HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of December 20, 1988 Special Meeting i • ROSEMQUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPBCIAL MEETING DECEMBER 20, 1988 � Pursuant to due call and notice thereaf a special meeting of �he Cit�► Council of the City af Rosemount was dulp heid on Tuesday, Uecembsr 24, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Ci�p Hall. Acting Mayor Walsh called the meetin$ to order with Memt�ers Wippermann, Oxborough, Napper end AdministratorfClerk Jillc preaent. Mayor Hoke was absent. The purpos� of this meeting was to discuss the sPPoint�aent of an individual to the Citp Housing and Redev�lop�sent Aathority (FI1tA) Board. The vacancy on the bo�rd exists due to Mr. Arnie Jeneen not wishin$ to be re--apPointed in 1989. The council discussed individuels �rho have appl.ied for the HRA Board position. Council aiso diecussed a pasition as to how �aanp city . councii members should �et on the HRA Board. Thep agreed further discusssion waa necessary on thi� coneept, MOTION by Waish to ad�ourn. SECOND by Nagper. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Reapectfullp sub�itted, Steghan Jilk, Ad�ini�tr��or/Clezk ATTEST: Susan Johnson, Deguty Clerk Publi.shed this day of ,�,�, 1989 in Dakota Count� Tribune,