� • ] • f'C1 RC)X 5111 f ��lt I` �� '8 =, I�� I}1 'i �V �; r�� � . �ry , ` }� Nt if:('tvit?l iN T ti11NNf�,�t 1 A t�51r�;1t �,� 1 r �x�;� �41�����1'��L[-��j 1. fil7 41:1-4•i11 '�+ea . � �{i�.� � �� , � � . . . � . TU: Mayor, City Council, f(RA Roard � r��� � ' i � FROM: Tracie L. Pechonick, Econ. Dev. Specialist DATE: March 15, 1989 SUt3J: Public Hearing for A9o�lific.ttion V While the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and Independent Schoal Disirict #196 have no ohjections to our holding thc Public Hearing regarding ModificaEion V on March 21, 1J89, the Dakota County B�ard has requested that the City Council accept written comment on M�clification V un[i) March 29, 1984. This will allow the Dakota County Board to �,et Moclification V. on their March 28, 1989 meelit�g agcnda for comment. Thcreftirc, 1 w�ul�l (ikc to reqursl tl�at uron hcaring pubtic comments, tlic Rosemottnt City Council closc lhc Publi� llearing on Modification V and make a motion to allow written c�mment to 6e submilted to the City Council until the close of business on Wednesday, March 29, 1989. City Council aetion could lhen be taken on ModificaUon V at the Cily Councit meeting scheduted for April 4, 1989. Thank you for your consicleration. r-.• ..,� � . . � � . � .�. . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1984 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION NO. V TO T.HE ROS�MOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND INCLUDING THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES , 469.174 TO 469.1'19 IN THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELUPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, under the provisions of Tiile I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to provide financial assistance to Locai Public Agencies for undertaking and carryin� out redevelopment projects; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Rosemount, the Local Publie : Agency, (herein called the "Authority"), undertake and carry out a Redevelopmeat Project identified as Modification No. V to the Rosemount RedevelopmenC Plan; and WHEREAS, the Authority has funds available for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project, and recommends thal Ehe project be undertaken and be financed with local funds; and WH�REAS, there was presented to this meeting of the governing body of the Authority for its consideration and approval, a copy of Modification No, V to the redevelopment plan for said project area dated February 21, i989, which plan is entitled Modification No. V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan ancl consists of 2Q pages, including three (3) maps, a statement of the Method Proposed for Pinancing the Projec[, and a Tax Increment Financing Plan; and WHEREAS, in connection with the undertaking of a RedeveloprnenE project by the Authority pursuant to the Minnesota Municipai Housing and Redevelopment Act, Laws of Minnesota 1947, Chapter 487, as amended, the approval by the Baard of Commissioners of the Authosity of the Redevelopment Plan for the project area involved in such undertaking is required by the City Council before it will consider for approval said Redevelopmeni Plan; and WHEREAS, the said Modification No. V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan, daleci February 21, 1989 has been duly transmitted t,y the Authority to the planning agency of the municipality in which the area to be redeveloped is situated, namely, the City Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, for its study, and request was made by said Authority to said Planning Commission for its written opinion of the said Plan, and said Planning Commission at a regular meeting seheduled for March 21, 19&9 gave its written opinion of said Plan and its findin�s as t� compliance with thc Comprehensive Guide Plan of the City c�f Roscmc>unt: , ` NOW, THEREFORE�E IT RESOLVED, by the City Co�il of the City of Rosemount: 1. That the redevelopment area described in said Modification No. V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan dated February 21, 1.989 is a blighted area as defined in the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Laws of Minnesota 1947, Chapter 487, as amended, and is a blighted and deteriorated area and a redevelopment area within the meaning of ihe Housing Act af 1949, as amended. 2. That said Plan and Froject Modificaxion wilt carry out the parpose and policy of the Municipal Hausing and Redevelapmen[ Act of the State of Minnesota (Laws 1947, Chapter 487, as amended) and in the Congressional Declaration of National Housing Policy tontained in the Act of 1949 as amended. 3. That the City Council has found and deterrnined by Resolution that; a. the land in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment withoul the financial aid to be sought; and b. the Redevelopment Plan for the redevelopment areas in the locality will affard maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of - the locality as a whole, for the redevetopment of such areas by private enterprise; and c. the Redevelopment Plan conforms with the Cbmprehensive Guide Plan of the City; and ' 4. That the City Councii hereby consents by resolution to the use by the Authority of the tax increment method of financing in the Rosemount Redevelopment Project in the manner provided in Minnesota Statutes 4b9.174, but does not preclude the use of other methods of financing, inctuding state and federal aid, but does preclude the use of tax increments outside of the project. 5. That staff is hereby authorized and directed to 'take such action as may be deemed necessary or advisable to expedite approval of said Plan by any and all ot"her authorities, inclUding the State of Minnesota and the United States Government and any of its agencies and instrumentalities. 6. That it is hereby found and determined that: the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation of the Project Area. 7. That said Redevelopment Plan Modification together with the Proposed Method of Financing, including Tax Increment Financing, and the Project are hereby in all respects approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to file said Redevelopment Plan with the Minutes of this meeting. Adopted this _ day of , 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST Stephan Jilk, Adminis[ratorfClerk � � • . '��',+ P.O.HOX 510 ' ',,} ��� Q 2875-145TH ST W. Qc��A^�1�� ROSEMC)t�NT. MIIUNESOTA 55�f£i aT ♦�Y�i/VL 612-A23-4411 Affidav�t of Posted Hearing No#ice Rosemount Redevelopment Pian Modification Na V STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAIfOTA )ss GIT�I OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and thc duly qualificd Clerk of the Cily of � Rosemount, Minnesota. On March 6, 1989, acting on behalf of tl�e said City, I posled at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosernount, Minnesata, a copy of t6e attached notice of public hearing for the Rosemount Recievelopment Ptan Modification No. V. � ��.s` Stegh Jilk i� Administrator/Cler � City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of March, 19$9. � . N ry Publi L1 F«M.'�.N'tN�1AT.lJV1rlA14AAM'L�.Mhlt/1M'JV�� � . � � . �r � �«� S�S:�i�I E� .�;'#t'�'�:� � . � � . y<< ,�� t�fl7 1.�1'PLI°t'('. �.e :..gf1T�A � r�,,�.� r°r«rr�cr�sr•r � � P�1Y CO'k"�.LYFai:::i J'Jiaf 11. 1sM32 y � tl•V1i9r1A/°.R/'JV1M1f4Mtt/VbYVVY�d'J�/✓brJb".n.`tl"I'' . . .. . ` - • . Y;; ' i ' , , �• . � ,� ���' � �( '�l�! r, ,, . , ,�F, , � + � .[r � . �,,.,�' � � . � � t.. � i �}���,i ilf I�i•;f��.� ,.�i � r� �, ����� ¢k:,: f '� (?��i�'= �•t{ �t,t +�l � �., , ,,,, . �r�,•a" 8 •'�,��� . � ." . . � .. . . . . . Public Notice Rosemoun# Redevelopmen# Plan Modification No. V TO WHOM [T MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HERE[3Y Gt�'EN, ihat the C:ily Counci) of thc C:ity c�f * Rosemoun[ wilt hn►d a Public fiearing on Tucsclay, Marct� 21, ' 1989, at 8:00 p.m,, or soon thereafter as possititc, in tl�e Council Charnbers of the Cily Ha(I, 2875 145th Street ��'est. The purpose o[ the hcaring is t� reccive e��m�nents r�n Modifieati�n V to the Rosem�uni Reclevelc�pment Pt�n, :�cic��itcd hy lhe Rosemounl Housin� and I2eclevelopmcnt Auti��riiy �i� I'el�rci�ry 21, 1989. Such persons as desire to be hcard will be hcard at this time, Dated this 6th day of 11�inrcl�, 198'J. l '� ' y` / � '' s � �C�i �"• 1� ' L"4• L�. Stephar��'Ji1k • Aclministratnr C:terk City of Rc�scmounl,./ U.il�ota C'oantu, l�tinnesc�t�� � . a, .. � � . . � � � � � � � � � .� - AFFIDAVIT Of PUBLICATMN STAi"E OF MINNESQTA ) �� County of Dcako�ta ) NANCY J. GUSTAFSON,being duly swom,on o�h seys that s!ro is a�oufl�orind�ryent tn�d employee of the publtsher of the newspaper known as Dokota GowMjr Tribune,aad iw�fqN t�nowtedge of the fats wMeh ara stated below: (Aj The newspoper has compiied with all of the requfrements eons � ti�uHe9 qKdific#ia��o�a) PU E3 LIC NOTIC E : n�+'spape',as prorided by Mim�es�a Statute 331 A.02,331 ll.07 ond otherapgtic�te kws,a omandad. Re�erM R�wbpawrMlkn � MeQiNeaNen No.Y 7'U WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: (B)Th��inted � NOTICE IS HEEiEBY GIVEN, that�the � City Gwncil of ti�e City u{gnsemount will Ibid a Public Hearing on'lUesdaq,Mareh 21, 1989,at B:OO p.m.,or aoon thereatter a�pos- eible,in lhe Council Chambecs�'the City Hal},�75145th Stroet Wesk The purpose of the hearing is to receide comments on Modification V to the Rose- mount RedevelopmeM Plan,adopted by the; �ty oO1U1n FeHGr�uary ai,�i�evetop»aenk Au� whieh is attoohed woa out from the eolumns of wid newspoRer,e�d w�printad�d publbiMd oeaae sucn persa�as aea�n�e n�neard w�u be l�eard at thia time. Dated thia eth day ot March,1889. / � 3tephanJiik eaeh w�eh,for � Admi�stratorClerk `Id �l� ,_. suCGMsiw wNks;if weif C1tg�Roaemount Dakota CountY.Minnesota ],.� j'`�(-� ,� � ___� First published on Thun�,ihe �"1 ��oy of i ` ��'� , 19 " r , and was thereafte► priM�ed a�d puWished on wery 'fh�ws�' to and ind�iag Thundor,tfie ���r of �1 .�.'(�� ,1! `.' r ; and printed bslow is o eopy of fhe#owa ease�phob�t h�un A to Z.6oN�Mdadve,vrhi�a is I�rsbr aeknowtedged a�s bel�the size and k�d d h�Po ns�d in the tomposition aul�cotion af t1�e�ofioe: ahedefghijk}mrropqrstuvwxyz � . . . . . . . � � . i � � � BY: C�.0 � ' TITIE:Seeretary to � Subscriibed o�d aworn ro beforo mt this��.�dtry d_�_���C.�-. ,19�. �-�` �� Notary Pu6tie •---- �,,�»� CARUI.J.HAVERtANO �..�� NOTaRv pus�.�c-MirvaEsotn RAKt)TA C4UNTY MY Gonwni�ion ExpMes Dee 3.1�9 . � • ' � nrr-�cr� � D�K o r� couNT� f� r�OI�NCY Jf1NICS C. 13�CKSTROM CC)UN"}'l' f�"['"I'OItNL:Y . F���kot�Coimt;A Gcrvemmcnt Cenler 't�te.phc>ne 15(itl��'c�tit i H}�Il�v<ty 5a {(�I214:iH�4A�A 1 i��tiiin�5.hii��nc:a<��a 55U3:3 C,:Ir�rlc�s A,Ulurne:r,f-irs�A*;:�ist�na� March 10, 1989 � ��� � Y �� Mr. Stephan Ji lk MA� �.v ���� Rasemount City Administrator GI.,ERK' °`""a Q�FI�E 2875 - 145th Street West CITY OF R4SEM4UNT Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Taxation of University of Minnesota Research Center Lands Our File No. C-89-40 Dear Mr. Jilk: Jim Backstrom, the Dakota Caunty Attorney, asked t'hat I forward to you a copy of the memo which I prepared to aur research fiie concerning payment of taxes by tl�e University of Minnesota Regeareh Center. Enclosed find a copy of my memo dated January 31, 19II9. I believe the memo is selt explanatory in su�aporting the conclusions reached by Dakota County i.n handling this issue. If you l�ave any questions or concerns regarding this matter please feel free to call me. Sincerely, ,�a A� JAMES . BA OM X`�' DAKO A TY TORNEY � `� � tf • Q- � � � ''1� By:_ ._ ichael R. Ring �ti � �� J� Agsistant County Attorney � � �Q,) � -�-� P�RR/j 1.o i� f t..-,' �'�e � �-'�" , Enclosure cc: Marvin Pulju, Chief Deputy Assessor w/enc. Margaret Shannon, County Auditor 's office w/ enc. ('�imin.fl f�ivisiun �'i�ii I�i�•itii�m R„Ix•r1 it.hln};.)�..lli��ai Iii�n��w�ti�•rvk�•s Ifi�itii�u� h��rrn.\.tii i��dN•r.41i•:i�t Fpm�;�ht ii Itt�n'�•.tN',at � : �'il'I�llil\��11111'+i!.I�fNlft�lil.liflf .. � .\t1�'.I�Ytii��fp�p�Ni11111111\' . . . . � � � . � � I���.\I ll 1.1 t�9��71'. . � . . .. � . � I�ftl�dul'1'f •'�t;•'�,,,i�n.(Y). . . .. . � 'v'��'',� � `� '� ' M E M O R A N D O M � � DAKOT1�i, COUNTY ATT'ORNEY'S OFFICE JlIMES G, BACKSTROM � COQNTY ATTORNEY CIVIL DTVISION Dakota County Government Center Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Telephone: (612) 438-4�38 �ATE: January 31, 1989 TO: FILE FROt�; Michael R. Ring, Assistant County Attorney � � SIIBJ�CT: Taxes Paid by University of Minnesota Research Genter Our File No. C-89-40 . After researching the questions raised by Marvin and discussing the situation with Marvin and Margaret Shannvn in the Auditor`s Offiee, it was decided that the University of Minnesota will be cantacted and advised that taxes on the non-exempt leases of property at the Universi�y Research Center �.n Rosemount would be a�se�aed as ' personal property taxes. The University will pravide cagies ot all leases signed for the land. Based upon the leases reviewed, personal property taxes will be assessed against the lessee� on eaGh of the non-exempt leases. � A decisian to tax thi� as personal proper�y wa� m�d+� in view o� the c3if�iculti.es encauntered in krying to establi.�h �egar�►te praperty identi�ication nu�nbers ta deal with the pareels as r�al property, Further, in the event of non-payment of the �ssessed taxes the University property would not be �ubject to a tax lien nor foreclosed for delinquent taxes. Withou� . thi� remedy, it wa� ae��aea that the personal praperty taxation rou�e with tt�e possibility of judgmen� for non-payment of taxes was the bekter approach. There will be no reduction in taxes experienced by treata�ng tt�is as personal property tax verses real praperty tax. Tk�e tax �agacity rates are the same for both categories. In view of the late timing of �this issue, it was a���aea that the 198? assessment for t�axes payable in 1988 would be disregardecl. There will be assessments made for 1988 taxes to be paid in 1989. MRR/dko M/C-$9-40 i r � � DA KC�TA CQ C11\I T Y sT�YEN a. «,�o��� COMMISSIONER-FOUATN di$Tfl1CT 3260 W. i47TN ST. DAKOTA CQUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER ROSEMOUN7, MN 55068 TELEPHONE - � i 1560 HWY. 55-NASTINGS, MINNfSOTA 5�33-PHONE 437-043d MOME (512) #23•�150 f � , . /� �':` i +..'�� ...-.�E .�r��l`�-_' + � � � r�.s .... � � / � REG� [VEQ March 9, 1989 (��R �.� ���r.� CLERK"� C7�FICE C1fiY�F ROSEMOUNT Mr. G.M. "Gus" Danhowe, Sr Vice President University of Minnesota Finance & Operations 301 Morrill Hall � 1p0 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dear Gus: Thank you for the time we had to diseuss the possibilities of creating a technology center at the University of Minnesota's Rosemount Research Center using our waste to energy facility as the energy source. We are preparing ��written arguments" that more fully detail the ideas we discussed. I will forward this to you and BiII, Thomas in the coming days. In the meantime, � would appr�ciat� a quick r�spon�� ae� tc youz preliminary �.nterest so we can prepar� tc da the many �Y�inga neeessary to even prepare an EI5 process. There will be other points over the long proeess for you to dec�de if yau want t4 drop out or stay i.nvolved. I hope you agree there are many positive opportunities to this concept that deserve further consideration. Warmest reqards, J�.�-.�� ��taven G. Loeding Commissioner - 4th District SGL:dod cc: Bill Thomas ftPJ E9UAl.f?F'('ORTUNITY EMPIOI''ER 4 � ; ,,, • � • P(t Bf�X 5t(1 .� ��� C °�a� �s � � /�,�( () � � � 2875 tA�,TN ST W ��� a'��� � � ^�. ��` �f � �'��p�-f�t ! � ROSEMC)UNT. tvfl��lNFSU�iR h511c',2S � ��a������`� ��!��'�.�d"�'L V Vi,�G� 61?—42;�-�4�1 . ����� Y� ��� � . � , . �.P ,y . . . . � . . . TO: Mayor, City Councii, HRA Board FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: March 15, 1989 SUBJ: Armory Facility Committee Update As of this date the Armory Facility Committee has had two very successful meetings, Attached are the minules from each of those meetings as well as some miscellaneous information formulated by committee members. ' � ' � � R�SEMOUNT ARNtORY CQA�IMITTEE AROCEEDINCS Regular Meettng • 6:3Q p.n�. February 28, 1989 Steve Jitk, City Admiaistrator, called the meeting to order at approximately G:30 p.m. Absent: Terry Noble. The meeti�b began with introductions. Each committee member was asked to state hislher name and reason f�r involvement in lhe Rosemount National Guard Armory Facilily Commit[ee. ._ Steve Jilk initiated discussion on the project by giving a brief review of the topics sited in the contact letter sent to all committee members. (1) He s[ressed [hat members need to keep in mind how any additions to tl�e armory mighl be funde�l: tax levy, reaitocation of reserves, etc. (2} 11' thc funciin�; of additianal l�aeititics I'ur lfi� arroc�ry rcachcs the Point o[ a rel'erenduiu� [here wili t�c a �rcat d�al c�f pulilic rclations work needect [rom the committee �rior to same. (3) Th� committee is ii�t ex�ecled to come u� wiili � cam��let� ptun for �� fa►cilitY, tl�e gc�,il c�f lhe cominittce is to be �t�le to n�ake an intelli�ent and wcl! resc.�rchc�l recommenclalion to the Rosemounl City Council as to wl►ai shc�uld/shoul�J no[ be done in re�ard to tl�e possibitity of having udditionai faeiliiics eonntclec) icf Ihe new Rc�semount Natiqnal Guarcl Armc►ry. . Queslion; What happens if the City Council cioes not accept che recommenclations made by this commiUee? . Answcr; This should be avoiclecl Uy having Dennis Wip�ermann anc� Rollan Hake on the con�mittee. They will bc at�le to provide us with any {'eedUaek lhe C'ity G�uncil has as �ve progress. Ques[ian; What is the sibnificance of atlacliin� a facility to the Armory? Answer: There woutd t�e a significant savings because of common facilities such as lockerroon�s, restr�oms, kitchen, etc., and [he common w�11 attacl�mcnt. tn adclitic�n, the National Guarci is very goocl at���ut accomudati�ig pluns �rc>p�scd l�y thc Cilics in which ll�cy tocate. Steve described some area armories unct facitities whicl� are similar to what Rosemaunt can expect. Austiu took advantage o[ their l00 nerson armory and through aciditians made it their conventian center: the size of the gym was douiflcd ana bJeaehers were acicied to make it mnre useful to the commonity. The acmory lncated in Braincrd, like the one to be located in Rosemount, is a Batallic�n Headquarters. it is approximately 36,000 s.f. with 12,OUA to 1b,�0U s.f. of classroam space. S�cciui fcutures i�� un atmory this sixe can inclucic un iadoor Pist�l r�ngc, a �ymnasium, s�aciaus kitchen brea, unct ather fe�tures that the City might wish tn ucid. A large armory �vilt blso ofter much more parking space. Thc site nrnposed is approximately 13 acres, 6-7 of which the Nati�nat Guard wiil need. . G- � . Steve further ex�lainecl that a Bala}lion FleacJc�uarters will employ a�proximate{y 15-18 persons futl time. There are expected to be 200-2�i� persnns in tcaining at one time when the armory is up anci operational. It is more Ihan likely, hawever, tl�at the perso�is in training will not be very visifile {c� the community. Questian: Is it possible that once citizens learn more about tlie fact that a military establishment is locating in Rosemount they won't be as receptive to the idea? Answer: This seems highly unlikely when looking at the data generated from the Citizens' Attitude Survey. In fact, taking that information into account, it doesn'E seem to be an issue at alt. The basic structure for the armory being �ro�osed will cost about $2.5 million. 35% of this will be paid hy the Federal Government, 12.5% will be paici by the National Guard and the remainin� 12.5% will be paid by the City - of Rosemouat. If no facility is adaed to tlie armory t}�e City cost w�ill probably come out of the generat reserve I'und. A referendum will be held if plans for the additional features reyuire the sale of bonds for financing. The National Guard has in[armed Steve that getting an armory in Rosemount is one of their priority projccts. Because of this they sent the proposal ta Cangress as an "Add On" to their Budget Report. It is anticpated that once approved, designs for the armory witl be �repared this summer and consEruction and comptetian can be expectecf as early as 194L Question: Elow much say d�es tbe C.ity of Rc�semount have in the design of the armory itsel C? Answer: The National GuarJ tries [o adapt as best it can to what the City has in ntind. Of course, aflcr a certain point the City must cuntril�utc I'unds to havc thinbs attcred or adctcd. Questi�ns to be addressed at the next meeting: 1. Fiow much survey timc (Decisi�n Rcsources) was spent on qucstic�ns rcbardin�; thc propc�seci community cenler? ''. Itow many ���cr��ir ha�i lo bc cc�ntacicd iii urdcr lo cncl u� with 4tlO cc���yplcicJ survcy��� 3. What kinci of access will the pu(�lic havc to armory facilities oncc it opens up? Wl�at kind of �vuilability wili thcre be? - There wiU l�e a press retease to inform the �ul�lic of what is taking place regardin6 [he pra�osed It�semc�unl Nali�na! (;uard Armory and Community Ccntcc. Included in thc �ress rcicasc will !�c thc naincs ancl phone numl�crs a[ commiitee members in .an eCt'�rt to bet ciii�ens to contacl these persons with co�►eerns and sug�estions. . ` + • • Finatly, four sub-committees (Ath(etic, Schoo! Distrirt, Park and Recreation, and C:ommunity at Large) were f�rmed anct encauraged to meet t�efore • Monday, March 13, 1981, io discuss facili�ies sug�ested in the Citizens' Attitude Survey as to what, if anything, should be locateci in the proposecl Community Center. Sub-committees were asked to designate a speaker to present data and findings at the March 13 meetin6. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 �.m. . . . • � ROSEMOUIdT NATfUNAL GUARD ARMORY FACILITY SUBCQAIMITTEES ATHL.ETICS PARK & RFCREATIC)N Mr. Gearge Boomer Mr. Dave Bechtold . 125454 Dantaury Way W. City of Rosemount Rosemount, MN SS05$ 2875 145cl� Street W. (Home) 423-5341 Rosemount, MN SSOb8 (Work) 423-4411 Mr. Del Lorentzson (Home} 432-4280 Park & Rec Comrnittee 14565 Uelft Avenue W. Mr. Ron Carlson Rosemount, MN SSObt3 Carlson Tractor & �c�uip. Co. (Nomc) �23-35$6 15125 South RoUert Trail Rasemount, MN 55068 Mr. Tetry Nable (Wprk} 432-2222 RAIiA 4343 West 136th Street Mr. Ituss Prankel Rasemount, MN 55068 ISD #196 (Hame) 423 1512 14445 Diamond Path Rosemount, MN 55068 (Work) 423-9400 ��'linnL nISTRICT COMMUNITY AT LARGE Ms. �arb Brown Mr. I.elancl Knutson Park & Rec Committee 3310 144�h Street West 4345 Upper 1�Sth Street W. Rosemount, MN SS068 Rosemount, MN 55068 (Home) 423-2590 (Hc�me) 423-12$5 Mr. Ray Knu[son Mr. Greg Clausen Koch Refinin� Co. [SD #1�6 P.O. Box 645I6 14445 Diarnond Path St. Paul, MN 551G4 Roscmount, MN 5�068 (Work) 437-07�0 (W�rk) �123-9�3(�U Ms. Tracie Pechonick Mr. RolTan Hoke, Mayor City of Rosemount 14655 Cimarron Avenue 2875 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 5506t3 Roscmount, MN 55068 (Nome) 423-132b (Work) �23-4411 (I-lomc) Q31-I(�O2 Mr. Sicphan Jilk, City Aclmin. Cily c�f t2c�scmount Mr. Dcnnis Wippermann 2875 14Stt� Street W. Roscmount City Council Itosemount, MN 55068 12538 Danbury Way W. (Wark) �i23-�341� Rosemount, MN SS068 (tioine) 423-368$ (Home) �23-SZ28 V . - • � ROSEh10UNT ARNIURY CU141M1TTCE PRUCECUINGS ltegulur Meeting - 7:UU p.m. Marct� l3, 198N The meeting was held at the Rosen�ount Firehall as all meeting tacilities at City Hal! were scheduled for use at this time. Steve Jilk, City Administrator, � calied the meeting to orcler at approximately �:00 p.m. All comrnittee members were present, Corrections to the minutes Crom the Regular Meeting of the Rosemount Armary Committee on February 21, 1<)$9, are as fotlows: (page 2, paragraph 3j FROM: "If a substantiat amount is to be ac�.ded on, thereby requiring a bond sale, a referendum can be hetd so as to cletermine whether or not 113 of a mitl should be levied to pay for the project." TOt "A referendum wilt be held if additions to the armory require Ehe sa(e of bonds to provide sufficient funding for the projeet." MUT10N by Dennis Wipperman to an�rove the minutes of thc �ebruary 2.1, � 1989, Regular Meeting of the Rosemount Armory Committce, as amended. SECONU by Del Lorentzson. Russ Frankel inquired abaut ilie current status of a National Guard Armory � locaiing in Apple Valley. Steve Jilk assured the committee ihat there are "no exis[ing cornmittments" betwecn the National Guard and Appte Valley i� regarcl to lacating an armory in that city. General discussion ensued regarding tlie concept of housing anticipated : facitities uncier one roof, The committee will try lo obtain blueprints from other armories which have attached community centers. Steve Jilk informed the commiEtee that contacEs have been made with the developers of several area armories. These contacts should be able to �rovide information to assist the committee in making decisions as the process of developing a community center continues. Rotlan Hoke expressed concerns over many of tl�e uses suggested for a facility that appears to be geared toward the younger population of Rosemount, while those who have proven most likely to vote on past referenciums are 45 and olcler. The committee determined that this is an issue which will have to be addressed, but the committce first has to decide what facilities to recommend for the community center. George Boomer commen[ed that the armory can promote an "Image" for the City of Rosemount, both for the residential and business sectors. The committee agreed that Ehis shoutd be taken into consideration when the time to promote the fiflal facility to the City arrives. Steve Jilk recommende� lhat each sut�cc�mmittee nresent thc facitity list which lhey compited far the proposed community center. Each su6committee etid this along with brief comments on each item listed. A master list based on the subcommittee re�orts is to be assemUled by City Staf f. Please reCer to the attached �ages for a comprchensivc Iisting. The me�tinb was acijourned at 9:3O n,m, with thc n�xt mecting date set f�r Mc�nday, A{�rit 10, 1�89. " , � i� � MASTER LIST Community Theater Banc! Shell (portable ; locace in park) Indoor Swimming / Thera�eutic P��l Gymnasium (see aEtached listing) Exercise / Fitness Roon�s (include fitness equipment for X-Country Track; X- country Skiing; Football) Ice Arena (see attached listing) Outdour Swin�ming Poc�l J Wu�lin�; t'c�ol Tennis Courts (lighted, outdoor) . Day Care (Full SerVice ; Just while using the facilities) Latchkey (how big a part docs the school play here?) Ad�litional Parkinb for athletic fields anci stadium Adutt E�lucation Baaquet Facilities (kitchen) Concession Area Confcrence RQoms Dance Stuciin Dorm Space Equipment Room (in adclition t� tlie NG equi�ment room) Judo/KaratelWrestling {possihly tis[ with gymnasium?) t3Cfice Areas for 1'ark and I2ecreation Department Space t'or Teens (Recreation (;enler - pinb pon�; rool; shuffle board) Tiay Tot Pragram Arta Warmin}� t(�using fpr Ouidoar Activitics J+ . . W H . � . . . . • � . . G Y141NASI UM Archery Basehalt / �ets and ro�m t'or indot�r b:�tting prdcticc Craft and Trade Shows Dances anci Social Func[ions "Drap Net" system "Field House" Concept Golf / incloor ciriving range Gymaastics (mats) Judo / Karate Scouts Seniar Uses Saccer / inaoor goals Volleyt�al! / nets Wrestlin� (mats) ICE ARENA Iee I1ocl:cy (open hockey ; n�en's teague ; ringettes) Auxiltary Rink Broomball Figurc Skating Open Skating Senior Ice Dancing "Mui[i-Purpose ConcepE"