HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Approve Condemnation Commencement - Water Tower Sites . , • • _ *,t*********�***************�***,t***�**�r*AlEF10*�x,t*�*************�************�**** DATE: DECEPtBER 27, 1988 ��, ��� �0� PiAY4R & COUNCILAtEr1BERS Cf0 CITY ADAtINISTI2ATOR JILK FROAi: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOit HEFTI RE. ITEPiS �'QR TH� JANUARY 3, 19$9 Ct3UNGIL r1EETiNG NEW BUSINESS Authorize Condemnation for Water Tower ��2 and Well �8 Sites Attached are two resolutions requesting Council to authorize condemnatian action to allow the city to pursue obtaining the necessary iand for the construction of a water tower and a new well. The reason for initiating condemnation at this time is because we want to insure [hat we will be able to begin construction on both the we13 and tower as early as possible this year so that we have a chance of them becaming operational in 1989. The water tower site is lacated on the old Birger faxm, now owned by the Kelly Estate Tru�t. Staff has eontact�d the Kelly people abaut acquiring some land for a water tower site. The resp4nse was not encauraging, however, it did not appear the Kelly people would require going through a lengthy Gondemnation prqceeding to purchase the property either. The site for the well is located on property the City will be getting for park land when the fourth phase of the West Ridge Addition is platted. We do not anticipate any problems in obtaining an easement because we have worked with the developer and praperty owner previously. H�wever, in order to assure us of a proper timetable it is neeessary to eommence eondemnation proceedings as soon as possible. Reeommended action for Gouncil to consider is to approve the attached resoiutions authorizing the beginning of condemnation proceedings fQr obtaining the Wa[.er Tower #2 site and Well #8 site. t • V l G� � m .. e . .._ .__..�..�.. �� C . • � ; � � � � � � y � f � 4t __ ..._ .._____' . 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' "___i�0't(i 1 •� 14 t t Luwet CBAN 4t • s e � . � / � !. pAkN1.L COUH! f � . � � =. . . � . �� � 'S� rS� ..+ . . 2�CUI.OH61��� COUkI - ¢ 61st St a o !. oaHw�rt wnr . � . � '� . .� r . � .�.L �1, pAIIAS 4vliNf . . � � � 52��d v � � e. ei�Rru e r avr Nue � . • t C�� etr0 � � 7. 8W1M:�� AVf_NU[ . � V� � � � � 8. rHNuME n,rf NUE G - 3r �$t n 9:CHdRItSIUN AdE!a�iE . � � . � /64N . Sf.. � �. . ro.CNEV€ll:E COURT.�laktry � . � I�.Cpt.UMHANY C�HC 54th Et � iF �"� �2:COLI)MH�A WPY � � . fh St � ..•: ��. . � 13. C(N.UMtlARv f.bUkT � . . . ... .: . . _.______'__'____.__...._._____.__. �Pnnd� 14.CXESTONE F�T N �.' . '_'..'.-_____ COI�,,� -� ..... —. —'.____________ . _ _ _ Cur�rqll A ib.r,H€S�oNE cu��wi . � Gt �Q 4� . .' . �. 16. CqNYSI F N N'4Y p :o It. CMqRLt f A�i N��E s /(/�,( fgs�� a:.' ie M�n,-,�,taor a:i m.�t � � WELL #8 � `-� � ��N i.� � IY NIlNkAi i`/ A��!�/.��i- . �` i +�i, � 20. HU9UUN,N G��k 4i�.t. +�. . . � �V . . ?I. f�k���)i-�i',•�t.rif A.1 N.i� . m � � �s��.�� p � � ��� Na:l�# . L . Oth L!�(ry�. LQ. HH16;if�.4i�1 A':Ery�• �...'�,` . . O . � . . ��t���r_.� fvtst�n si c`� M 4 F'��' : _ . . .�+UI�{.t (.t.ti&thSt N . � . � . � � . � �9}hCt �.��DaMuta Or � . � y . � �� . �----_�[r 160th $t . e . • � s � i..... CITY OF RQSEAlOUNT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORiZING C�NDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR WEL,L #8, CITY PROJEGT #182 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has determined that it is in the public interest to acquire the property necessary for City Improvement Project No. 182. , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Rosemount, Afinnesota: The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to �cc�uire the property necessary for City Improvement Project No. 182 by eminent domain proceedings unless acquired by negotiation or otherwise before the proeeedings are complete. ADdPTED by the Council this 3rd day of January, 1989. Rollan Hoke, rtayor J `— ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk . � � GITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLtITIOid 1989 - A RESpLUTION AUTHORIZII3G CUNDEAtNATION PROCEEDINGS �'OR WATER TQWER # 2, CiTY PROJECT �'183 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has determined that it is in the public interest to acquire the property necessary for Gity i�nprovement Project No. 183. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cauncil of the City af Rosemaunt, Minnesota: The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to acquire the property necessary for City Improvement Project No. 183 by eminent domain proceedings unless acquired by negotiation or otherwise be�ore the proceedings are eomplete. ADOPTED by the Council this 3rd day of January, 1989. Rollan Hoke, riayor _. ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Admini�trator/Clerk