HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of December 20, 1988 Regular Meeting . � � R05EMOU CITY PROCPEDINGS _ • REGULA�EETING DECEMBER 20, 1988 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a reguiar meeting of the City Cauncil of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday� �ecember 20, 1988► at 7:30 p.m, in the Counail Chambers of the City Hall. Aet3.ng Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order with members Wippermann, axborough and Napper present. Mayor Hoke was absent. 1�cting Mayor Walsh led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was am�nded to include item 5{h} t�iinnesota EQB Citizens Committee. The Council was advised by City Engineer Rich Hefti fl£ the speed study results completed by the Minnesata Department of Transporta�ion. The Dodd Boulevard speed limit is 35 mph between the intersection of Chippendal� Avenue and Shannon Parkway and 3d mph between 5hannon Parlcway and Del£t Avenue West. The speea limit for Shannan Parkway is 40 mpl3 between 160�h �tr�et West and Dearbo.rn Fa�h contingent upon p�osting the appropriate speed advisory plates an the curve warning sign.s. See Clerk' s File 1988-36. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt the consent agenda as presented. SE�OND by t7xborough. Ayes: Wipperrnann, Walsh, Oxborough, ' Napper. Nays: 0. Glen VanWormer, traffic engineer consultant, presented to Council his . report on the traffic study of County Road 42 in the vicinity of Canada Avenu�. The traffic engineer reviewed several �otential solutions as well as suggestion5 for improving the pedestrian access to the commercial area south of County Road 42. Following discussion, the Cauncil agreed the eity' s traffic engineer should review the report with the caunty traffic engineer and have bath traffic engineers present at a tuture meeting. See Clerk' s File 1988-36. MOTION by Walsh to accept the traffic study of County Road 42 in the vicinity of Canada Avenue. SECOND by Napper. Ay�s: Wa1sh, Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk advised that the Cable CQmmission has requested that the City Council take actian to extend the �xisting franchise agreement with Star Cable to �'ebruary i4, 1989 to allow the cable company to revfew the revised franchise. Cable Commission�r Walsh advised there are significant changes to the franch�.se. See Clerk' s File 1988-36. MOTION by Walsh ta authoriz� the extension of the 5tar Cable franchise to February 14, 1989. SECON� by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann, Walsh. Nays: 0. Acting Mayar Walsh suspended the regular agenda at 8:OQ p.m, to allow the Council to conduct a public hearing seheduled for that time. ► , ROSEMQU CITY PROCEEDINGS ` . REGULAR�EETING DECEMBER 24, 1988 Actin� Mayor Walsh opened the public hearing to consider the Sachs and Kassnbe Addition Preliminary Plat. The administrator/clerk had in his passession the A�fidav�.t of Mailed and Fosted Hearing Nvtice and the Affidavit of Fublished Heaaring Notice. See Clerk' s F31e 19$8-36. City Planner Mike Wozniak revi�wed the plat corisisting of approximatelp seven ac�-es of property located �uat west of the intersection o� Countp Road 42 and Trunk Highway 52. The property owners had requested a division/combinat3on of inetes and bounds parcels; and to eliminate cumhersom legal descriptions, city s�aff recommended that the Kassubes and Ralland Sachs plat the property. The Planning Commission recommended approval sub�ect to eonsideration of comments from governmental agencies. Rolland Sach, 3155 145th Street Eas�, was present at tiie meeting and requested Council` s approval of the g1at. Nn other comments were heard Erom the �udience. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann ta adopt A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THE SACHS AND RASSU$E ADDITIQN PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL APFROVAL, SECOHD by Napper. Ayest Napper, Wippermann, Walsh, Oxt�orough. Naps; p. Acting Mayor Walsh opened the public hearing to cansider City Pro�ect #193, Limeriek Way Watermain Extension. The administrator/clerk had in his possession the Affidavit of Posted and Mailed Hearing Notice and the Affidavit of Publieation. See Clerk' s file 1988-3b. Consult�.ng Engineer Steve Campbell briefly described the pro�ect for th� extension of a 16'� trunk watermgin from the Shannon Park Tawnhomes located immediately north of the Limerick Way addition. The total estimated cost Qf the pro�ect is $25,000, the amount ta be assessed is not to exceed $14,OQ4 and $11 ,000 would be exgended from the water core facility fund. Citp En�ineer Hefti advised that even though the developer did not hold title to the property at the time the pet3.tion was received, the developer wi11 be solelp responsible for the assessable costs as provided throug3i the development agreement for Limerick Way Addition. See C1erk' s File i988-36. MOTION by Wigpermanr� to close the public hearing. SECOND bp Walsti. Ayes: 4. Nays; 0,. 2 - , � • RpSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 20, 19$8 MOTION bp Napper to adopt A RBSOI,UTIQN FO1t APFRQVAL OF LZMBRICK WAY WAT�RMAZN, CZTY PRQJECT �,93. SECOATD by Wipperman�. Ayee: Wigperm�nn, Wa1sh, Oxbvrough, Napger. Nays: Q. MOTTON by Wa1sh to adop� A RESOLUTIOH CIRDERIAtG THE PLAN5 AKD S�'ECIFICATIONS OF �IMBRICK WAY WATBRMAIAi, CITY PR4JEC� 193. SECOND by Wippermanci. Apes, Wa1sh� Oxborough, Napper, Wipgermann. Naps: 0. Acting Mayor Walsh opened the publ3.c hearing to consi.der the Preliminary Plat/Concept PiJD far the Rosemount Centgr. The ad,uinistrator/elerk had in his presence the Af..fidavit of Posted and Mailed Hearing Natice and the Affidsvit of FubliceCi.nn. See Clerk' s File 1988-3&. City Planner Mike Wozniak reviewed with Gouncil. the Preliminary Plat/Concept Planned tinit Development P1an f�r Rosemount Center. Wozniak agreed to the design of the center including site design and building aestheti.cs but discussed with Council and the developer issues involving storm water drainage, adequate parking and pick-up/drop aff area for the proposed day care center, and pect�strian trails along 151$t Street and County Road G2. Fol�.owing d�.scussion, the developer and city staff agreed these issues could be resolved prior to tinal plat apgroval. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1988-36. MOTION bq Wal�h to close the public hearing. SECOND by Wippermann. AYes: 4. Na�rs: 0. MOTION by Oxboraugh to adopt A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THE ROSEMOUNT GENTBR CONGEPT PUD AND PRSLTMTNARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FIN.�L APPROYAL. S�COND by Wippermairn. Ayes; Oxt�orough, Napper, Wippermann, Walsh. Nays: 0. The regu�.ar agenda resumed at this time. Uick Lueken and Dean Hanson, spokespersons for A11 Park' s A1liance for Change (APA�) requested that Council consider passing a non-binding resolution endorsing a bill for mobile home residents which would give mobile hame residents the first optian to purchase Cheir psrk if it is sold. Mark Brunner, Executive Director of Minnesota Manufactttred Housin� Association, cited several reasons for opposing such a bill. Following further discussion of this item, Counc3.1 eoncurred the £inal draft of the bil.l for Zegislation ghould be reviewed hp the Planning Commission as we11 as any resalutian of support that may be drafted before the Council would take anp action. See C1erk' s File 1988-36. MOTION bp Wa1sh to adop� A RESOLUTION DENYING THE PETITIUN FOR A DISCRETIONARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMEAiT WORRSHEET {EAW) QN THE POTENTIAL 3 � � ROSEMO CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULA�EETING DEGEMBER 20, 19$8 CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN THE CITY QF RCISBMOUN'T. S8C(?1VA by OxUoxough. Ayes: Napper, Wipgermann, Ws1sh, Oxborough. Nays: U. Caunc�t rev3ewed Citp Ordinar�ce No. XIV.8 am�ndi.ng the ordinance pertainin� to so13d waste. Communitp Deveiopment D:Crector Aean Johnson advised the amended ordinance is required because of countp and �tate legislatu�e r�quirements that haulers dispose vf all yard waste at compost faciltttes rather than landfills. See Clez�k's Fi1e 1988-36. MOTION by WiPpermann to adopt ORDINANCE N0. X�Y.B, AN pRDINANCE AMENDING TiTLE 5, CHAPTBR I l'SRTAINING TQ SOLID WASTE. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: W�.pp�rmann, Walsh, Oxborough, Nappez. Naqs: 0. Community Development Director Johnson recommended that Council approve the hiring af Tracie L. Pechonick for the pos�iti.on of Economic Development Sgecialist to begin employment on January 17, 19$9. ' See Clerk' s File 1988-36. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the hiring of Trscie L. Pechonick for the positi.on of Ecanomic Development specialist at the battom vf the salary range as estabXished by Council action. SECOND by Napper. Ayess Walsh, Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. . Commuixl.ty Develapment Director Dean Johneon nresented for review the recycling proposal from Knutson Rubbist� �ervice, Inc. Johnson outlined the services Rnutson Rubb3sh w311 provide as vendar for the recycling program in Rosemount. The citp attorney is preparing �he contr�ct between the citp and Rnutson Rubbish, �nd the communitp development director recommended a�tproval of the propoaal sub�ect to an executed contract. See C1erk' s F11e 1988-36. MOTION by Wa1sh to approve the recpclin$ prvposal by Rnutson Rubbish Service, Inc. sub�ecC to an executed contract. SECOND by Wippermann. �y�s: dxborough, Napper, Wippermann� Waksh. Nays ; Administrator St,ephan Ji1k presented far Council. consideration the proposed salarq seheduled far fire fighters and officers. Jilk advised the proposal was the result of a eommittee formed who surveyed salaries of fire fighters in surrounding communities and made recommendations to �he entire r�embership. The ad�inistrator commend�±d the fire department for their excel2ent �ob in reviewing and gathering salary information and recammended council approval as outlined in Scott Aker' s memorandum dated (3ctober 14, 1988. See Clerk' s File I988-3b. MOT�ON by Oxborough to approve �he schectule of salary ad�ustments for 1989 as presented by the fire department. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Wippermann, Wa1sh, Oxborough. Nays; p, 4 , V � • ROSEMOUN'T CTTY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 20f 1988 Administrator Stephan Ji1k gresented for Counri.l approval salary and benefit ad�ustments far fu11-time non-union emplopees for the calendar year 1989. The adminietratox reviewed sevexal factors relevant to the proposed salarplbenefiC sehedule and the methoa�logy used far completing the annual ad�ustments, co�aparable worth ad�ustments and employment ad,justments in 1989 and 199U. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1988-36. MOTIQN by Wa1sh ta adopt A RFSOLUTION OUTLINING NQN-UFIION FULL TIME STAF'F SALARY AND B$NEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR 19$9-90. S$�DiJD by Napper. " Ayes: Wippermann, t�alsh, Oxborough, Napper. Nap�: 0. Councilmember tdapper reported on the first meeti.ng af the Environmental Quality Board Citizens Committee for evalutating the site proposal bp Oxbow And Bioaqn Corporati.ons. Napper advised there wi11 be a public information meeting on December 22, 1g8$ at 7 : 30 p.m. 3.n the Council Chambers. Community Development Director Dean Johnson recommended that the city enter into an agreement with the Dako�a Countq HRA to a11ow the HRA to provide services in assisting the renter of the farmhous� on the ar�ory site to find a new residence. See Clerk' s F�.le 1988-36. MOTION bp Wa1sh ta enter into a Contract for Relacation Serv3ces between the Dakota County IiRA and the City ot Rosemount and to autharize the necessary signatures. SSCOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Walsh, Oxborough, Napper, Wippermanrt. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephan Ji1k reviewed' wtth Couneil a proposed leael of approval table which would be incorporated into a formal purcha:sing policy �o be presented to Council at a future meeting. The Counci.l cancurred with the proposal with few minor changes. See C1erk's Fi1e 1988-36. City Admini�tr.z�tor Stephan Jiik cnmmerited on his rnemorandum d�tecl December 15, 1988 regarding the purehase of workstation madules tn accommc�date addition�l. pPrsonnel. See C:lerk' s I'ile 1988-3b. MOTION 6y Walsh to concur wi.th the city admini�trator' s memorandnm dated December 15, 1988 regarding wvrkstation modules purchase in the amonnt of $10,590. SECOND bp Napper. Ayest Oxboroagh, Napper, Wippermann, Wa1sh. Nays; 0. City I�ngineer Rich He£ti recommended that Councfl approve the plans and specifications for Limerick Way Watermain Eutension and authorized a bid open�.ng �or Januarp 12 , 1988, at 10:�0 a.m. See Clerk's File 19$8- 36. S ♦ � ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDINGS y REGULAR EETING DEGEMBER 20, 1988 MQTION by Walsh to adapt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PI,ANS AND SPECIFICATION AND AUTHORIZING ADVSRTISEMENT OF BIDS, LIMERICK WAY WATERMAIN, PROJECT �193. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Napper, WippermAnn, Walsh, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Deputy Clerk Susan Johnson presented a recommendation for Council to approve the purchase of an Optech III-P optical. scan vating tabulator to sezve as a hz�ckup tc� the exiati.ng tak►ulators �or the precincte. Johnson advised the citp wvuld realire a cost savin�s of $1 ,200 if purchased before the end Qf the pear. See Clerkfs File 19$$-36. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the purchase o.f the election equipment in the amount of $5, 185. SECOAID by Oxboroitgh. Ayes: Wippermann, Walsh, �xborough, Napper. Naps: 0. City Administrator Stephan Jilk advised the Dakota County ci,�y managersfadministra�ors group is putting together an evening program in Januarp at which all leg3.slators representing porti,uns of Aakota Gounty will be invited to attend along with city ofEicials to review �nd receive positi.on statements from this group. The position statements are on seve.rel issues of concerns to the cities anci are the rssult of severaJ. meetings by the eity administxators/mar�gers and countp admin.i�trator. Jiik requested that Council review the �tat�ments and inform him o£ their comments. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1988-36. City �ngineer Rich He.Cti recommencied that counci.l apprvve the Finnegan- Goldman lot split in order for Finnegan to _acquire a twenty foot strip of land immediately east of a p�rcel lc�c.ated in the northeast corner of Cimarron Avenue and Dodd Baulevard since a survey revealed that the drivewa� to this parcel was aetually loc�ted on the G�l,dman proper�y. See C1erk a Fi1e 1988-36. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING DIVTSIONS OF PROPERTY BY METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS FINNEGAN-GOLDMAN PROPERTY. SECOND by OxUorough. Apes: Walsh, Oxborough, Napper, Wipgermann, Nays: 0. MOTION by Wa1sh to adopt A RESOLUTZON DESIGNATING CERTAIN BUNDS ISSUED IN 1986 AS "QUALIFIED TA%-E%EMPT 4BLIGATIONS", SECOND by Wippermann. Apes: Qxborou�h, Napper, Wippermann, Wa1sh. Nays: 0. Communitp Development Director Dean Johnson recammen�ed approval of the Bituminous ttoadwapsJLance Johnson Mining Permi�. renewal sub�ect ta the conditions set out in the mining permit £or a s�nd and gravel mining per,nit for the east 3Q acres of the Lance Johnson proper�y located off of Rich Valley B�ulevard. See Clerk' s File 1988-3C�. 6 . � ROSEMO� CZTY PROCEEDINGS � REGULA EETING DECEMBER 20, 1988 MOTION by Walsh to approve the Bi�uminous Ro�clways/Lance Johnson Mining Perrnit �renewal sub,ject to the conditians set o�it tn the p�rmit. SEC�Nll by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, WiPpermenn, Wa1ah, Oxbc�roug�. Napa; 0. MOTTON bp Napper to adopt A RESOLUTIUAi �STABLISHIN6 A NEGATIVE A�CLARAT�t��' �OR ��TUM�NOtIS MATBRIAI►S, INC. PLAN�' A10. 2, �NVI�t4NM�NTAI. ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW). SECOKD by (?xborc�u�;1i, Apes: Wipper�nann, Walsh� Qxbo3eoughi Napper. Nays: (�. MQTIQN bp t�ippe.rmann to exc�ude Lots 4 �nd 5 of Ti1��cic 1 and Lot 3 o.f B1ock 2 from any assessments resulting from street imQrovements in Shannon Oaks A�idition, City Pro3ect #185 and to spread the entire asses9���te cost over the re�aaining 9 lats, SECOND by Clxbvrou$h. Apes; Walsh, Wippermann, Oxborough, Napper. Naqs: 0. MOTION by Wa1sh to set a Spec3al. Council. Meeting on Tuesday, January 17 , 1989, at h;30 p.m. to ilear the recommendati.on� frnm the Urban Design Team. SECOND bq Napper. Ayes: Wipge.rmann, Oxborough, N�pper, Walsh. Naps: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to recess into �xecutivP Session for the purpose of c�iscussing the 1989 police union contract. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Oxbvrough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nayst 0. MOTIOId by Walsh to ad�ourn. SECOAiD by Wippermann. Ayes; 4. N�ys; 0. Respectf�.tl:ly subm3.tt;ed, Susan M. .1c>t�nson, T3e�uty Cierk A'1T1.ST: Stepfi�ii Jilk, Admin�.stratorJClerk Published th3s day of , 1984 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 7