HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.c. Minutes of August 29, 1989 Special Meeting � , ROSE�MO� CITY PROCEEDINGS . SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 29, 1989 Pursuant to due call and notice thereaf a special meeting of '�he City Council of the City af Rosemoun� was duly held on Tuesday, August 29, 1989, at T:04 p.m. in the Counc3.1 Ghambers. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with all memkaers present. Mayor Hoke led the group in the Pledge af Allegianee. Mayor Holse stated the puxpase of the meeting was to coz�sider l,anguage in the new zoning ord�.nance which would establish a WM Waste Management District, establish whieh uses may be located in �his district and provide supparting language to establish Interim Use Permits to �ermit uses in the waste management dis�rict. Community Development Director Uean Johnson gave a brief backg�ound on the new zoning ordinance being cons3.dered. Johnson als4 descril�d briefly the non-hazardous industrial waste containment facility proposed by United Sta�es Pollution Control Industry, Inc, (USPCI, Inc. ) , which coulcl be considered under the provisions of the new zoning ordinance. City Planner Michael Wozniak provided an overview o� the sections of th� new zoni�ng ordinance relating to the prope►sed non-hazardous industrial waste containment facility. The city planner refer�ed to Sections 3.2, 6.15, 11 .3, and 14,14, Wozniak noted hanc�outg were available to the audience for ref+�renc�. See Clerk's File 1989-28, Mayor Hoke in�roduced City Attorney David Grannis, City Consultant . Trudy Gasteazoro, and City Consul�ant Sharon Decker. The mayor also introduesd representative� from USPCI, Inc. , Ken Jaek�on, Fresident; Gary Perk�t, Pro�ect Manager and Senior Engineer; Mary Sehoessler, Director of Public Infvrmation; and Bob Pulford, Engir�eering Planner. The audience was advised that all ve�bal questions frc�m th� audi�nce would become a part of �he record for thi.s evening's proce�eding�, and the questions woul.d be �ent: to any peacsan t�n the s�.gnakure li�t for this evening's meeting. See �lerk's Fil.e 1989-28. : Questions of clari.fi.cation were presented from several member� of the audience. Points of c].arification and explanatiQn on the question� were pravided by the mayor, staff ine�nbers, th� city attorney, city consultan�s and representatives from USPCI, Inc. Several members of the audience �rov�.aea comments in favor and against the pr4visions in the new zQning ordinance pertaining �o �he p�ropos�d waste management district and a.nterim use permiks, and more specifically, for and against the non-hazardous wa�te containment fac3lity proposed by USPCI, Inc. Document� of support and opposition were presented, for the record, by members of the audience. See Clerk's File 1989-27. � � : � ROSE[�UU�CITY PR4CEEDINGS SPECIAL ETING AUGUST 29, 19$9 The audience did not camment on other sections of the new zoning ordinance whieh were reviewed at the August 15, 19&9 public hearing. Diseussion was held by Council. whether the public hearing shauld be continued in order to a3l.ow further public i.nput oa the secti.ons of the new zoning ordinance consi�ered at the August 15, 1989 publ.ic heari.ng as well as sections pertaining to the proposed WM Waste Management District and Intc�rim Use Permits provisions, MtJTION by Napper to con�inue the public hearing tc� September 99, 1989, at 8t�0 p.m. to obta3.n any new inforrn�tion, with CQuncil. retaining the right to limit discussiAn to new information not previausly pxesented at othsr public heari.ngs. SE+CQND by Napper� Further discussion was held by Cauncil regarding continuation of th� public hearing and whe�her it would be beneficial to C4unci3 to gain further information from the public on the prapased zaning ordinance. It was the cansensus of Cauncil �hat it would nat l� dPtrimenta�l to the review process of the new zor�ing ordinance to ex�end the hearing. Poll of Council: Ayes: Walsh► WipPermann� Hoke, t?xborouqh, N���er. Nays; 0. MOTIC?N by Hoke to adjourn. SECQND by Wa1sh. Ayesz S. �T�ys: d. Respectfully submitted, , Susan M. Johnson Deputy Clerk ATTEST; Stephan Jzlk Ac�ministrator/Clerk Published this day of , 1989 i.n. the aako�a County Tribune. : :f 2