HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Fire / Police Study Reports - Staff Recommendations r . . • 1 • P:O BQX 510 ��ZI lf U 2$75�145TM S? W ^� �n`A 1ty�t1 ROSEMOUNT. MINNESQiA 554F8 vS��r�.Q vL,i�L 6t2-923-�A11 'fU: Mayor Itoke Item 8 b. CouncilmPmbers; :Vapper {)xhor��tigh Wal;sh tdi��perrn�nn FRUM: Stephan Ji2k, Admin.t:�t.r��tor/C2erk DATE: Der�e►nber 3U, 1988 R�: Fire & Po�.ice Stuciy Recnmmendation Sum�nary I'ursuant t� our discur�sion �rn tl�n tIousin�ton Stuclp Rep�art, I would �ffer Ci�e f.c�ll.owing s�itmm�3r•q and �peci.�ic recommenc�ationt� fr�r ,your ec�nsicleration. Pl���e rP£er to the mema d�ted l�ovember 23, 1988 on ttiis sub�ect (copy 3tt�ched} . 1 ) 5tud� Recommendation - Yal.i.ce and F'ire Administratiar� tc� s�a' the same. Posit.i.nn - No ehange frnm c�trrettt status with �separate dc�ParGment heads it� Po1�.+�e ancl Fire UeparCn�ents, hcimin.tstrat3vel.y Cqilt�PiqA to strength�n direction �ive� �to fire department from city s�c��ninistreLor. 2) �tucip Recommendation - Pnl.tce Disp�Cching ta sC�y rrith coi�nty as long as pvsei�le. ,Posittan - Concur, r�aintaIi� canttacted service w3.tli countp a� lc�ng as feasibte. � 3) Studv Reeommendativn - Establish far�aal nppraisal eystem for Police Department person�tel. Posi tion - Alreadp i.n pt;�cF . �+) Studv RecUm�nelid�tioJt - Ac�n��L• appendix ta Ch�tpter 3$ of Uni�or�i Buil�in� cc�de *ecJii[ring �utflmACie s}�rinkl�r spstems in certain s.tzed �ndua�ri.�I and commercial s�rt�ctures. Posit:ipn - Form a eammi.t�ee made up of the Fire Chief, �'ire Marsliall, Building t�ffic.ial, Planning Coe�m�.��ion Ateraber, and one Cotrncil �nember to rev3Pw need f or at�d rarai f ic�tians of �ctopting this appendix. PresertC recommendation f4r or against adaption at the first co�incil meeting in ri�r�� 1989. i) �. Stucl�ecammendatLc�n � Fli.re a part Gi�ne, permanent f�.re inauect�r to c�nc4cict pl.e�n review�, fire cocle enf.�arcemenL xnc! fi@ld in�p�r_tic�ns. �iave this p�rsc�n r���or� to the Buil�i.n� t�Efic#.ei. t� hptt$r cacardi.n��e 1 . � a11 enforcement funetions of the Unifarm $u3lding Code. Position - For� a coear�itCee made up af �ire t:hief, Fire Marstiall and Building Of f ic lal ta draf t ,�c�b clescrip�ion and process for hir3n$ of �his gerson . Report bsck to city aflministrator and council bp March 1 , 1989. b. 5tudv Recamr�endation - S�lectiveiq recruit �dditionai fire fighters for daqtime response. Position - Fire Chief already cammeneert process and will continue to attemp� to recruit addit:tonal personne2. c. Stud�* �scommendation - Increase training time. Posi.tion - Already dane. d. Study Reco�mendatian - con�ider alternative me�hods ot Fire Degartmeat o£fic+�r selection allowing further to strengthen the role o€ the eity cauneil in picking �ire Department officer' s positions. Po�ition - Direct Citp Administrator ta draft a policy setting out: 1. Minimum qua].ifications for Fire Chief, 2. A sereening committee made up of Adninistrator, Citp Councii, Police Dept, and Fire Dept, representatives to select from a list of applicants, s Ii�t of qualified persons tc� be conaidered, by department membera for e�.ection to Che Chief posi�ian. 3. Appoint�ent o£ other Fire Dept. Officers bq the appointed/elected Chief, e. Studv Recom�nendation - Co�si.der the hiri.ng of a fu11 time Fire Chief ar Part Time Fire Chief. Pos____ition - Cansider increasin� thi.s pos:ttion's $a�.ary and pravide automabile to pasition. Same effort in this direction is bei,ng made. Further bud�et efforts (1990) wi11 continue this effort. Ev�luate further efforts aftex vne year of having part ti,me fire inspector on staff, f. StuctY Pecomm�ndation - Train First Responders as L�MT' s and purcha�e a� u� tomat3.c defibrillators" to assist First R��ponders in caxing for heart a�tack victims. Position - Dc� not consider �itlier ite�. Cast and 2iabili�y is nat offset bp poCenti�l benefi� ta commani,Cp. 2 i � 6. FIRE STATION Stadv Reeommendation - Constract a new Fire Statipn in the area of i�+Sth Strset West and Shaanan Park�ray. This woald increase fire service response tin�es and meet the needs of the eommunity b�sed up4n present and plann�d reeidential developraent. Do not consici��r the construction o� � Fire Station in "�astern Itosemount" until costs and manpower can b� supported through extensive popnlation growth in thgt area or through �rivate sources. Position - Praceed in a two step process as fol.lows to establish needs, costs and de�sign for a new fire station in west Rosenuount as recommended: 1 . Direct Staff to form an in-house commit�ee �nder the direction of the City Ad�ainistrator ��de up afs Publie Works Director Paxk DirectQr Cc�mmunity Dev�lopment D3;rector Park Foreman Maint�nance Fareman C3.tp �ld�inistrator Council Lisison to Publie Worka to draft a report of needs and recommendation on �he uae o£ the exis�ing r�aint+snance gars�e and the fi�re station for Fublic �ctrks, Park and Recr��t3on or both. This would include � review of the sepaara�ion of the�se departt�ee�ts, entirely ar in Qart, frc�� City Hall and would cansider the ramificativn of such se�aration ta the public service and public perc+eption, This commit�ee would alsv be ehar�ed �ith deter�frting needs for new facilities far th�se �2e�art,aent� in areas fnc�.uding office, storag�, �ainten�nce and, if so deter�ined, custa��r servi�e. This cammittee, through the City Admini�tratar� would bring a report back t4 ciCp council bp Mareh 2I far your consideration. This reQort would determine �he basis f�r doin� architectural review and price eatimates for remodelin� , renc�va�ion of existing facilities or constrttction of new fecilitiea whi.ch, if the report so f3nds, would be requested at th�t time. Archftectural design, funding and time sehedule for such work would follow. 2. Direct eh$t a second in-heuge com�nittee be �or��ed �a begin determination of needs for a new atation� what is lacking in the exist3.ng facility and �o p�t together an R�P for �rch�tectur�l c�es:tgn work c�tatl cnst �st f+nr�tess, for a new fire station. 3 � � This committee would be made up ofs a. The Fire Chief and 3 me�bers of a steering group from the Fire Department chosen by the Fire Chief. b. The Police Chief c. Qne representative from a neighborin$ Fire Dept. (preferablp Ea�an b�csuse of xecent construction a# a �acilitp there) . e. City Administrator The commit�ee would regort back to the city cUuncix also at the March 21 meeting and it' s reporC would be the basi� to cansider in authorizing the r�c�uest €or progosai for aarchitectural serv�cee to determine design and cas� estimates for a new station. Receipt and review of this report in con�unction w�,th the report on Public Work�/Park & Recrsation facilities will a11ow us the confidence we need tv prflceed on a broad front of glannin$ for existing and future needg. If architectural services are utilixed for dasign �nd cost e�tti�stesswhich are n�eded fQr funding determinati.on, the next step would be to de��r�ni.ne �he makeup of a fundire$ gackage and time f'r�m� for construction and go to ref�rendum €or apgrava].. 13ased upon thia initial time sehedule it is suggested we r�ove ta fall of i989, in con�nncCion with our city electicrn, to conduct a referendum on this pro,ject. I wi11 be pleased to answer an� question on �hi� matter at your pleasure. 1� 4 �Y r � , �, � ,'�'"�� f'r� (ar�x r�r� , �',�', /���� �) �Ae,ri It.ifl,t'1 t'l' ��1�+ny��!1f� RC,�;FMntiNT. MINNF��'ItA fiStN,n �./a3C�sI'�.VLT.�Z� 61�- 4?1-d�tt 'CO: M.�ynr 11t�kn Cou�rc.i. l.m�ml�cr;a: Nrp���r Oxta�zrf�ris;h �Fl.t 9�1 [�i.i.���i�•r�n�n n � �ItU�4: 5L•e�hr�ti Ji.tk, Acl��i.�� tsl-rntor/Ci:�rk 13AT�: Nvvcmher 23, 19�3t� Rl,; fioli.ce/'CtrA S1:uc1i�4 StaEr Rhv.i.pw/Recnmme��dzLi.nr}� In A��RuR� �£ rhis ye�r A1r, Fr�!ci ttoiqin��:on, l��rrp 1'ijn�n���ar�n �n�l T'at C��:1gt�.ltn ms�de �rese�itattonc� r�q },�rL- oi tl�e cnmj►1.e1>i:t�n c,f tw�+ ��,j�r r�tudi.ea i.nvotving t:i�e Fir� nnct i'nl.fi.r.c� T����:rrl:m��»t:a. Thn•�n. .. t:wu el•udter� wpres 1} 'To com��a.ete an i.n {{���C1� �rCi�riy �f. �hQ n�imi.nLAL•rr�C�an at hntl� �[ Ch�aa �lepyrtmr.ntq nnrl d�±L•nrmtn� I. f t�.i�� cnmbintng �f the �dmi�tl.r�CrAt:lnn of hot•1� oE thn€�e �Ic���rirCmenh� w�:� warr�nteci �nd it' qo wi�nt tho beneE:i.t9 of th�� i:��ml�i.�rr�hi.on wnul.�) 1iR- 2) 'T� c�m�,l.r_te � Al.�rdy tr� deterrnkne the �i.yp, n�tmb�r, :�nd loc=�tion for fire sL-r�t.i.an Enctilri�s' i.n t:Me f;tty nf. Rn�emot�nt.. Yo� hs�v� evpies oF boL}► oE �l�e Al:tltl�.t�8 A:� tl��g c,,�re �rn��E�tac1 to yo�i in A��gust. At the �ne�ting aC wit3.rlt t:lf�qe qt:u�itr�;� wc�re preyenked i.0 w�s t1ec:Ide�1 tl�afi ci.t�r s�Cnt'f: qhai�i.�t r�*v:lew th�!r�e f.ind:l.ngs �nd prespnt �Cr�E.E rer_ommenci�t:i:c�n9 ;�s t,n ti��1�ae fi.n�titi}�g. ['t1Y4�annt tr� tl»� d3.rc±ct:i.nrt ]: l��v� ltrlrl �inyr.l-st1: :iC.�t'� lc�vrt. �n�ryt�i.np,s nnrl we 1i�ve �1.;vn hnd Ptr. 11��t.:�i:n<;I:nti #►nrk f.ci �-1nrtFy n��Fi t�� gtren�i:l�er� l�i.s �►c�s.ltl:»n ��� cer. E_.�i:�� I.�q4te�. At: ll�ty ���ncturc r. ec�jmmr.�ict�t:ic►�i4 nr� in r�r�l�r ��wc# l af. Fi ��rr�.�r�lt. l:hein .Ln tlyis memci. A1.1 �lucly f ti�sti.nf;*� r���e ni{c1rE��4r.rf r�»d a��rn� �"-�Y +�PeCif:lc�llq. S�mA 3.R�u�� 1�3ve p,�+n�rs�t rer_�Mmnt��i�tli�rtq glveri. S�me issar:s c�n b� �aore e�s.i.�l.q c�e('1.n�d t:l�n�i c�t;t�c��-q wt�i. lr s��mA. t b�lieve, r.r�n t�� i:n t:t�e f.�rrm nf: �;t�1i�t'�ll. C.�)t17�.tIr�!':11:I.tt11 f�1C �ursr�i.ng fitrt}�er, if. yr��i wi.at�. t w.tl. l li.�t: c�nc:ti al:��rty' 4 �,rtrfi�a���, L-1��� �:c►t�s��1L-�nt� s recc�mmen�l�ti.o» �nJ ��t:r�[L� A ���;�f.t�.tc►u or� tl�� is��r�, i'F�r•1 Iir�rm�frn. � P1r. Il��i:�tn?;I���n wt I 1 i►.• ►�rr� t I »�►t �• iti :�r:��r�rif.��ii :it: uur m�±�� : ft��� f��� i ir��� 1 f ��f; �,�� '1'�i�+:��t;ry . t ' � � STU1)Y �1 - Anatygis of. Pul�lic Saf.��ty Operati.ona r�n�1 Organiz.�tion 'Phe �urpose of tlii.s study was to revtew the operat.i.�nA n£ tl�e Pc�lice and Fire De}��rt+�ents �nd to c�etF�r.mi,ie ahether i.t wvi�l.ct hr. t�etL•er to cambt�» t1�e t�+o rle�inrt:mFnt9 tlirc���f;ti n €ai:nf;�t.e n�iinLnLstr�►f:�r �r mnf.ntn�.n ge{►s�rnt�r. �1���.�c•t�nr.��t: li��:tr!!a wt1:1� �l t.rccr.ton £roni tl�e ri.t;y Acim.ln,l:at:rt�tnr. S'PiJi)Y R1��Ct�MM[:Ni)A'1'.[UNS 1) Maiitr.c�Ln g�p�r�t� Po1:i.ce r�nci t�tre #)e���artrn�F�i:s. Tt�c� ro�.h �f t;he t;�.ty A�misii.st:r�tor :l.r� key t•r� t:l��� scr�-�e�� ��(' t:he aiimi►iistrat;.lnn o:f tl►ese �nd c��:her citp de���r�:m�nt9. A�a aclmtt�:tstr�tive cori�c�lid�t��ri oE C1ie�oe �wc� de�E3C�ti1Ci}�3 W�J(iLtl decrease tl�e tlie administrators effec�ive�i�±es in deal3.ng wlth the Fire Department in pgrticnlar, thu� decrea�ing hi.r� abilitp to e�fecti.velq implen�eiih c�.ty poliey . Abeenl: vf. coropell.ing reasons to insti.tute si�ch a change now continuat:ton of sep�rate departments in Rosemount witt pr°q�.de the most efEective stx�icture far deltve.ry o� the eity' s police and fire aervices. STAI'F RECOMMENDATT(}N - tde must alwaya look to �he eEf.i.cici�ep of the aclmistrati.vP $tructure and not at peraont�liti.es only, when we consider such opttons before u�. At the pre�ent ti.rne, with thQ personallties in place, we would have full conflc�ence in combining the adminiatr�tion of both of these de���rtmenta vnder nne "Public Safety Dirtect�r" . I bell,ene we h�ve a Police Chi�.E that wou3d be capable of taki.ng on tli:is pvstt3.on and, I he7iev�, that in Scot� Aker� leRdexship t}�ese de�artments coulc� xork very well together. l3ut, fiased upan the ou�come of the srudy an�l u�e►�i exhaustive diacusr�ion on those recomme�tdatton:� h�tween ChieE 5tr��ts and Ghief. Aker I tao c�n Al1I� �'PCAlqiit�iil] L•h�t ae retnln the stat�tg quo and main�a�.n sep�rate departn�ent he�cis reporti.n� directly to the Citp Ad�i.niatr�tor gosi.ti.on. Tlie administrat:Cve issues facin� these dr�p�rt�eAcits reqt;j.re ttte Ieaciershtp which c��n de�1 wi.th them i�i an unh:tased r�n�i ai�p�orti.ws inantier. And, as �+e continue to graw the r'r�ep�raten�ss" wi..3.:X, we believe, prvve t� be aven �mare im}�az�tRnt. STUIIY RECOMMENUA'TIaH Z) Consicierat_ton has heen given to hi.r� s�cidi.t:ton�t garsc�t�riei and purcha�e nece9sarp equi.pment tv �rQvid� 24 hour dispatchl.n�;, far pol.icetf�ncl ftre service, in the clty . The studr recomrnends �1�at, anly �s a 1.r�sL• res��rt" sho��l,r} t•he � � � � • cttq cont�ici�r adopting rh:ts �ppr.�r�ct� to prov�t�lin� thcae services. The ci.ty shat�tcl contini�t� to recelwe di9p�tciiing services t}�rough the sheriff' a of:f.ice c�f DakotA Cc�t�nty c��t n eoatr�ct bs�sis ancl t1�is is nc�t �vesihle tMe city �liou:t�i pursue the pnssibilitp of combining disps�tch oper�tio�s w:i,L•f� other cities. S'fAPC RGCaMMCNi)A'PION — t�le hRve alre�ady �rop�ed I:i�e c�ncej�t flF, pursuing in house dispatchin� serv:tce� far tt�� forseeal�.le f.u#:t�re. ini.ti�lty ftindg were budgeted in our f3ve pe�r t;�P hu�ige� to camplete this program in 1941. This h�s heen e1l.�in�ted �r�ci st�tf concurs with the consul�ant' s recom�nenda�ion. STt(1)Y RLCUMMCNpA'TIpN 3} rstabt�.sh a f.ormal nerformancp ��Pra f.v:�l. ;�rst:em i.n tt�e i�o7.ice deg�rtment to €�s�i.st 1.�t est�b:l tshtrY� go+nls €�r indiviciva�. o�.f�cers in the areas nf. trr�ining �nd perCar��nce� defieieTxces. S'1'h�'k' 12�G�hIMEMUA'T70N — sucli a pra�ram �lre�adp ex�.sts. I bel.l�ve Chief Staata utili�Ps this �xiating Pro$ram very we1.1. I'm nc�t sure whp the consul��nt was not aw�re a.E i.t. STUI)Y RECOMM�NllA'TION � G) �'ire ProtecCton — }3ui;lt in £1.re prate�ti.on �y:stem� �re c�hvi.ou�ly �the raost e�ffcient methoci of mi.t�.gr�ti��$ serincis fire laaso� in any community. Such �sy�stems €�re of ��rCicut�r impartance in s �om���n:l'ty� si�ch Ra Rcse�mount, wi.th n volun�eer fire dep�r�ment. The cc�n.�sultactt rec�mm�+�ci� tt�€�� Appendix to Chapter 3s3 vf thes st�te hui.ldi�t�; carte be s�t�s��r�r1 by the citp. This chapter estat�llshes more str.tngent f3:re pcotectian requir�ments than the tiuilding Cod� an�i i.t requires �utomatic aprinkler sygtems in a1�. cc�mm�re�ai r�nd 3.ndustrial s�r�ictares of certain size. In aome caaes, where mt►nici.pal srater auPPxY �g �Qt 3v�ilable grivate water s�orag� facitities would be neceas3ry to be cdnstrueted. STAF'�' R�COMPt�NllA'r�()N — Actop-tion c�.f thi.s A�pendix w���1�i ref�u:i.re � serio�i9 change, albeit a posit:i,ve c�ne it is felt, to fire s�ippression and �rotectian tn the city. Sta�f hel.ievps that ad�pti.on o� t)ti.s �ppendix wouYd in f�ct, as the staifiy 9tate.g signifi.cant�.q lessen fire r. igkg on ms�ny r_n�n►�Prci.�t �n+� icl��str�l�►�. pro��ertl.es in ti�e Citq,n and, �'lowcr ttre .E:i.rc f�is�:France r�t,es �n 3 _ ! ! ce.rr,ain properties." Iiecanse this wo�i�.d be l.c�okecl upon ao dtfferentlp by inctivtdua�. property �wners and bc�cau�e tice ef£ects of requirements of th�.a apgendix wotil.�1 uary e� �o the 1oe�tion e�f. a propertq in tl�e ci,ty I feel it necessarp te take a more in d�P�h $pproach to con�ideration of thia recommendation. It is recommended that a r_c�mm3tree m�de up o� nur bu9_lding a£ficial� vur fire mrtrshall, our fire chief, one pZ�nning commisaion m�mber and one city cou�icil. rnember review the rec.ommendation €�nd suhrai� a fin+�l. repnxt to Che ca»ncil bp Februarp 1 , 1989 alon� with the�.r recv�mendattan on the ��ir�ption of the appendix an$ the rami�ie�tic�ns it W�tll ha�.d. STUi)Y RECOMM�NI)AT7.ON 4) Given the higheat Prtor.ttp, �s to £:i.re prot�et:ton in r.he citp, enforcement of th� fire code needa to b� �i.ven further attentian. The cansultant o�at�.ines the city' � many reaponeibi�.i.ties in this �re�. Adoptian of th� �p�enclix t� Chapter 38 of ti�e building wa�s c�ne approach to thi�. The tech�i.c�1 knawleci�ee and the time requi.ref� to r.�rry atit these reepansibi'l.:tt:les �roh�blq hav� b�ea�e m�re tl�an one can reasonabxp exp8ct fro� a '"vol.txn�eer" firefi�hter. It ia recommended that tfie ei�p ger'Lauslp con�►itier hirtng a Qualtf3ed, p�rt Cime emgl4yee who woul� be reA�ansi,hle f.�r �ire eode en£oreer�ent .fitneti.pn�� �t�ch aa pl�n r�view �t�e1 routine field inr�pectton�. Lt is EnrthAr rPca►nmencted, that :in arder to coarctinate �uch func�i,ona »�.tt� e�iEorcc�a�c�nt d£ the un�ife�r� hu�.�.d�.ng code th�t thi.e p�r€�on reporC to th� . city buildi.ng o���,ci�l. STAF� RF;CQMMENllATIpPT — Staf.� recommencis th�t w� c�rnsirler tttie htring of aueh � person wtth qt�s�l.:lf teat.tong tijai: wo�tt.�i .�1.:#.ax tl�e use af th�t rer�on as ftre inanect�r r�ncl �;� ,� r���t���ree c�� expertise for tiie fire dept�rt�e�it ar�d e9�eci.s�11� tt�e �ixe c1a1.eE. I� �s felt tlir�t� after discu�sing tl�i� rec�mra�nd�tian wi.tl� tha conr�ul.tant�e �eam, such t�n in�ti.victu�l. wau��i b� nv�I�.ahte, c�n � pa.rt time l�asis. Fu11 t�.me mes�br�ra o:E 1ar�er fir� c�epr�r�:ment:� tn tlie t�etrv area woutd be �uch inc�iv:trivaxs ait1� tiie trpe c�f sche�triles �nci qu�l:ificati.�ns ths�t c�c�1c[ be eoc�rclin�t+�c� with uur citp' s need. :[t tg f�~rl;tier recuu�r��±�y�1rd Efic�t tl�e c�irrent i.�ire C:I�tPE, T'}r� �ts�rqlt�tll c�rrd i1t�i.l,din� Uf- F. tc:l.n1, drAEt n �c�t� c#c���ri.�ti:t�i� ri��� tor►uu�.�te � reeom�e��dattor� f.or the h.tri��s �E tl�is i.ndi.vi:rtyu��t �ri�i rep�rt back to the coi�ncit c�n I'ehru�rp 1 , 19t3� 3vi.tti rh,�tr recc��me�datian. ( �\ t, . , � � S'I'U�Y ItECUMML�NDATION 5) MANPOW[iR 5a) Seleettvely r�crevitin� ��l�litionnl. f'ireEighters £c�r da'time response �ncl their relatian to the l.��r:�ttc�r� vf tlle ftr� e�at:ton. STAI�'l� R�GOMM�NT)A'fION - Chie� Aker ha4 alre�dy taken the initiative �n accompl:l�hing tliis. It is a reCl�er (��.EE�.GII�L� �A9IC, In the first �ttempt �.n Einding sever�l per�on� nv��i.).��Y� phpaical c�ndition af tl�e A[}(}],j,C�11t4 �1�'OVCd f:o he � cic�wn.Cn.l:k. 1•c�cating inciividu�l.a ltvi.ng in proxi.r�tCq ta the 9t�tinn �� nls� nn iasu� which wi,1�. hc� �iqcct:�sed .Eu.rL•her wher� �cictreaR3.��g tlfie ��c��zion of fire st�i:i.an £t�c:t:l.ities in the citp. Staff d�es concur with L-iie recc��nmenclat.ion �rici thc fire dep�rtcnet�t wi.11 continue to �uraue �pproprtate recrui.tin� �er_hni��t�s to meet tlie daytime response needg c�f tlie clepartment. Sb) Tr�ining - i.�icrease riumber of hour� cie�ii.c�ted t� training. STAF�' RECOMML�NUA'TION - This acti.on has �lreadp occurred and the fniti,Rtive wi11 canti.nu�. 5c) Selectton of DeparL•ment ��f:lcarr� - R�commendo�i alternatives auggested �h�t actian $houlct ��ccur to better bslance the cit� c�uncil' s role in fi..11ing the Fire De�artment oF.f icers position. Al.tPt�n�t.fves auggested inc�.ude: A) tt�st tl�e Fire Dep�rtmeftt recnmmend a BroaP �t qttati.fie�t can�i�.clates f�r. e�ch ' poeition to the city council who Chen uot�Zd �sel�ct the �' candidRtes whom they �he2 are the rovst �ti�itf�.ed, B) thst ti�e depar�ment vc�te on a li.st c�£ c�n�ii.d�tes �n�i forwr�rd thc�.se resutts �o the t:i.ty c�»nci.t so tht�C 1:1ie counci� couid m�ke selec�:lon from ti�e list r�f candidates on the bs�ll.ot. STAFF t{�COMML'NUA'TIOAi - After much di.scu�gion hy gt�aF.f on this sul��ect it is very clear ti�at ti�e members of tfie Fire Ac±�s�rtmet�t +�r� eoncerned that theq woul.d lose L•h�1r. sap ln hhe �electi.c�n proceas far their o��3.cers �.f tl�e citq councf�. wniitd si��lT pick Cr�m a liat c�£ cc�n�lici��es pr�sented l�y the cie�►r�rrment. A�imiit.i.strst.i.an ttn�ereL-�nd� �l�e nc�ect, r�s �tr�ted, very cte€�r1p t�� L•he �L•�fd�. t#�at ih� must hr�ve more i.�t�ut .tnto L-he o1:.Fi.e�r select�on process since it is res�ortsil�_l� for tiae a�ipervisi�ig ti�e Fire Chief and who has direct re�ponstbfliCy £vr the administration of �t�e I�'ire DeparLment. A cic*:�r �tnd cc�nc�.�e rr�c:c,rn�nr.nrinfii.nr� i.r� rt+►l- s�#- I�,jaEi . T wi 1l. tec:�►,k�wrei�s! .�t �i�:L:� t;t�nC t:l�r�h wr. fnl.l.r�w n +»t�re �I.xr.ct r�i��t, [ t�c��fc•, r� i � � � ! • A c1�ar And conc3.se recorninendation i.s n�at� �t h�Rd. t wi:�t.i recommend at this �ime titat we .follow a e�ore a�ix�d �nd, I ha�►e, €� n�ore acceptable a�proach. Thts woulct be to d�velo� � pnlic on the appoi.ntment �£ the Fire Chie� tliro�tgh a ��race�9 wh3ch wcpiuld i.nclude setting mi.nimum require�en�s E�r �1�€�t ��ai.C:i.on, r� �etl��c1 hy ahich c� �nterv:tew commiti:ee mr��10 u�� �►� re��r. er�Antnr 1.v�� nF, (,i.ty Adrntnlstra��ion� i'Q1,:l.ce nep�rtment, fireF.igttter.q ai�cl s� cn�tric`tl. re�regentativ� aoulrl 9cz�een a :list �f, r�ppltc�sits f+�r the pqs3.C3an. Thie screening Procesa woat�i utili�;e the st�►nd:�rc�s set £or fil.ling the pasiti.on, pears o£ gervice and xemdership ab�.lit . This c + per.sonmXi.ty tra.f ts Y ommittee wnut li d then su st oF. candi.dates theg iroul� find acceptabl� ta ti�e department fn� voting on . The depsrtment waul.d then e1�ct ehe chief €rom tt�at �.i,$t and gend it on to the council fnr ra�iEi.ca�.ion. ne�erinination of the eriterin ta use in aettin� i:he �t�ncl�rc�s �or thi$ posi,tton will have tu came from a cnnsenscts of representat3ve� of ctepartments as m�kes vp the srreening committee. Furtl�er, it :Cs my recor�menda�ion that the Appointed/�lectect Chief have the opportunitp to appo�.nt his/her of.ficers wi�i.eh aro�il.d have to be approved bq citp adminiatratioi� and ctty cnui�cil. Develo��nent of th�,s pxocesa could �r.cur £or the 1990 slate oE officers. _ Sd) Fu1i ttme chief/Part time chief - recommendat:ian� i.n this Rr�� centere�l �►ra��nd t1i� iseue nf whc�ther or n�t the pQ3�.C:�flt3 re�ttired raore out of �n indi.vidual than cauld he expeetsd an a volunteer/p�rt tirne t�r�si�s. The recommenda�iore incluct��i tt�e recognf t9.on af th� time involvement and stx�in on L•he indl.vt��i�1_. Zt reea�mended that ttie citp take t1�e a�apr��rt:�t� ste�,r� tc� recognise these needs �n�l to r.�nn:tcler, i.n t1�A futurewhen the city reache� higher papul.�ttr�n ievels, the �os�ibili�y of hiring Eu11 tiime �hief. STAFF' REC�MMENDA'�ION — Staff recogni'es, onl.y too we11. thE pressure and deman�ls put on a rrvaluntec�r ehief". It �eels �haC at �hia time the poaitian woulct be benef�tted bY gu�menLing the sa].ary and eupP].pin� of certs�in e�u3.pnneiYt, euch A ctCy v�hicle, wotil.cl �ssist enp perso�n i.n th�t poattit�n �.n meeting th�*;�e nc�ecls�. A1so, 3£ a par� t�.me Eir� 3,napector wQutd he hfred tl�e3r wou��i be son�e b�nefitas, in terms of training exgertise and i��farmation f�.ow, �vailable to the p�rt ti�e chie� not n�w experie�i�Ad. fi II � . � � Se) Emergenceq raedic�i s�rvices — xa b�tter uti.l.i.�e the "First Responctcrs" in tl�� �tepartm�i#t r�nd to prvvir�e �'� m€�are fnvarable medict�l services to the commani.�T �.t wes recam�ended tlist �he �irst res�ondexs be Crained as EMP S or that, �tn:tm�ill the �qui.pment known as "aittomt�ti.c de�£it�rtllai:nr�"hwh�.ch worilcl �.l.:�c,w them tr� rc�k� cext:c�tn 1:t.Ec� �s�v�.r�g:� �ncasur���s prior to am�ut���►ce s�rvice arr3val At t�ie scett�. S'TAFF' RECOMMENDATIUN - It was det�r�nined by cc�nsensus �E sLs;Ef that neither o€ ttiege alternattv�s wovld be acce�t�bte. T�,o ms,�c�r reaAans for th+�se det�xminations. 1) the cost �f the �qui.Pm�nt, �nd 2) t,he amoun� a� potenti�l ua� o� �t�a� e�u3pment seems to make :it �ost prohibitive. And, trainin� the F�r. st Regy�ond�rs as F���..1 EMT'S does not 9eem to have mer.i.t ar� �t would �►lace a��r peo�1� 3.n the �.ihi.lity posi,t�.on a� "am�,��l.nnce" ��:t�n�i�nts. Itaving fu11y c�rtlfied a�b�xlAnce av�ii.abl.e� autsi.�ie the department now, seems to in+i:i.cate to us tt��t �re �t�otil�i n�t �,ursue ��113. �2 s•ruax - FI[tF. STAT�pN LOGA�r�ox s�runY Tixe atated purpose of thia s�udy �►as to "atudy the ci�p'� fire sCatt.on ne�ds �nd identify the nurober an+1 �.ocRt:lon of futurA f.aci,t3ties". The �aost importa�nt #actor� ��ns�.dere�i were 1�;�d us� pm�tierns, access, �res�nt and future populatton, c�wel�.ing ttnit dlstr�bution, c�ater serrice ax€�ilabi�,itp t�ncl the pr�aent �nd futurs auailabli�.ity af volu�Ceers as related ta �ire ��a�in�n location. The conclusions and reeommendr�tl.ons are set �E�t� in �ie�ail fn the stud�. Thase recommendat3c►ns inclucle�i di,�cugsion on fire st:zttare faci�.�,�tes and �also recommanctt�t:tont� �an otlier tssu�±s whi.ch hr�ve already b�en adr�re9$ed in tt�e dlAcusgt�n on tt�� �� S�u�p �bove, Therefore the Eollowing discussion wil.l. center in an the fire stati.on issue itself. STU})Y :ttL�COMML�N1)ATIt)N Na matter the number of fire �tations� f:lre coverage cennvt b� imgrov�d w�.th addi.ttone�l �tatianr� in centrRl ��' $A4�f!i•r� �tosem�unt. The l.awer ].evel of. �ervice avs�i�.eb.le to tl�ese arc�a� t� ai�P�'dP�'iAte to the l:tfe stple of thas� aho cttoo�e to Ii.ve in , ngrieultura]. r�nd mare rural r�etttn��. Tl�e lc�carl.on �,E Ftre � sL•�ticrn ��c:tttties �.�s cri.ti.c,�1. Cc� ttip r�crtti.t:ln� oF Eire .EighL-ers. Frec at:�n�it»g 9ta�ic�n,� �►hieh h�v� na volunteer� t:tvi.n�; �.IY cl.c�s� proxt�nity cari ani.y of€er a 3.c,wP �r 1eve1 , cE � � .rvice t.o t:l�e ? ,• •' � , � r:���nmu��iCy than Chase c��Lstant tn L•he ftre see�t� t��tt are cl���er t� vo].untEera to �an t#iem. �ecause the city l�a� and contatnues tr� develop �n excel].ent tr�na�rortatf.an system th�re Ar� ncr �re�9 En the ci.t� at�#cl� cnnncrt be aerved bac�u�Q of tr€�n�pc�r�€�t�..i.<�n i,�sia�s. Th� present fire station does not ftt well into � singte Qr r� �w� station caneept f.�r the city becai�se af resi�tenti�l �Ievr�lap�ent occurring or pl�nnaed in the f.uture. The eonclusioa w�� rhat a new fire str�tion Eac��.ity �hauld ba GOtiB�xiiCtElfl OA 145th atreet .betw�en Shannon Perkaay �nd Chippend�le Avanuc�� The detear�i.natl.on £or �,oc�t tn$ the f�ci�.9.ty tl�ere was out�.�.ned in the report And vras hasecl upon an �►cceptr�t�1*� r�sgonse ti�e to �xeas of the c�tl. Accept�ble c�n h� s� nebulout� xer� 8nd one an which a11 r��i.dents might nat :�inci �o easy te� determine. The locatton of the fac:Ltlty at ttiis lacs�ti.on w�� based upon a 6 1/2 n�inute re�pon�e time to the me,��rtty of r�sidential developin� property in o��r wes�ern �orEian a£ the cqmr�unity. Qtlier c�ptlons were considered auch as tt�e two s�at�.on c�nce�t. This wot�Id sugges� the con�trucian vf one �tati:on nnwf �o�ith o� CRi�[�2, And a seconcl �tati.on nartheRst o£ �I�e pre�ent Rt�tian, sometime in the �uture as derelopment �nccurs to the east. Otlier areas o€ diseu�eion incx�icled, reore apecificaltp, tlr� eastern sectioii of our co�rnu�iitp �here we h�ve m���r industri�I development. There were eoncern� th$t tha� are� wa� not b��.ng cc�n�idered �t�hstanCir�lly when di�cuesing the Toc�tion of new f�c�.l i,ttes. The con�i�ltant wr�s a�kPd to reviex tiiat �rea crE ti;e needs of th� city anct dfd proxide �n adden�l�tm to the c����dp apeciEtcally addres�ing his tltottghta �n tiie Eire pratectlr�n n��f1s bf that area and h�a thep might he adclre:�sed. A r.��y �f t:hia adden�um is attachecl. It is euffici.ent ta ��ate tli�t ;at:�Ef coneurs with �he consuttants views �nc� � s�ps�ra�e f�ci.l.ity siia�il�fi not l�e considered in tl�at �rea r�C t}�is ti�e nr n�it tl concrete agreemnents �:Lth prfvate �.ndus�ries as to cost af E�tc:l.l.iti�� an� the mannin� of th�t 'f�ci:llty can occur, We £ind that unlikelp as the induatie� have given the ct.tp no inclicat.i.on that they wvuld desire �uch arr�ng�+ments or ti�� n�ed for �:ncati.on vf a fire station in thRt area, 5TAFI�' itL�COMMENDA'rION -- S�aff coneurs with the consultant� recvmmend�tion ta constraet a eingle n�w stat:i.an c�n 1/�5th Street i�etrreen Shannon Psrkway and Ch,i.�pendale Ave. There i�, at the pres�nt t3.me open ].anct avlilable for pt�rci�ase 1.n that �rea. The devel.oper of the Shactnoei I'ark Townhoine�s 1z3s :�lreaclp t�een a�vtseci � - • � by c�iCy gCnf E �€ L•li� cnns��l.tnn�:q rnr,c�m�n�.�nd�tt l.��t :tn�i lie I�r�s iiicl�.cat�d a desire �o work wi4}a F.:lty if �i�c;ii a yxQ�ccr. o�.c«rs. St�£E feels that the need to ].�cate � cen�r�l fire st�tic�n �aci�.ity which f�ts Che needs �f tl�e growing comrn�irii.ty c.�n be�t U� met by vacating the current £�►c�l.it on B has been cxten�tve di.s � raz:�l Aven�ie. Th��-c� eugsio n €�n oi:tter useg f�ci1�,ty wh�ether i� be bp �'u�il.fc Work,s, I'ark�Ancl�R�creatic n�ax ather ciCg facil.lty needs. We are astu�ety aW�re of the �ieed:� n�w bein� �xper�.�nced in the ptihl3c warks dep�rtment f�r expr�ndecl facilit�.es and tl�ese need9 mu�t a�.X so be acldreaaed. Site procurment, s�rehitectural der�ign, �tnd con�9tructi.r�n of � new fac:�lity would require funding t#iruugh the �ale �€ boncis bq th� citq and that wottld req�ire the pRssage of a ref�rendum. Staff .Eurther recammends that they he �lven directl.�n ta p��ti together a �acke�e £or co�incl.l ta conaicier incl.�w�{in� fire sratt�ii facillty needs, site selection, �ite casts, �rrAl:i.mi.nary fae:t�.ir.y cc�sts and information for a bon�l referendum ta �t���enc� Lhe � s��t.:ton. Timing fc�r the referendu� could aceur �.n the ��ring c�f 1989 or to co�,ncide with t:he c;itp election in Ghe fa.l1 of I989. it would he our reeo�amendatton to c�itqe it to occt�r i;� tl�e epr�.»g ag a aeparate i�sue. The consul.tant has g�ven �s gQme �reli.m�.nary co�t estimatPs for tl�is pro��ct o£ $1 , 223�(3�1f?. �te wi.11 be pleased to ex�and on thPse trr.Ornin�rit�3t�_c�t13 �nd €�nswer any queetions we c�n at Tuesday's meeti.ng, November 29. 1j _ � I . � � �'��� +������ �..�.��'��� `.���►� �1���.���� j*�� ' � On Au�ust lA, 1�$8, itoisin�tot� {irnnh Inc. �re�cr�lccl a l�in:�! i�ire Sl,atiar� Lcae�ttion Stt�cly iZeJ7�rt t� tlic Cily c�f ttosc�t�t��rnt, �►1t�ic•ti rcitc�rt recottttnc�uled fiic cc�rt;�tructi��y �f ;� r�ew Cc��Ira! i�irc Sl;tticii� c�rt 1�511� Street t�ctween Sfian�i�n i':�rkw;�y anci Ctii��renci�le /1ve�iuc �act h sceonct siati�n, �� ttecc#cci, ora i37c�rcli Avcr��rc ccc»�tlt �1" C'c����ity ltc�;ici 3�i, i! clid nat fi�COfItITlGiitl t1�c #t�c�tion c�f ;t tirc ;�t7ti«r� f�ic�itity in clstcrn Rosetnot���t, '1'iic ��ur�c�sc e�f tl�i� I1tI4ICiiC�pf11 it� the c�ri�in;�i Kc�ort is lo aciciress ��otc;�Eial itn�rovcr»cr�t;� tc� tl�c City's tire fi�lttii}� cal�lbilities in e�tstern Rosemount. I3A�KGR�)it » Itaving evalu�Eed fire staii�n and ec�uir�mcni neecls for tf�c c�ilirc City of Rosernount during I988, the CQnsuft�nt co��cluclec�' tiiat service coulcl not be im�rov�ci to e:�Stern Rosemvunt av+en ii a new fire st�tion were constructed in. that loeatic�ot. IZelsons 6�r n�t recomn�ending a station were Ehat tl�ere is a vcry lirnitecl re�icicrzli;tl b�se frorn whicl� to rceruit votuntcers ancl serviec t� tl�e e�5t erul cauid be �rovidcd very ne�rly as weli, �r�d wittt vrily sfigfrtiy f�i�ger response times, from �ranosed stalions in or ne�r tt�e olct vill�ge c�f RQ.�ernount. The Koc1� Refiner atsn` y �arc��►icles its trwn fierviee which fvrtlicr diminist�es tl�e rfeecl f�r a �ut�lic f�cility. Gener�lly s{�eaking, vot«ntcers are not e�sily recruiteci fr+�tz� industrial employers such as found at Piire t3cnd t�ec:�use c�t" tl�c I���g checic-out Eimcs requir�d, valunt�ers �re gencr�lly t�ot avai#:�ttie at t�igf►t and emntoyers cla nat wisl� to ctisru�rt inclu,�tri;�l' rrc�cesses tc� ailvw volun�eers to fi$tit !"ires. Most en��lc�yecs �lso cfc� not Iive i�t tlie City of Rc�semour�E wl�iela means th�t they liave less tti�n a ves�ed i�itcrest in serving on the City's Vptunteer rire Ue}�artrt�erit, ' ' . • � �a to t1�e t�ck of a reli�l�Ic residciitial b�►�c, ���d, thcref�rc, cj��ick resE�onse times, sucli a ctatic�n itn{�rover»ettt woulct f�e vcry ex�ensive relativc la l�ene�its reccived witl� littte iiiinrc�ve�»er�t is� fire cervice. It is gcncraity pre('erat�le to have voluntecr:� travel longer distances in tire vel�icles tli:�n t� hzwe ic� �ece�s tt�e firc �thtic�f� frorn western Rose���ount vi1 �crcort�) c�rs. N�t �ntp is thc res�x�tasc tirne likety to �xe very long t�ut voln��iccrs �trc ��laceci �t �res�ter risk t�ccause of thcir need ia usc hrivatc vet�ictes for �ecess Ic� tl�c e��t cncl st�tion. There wi11 be no irnpr�verr�ent in fire service ins��ra�rce ratin�s ff�r east end �ropertics with the �tclditic�n of � fire static��i ;�nci rel:�tivcly few �enefits will accrc�e to E�r��criy c�wr�crs citic tc� h,►vin� ;� t'irc st�tion irt thc c�st encl. /lctually, ��ul�lic watcr scrvice w�ro1d be rt�c�re Ucncficia{ tv fire scrvice tl�1�i a new statian f�cility. � y�LUATIpN Since com�letion of tt�c siucly, it li�s cor�ac t� �ur �ticncicr�i tlr;�t therc may be an interesE oi� the �art of some nc:�r•term f�ctiv ern{�I�ycrs (D�kota Cvunty Resourc� Rec�very t��eciiity, Ox�ow hvwcr COtit()ittty, ` Dixie Chemical, Ko�h Retinery Cxhaiisior�) t� have Il�c City rrc�vicic irn�roved fire service witf�in tl�e f'irie I3enc� t��clustrial t'�rk, lt t»ay also be �ossible tli�t ihc City's Economic Uevel�pmcnt i'r�gr�rn rn:�y be ciihanced by ir»�roving �re scrvice tc� titc east c�tct. I3ascci o�� our discussions witl� City Staft, it mzy, �ls� tic Uuitcling and sotne ec�ui�ment tnay he �t31e to t�c�r��de �vni[�l�ic 'te� sorne of [I�ese new eti�nloyers, thereby su�stantially ciimir�isifi��� costs to the City. Of rn�jc�r im�c�rt��t�ce witl hc thc ('r���r�iy's rcfic,�ttrc reec�wery faciiity wl�cre I�ncls ccuilcl t�c a�:�ctc �vailablc 1'c�r 7 t'ire Sl�lllnli �1CI�lIj�. /� ��ew fire st:�tic�n toeated irt caticrf� ttc>sc���n»rrl wiil I��vc ��n estimatecl daytitrie tur��-out Ni��e vf six to sevcr� miE�ute� �rici � tc�1�1 elapsed res�onse time of 1 i to 12 �t�ir�utes (res�a��fie tiriic,� were r�c�t corn�uted far an east end static�n) which re�reser�ts af��roxi�i;ately the samc resy�onse tinte :�s for ihe wcst enci stati�{i. t)r�c c�t th� E�s�tjc�r adv�nta�cs ot' sucl� n static�n �f recruitri�cnt is st�cesstt�t, i.� tl��t i1 tivitt have a daytitne firc figittit�g cahability clue t�a it� retiaf�ce �r� em�loyees for v�iuntccrs, Tl�is is one c�[' tl�c c»aj�r detieic��cics c�f ��y votunteer cle�artt�icni. 2 , ' ; ^ ► • � . ror tt�e sake of cornnari��n, �n cast cnci fit�tfiic�n wot�lct rec�i�ire :� �um�erjtanker, grass rig ancf a rescue vet�iete. Costs to eyui�� �1�c station wouid an�roximate $20Q,�Q to �250,(�()�. RZG MF.Nnh�rin� "Tt�e Consultant recommei�ds as follows: 1, The Gity shoutci i��vestigztc t{ie nced and clesir�k�ifi{y c�t ir�►rr+�veci fire protection services witl� e�st end businesscs ��►cl tiltltf�lfl£;�. 2. The City shoulc! seek to get eommitments fra�n e�i�nloyers fc�r lar�cl, building �nd equi�rment, and employees �e volunteers �ri�r to proceeding witl� t1�c conce�t for an e�st e��ct stati�n. 3, 'I'ha City shvulci givc ccrious consicieratic�n to siting �t fire �t7�ic�n irt the vicinity af the Pine Bend InduStriai' i'�rk �rcfer�tt�ly in li�e rtvrthea�t quadr�nt c�f Co�rnty itos�ct 38 ancl State '�'cunk lligl�wny 52JSC. 5uch a facitity e�uld im�arove d�yiir��e ret�c�nsc titnes t'�r rescue ineicicnts relatcrJ tQ tlac St�tc '1'rnnk tii�l�w�y systc�T� ii� castcrn Rose�nQunt. 4. Tl�e City sttc�ulc� investigate tl�e devel��rnent of :� �c�htic w;�ter systern for eastetn Rasernvunt ancl estai�iisli iaow ���cf� :t sy�tet�t migt�t s�rve to 'tm�lemenf its econotnic clevelohri�eat �t�jcctives. S. Tt�c City sl�oulci recruit voluntcers fro�ti Contcs 7�rci surrc�uf�cii��g rural areas as well as em�loyces of tiae fii�re [3cnc1 Incl��sirinl i'�rk. An adequately staffed st�tic�n could irn�Zrove c��ytin�e scrvi�e to tlie east end l�y twv !c� tl�rcc n�i�i��tcs. , Nover��t�cr 2{, 1��� �O�SIC1��Qi1 �'i�"QU[� tt1G , 734Q N�tro tkutl, ' S+��tte 57.5 E�►�+.MN 55435 (G12}835-99C�p 3