HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b. Rental of Additional Inside Storage Space - Public Works Equipment � � � . *�r*��r***�r*********�r**************�***�**ri�MO****�************�t**�ar**�****,t�r**�** DATE: DECEPtBER 27, 1988 ��"'"` t�b• T0: PiAY�R & GOUNCIL1�tErtBERS C/0 CITY ADAiINISTRATOR JILK FROPt: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT ��: ITEMS FOR THE .IANUARY 3, 1989 COUNGIL i�tEETI�G NEW BUSINESS Rental of Additional Inside Stora�ge Spaee Attached is a memo written to Administrator Jilk regarding tha availab�ility and cost of renting additional in�ide stora�e space locally. The memo briefly �auehes on the need for extra storage space. I will be happy to answer any questions Council may have regarding this matter, otherwise recommended action €or Couneil to consider would be to appr4ve renting additional inside storage space €rom the University of rlinnesota at an annual cost of $5,340.00. � , � � . . � M E M 0 R A N D U M DATE: D�cember 14, 1988 TO: Administrator Jilk FROMs City EngineerlPublic Works Director Heft SUB3: Ren�al. of /�dditiona}, Tnside atnrage S�ace We are experienciny a shortaqe of inside storage space at thP Public Works Garage. This w3.11 be co�i�Qunded whc�n we remodel the sou�h bay for o��'ices and a lunehroUm. We neee� �omeplace to store seasonal equipment, such as i:he Toro l�wnmaw�r�, tra�tocs Wi�h mowers, tree spa�e, snowplow�, sandar�. Atr.. At my request, Don .Brown has ehecked around ta find out if there i€� �ny inside storag� �pace availablP £or rent locally. I am attaching the resulta of Mis effort� . As you can see, the U of M ha.� 4, 40p �q. ft. of in.side storaye 3pacs available afi a very reasanable rate. Unfortunately i ciid not speoificaily 1�udget for this item for 19f�9 ��r►der th� Government Buildings budget f419�0) . How�ver, I fe�1 I can reduce the Street Maintenance buc�yet �43121) for the requirec# funds if necet�sary. ' If appropriate, I would like to have Council aF�prnval a� th� Deeember 20, 1988 meeting. I uncierstand the U of M pl.aced us first on the wai�ing list. If you would like further informatian or clarification, plea3e let me know. �, . ene. � • . � � , �Li. �+ � , ., - � . PUBLIC WORK$ STOttAGE nUILDING RENTAi. TABS RENTAL DATG At3NUAL G4NTAGT S .FT. RhTE AVAILADLE CQST GO(�t�iFNTS Koel� Retining ------ ----- ------- ------ No ties�onsc� (Oid Ruan Building) Town & Country Bldg. ------ ------ -------- ------- Filled Rosemaunt Dodge ------ ------ ___----- -._----- Not for Rent U of Pt 4434 1.2� p/sqft 2-1-89 $5,340.0#� Plt�s Electric (;ost; Estimat�cf $Z0.00 per mo. � Former Overland 5520 10.62 p/sqft Now $58,596.00 lieated l0 50° Express Building t,isted above is the Public Works Stora�e I3ailclin�; Rent�l Tt�l�s. I have vi.c�weci t:l» stora�e buildings availaUle from the U of rt and feel it woulc� bc most lciequate for octr needs. I am therefare recommendin� to yvu tt�at we rent the builciin�, terms as sli�wtt above. Ttie U af Pl will not give }.ong term Ieases however they see no reason wl�y rental ca��'t be for long term. • �, , , _ . � 'r .�' ! . . `.. 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