HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Approve Change Order #1 - Contract #1988-8 Lift Station #5 . �t �, • ***�*,r*�r*�***�r**��r*�r*******�**�**�x�**�*AtEMO*********�r�**�r��r�r��r***��***�*�**�**�r DATE; DECEMBER 27, 198$ `"� (o .�. ' T0: AtAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/0 CI'I'Y AIIAtINISTRATOR 3ILK � FROA1: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS BIRECTOR HEFTi ; RE: ITEAtS FOR THE JANUARY 3, 1989 G4UNGIL rtEETING CONSENT AGENDA Approve Ghange Order #l, CQntract 1988-8, Lift Station #5 As yau can see from the attached Change Order #1 to Cantract 1988-8 consists of an additianal $10,809.OQ to the c4ntraet price for pump revisions. The cantractar bid a different kind of pump than what the Gity has in its other subcnersible lift stations. In order to remain consistent with the e�cz.sting Ii€t " stations we requested the contractor give us a price on F2y�t gumps, inste�d of the Pteyers pumps that the contraetor proposed oa usin�. The Flygt pumps are "tride and tru€'*. We t�ave F1ygt pumps in all our submersib�.e lift statians and have had very minia�um problems with them. The Atepers pump is new to this area and we do not feel confident that a track record has been estabiished here yet. Beside�, the suppliers Qf the FZygt pumps have an excel2ent serviee facility and maintaining the same brand will cut down on keeping two segarate parts inventories. Recommended action £or Council to take is to approve Change Order �i to Coretract 1988-$, Lift Statian #5 and authcsrize the Mayvr and City Clerk tv sign the change order doeuments. , _ ' � � � � � � ' � . • ..:.:a� CHANGF Dl�IL)�R ..�� 8MGINEERS f ARCFNT�CiS i PtANMF�iS l'21 E�I`,1 L�l t!E tANAt?A ROr1(T,ST PAUt,MlMNfyPIR 5SJt7 &tt 4H4•U?77 �WNER City of Rasemaunt DAFE �ovember 3Q, 19�8 OWNERS I'h'QJECT fVO: 192 `�"' CKr4NGE C1Rf3ER NO. 1 PROJECT�ESCRIPT��N Lift Station No. 5 SEH FttE N{?. 8�01� The fo!lowinc�chanc�es shalJ be rnade ta the contracr dc�umencs Descri�tion: Add $10,809.UU ta the contract cost for purnp revisions. i�urpose ot Cl�ange�rder: Revise pwnps and aecessories to Flygt Mode3. CP3201-452 to remain consistent with other City Lift Stations. E�a��s r�f C�st: �i Acrual n F.stimatecl Attachments fMst supporting doc�ments) 1Oj27/88 Letter from arr Constructa.on Company. Contracc Status Time ��� Or�grn�l Cor�tracr $ $9,Z U 0.0 Q Ner Chan�e Prror[.O.'s to Chan�e chrs C.�. + l U,8 0 9. 0 U Rev�sed Contract $10 0,0 49.00 Reeommended for Approvat: Short-EIllott-Hendrlckson, Ine. By A�reed to by Conrractor.• Apprc�ved for Qwner.• � / By �f. ��. B / , Y Tlfie /�r�t' /�'4`��t., � R1Scritwflan r�>�,tr��ef�r ? tJwrtE�t t f�rt�c;th'�rc�►�r�raae � SEliOfiir� t ;itfM't ftlK1�! #$NfN,'KASVN 1lVt_ ;l i'R!/f, C!l!('F'F#VAFAtlS, MfNNi'_Xll�{ WN.,tUt�',,tN � � � � �,��,� .�. t�rr Con��ractian C outp�� Pref�fe MN �5349:61 }a�a4 2355 " ��� �ctaber 27, i 988 �� �� �"�� ���� � � l�,p�1��L�� �������;Qt1'1xr���-y�, '�J� ��„ J'�'j Mr. Skeve Campbett �'�, Short, Efliot, Ne�drickson 222 E, littte Canada Rd. . St. Raui, MN 551 1 T � RE: tift Station No. 5, Rosemaunt MN Dear Steve: As per aur m�etfng wfith Rfch Hetti, the fvfilaw#ng are t�� costs f�r changing ta Fiygt pumps. ' Add t�r Flyqt pumps 59,900.00 6R sales tax � 54AA0 J9� bond, i�sur�nce a 315.Q0 • Totai Change Urder 31�,8�9.40 As per� our conversations, these pumps have been ordered+ a�d the telemetry sy�tern f�om Automatic Systems has been ord�red taQ. ifi you have any questions, please f�eei �ree to contact me. Sineerely yours, . • ,/fi�t.,� D. Danfel �rr . �