HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda�.��� '� � � � �� � � � ��� �� � . ~� CTTY OF' ROSEMf1UNT A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL ME�TiPiG , ORGANIZATIQAtAL ME�TTNG JANtJARY 3, 1989 � ,�`�� 7:30 P.M. ���,,�.�CS �/.� ���� � 1. Ca11 to Order/Pledge of Alle�iance 2. Inaocation by Councilmember Vernon Napper 3. Additions ar Carrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audienc� 4. Cvmments By Steve Loeding - Chairman, D$kota County -- 5. DEPAR'rMENT HL��,DS ItEP(?RTS/BUSINESS a. Proposed Zonin� Qrdinanee b. h. CONS�NT AGENDA a. Minu�es of December 20, 198$ Regular Meet�.ng b. Minu�es of December 20, 19$8 Special Meeting c. Approval of Bi11s Listing d. Approval of License.� and/or Permits e. Approve Ghange Qrder �l - Contract I988-8 Lift Station �5 f. Approve - Purchase of tTnderbody for Tan�iem Piow �. Approve - Final Papment -- Comtre�et �.9$8-3 V�llep Qak Replat(Ph. 3) h. 7. ��tGANIZATZONAL MEETING a. Resolution af Offici.al Depositories-�.�� .t..UT/D�/%��/ b. Deoignate Official Newspager c. Appointment of Cauncil Liai�on k'ositi.ans d. Comm�,ttee and Commission Appointments e. , �3. �LD BUSINESS a. Approval to Hire Engineering Teeh ' � `� b. FireJPol.ice Studp Repvarts - Staff Recammendation8 c. Purcha$eing Policy d. County/Citp Legislative Package e. Recpcling Contract - Knutson Rubb3.sh €. HRA Appointment Discussion �3:Q0 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARZNG 9. PUSLIC HEARING - ZONING AMENUMEN3' I-G�N RFVISION a. Open c. Close b. Canduct d. Aetion ' 10. N FW �i I1S I N FS S ' / GVE'�c-- �o /�P�� a. Approve Condemnation Commertcemerzt - W��er Tower SiCe� ��' �8g `3 b. Rental of Additional Inside Storage Sp�ce - Public Works L�quip. c. ]3ituminaus Materia2a, Inc. Mining Permi.t d• 3.nt Powers A�reement/Stripi and Sealcoatin$ �� �.vSFx,UTiY�itJ�'MEq/+G%.�G'l�',,�T%.C'/�L? �O.✓,d .�!/ •co.� /9f18'�.t/I.ZS"' .�....�-r'0-/9�'"� 11 . MAYOR' S REPORT i��r�P.a,�2o��.�'M f�y�.,��,��T",�a,z �.caoJ¢:cr�' /9SG. a. ecial Meeting January 17 , 1989 at 6: 30 p.m. Urtaan �esign Te�m b. �ONf}T/ � , �� ��y. 12. ADMIN.IS`t'ltATOR' S R�PORT a. Citir.en Attitude Survey Update ' b. 13, At�iNOiJ�iCFM�;NTS i4. ADJOURNMENT