HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a., 7.b., 7.c., 7.d. Resolution of Official Depositories, Designate Official Newspaper, Appointment of Council Liasion Positions and Committee and Commission Appointments � �, � � � 2 P.O. BOX 510 ZL� Q 2875-145TH ST. W. �+ � /�?�M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55069 �t7��V N./i�� &12-623-4411 Decembe� 30, 1988 Item 7 fa. - d.) T�: Mapor Hflke Councilmembers: Napp�r Oxboraugh Waleh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, AdminisCrator/Glerk RE: Organizational Meeting Business - Jan ar}r 3, 19$9 There are items under "DrganizationaZ MeeCing" on the Agenda fc�r Tuesday, You wi�.l €ind as follows my comments and recom�nended action: 7(a) A resolution designating the banking depositories needa to be adopted. Such a resalution setting aut r�commended banks is attached. 7{b) Staff is recommendiag we designate the "Dakota county Tribune" as our official new$paper. a simple mation i� i.n order to take such action. You have a l�tter of request from both the "Tribune" attd the "Countryaide" for thi� designation. 7(c� A liat of council liai$on appointments and other apppintreents proposed bT Msycar Hoke is atfisched. Unlege ch�nges are made to this, a simple mo�ion approving these, �11 in one �ation, is in order. ' Some discussion map be in order ae tv the rale and utilizstion of the�e department lisisons. I wauld be plea�e to diecuss this issue further. 7(d) Also attached is a list of commi�sionjcommittee appointments re�ommended bp Mayor Hoke and a current (JanuarT l, 19�9) listi.ng prior to sny of thsse reco�mend�d appointments. ` . Action to appoint person� to these positiana should be one at a time bq $imple motion, sm� f% i , • • � � CITY QF RQSEMUUNT � ttRSt7LUTI0N 1989-1 i • A RESULUTION NAHING DSPOSITORI�S/PiNANCIAL I#�STiTUTtONS �'OR CITY FUNDS M1IEREAS, the City o€ Rosemr�unt is required by 1aw to' designate depositories/financial institutions for City funda. NOW THP,RBFORE BB IT RFSOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount designR�es the First Str�t� l3ank of Rosemv��nt, a locslly �wned bank as an official depas�.torq for CiCy fiinds, hoth checking and savings per M�.nnesote Statutes }.1$.Oi ; and ' D1; IT FURTfII:R ttESOLVED, that the City Council of the Citp af Rosemofint designate� as clepasitvries/fin�nei.al institutions for City funds. Midwest Federal Savinga and Loan, TGF $anking � znd Savings, F.A. , Me�rop�titan Fe�leral Rsnk, F.S.B. snd Rosemount National Bank, and all braneh affices ok the afvrementianed savfings t�nd f.inancial institutions whv are qualif�ed to guarantee invPstments up to $1�0,000 throu�h the Federa�. Dep�sit Insurance Corporation and per Federai Savings and Loan Insuranee Corporation or �ecured callateraZ; and BE IT �URTI�BK RESOLVSD, tltaC the City Gouncil of the City o� Rosem�unt design�tea depositories far City Funds, any i Cert�iEicateg of Depasit purehased frv�n any FDIG or FSLIC � i.n�ured institution usin� Juren & Moody, Tnc car Witt I Fi.n�nci.al as its a�ent/broker, provided Ch�t at no ti�� ahall the amount on depr��i.t, 3ncluding accrued intere�t, be a114wed to �xceed $IQfl,QOQ at anx one in+s�.itution. Adapted this 3rd day of .J�nuarp 1989. � � Rollan I�oke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jflk, AdministratorjClerk � THI" �tIEEK NE�il" PAPEI�S DAKQTA COUNTY TRIBUNE, INC. Dec�mber 13► 1988 � ��� ���� o E r, 1 ; ��gg CL�kK'S C�i=F10E c�ty Qf Ros�ro,�t er�o�RosE�ou�z 2875 145th 5tr�t West RosEmoun�. Minnesota 55068 To t�he Mayor and City Councilmembers: We v�ould like once again to serve as the legal newspaper for the City of Ros�nount. As the leaciing publication in this area, we feel it's important to provic� aur reac�ers with the cities legai natices an additic�n to the n�ws stories, feature stories and photographs of lacal events that wwe offer each week. 'I'he Dakota County Tri}�e has been your afficial n�.avspaper for many years, �o readers and bxasinesspersons are v�ll-acx�uainted with where to find these i�artant legal notices. �Ve k�ave also served as the legal n�wspaper €or the cities af Apple Valley, Burnsvi7.l.e, Eagan, Lakeville - and Savage► as well as the local s�hool districts. Becau�e we have been a legal newspaper for so many years, aur staff is very e.x�aerierx.ced in helping the cities plac:e their legal notices praperly. As we have c�ne in the pas�, legal notices and minutes wrn�ld also be reprinted free of charge in Rosem�unt & Ap�le VaTley Thisw�lc ( i 4,150 c�pies distributed in Rosemount and Ap�1e Valley) , c�r tatal circulation newspapers. It is important to rx�te that canly Thisweek Newspapers are c�elivered I�r a prafessional cleliveiy servi..c� in weat..�r protected tubes and bags. If you have any qu,estions, please feel free to call. Since�"ly, � ". •�'�GGt" � .:� ��' � � Daniel H. Clay, � � Publisher (612} 894-1111 P.4. Box 1439 I S25 E. Highway 13 BurnsviHe, MN 55337 , . i • ��C�IV'FD . �IINNESC7TA December 13, 1988 SUBURBAN QE C 161988 NEV9�PAPERS +��-ERK'S C�FFE�E City Council ClTy t?F R4SEM4UNT Representing Sailor, City of Rasemount Curfent, Sun-Current 1��.� ��r�th St]t`ee�t Eas� and Post Publications Rosemount, Mn. 55068 Dear Couneil Members: ���&,��R� We would appreciate your designation of the Countryside s�aioa,,;��MN s� to be your officiai newspaper for the year 1989. The new rate strurcture for Iegais effecti,ve January 1, igg9 satea�ort�es wil l l�e: 120s East ai�Road . 6�12f-8�456 5� . 1 column width 466 Second Street 53.7 c�nt� per 1�.n+� -- fir�t 3n�+�x�tic�n ���c�; n�r�s�a� 29,9 ��nt� - e�u,+�nt in��rtic�ns e�a.,�a�ozss por 1 ine eub��► _ 4921 Babcock Trail TYi�S rate is based on our calumn width of 11.5 picas. Irn�er Grrnre MeighFs, MN 55Q75 si2-a�1�s We will provide, at na additionai cMarge, two notarized affidavits on each of your publications. Additic�nal notarized agfi.davits, on request, wil7. be furnished at 35 cents each. All publications should reach this office by Wednesday a.m. preceding our Monday pubiieatian. How�ver, we would appreciate receiving any large quantities of lagals or any lengthy legals at an earli�r time. Tn order to expedite our services to yau, it is requested that you direct your publicatians to the atttention of Meridel Hedblom, Lega�. Publication�, 7831 East Bush Lake �oad, Bloomington, Mn. 55435. � We 'appreciate being consider€�d as the official newspaper for the +�ity of Rosemaunt. Sincerely, MTNNES¢T LTBURBAN NEWSPAPER5 �`� \ _ � � L.�. nning Pub13 er L3c/mc � i • �UUNCTL LIAISON APPC?INTMENTS -. Januarp 1 , 19$9 JOE WALSH Acting Mayor Cor�mi�sioner af Planning Commis�ioner of Public Improve�aents & Util.ities DENNIS WIP'PERMANN Commissioner of Finance Gommissioner of Insurance 3QHN OXB4ROUGH Commissioner for Farks & Recreation VERAi NAPPER Commissioner of Puhlic �iealth Cammiss�.on�r a� Roade & Streets Liaison to Businees ROLLA# HpKE Commission�r far Puhlic Safety OTIiBR AFPaINTMENTS Insurance Officexz Dan Darl�.ng Hea1Ch Officer: Dr. Raymond Mardell Dr. T. t�. La3 Weed Inspector: Rollar� Hake Don Brown (assistant) . . � # �! �j�l�� U P:O. BOX 51� 2875-1 ASTM ST. W O�e,�AO't�� ROSEMOUNT, MtNNESOTA 55t�8 /I'l� iiL 612-d23-A4it CUMMISSZflNICOMMITTBB APPOINTMENTS Planning Commission: Daniel Huntington reappointe� ta a three pear term. Parks & Recreations Jerrp Puciaty reappointed to a three year term. Larry Wa1ah reappointed to a three year term. One vacant position. Util3ty Commission; Tom Warner reappoin�ed to a three pear term. ROSEMOUMT HRA A�'PQINTMENT HRA Board: To be diseussed. 1� • � GQMMITTEE/COMMISSION TERMS 1-1-89 1'LANNING COMMISSZON Date Term Began Date Term Ends Term Ron Jacobsan 1/88 12I90 3 years Steve Toambs i/$8 12/90 3 years Sheil.a Hathaway 1187 12/89 3 years Alvin Meyer 1/87 22/$9 3 years Daniel Huntin ton 1�8� 12`$� � ����$ UTTLITY COMMISSION Wesley Hasbrouck 1/88 12/87 3 years Josegh Walsh 1/87 12189 3 years Tom Warner (fil.led remainder of term) 1/$$ ��/gg 3 �gz� PARKS AND RECREATION CQMMITTEE Ltel Lorentzson ll$7 12/89 3' years Doris McKinley 1/88 12/9Q 3 years Jerry Puciatv 1j86 12/8� 3 years Larry Wal.sh 1186 12/88 3 vears vacant 1/86 12/$8 3 �ars Deanna Simpson 1/88 12/90 3 y�ars Barb Brown 1/88 12/9Q 3 yesrs HRA BOARD Ra11an Hoke 1/88 12/92 5 years vaeant lf$� 12/93 5 eaars Joe Walsh 1/86 12f90 5 years Mike Willard 1/$7 12/91 5 years Tom Tucker 1/8S 12/89 5 years * underli.ne indicates vacanc or rea Y PPointment