HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Receive Costs / Order Assessment Roll / Set Public Hearing - Hawkins Pond, City Project #176�..�.., :._ w _. . _,,.,:____r. _mW _„ .. . � _ ,� . _ .., . , �.,-� � � ����� � � � � a, . � � - 1 li'EM # 5 , a � � **�**********��r�r*�****��****�t*******MEMO*�r*********�***�r*�r�r*******************�* ' j � ,.. DATE: ` AUGUST 31, 1989 s , , ; ; �. T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS ' � CIO:ADMINISTRATOR JILK f ; , ; ..,.. ' FROM: CITY ENGINEERIPUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI ; i � �� �� �- , � � � � � t��� REt ITEM FOR THE ,SEPTEMBER S, 1989 REGULAR COUNCTL r1EETING ;` . .: , , i' i ,OLD�}�BUSINESB` �} � � ,,•�F '��,�,,.*����'k�^ . ;H,z:, . �'�,.. ..: a.��fi�,�,��'A".z,�,5`',�'k1 �i'b'.,�'a*�'§'.y+.c`5',�,F,.�C.�;ti-�c�'��,�.'x,t.-�'3x�*�'9!;"`"`N.ar�'E+..*J�,?d.?� aa�.are,�`,�..�, �.,�^#ySa�k.,�,>d,.F:,�;v „^'..+k.7�''r .�,>i�x�;-. � Beceive Assessment' Ro11JSet Assessment Aearing, Hawkins Pond, Project 176 ��',��i'`i .,v„k§F.�`n�r��.,�'„,.•�.'�`�rT'��'R3�"v;',c�� �n.�s�:.:,�`.^"�', ,t- f s•`'S�,i,:„, t,s..;:�;�.-�..��,.`.: , �w.;:�x , .��,� :, , ., n...�..1,;, , , ,.,�.,,_ ,,; .,,.,., LL This item consist af adopting the attached resolution that receives the :.assessment roll and calls- for 'a hearing on the proposed assessment for Hawkins Pond Sto�m Sewer `Improvements, Project #176. This memo contains explanation as � ta`the proposed method of assessments on the assessment roll, financing the i deficit and recommended action €or Council to cc�nsider. � � As you can see, the attached assessment roll differs from the December 1, 1987 public improvement hearing. The xeason being that since that hearing we have initiated a Cnmprehensive Storm Sewer Plan for the western third af' our City. While not officially adopted by Council, the -technical information and ` preliminary cost estimates'of`this report are now complete. As a result, we find that we have several-major drainage districts tha� wi11 require future storm sewer impravements. We anticipated that and in early 198$ set up Storm Sewer � Connection charges for 'new development. The purpose of the Storm Sewer ; Connection ch�rge was to supplement the fund that would financ� improvements � related' to 'the Comprehensive Storm Sewer Plan. ' In 1988 our best estimate was i � $200.00`per residential 'unit. We didn't have a lot to base our estimate on ;; because`the Comprehensive Plan was not yet completed, however we did not want to ; lose out on revenues �generated from all the units that were being built in 1988 � and anticipatedafor 1989. � As a result of the Comprehensive Storm Sewer P1an Staff feels that the � appropriate method of financing major improvements within major districts, such i as Hawkins Pond, should be treated as a Storm Sewer Cor� Facility� Therefore, we ? will be' recammendin� that a11 properties in the assessment areas be assessed { hased upon our 1989 connection eharge policy. As you may recall, that palicy � I4 ca11s for a £ee,� of $204 per�single family residential units. The multi-family } �1 and 'commerCial/industrial connection charges are based upon acreage and are f �LL. ,. $918.00' and $1;,224.00 per acre respectivelq. The assessment ro11 attached ta � this memo is 'based upon thosewnumbers: In areas where the property is ;i <undeveloped, we determined the number of units by existing PUD agreements if a available, or �lse using a density of 2.S 'housas per acre. Using this appx'oach j would generate $1$2,190 in revenues as opposed to .the proposed $22S,�00 in accordance with;the method presented at the public improvement hearing. (These ` ; methods' included assessing '�5� o'f the estimated improvement cost over the total ; assessment area). ` ; i�r � _� �; � �� .,. � �� .e . � . � . . � .. . . � . . . . .. .�.� . � . . �. . � • . � .. . � . . . . Page Z ' Hawkins Pond Storm Sewer Imgrovements �, Project �176 � , We are recommending the connection charge apprQach because it will be consistent with future improvements within major watersheds, It is especially impartant that we begin on th� right £oot because we will be needing to construct future impravements in other major watersheds. Valley Oak Pond Outlet is a prime example of that. As for the deficit between actual praject costs we would propose that Gouncil transfer excess funds from construeti.on accounts, specifically fund #�+19, where there are surpluses left over after the previous projects were ciosed out. Recomnended aetion for Council to congider is ta receive the assessment roll and order a public hearinp; for October 3, 1989 at $:00 p,m. to consider the assessments €or the H�wkins Pond Storm Sewer Imgrovements, Prajec� 176. ,� ; � • __._.� .� ,..-.�...��, CITY OF Rt1SEMQUNT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTTQN RESCINDING RESt?LU�T(1N 1989-86 ANA DECi�ARING COST TQ BE ASSESSEA, AND CALLING - :' FflR HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSi�IEAiT HAi�IAIS POND STORM BEWER IMPROV�MEI4TS PRQJECT #176 WHEREAS, the City Council at the July 18, 1989 regular Council. meeting declared the cost to be asses�ed at $225,000 and ordered City Sta�f to prepare �� assessment ro11 for Gity Praject #i76, Hawkin� Pond Storm Sewer Improvetnents; ; and , , WHEREAS, City Sta€f has reevaivated the project in compl.a.�nce wiCh �he new ; Co�prehensive Starm Sewer F�.an and e�tablished a methcad of assessing for Storm Sewex Connection Charge changing the as�essment amount to comply with set preeedence, which wauld cause a ehange in the cost to be assessed esCablished in Resolutian 1989-86. WHE�EAS, a contract has been 1et for Hawkins Pond Starm Sewer Impro�emen�s ar�d the contract price for such i.mpxove�ent is $203,959.QO, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the makzng caf such improve�nt emount to $21�,9Q5.91 so that the total cost of khe imprave�nt wi11 be $423,$64.92. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESf?LVED, by the City Counci2 of the City 4f Rasem�unt, rlinnesota: 1. The portion of the cost o£ such improvement ta be paid by the City is hereby decl.ared to be $24I,470.91, and the portion o� the cast to be asses�ed against benefited property owners is declared to be $182,394,40. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal a�nnual installments extending vver a ! period Qf 10 years, the £irst of the insfiallments to be p�yaba.e an or be�ore � the tirst Pionday in ,Tanuary, 199Q,' �nd shall bear interest at the rate of 2X � point� per annum above the interest rate paid by the City for its bonds fram � date of the adoptiQn o€ the assessment resolution. 3. The CiCy Administrator/Clerk, with the as�istance of the GiEy Engineer gha21 forthwith caleulate the prap�r amount to be specialxy assessed fcar such improvement against every assessable lot, giece or parcel of Tand within the district affected, without regard to Gash valuation, as pr�vided by law, and he shall file a eopy of such proposed assessment in his office for pubkic ! inspection; and . .y ; ,.. . . . � . . . . . . � . . . .. . � . +, .. . ..w . .. � � � . � . .�. � �� ��� . . . � . �. Resol,ation 19�9 - Page 2 . .,,,,�. N041 THEREFflRE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEl?, by the Gity Councii of the C'it,y of Rosemount, ltinneaata; l, A hearing sh�i2 be tielci an ti�e 3ed day of Ockaber, 1989, in Che City ltr�ll at �:00 p.m. , or as soon Chereafter as possible, to gess ugon auch p�aposed asae�sment and aC suc1� kime a�ncf place all persona ownin$ prcrperty ef£ect�d by �uch impravement will b� given e� apportunity tc� be heard eaith reference to such agaessmentR Z. The Citp Administrator/Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the propo�ed assessment to be published Qnce itt the official new�paPer �t 3ea�t two weeks priar to the hearing, and h� shali st�t� in tt�e n�tice th� total cast of the impravement. He �hal� also cause meiled �otiee to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the asses$rt�nt rol:2 rrot leas than t�o WeQks prior to the hearin�s. 3. The awner of any pr4perty so �ssessed may, at any time prfoc to : ` eertifieation of the asses�ment tv the Cou�nty Auditor, pap the whole o£ th�± as�essment on such prQperty, with intere�� �ccrued to the date of payment, to the CitY, exce�t ti�at no int�reat �hall be chaxged i£ the entire aas�eament is paid witt�in 30 daya fr�n the adoption of the aasesa�nt. '�he owne� may at any time therea,fter, pay to the County Auditar the �ntire s�mount of the assea�ment remaining :uapaid, with fnt�re�t ac�rued to b�*cember 31 af �t�e year in which �uch paym�nt ig made. Such payment musL be made before November 15 a�r interest will. be char$ed through December 32 of the succeeding year, ADOPTED thia Sth day of September, 1989. , : Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTESTs ' Stephan Jilk, Admxnistrator Clezk� ,. , • � . . . . ... . .. . .. . . :. . . .. -.- . h.n�.�Ii�� �'�`J�I�;.ST`fJ��I:�E���. IRt�FR�?�'#T�:. . . . : . .� . . . _� � .;:.:�:::::-� ��� ������� � ��.���:�.� . . : F��;13E�'�': �.�`�. ; : � : : . ; � .�. � . . . � . .. ., . ' P�fi�3PC����:���,�E,���'!EI'�T. �I.��A�Y.,��i.:�?t�i.I.. : . :. :- ` �LASSIFICATION AMCIUNT Single F�mily $146,6?6 A�ul#i-f�mi(y $14,4�t 8 �amm't1lnd+ust'1 " $2�,096 Totat $182,190 o9-sep-89 ' I, {�R�CEL # NAME FtREA UNITS RFiTE RMOUNT 34 03D10 OIO 12 Properties, Inc Ground 344124� 19Q 20+# �38,?60.._ �4 O:�Cl 10 O 10 30 i2c�semount F i rst Bd�t i st l:h�urch 13BU30� 79 20�4 ffi 16, 1.16 - 3�# fl��li� O1C1 35 Knick Hulda G. 17550 1 204 �2G�4 3�l Ci3C�1C1 02p �� Strese W,ylter & Olga 1755�I l e04 �2C�4 ?� [13010 O1 Q 36 G j e 1 ha�.i�� Wa 1 dc�n 0. 3�80� I c0�4 �2G�# 34 C3�0117 OI 3 37 5trese W,�1 ter & O lg� +#1 C1C1 r 4 24 20�t �A,�9b ?r3 f_t?D1� Ol4 ?i 4J,ygriat- R�h��r-t CI. �, Flr�t-e�-ir:e �;;�y?^CI 1 :',0� �?Il:� _. ��# C1:�D 1 G Q 3 C1 3�i E�Urkha 1 ter W�r� & M.�r 1 ene 1?423.� 1 t1 2U4 �2,17�4G 3�4 Q3D2�3 O1C1 39 �lawkins John J. & 3oan L. I2�Q98 2 204 �408 ` 34 fl3010 O10 40 f�l len Gene T. ' & Rebecca 364p01 1 20�4 #2t14 ` �4 D3010 O�D 40 f�ndersar� John & Jacqueiine �64�D " 1 204 �2Q� �4 t��O l 0 O l tl 41 #iaa�k i n�- Tat-m J. & Joan L. 14709� 8 204 �1,E,32 � � �:_ � (�.���E�11] l�1Cf =�:2 �Na��kin:-: � .ToP�t-� .I. �+ Ju.=:n t_. 11 �^:'I�� � �� 21J�� �� �I�,���#� � � � 34 03G10 O1Q 43 Berg Floyd W. 36216 1 204 �204 3�# �3d 1 Cl 010 4# Rasemount F i rst Bapt ist Church �'11835 12 20�F �2,+�48 34 Cl�Olt� 020 �}�F Wachter Firir�a SE�9�F 3 �0�# $6I� 34 03010 OIO �4S Be�enek Da�rid J. & Judith M. 251�9 1 2fl�4 �20�F 3•9� 0301i7 O1G 52 �ell Jam�es & D�nise 19�OB 1 2D�4 �20d � .��# 0301 Q 020 52 Goodr i cF� James I_ & Vesta 339�r 1 2t�4 ��U4 ��i 03C11p 03Q 52 Q�ter .3�rro{ {Z, 17G5f_t 1 21_l4 �2C1� .�_� G�O l I� 041� 5�' O�t.ert.ag BNr-rEar-i P� k:ey cd 17�6 4 �Ct� �L 16 ��� O:jCI l l] DC[! r2 Dal-�l F'r-.�r,k-I i r� k;. �, E.l a i r�r ��'i:it�f� 1 �li4 �;�LI� �� O�n1f� 05C1 S? Our- 5a�.,�ior C_ut.h�ran Church n� �C�N,��f'f� 11 tf1� ��',�.�� v� Q�G 1 U OBU S�' �ando 1.ph Dar�11 F� Caro 1 yn 12375 1 2G4 �2��# 3d 03G110 09D 52 Weather l y pona l d 123?5 1 21�4 �2 J�4 34 C13010 1�0 52 5aari Scott D & CyntF�ia 1�812 ] 2C�4 �2Ci�4 ��4 �3010 llb 52 Kipfer Desiree K. 19800 1 2Q�4 �2d� �4 G�O 1 Q 0�0 54 Ro l f i r�g 4aes l ey � O i.�ne ;3'3f.)fl 1 204 $�I��# • 3<� Ct�G1fJ OlE� �fi� Carr�l�. Gict-iar-�i L & Emm�t. ?q??r� 3? �'�l� �?,�4^ ��i 1�2Ctn D10 Q1 �asem�,ur�t. Cit.y vf 12I5C� i 2��# ` �2G� 34 1�2�10 010 02 Tutewahl Daniel P. 129B2 ' i 204 �204 34 i 5�00 020 02 N,�Gbrouck. ' Fa�c l ey & 3aan I�801� 1 204 �204 :�� 1�;'OCI 0';D (�2 Le� �c,r�ald J. �, C�dr-1Qne 4�. 11�F,�' i �C�4 �cCi.� =�� 1.���;u;� [tl0 �=1; �'u.rilli.m Thea��nre k< k:,�t.hleer� IC_i���lC� 1 21�4 ��'Cs� 3� 152GI] 020 Q� Ba i 1 Fy Jeanrie F1. 1 Q5C�0 1 204 �20� .�� ]5�00 0:311 08 Dy�or-i Juclith Fi. 1C���'f 1 2Od �204 34 15�OD D4D 03 Otte�rdahl Ronald L. & De2ores K. 140p0 1 204 $204 3d I52b0 050 03 Drake Cal'win G. 8� Constance 13530 1 2fl4 #211+4 _ 3z� T5?Of_t 060 Cl? k!.�t.t i af'f; Rc�-P M. k, E i a i ne 12�9C1 2 20� ��C_lq 34 15400 47Q 03 Meyer Dawn L. 1146b 1 204 �204 �'�' 152Q0 0�0 Cl3 Lit.tlef'ield Stanley �r btif� 13:�5C� 1 2Ci4 ��f.14 : 34 15�OU 0`�0 G:� F agerwa 1 d �uth 1 r 21E 1 �Q4 �2C34 3� 152Cl0 1C3t3 Q3 Peterschick Scc,t� 1], & Terry 16898 2 204 #20d � PARC�L � NRME ARER UhlI75 RRTE RMdUMT _ 3-0 152C�7 1It3 03 Oster Jane£` R. 1488 0 204 �0 3� 152�10 I11 D� Jahr�sor� Jar��11 R. 1306C� 1 204 �2Ci�4 * 34 152t]0 O10 0� Dah l E l���i s �. 112t10 1 2D4 �20�4 - 34 1520C� Q20 0�4 C��r�son Ror�.�l� A. & ,Jud i.t h K. l I3�3 r 1 2t?�3 ��04 �4 1520C� 03[7 Cld H��i r�mari Jerry L. & Sar�dra K. i 3��� 1 2�14 �2�J.4 34 152Q0 04Ct 04 Laberdd Pau 1 8� Ha 11 ey 11 B66 1 2C14 �20� �� 1�20�1 05[! p4 F�r-t�6a�_:k: !•I�:,ry �. HelEne 1113�• 1 G0� �?n�f ,:. 3� 15�OC1 flbU 0� t•iuE l l ner Ke�i n t� Lo i s i.141� � �p�} ��0,� 34 152I1[7 07D t74, Huffm�n Penney :S. 12438 ` 1 20d �2'04� �4 152Q1 Di0 O� Ra�emount ' City of 8401 1 204 `�20� " 34 15201 Q10 O1 Jacksori Harry W, & Melen M. 1D947 1 21�4 �2C14 34 15201 02C1 tll �tanley Ci12y_ L. & Gert.r��de 11035 1 2Cl�t �20� ' ��-� l5�_'Ul �1�=�0 f_1l �fl'hat-i 1} Le�� �..!. �,:� �tGrr-�i����� E. 1�"�i_�?c: � 1 � � � �D�+ ��'CI-� 34 1S2d1 O1D 02 Hankes Peter 0. �k �heryl 12519 1 204 �20d 34 15202 020 02 Ericks�n Edward & Theresa 12d80 i 204 �20� 3�2 15201 03fl Q� Hove Carrai 1 T. & H��len M. 124Ea 1 �0� ��0� � 34 15201 040 02 He 11 arid Larry W. & Bart�ara 2 252 9 1 20�i �204 34 15201 QIq 03 Kipp Ric:t-�arti W. 12150 1 20�# ��0� �� 152C12 O10 0� t�le l sor� , �catt �: �uth 1 l�y2 1 2Ci� ���4 �d 15201 [120 0� P i n�rd M i��hae l P� Dek�r� 12�Sp 1 2tld ��t_l� �4 15201 030 L7� .Tat-�nsar-, Br-idr� F'. �. R�E��c,,a 1�1511 1 �"LJ4 ��C�4 :��t 1�2[i l D�iJ U� i-'ee�� F��c„��;r F_ u hiar-y 1=1r-�r, 1 i:�E,t_,�,�, 1 �:C�� �;_'0� ^� 1�2C�1 1150 0� H�ur�t. �!�r-idr,1 pFi L. P�: F�ok�i n 1 C1E1+1�: 1 ?Cld �2t'Ia ��# 1S�Ci1 QbD 0; Fi1t Jack h!. $� Kathleer� E. 1L6E�� 1 20d �2Q� ?4 15201 07� �3 Andersc,n t�ouis C. B: Evelyn G. 1U665 1 2Q4 �20� 3�# 152C71 080 03 Eschzr���acher Gearge E. & Joyce R: 1Q66S 1 204 �20� '34 15201 090 0� Sw i f t Ste��en & Jacque 1 i rie 10665 ' I 2tld �204 �� t�t�l 10� �� �'dSemp�.lnt - Clt.y Qf lOE�E�� 1 �04 $204 � �� 15�C11 O 10 0� h�l�1 sr_�r7 Thc�ms M. �G K,ar�r� 1 l f;7? 1 2z�� ��i�.� �4 15�?�1 020 Q� �toos Ra_ymand J. 1a935 1 20� �20�4 34 15201 03t7 04 Schm idt Claw i d A. & 8ett:y J. i 0935 2 2D�k #204 3Q 15201 C14b Ll� •7o�ephson W�s1ey M. � Helen IC1935 1 2C14 �204 3� 1�2tJ l OSD Cl�# .T�c:o�,son J�rti�� C1. P� K.r i st i r-�e r'I, l l f_l;��� I �i_t4 �20� :3�� 152�11 p�C1 fJ� .Tacok��-�r-i _To=:a�,h �, 4�irr�ini� ilrl=l; 1 2l'�4 �;'CI� 3d 152CiI C170 C?�4 Lundqren D�aid FI. & G.Pi. 11206 1 �Q� �z�4 3�3 15201 L�BC1 G�# Patw�l l Jaa�es & Lynette 10$00 1 204 �2L14 34 25201 0�0 04 K,arges Rahald E. � kathryn R, 10935 1 2D4 �2t]4 34 iS201 1D0 04 Watkirrs Cur-tis R. & Joann ' 1C1935 1 204 �2C1�# �3�# 15�CJ 1 11 C1 Ci�# He l ga__=.c,n G�ra I d R. & C:arr i e 1.09�5 1 204 �?0� �4 15201 1 c0 fJ4 Jac:kp i s Rnr�a 1 d L. 1 fJy�5 1 ��1d $��� 3� 1520 i 130 f_t�{ D.��� Barbar3 Jeari 1 G'�3�� 1 2�4 �?�4 34 152U 1 140 0�# IC i r�gsbury Jot-�n R, & G: J ean i e 12 92b 1 2Q4 �204 34 1S2Q1 O10 05 Rosemount City of 11692 1 204 #204 PRRCEL � MRME �4 152 FIREA UMITS RRTE AMaltt�IT O1 D20 �5 Tronnes Da4�id R. & Maxine 10921 1 34 1�201 030 OS Jack�ls 204 �20� Rana 1 d 10921 i 204 �2174 - 3� 15201 C140 0� Le� To_yce M. 10921 1 0�# �4 15cQ1 C150 05 Fal�.�en � �204 4lernrn D. & Sh.�ron 1092f_l 1 20� �2E�� 3� 1�2Q 1 06f� 05 Cl��ar� Tam�s C. Jr-. & Sa l l ey 1 C�52U 1 217� �4 i��Cil Or U 05 Machr� $2D� Ricl-�ard & Tear�ette 109�Q 1 �0� $2�d 31l 15202 C110 171 Jr_�Fins�n y Jud Finr� l.�� ;��? 1 ���1� �:4'I_;� �i`� YSG'EI�' ��'ll U1 �"�E'�513Y1 ` Nlic:ha�l F, t� Cynthia 1f�414 I �04 �2�� .._. _ 34 15202 03Q Ot N+astutler Gilliam 34 152C12 040 Q 1 En I tT309 i 204 $204 ` 9 Ro6ert C. & Jeannette 15390 1 204 �2C?4 . �+# 152�2 050 Oi Derichs �ictor H. & Margaret 1�6?5 1 3� 1520� Q6Q Q 1 L i rrkErt �04 #204 hS�rk � Rr 1�ne 1425C� 1 204 �2►�1a 3<� 1S�J_l2 0?0 l�2 k:xr�t, �:iliia�r� f�_��,�i��i -���� � 3� 152C12 08U U1 kussel l 1 ��.�k,l 1 c��:� �.�,�i�:# 3aseph & Catherine 10690 1 20� �20� 34 15202 II90 Oi Schumacher P"alph D. & C 1482� 1 204� #204 34 15202 I00 Q1 Schwoch William E. � Jaan �'. 1256� 1 2C�� ��04 3� 152Q2 11 II Q 1 He i nz,en �enn i s L. & tlar l ene 11429 1 204 �2C1� 34 15c02 011� li2 Pittmarr Eugene M. & Sandra L. 1I343 1 204 ��p�4 3�# 35202 OcC� d� Laing �'at��rt �. 112�3 1 2Q4 �20�# 3� 152112 030 C12 Gud 1 ey Jean West,l i e 1128Q 1 20� �;��, ��� 1 C���1 ' 040 02'L�r-�t Dc,r�na hi�� � ^:� 1�;�n`� �-� , =� i�E2�� i 2c�� ���'r4 f�_�i.., f_i� t�1oEr-� Jerr-uld (i; Nr �F�r-, - �� 152U� Ci61 i U2 S rut e I r;�'i:1 l Li t,# �;"`'G_+ F' fjltrir� h1. F,: E'.�r-tr.�r-.� R. I?�c;0 1 c"'.{�t=; ��'(�4 ���� 1`�:'C��' 0�'0 G2 T�wor-•�.k:i Edt,.iard C� �'.utl-i 3�# 1 S2t12 081.1 OZ Cou h 1 i n 113�t7 1 2C�q $20� 9 Dennis B. & Chs�ryl 112[l0 1 2��# #20� 34 1S2CJ2 Q90 D2 Weckop Gary ��1. Px Carolyn Fi. 112C1� 1 204 �204 3� 15202 100 02 Thompson Ral{ah S. '] 1�9� 1 204 #�(�� 3�i 15�L12 11tJ l72 Wa3�h Jat-�n 3r. B� 5u�an 22094 I 4C1� �c04 3�# 1ScLl� 0�0 0:� Kulla Rr-it.F-i��r7y T. i� 7't-iere�=.� �-� 1 ?fl-� � • 1 14��- �:'i.:�,� 3-� 1:�"L�� Ci3U I�M:� l�illes Emmy L. 11452 � �4 15�112 G4�:) q3 B�rfkr�e�ht 1 �'0`� �2t'14 RoberL T, & M. A. , Il452 1 204 $204 34 15202 0�0 03 Lockhart RuCsPll L. & Jc�an M. 1102t1 l CL�4 �?t�q 34 15G0� 06fi p3 Furgwald Ctaniel F�. � laic:ki i 1 f12Ci 1 �n� ��r�� �� 15d.G'� Q;'i7 �t� IqFu-��c�r� Qa l e �. �� T�r�_:.y 1 1 C121."� 1 :�4 1��02 O�C� 0:� Nud ma �Cl�# ���j:� '� 4!i l l ard & M�rc i a 110'�D 1 2L�4 $;�f�� . �� 1�2D� Qyf.� U3 Wachter J�f"f r�y G. P� Jar�et. 110�0 1 -� 3� I52G2 l OC� D3 Spencer Haro 1 d ' 2L1�4 ��0� 34 15202 11 D fl13 Br-enda l en 17506 1 2Q4 �204 �4 15�02 12C1 0� En_e l Rnton & Mar 1 ys E. i 2555 I 2C14 �2C14 �1 Rarrdr�lph R. & k'athryn 11�439 1 2C1�# ��'CI� . 3�# 15�Cl2 1.�L�1 Cl� 5c�4 r•��,:�14;i Wm E. �ti N l i t:e L. 12�4�°3 1 2Ci,� -, 3�# 15c02 140 0.� Br-deket.t �.�C1+� Jack H. � Rnn M. I129w 1 204 �tI'�� �•'t 25�L7` 151:1 �4�; F4�.�l�r- � 3ahn G. i� R�ne� a. 112'79 1 c`'D4 ��C04 , 4 15�02 16Q 03 Raschke Thvmas E. & Kat.hleen • ` 11�120 1 : 2Q4 �204 '' ' PRRCEL # NFIME AREA Uh�ITS RRTE RF10UN7 -- 34 15202 170 Q3 Jor�e� Rotert: F. 153�3 1 2Ct� �204 , a4 15202 01 f� D4 G'De l l Fir i an 5. 8: D��r i s L. 10665 1 2Qd, �2n4 3�l 15202 C12C1 C14 St i 1 e� Daa i d R. & hlar-y 1 Q665 1 c04 �20� 3� 15c'�J2 U30 Ct.� Jot-�r�sar-� Eer-�jaa,i n � Rat.r i c i a 106F,5 i �Cl�# �20� 3�# 15z0� O�SCt 04 k::ei len pa,,,id t•1. P� R���ar�na 1DE,E��� 1 �'CJ� ��Ctq 34 15�02 a50 �74 Mewt�our~ Bufurd C. & Mar-y 1Ct6t�S 1 2E14 �20� 3� 15?07 Qr�[1 Q4 H,�+_�t� E��q�•n� F �°n_,t• h1.�r�a ]LlF���S 1 c",0•# �`C.�� �_ . :�� 1521�2 C1?G 0� R�skmount C i ty of 106b� 1 2U� ��11.4 „. 34 15202 OQO Q4 Rosemount ' City of 1215C1 i 2C1+� $204 3� 15�Q3 O 10 0 2' Langf i e l d �lydene Ewer 152 2 3 1 20� �204 34 15203 020 Ol, ChurGhill Richard & Debra 1380Q 1 204 ��Ci4 �4 152G3 C130 0! Habert,t.h Jnt-rn R. 1�800 1 204 �tp•# 3� 1�2�J�� [t�Cl lal �'aF�F�.si t•1iCl-���1. N, Rriri.y l�' �']I't 1 �l:F_f ��_'i,l.� • `34 15203 050 01 flemming Douglas & Deborah 138Q0 i 204 ��04 34 152CI� t]EO O1 Cope Rr-lyn B. & Jo Rnr�e J. 138L7C1 1 2Q�# �21�4 34 15203 D7Q t71 K i t�wsk:i Gary J. u; Caro 1 l�FCIi] 1 20� �2174 34 1Sc03 f�80 Ol Iverson Clonald & Micheile 23Et��l i 2�4 ��t�d �4 152Cl� 0'30 t]1 bickLe�rer DaM�id 4J. 138CiU 1 2�4 ��'p� . �4 15G03 100 l�1 Ge 1 l ow� Bar-ry C:. � 7eresa 1 E�S�� 1 2U� ��11� 3� 15�03 1 1 fJ Q 1 Meuer�f e i dt Her�ry_ W. 19��� 1 2t14 �2f14 :�� 15�G3 12l �J 1 4�o i qt B 1 ar�e �: Rnn 1 h5;�;i : 1 �CI:� �?Ct:# � `�� 1��`�.1';� 13��� C11 P1urn�E.:i � H.�rr-y T. .Jr. ��: Lirn����� jq -��.,�_� � � i �CI i ��:'CE� � � � � 34 15�:0� 1�L1 O1 C�r-amrvei_� i_r�uis P,� Hi ldeq.=�rde 13c�At=, l ct7�# �`�C�� a� I5�03 15(] O1 Brc,taar:k: Henry � H�1 Ene 13��_ll�� 1 204 ��04 34 152Q� i E,D Q 1 �ay 14r ,.T�m�s �� Eva 1 yn 13800 i c0� �2i3�# 34 1Sc03 170 Cl1 McGinn Derriel P, & Kathryn 19639 1 2Q4 ��Ll� 3�# 152Q3 O 10 �2 Corne 1 sen Onug l as & .Ju 1 i e l a041 l 2C��d �2C�� �4 15�G3 fJ20 0� Cumrriings Edi.��rd R. & Ru;�r-��y 13�QC1 1 20� $�I�� � �� 1 S�'0� l�3C� C72 Edman ��c�r� K. @,: Jac��ue I i n� G. 1,5��0 1 d'i)� �4 C�� 3-� I5�L�3 0�40 l7� Willr_o�; Harry �'. & Sa1ly T. 1�St1Lt 1 20� �20d 3�4 15cQ3 OS0 D2 hieyer Rl lan'H. &<Candac� i3500 1 204 #204 3�# 15203 t16a 02 Custer Rah�ert J. 13500 1 20�4 �2D4 ' �� 15�0,� r?�1 02 M�Cr i l l i s Dnug l a�: F, P, K.�rer-� 135�l0 1 2i��� ��'0� 'ii� 15�'[I� Ci81] C!� W i d�i.3ri R��t�ert T, j:w5i�l}.-� 1 �'[i-; • �?��.� �� 15�C1� D90 02 �arertGeri Rn�,ert C. & Edna 1�500 1 2C14 �2D4 ?4 15403 10�J 02 Gr-er� Pruce Fi. & K�th� 13'�50 1 204 �2C1� 34 152�3 11Q 02 Hirman Cr-�aig 15750 1 20� �204 �4 15�03 120 D2 5ilve.rnale Bruce & Ltebra i$218 1 2Q4 �2Q4 34 15�fl3 13L'1 �12 HRR D�kota Cr�unty 19�9'3 1 2t1� ��I_l� 3� 15�Q� Q1C1 Ol Pettet C1ale E_ 6: Clianr�e M. 153�1"r"' 1 2�1�# ��C��4 '34 1520� O�D �J1 Lc�r�}nt.:�on D��2bert P•, S. ld���4 1 20� �;'t��# :�4 1�2G�4 CI3G G1 htct�eal Larry t� Marcia 1411�� 1 20� �2G4 `. 34 15204 O�Q Ol 5tauffer Chas R f� Loris i403S _ 1 204 #244 PRRCEL # NRME �� 2520�4 050 OI J�rtsen flF2EA Ut�IT� �?RTE fiMC1Ut�1T Everett & Helen 13958 1 ?O4 g��j� 34 15�C14 060 O1 Thr_�mas Cleborah Rr-�n , 34 15204 ClrG iJ1 Her�aman 1�a31 i 204 $�Ct� Phi l ip N. N, Sandra k. 1�8Ci� 1 � 3� 1�?Q4,OuC� l71 Schu 1 t� G�.�ayne �t. �, Car-o I yn 1�500 1 `�0� �2Ll�f � 34 1�cOd G90 O1 Ek_trom ^ " 204 �;'f_te� M i chae 1 ES: L.n 11 e�ri 135a��4 1 �C1� �4 1�204 lOCt fjl Seasht�lt� Fr-ank; C1. P� Frances ��I�� 34 15'?C'!�!. I 1 Cl C71 5eh l u�s l er 13�29 1 zG4 $��.¢ i r-7 E�r-u_re T. �, hiary L_. l.�'��_; 1 ,,-,. ^� � �tll.�. �=� 1 JG"� 12CI !.J 1 4J.��_ner_ t�," ' . � Jo=:��,h C. �x Raserr�dry 1�27�i 1 2Q4 #2Ct4 _._ 34 1S�'04 130 O1 P�im Dc,uglas L. & Elizabet 34 15204 010 02 81ai�dE11 _ 143-08 1 204 �2Ct4 3� I52Ci� 020 t�2 Meath Oale H. & Carol , 1360D 1 204 �204 34 15�0�1 tl3�J 02 Di1 er Myran F. �: Rose fii. 1365Q 1 9 Fr�dric M. & 3ud A. 2Q4 �20�4 3� 1 r�,�4 D�G Oc Cln c��ctc i �, '� I�650 1 �f14 �?(1� C�er-eld E. �x t:yr-�t.t-�ia 1",E,S[t j • 3� 15��.��# O:;U qt �ai�tFr �u4 �:21l� CJav i d 0. & Joyee I. l 36S17 1 204 $2�� �4 15204 C160 Q2 Watczak Frances 34 152Qd Q�q Ct2 12osemount 13650 1 �04 �2�j.� Fir�t, g;�ptist Chur�.:h 13b60 1 21:14 3� 15204 C180 02 �iddle Lou,Ell R. � Qianna t. 1�65a 1 �20d 34 i 520�4 090 Q2 Er i cksor� 2C14 �204 Dean R. 204 , �?��� 34 15204 1OCI t�2 13t�50 1 H'-"``-'�-"� Qa I e � Br�nr�a I.3165Q 1 34 1 S2C1.� 1 I O 02 �i mmer 2t74 �?D�. Richard r, ]?E,Sf"� �. `;�4 �`; 15�rI�# 12G IJ'� Lra ,•�.bror_�'; Thc�mo�: G. ���'� 3a 1 a�n�t 7;n r_�� 1�r�5o 1 ��cr.� ��r�,� `� Tu�k:er T!-�cur�.s•� R. �4 J�ar°� Pi. �� 1S2U�t 14Ci 11G Hi 1:�F���I_1 1 �:�`;� �,�'i��# . � ��lrlc: �OI� 4�. � � � l�t�i._ci� . ]. �LI�y � � e.�'r'A . Jy Z J�'�.i� 1 rJ(� �.1G: f'�C'�lut'i�U fl ���a y 9 Mic:hael k� Ei le�r� 14t�59 1 2[I�. �20�# .�4 15�'0�4 16� U2 LaG�au 7homa� G. 34 152Ud� 170 C12 Li l l0 148SC1 1 �Cl� �2n� 3�F 1520� 16C1 02 John�tc�n Eldore M. & Jaan F. 1��SC1 1 2�4 �2t1� �uqene & 5an,la I+�6SCt i 2C14 $204 34 1520d C130 03 Kuntz Jayce R. 2?05C1 1 � �4 1521�4 020 03 G,�ron �Ll� �20� � 3er�om� Ct�,n.s l d 1�?IlS1-1 1 ;_'C!a ..�� 15��4 Q3CJ C1� Hunt r $�'IJ� �t��t-�en R. � C1i�nP t1. 1�D50 I 2Ct4 �-� 15�D4 O�U C1.3 E3rc,wn DanalrJ J. & Bar6ara �2Li� 3� 152C14 050 0� i�ber 13p50 1 2Cl�t $20� 9 Gordon E. & Karen A. I3C15C1 i 204 g2�j.� 3�1 352�i4 06f_t 03 Jacobsen thc�ma�, � C_yrit.hia 14Qai5 � 34 1S21�i� Gr��J [i ; t•tt_�r:k 1 �11:3 $�(�� Br�dfor� �. E,; Hnit.a ��;����; � �4 15:Ci� U��J �i::; 5�-r-i2 �17� ��'��I� , .,, Ru=:s E. N+ Mar i l yt7 D. 1?312 1 21�4 ��!_l� ry� 15���# C790 C13 D a,��i.� 4�i�v i ar� F. 34 15�C14 1�J0 03 Charr�a 138G0 1 2��d �204 34 1520�4 110 03 B 'el3arrd Hruce R. & Joett 13�OC1 1 2a4 $204 ` J James M. & Monica 13800 1 34 ISc?D4 120 �3 Olsan Rc,E�ert J. Pti 5haran �'. 1?�CtQ 1 2Ct4 �2C1� �� I5�f1S 013 CtLl Fo_:t.Fr �17d ���_E4 �� 15205 D 14 C1C! 3�- Eser� W i l l i am H. ?.. Sl-�ar-ori 19c 1� 1 1CIq PP (��o�ar E. �2C�� =t� 1�.'Ci� 0.�17 Ct1 �t-ubUcl-.. 15QCIl7 1 �C(�# ���t4 tJ�r-�cy Lynn 13514 1 2G4 #204 34 1S2fJ5 04C1 O1 Dahnke �t�ven & Michael H. . ; 16401 1 20� �204 , .. 'PRRCEL tt t��IME A�EI� Uh�ITS RRTE Al�iCtUt�17 34 1S2Q5 DSCJ 01 Nicholas Rager 19500 i 204 �20�F 3�# 1524� 05Q dl Shear- Rir_�F�ard K. & k:arer-� N. 135i_lC� 1 2Q�t �20�4 � 3� 152�15 O�CJ C!1 Kr`oriba�::k Lar~ry 41. � Lois E. 1�;5[I�J 1 2t�4 ���� ��' 1521�G OE�I� C�1 Metc.a l f' L.Fe �. Lar i I��45� i �0�3 �;�t_l.� 34 15�C1� C110 C1� E�r-obac�::: hiir_:ha�1 Fi. � SF�ar-an 1382E 1 �J�# �20� ��3 15cOS 0�0 Cl2 ,Tohnsar� �?oy �. Ir�r��e 165C�8 i 20� ���f�� :��! :S�:C�� Ct�fl Oc !�-I�Fi Ct.�;t:.��t,=� C,r_�ur�it�.� ;'l�#*I�t 1 <<,:�' �:`,C�;� �� 15<OS G4L'7 CJ2 Er-obec.k Tia�c,thy T. 16430 1 2t1�# �2U4 34 iS205 Q�Q 02 Gunr,ing Jeffrey W. I3500 1 : 20�4 �20�1 ' 3� 15205 1J60 02 Barnes flaw i d 8. & Dor i s D. 13500 1 2Q� ��0�# 34 1�2Ct5 0?0 a� Schanhard Gery H. ' � Sharar� L. 13500 1 20�# �2Q� 3� 15�05 O�D 02 Peter-snn G�ralci hi, & Sf�ar-on 1350f_I 1 �Cl� �204 �� !5�C�5 G�i:� 0�' St.ok e_. t��z I 1 i am �". P; Lc��r i�-e 15?r��� 1 C'�:4 ���1� . � 3� 15205 1 G0 172 Da l ey �'i chard'M. & Jay 5. 15490 1 20�# �2C14 �.� . � � � .�� ��JG.QJ I�1.V tJ�� �.�e.C.+t2lJl�li2 �►COI'"IdlU��W. .����41�f 14�`l�.e-3 � � � :� �1�OOL�� . . � 1. . � G'��'t . �GQ� .. . .. � . .... . . � . 3�# 1520� I�t] C12 Kroener �i�:!-�ard 4�. �'Lee fi. 1�55E� 1 �J� �2C1� �4 1520� p1fJ QD Schneir�er �'ichard I. & Kristin 1��97: 1 2Q� �2C��t ?4 15206 fl I C� O 1 Hou�h Duar��e F. & L i l I i an 15QuCt 1 2t74 ��Q� ��3 15�Q�, G?G l�l Harris Gar�l ine fi. 13?�2 1 2U� ��U4 34 15�[�6 d:�0 O l Mr-:Rah�r-t,� ���i 11 i am �: M:�r l��� l u 9l� 3 c''i�4 �20� �� 15�QE, 0411 OJ. �in k:ezth Y� Julie 1����+r 1 �Ct� ��U4 �� 15�GF;, Ot�Cf U i Et�er-t.�: t��i c:P-�ae l 1_, Per�r��� 1�#��:);" 1 ��i�# ��21_l�# 3� 1..�.��_'CEE� CiE�Ct O1 HRR C�.�l-:t,t.a Gr�unt.y 14'�'3;' I r:i��! �2f_)4 34 15�Ut� �IL"1 L� Rich�rdsor-� I�uger E� Lar�f.t.a 14?�14 1 211� ��04 3� 1520E 02C1 02 Clc�lezal fllice T, 1.��#97 1 2Ct4 ��Q� a4 1520� (�3G 02 Ro�s �te�.+en 1��#97 1 204 �2174 34 15cOK., CI�D 02 Tai lor Prarn�sh K. & D. 13497 1 2a� �2Q4 34 152[lE [l50 I�? E3r-ab�ck�: Rrt:hur C, 1��5? 1 2��; �a'f�� � �4 1520�� 1�if_� �J2 Lar�F �i 1 1 i p L. i=+50C 1 2fT4 $?fl:� �4 15:05 Cl l f_t �l3 $dk.� Eugeri� T. & �orin i e L. 1�9�6 1 2��� �2U� 3� 15�06 CI 10 C�� �i i�e Raymnnd f. & Phy l l i s 2 3�97 1 204 ,�2fJ�F " 3�# 15cC16 t12Q 04 Laomis Ker�neth � Karer� '1349? 1 204 �20� 3� 15�:'L17 Q l f_1 �,lC� G.'o=:pmaunt l,i ty af �at�.�r�' � ����i �1 ,�:�J_a .;�� 1 SL:O r C13 C� 01 C1��t�r-t.�g GL�r r7.�r-d ti. �,, k:a�_� l�9�t; 1 c';`�=� ��f_l� �4 15�Q? GCO 01 L i en Der�n i s t1. E4 Su��n E. 1��97 1 20�1 �2�1�4 �4 15�07 p:�0 Cll 0 i e 8r-y,�n D. 13�y r 1 204 �204 3� 15�0? 040 D1 Cllson LeRoy A. & Ka�hleer-� 13497 ` 1 204 $�04 34 15c 07 t150 D 1 Ludescher Clc�na 1 d M. �4 ,1oy 1349? 1 �Od �20-0� ` : a4 15ECt� f lt1 C1? Cta��i- �teti�er� C�. & K�r-er-� E. �r,?�� 1 20� �2C1� �� 1��`flr Cl�'CI 0�� Oa1an Pc���k�r-#. E. @� •Ten�t. B. ��t3��� 1 2L1�t $��`I�} 3� 15E:C!�. [I�,IJ �i` Fvre+rrari .T�=:�ph J. N� fiema 1 a 1�#15C� 1 2134 ��T�4 3� 15cC1? U4(7 C�< Wa11ac� Jr,l��n & Sar�dra 14247 1 �0�3 #��1�# 3�F 15�Q7 �JS�1 D2 Christc�ffersan 8ruce &: Karen 1424? 1 2J�i �20d PHk�CEL st ' NRME R�E� UN I TS RRTE fihiClUtJT . 34 1�20? 060 D2 Mc�tz Carr,l 3ean 142d7 1 34 15210 0 i Ct O 1 LunE�e 20� �204 , Jay W. � Ju1ie R. 1345; 1 2�d �2Q� 34 1521 C1 Qc0 Q 1 Rasmussen Denr�i s & C►i ane 3� I5210 Q��� C�I Webb 14311 l 204 �;�04 Ca 1 tir i r� � �J i rg i r�i a 142SQ " 1 20d �2C►�4 34 15�'i�l C14�� Ci1 -Mr�uyen Phc�r�g Cao r 34 iSviD �5n C1 HRR i42�r 1 20� ��n�4 Dab:ota Caunty_ 1�#2�0 1 204 �?f1d " �� �C��� 06l.-! G1 Fr-.�t��Pr t;�irgir�ia �', 7�4��l1 ��s�# 15.%1L3 C_lr��� IJJ. l•Jilsor� �_" i �17�� ��'(J� Jam�s 14250 1 204 �2C�4 34 2521� D80 D1 Mossmar� RicF�ard & Bonnie 1�4096 1 34 I 52'1 fl D 1 tl 02 Pearson 204 �2Q4 Phi:llip R. & Julie 33071 1 204 �2C34 3� 15210 020 02 Mi11er t�orman & Gerr9ia fi• 15222 1 34 15�10 C13(7 Q2 hie Fr- 2Q4 ��04 �J Ke4rin R. @; 12ene �i. 1��83 1 2II4 ���J4 34 15�L1? 0�[I L�� '�chm i dt Peu l f�. �, P1arr� k:. 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Lc�ken �+o,.�o... ,.____ 34 15211 p?0 Ct 1 Kanakar-es Chr i s,��: Janet: t b5uti 1 2Q� ��C1.� 34 15211 t380 Oi Phi l 1 i s 1t12C1'3 1 204 ���1� PP James 8: Kay 102Da i 204 ��C14 34 2 S2I1 090 O1 Lan9 Sy i ve4 t.er T. & Phy 2 i a� , 102fJ0 1 204 �2U� 3� 15t11 lOCi C11 F;ulstad Ed�.,�,3rti F�. Px Pan�el� ' � �4 15�1 i 11C� Ui k:u6�� 1E,77r"_, i �0� �2�_+�# R��r�a l d CT. & Pame L:� 137�� 1 �0�# �'��j.� 3�# I5211 1�� U1 �llis Keith �: Kathlaen 15972 3 r �4 IS211 130 Ut Koepke Jeffre L. 2�4 $�04 , �� 15211 140 Ct l Mr�msen � 12381 I 2Q4 �20�} Rona 2 d C�, & E I i�,ybet.h 1 F�U��1 1 ��l4 �2Q.� ��� I1='11 15�3 lfl C1c�ss�Fr C;'t-�arP�r+p �•1. "a�# l��.r�'11 1 ti0 O1 �e �t-sf.ruin 1�I E'C 1 r'I�;+ $:�CI� 9 Ste�.�en t�: Sherrt.� X 334�, 1 2t14 ��[�� ?4 1��11 1r0 D1 Miller Da�.��id J. €� G��nt:t-�ie H. 1146�' 1 20�4 ��Cs4 34 15211 1E�0 i�l Werner M�rgaret 114a2 1 2Q4 �2G4 3-0 I Sc 11 19C1 O 1 12oss G�ry' T. & L i nd� K. 15 r�69 1 204 �+204 3�# "18302 �10 02 Gorparat.ion 1J � Fiames 2�2C►fl 1 �4 18�02 Qzf� C'+1 Gr�r-��or-�t-ic�r-, IJ 5 Hr_�mE� 20`� �2Ct.4 :�-i 1 f��[l� Cl.�f� O1 Cor�,ortlt i�n U S Ho�r��s::: 1 E�04Ct 1 �tJ� �,='O�f 1;58� 1 �L`i� �t0�# ;�� 1�'�!_l,�' �1�D O 1 Cur-p�:�r a�i ur-� U S Hc�tne=- 3+# 18�02 Q50 O1 Cnrparat i c�n U � Homes 1 I 9�2 1 204 �204 1152Q 1 204 #2D4 , PRkCEL st NptdE ARER UNITS RR7E R�tOUt�lT ` . 3� 18302 �60 �l Corparation U � Hames 115�0 i 204 �c�0-0 J�4 i�13f_i2 07D 01 Carporat i an U � Homes 115�C� 1 204 �z0-0� ' 34 2 8�02 OB0 01 Gorporat i Gn !.I �; Hame�: 2 t�513 1 204 �20� 3� 1�3Clc 2�tCJ a2 Cor�,arat i or� LI S Home� 18991 1 20� �204 3� 18:�02 250 02 Cc�rp�arat i on U � Homes 253�� 1 20�# ��0� 34 1 f33U2 26C1 Cl2 Corporat i on U 5 Hames 12652 1 204 �204 w� lE��[i�� 2��I CI;' C;r_�r�,qratic�r-� LI C Nom��= 71'�?R 1 �C)� �:;'I��.� �-# 1�:�0� 28� t�� Co►-F,rlratic,n U 5 Fiomes 11012 1 �04 �20�4 j 34 I$302 290 02 C�+rporat i t�n Lt S Homes 112�9 1 2C14 320�# 34 18302 300 02 Corporetiort U 5 Hnmes T5357 1 20� #204 3�# 1F3�� 320 02 Corporatian U 'S Homes ,1i200 1 204 �2Q4 34 I8�L12 320 02 Corparat i'on" U 5 Hc�mes ` 112L10 1 2C1.# ��l'l4 . 3�# 1�"�02 331_l D2 Cc�r�,r�rat i an U � Home� 117�#c 1 c.04 �"?i��i � 3� 183�2 340 Q2 Corporation U S Homes 1�49�1 1 204 ��04 34 16�02 3SI] 02 Corporation U S Homes 135U3 1 �C��t �2C1� �4 1��L12 3�0 G2 Carpc�rat i�ri U S Nomes 206r'� I 20�t ��p� 34 1 E�3G2 3�C1 02 Carporat i can LI S kiomes 16196 1 204 ��0� ��t 1830� 3SCi C12 Corporati�,r� U S Hames I18�� 1 2r;�? ���� ,.��4 1�i:�02 �9fJ U2 Corparat i an U �� #�omes 109 r 2 1 20�t �2C14 j�4 1��n2 �4C�C1 �2 Cc,rR�ra�ic,n i! � Homes 1119'� 1 20� �:-'tl� 3� l E�302 41L� 02 Car-porat i on U, S N�rt�e.- I119� 1 2�4 ��'r�4 ��4 l�;c'Cl�' +#�'iJ rJc Cr�r�c�r-at i r_�ri L{ r� Hc��me_; l C�:3��6 1 2C��+ �'�'CI� 34 1�3�0�_' 43Q OG Corpor.�t ion l! �; Home.� 15���3 1 t��# ��tJ� _ 3� 18302 440 Q2 Corporation U S Hames 11519 1 20�4 #�C14 _ 34 I83t72 45Q 02 Cor�xoratiQn U S Homes ,11519 1 20� �2�4 34 18�02 �#60 �lc Gorparation U 5 Hames 11519 1 2Q4 #2Q4 34 18�Q2 470 'C72 CarpQration _ U S Nomes 11356 1 20� �2Q�t 3�# 1�^02 �4$�J 02 Cor-paratiari IJ 'S Hames 11299 1 204 �20� . 3�4 l E��Q2 49(� 02 Corpor�t i Cr� U S Hc�me�: l l fl31 1 204 �2(1� 3� l@�J2 50�1 Oc Cc�rpr_,rat i an U � Hc,rtres 10850 1 2D� �2f�� 34 I�j0� S 10 02 Corporat i an U S Home� i t�85D 1 20d �20�4 34 2�#9D0 02D 03. Mul l ilcin ' Le�oy & RosQmary 35904 1 204 �204 .�� 2��tn0 Q�� G1 Re�,iscf-,kE Cl�r,r�i� f: IrenG lE�'2E� I �O�i �,='[t� �4 2�'�C�I7 O�f_t U1 [::�2t-roun �teFFeen �� Lir�d� 143E���+ 1 20�# ��'E"�� f.' - FHP.CEL � NFit�1E �IRER UNITS �R7E RMOUt�IT 94 Oa0 i 0 DU 1 55 Tea 1 hier 1 er, f� Joar�n 6582 D. 15 91 B �139 � 3�2 0301(� 002 SS Jungers T imothy & Debr.� 658� Q. 15 318 �139 • 3� C13CI i 0 Q03 55 Johnsor� Dav i d R. 6�BE3 0. 15 918 �139 3� Q�D10 00-0 5� Teal Flayd & Teresa 658ES 0. 15 91E� �139 �� C]�O 1 tJ 001 5E Tea l Marw i n L 6086 D, 14 918 �129 .��E f_t:�f111� Of_lc 56 Te�l t�iar�.�i r� L 6Q�E:� Q. 2 4 91 r �'�129 .. a� CI:�Olt� OC13 56 Tea1 Arr�old 508E; 0. 1+# 91� �129 3� 03Q 10 C}O�t �6 Tea 1 Rrno l d 608C 0. 1� 918 �129 3� 03C110 D12 80 Hou�ing Rosemaunt Communit_y 16720p 3.83 916 �3,523 34 03C�10 01� 8D Company Packer Investment 1�150q �#, lfi 91� �3,B25 ` 34 45��0 �10 O1 7ownhouse Partner��imerick �a� 1055?? 2.+#� 91E� �2,225 ;4 6 r 5CiC1 []1 C_1 f_�l TnwnF�ouse Par-t.n�r-sSh.�nnor� F'ark +#;�l r E� 1,f_l� 9I E� �9'34 � 34 67500 020 01 Townhouse Partner��hannon Park �95�iJ Q.9Q 91B �t334 ' 34 6?Sf�O 090 OT Townhouse Partner�Stidnnan F'ark 3959Q Q,90 91B ��3�# ��# 6�5D0 04a O1 TowriF-�ousE PartnersShanr»n Park 52?9E� 1.�1 91� �I, 113 PRP.CEL # �IRt�1F RF?ER �IA�T T� RRTE RPtf_71_It�iT 3�# ElaJIO OICI 54 Er-k�as4:i };e�•:�in J. � M. K_ Ed�,1Df_] 1.9r 122� �c,420 34 15205 O10 Q1 8rabark: Rr-t.hur G. R� Henry !d. 1500f_1 1 1224 �1,224 3�4 152C15 020 O1 6r-oback Rrthur G & Henry k1-. 13500 1 1224 �1,224 3�t 15�OQ O10 O1 Braback flrthur- C. �x Dv l c,res 4384� 1.C10 12�4 �1,23? 34 153E10 020 tl l 8rc�back hlar�cy Lynn 49026 1. 12 122�t �1,37� 34 15�D� p30 O1 Cart�pany Henry Can�truc�ion 52��6 i.20 1224 �1,�#?6 34 15300 0�0 O1 Campany Nenry Construction 5253� 1.20 12Z4 �1,476 • 3�# 1530G 050 G1 Michel�ki R. Duane & Oiane 52�36 1.2p 1224 �1,47b 34 15�t�0 G10 02 Inc. Park Green S2S3� 1.ZQ 122d �1,4?6 ��# I53►J0 02� fJ2 i'hc,rwig Richard J. 5cS36 1,c0 1224 $1,475 3� 1530C1 03Ci Q2 Cvmpan_y Fairfax Constructiarr 52536 i.20 122� �1,476 .�3� 15�IMiO ��4� Q� Brc;t,a�:k , Rr-t.hur- C. & �o l ore_ 4S5'E� l.(_i� 1�24 �1,2��J :;� 1 S r I�iC! 0<<t 0� Br-nb:�c:k:: H�r-iry i� Rrt hur ��#844 1,?1 11?4 �u, 3.03 .�� 1 S�I�tI 07t7 OZ �asemount G i t.y of 45033 1. 12 12?4 �1,��8 . � • • . . . . . . : _ , . 3�Z��'.k#�+t�c P���TI3 �`I'���'f �:E�r��:� 11ti�FFtfJ�'' I.�:: . . :. .�.�. . . :: . . . .,. . . . . : � �'�t�}3�+��` : 2'�� .. : : : : : .. .. . . . . . :. �.: . . . .:. . ,�RfJJ��3���.���'�,��i�I:E.�s`�.�:L,�.I.�i-f.�R� ���,'� R�L:i..�� . . :� CLA�SIFICATIC�N �I�It�L�N'I' �irrc�l� Fan�ily �186,735 Multi—f�mily $13,3s3 �omm'��Indust't �2�,�G7 TQtat �221,?�6 * As presenteci at 41=[)ec-8? F�uk�lic llt�prauem�r�t Hrq (}9-Se�-89 � PRRCEl. # NRME RkER RRTE A�10Ut�{T . �4 0301C7 DI0 12 Praperties, Sr�c Ground 34�l12��] O.C►15f�5� �5�,866 - 3� L��C110 O 1 D 3C� P.n��roa�nt F i rsf E��pt.i�t. C:1-���rch 1380:3��? 0.C+156�;3 ��"1,t;06 w4 O��J1t� 011l 35 k'r�ick Hulda G. 1?��`��13 O.C115E,c�t ��75 ` _.. .r��lJ..�ifrlll 0���1 ��1� �4.1'_�'�E� � � � . .W.�.�1LF=i ��v�. �tC3ti � � � . . �fJ�U.. .L�.��I.�C)f,��J? � � .��:�'_�.f� . . � �. �. . . . � . . . . . . �� ❑J��1�) Vl�J Jk3� LiaF117�1..�� . . � . ��Cll�Qrl �. : . . . .J�Lir�l.� 'U.lJ1C�JJ.:! . � . �#'�t�� . .. .. . . . . . ��4 C33D1Ct ql� 3r Strese Walter & Olga 41C►�1'•`.� CI.Li1SE�S; �E,419 .�.� 11�s�l l fl l71� �7 Wdgr�er �'nt�er-t. G. Fx F l cr-�>r-ic:M '�i�3:;�ciCi 0.C71 St,�.=� �59'a .��# 03t�i C1 D l l� 3� Bur-kf-,�Z ter W�r� & Mar-l�ne 17�4`.�� fJ.015E�5�; ��,72 f 3�4 0301D 020 39 tiawkins Jc,hn J. � Jaan L. 127098 t1.015653 $1,989' 3�# 03Q10 Q1D �FO Rllen Gene T. & Re�ecca 36400 - D.O1S553 �570 3�# �3D1Q 020 40 Rnderson Jahn & .Tacquel ine 3��CJ0 0.(3I5553 �5r 0 ��4 03�11t7 [l10 �#1 Ma�akin� Jofin J. fr. Joan L. ` 1�7098 ' CI.015653 #��,�D3 3� t7�t11 U O10 �42 H��.��k:i ns Jol-rn J. @., Tc,ar, L. 1 172�17 D.015E�5:.' �1,8��4 � . 34 0301D �I�l 43 Berg Floyd W. �621E, 0.015653 �5b7 3� 03C71U 0IQ 44 Rosemount First Eia�,tist Church �122�; �.[715f�5� ��,�16 3�t p�0IC1 021� �4� ���ct-�ter Rnna �B��B D.U15£�53 �`'323 3�# 0�010 O10 45 Bezpn�k Da��id ,.T. $, .3udith t�i. 2b1 r� Q.01565� �41Q 3� 03[l I C7 D 10 S2 B�I 1 Jdrr�e� � Cteri i�:e 1��t7� Ci.J 1565r �;U�A 3�# C1�O l D O�Q 52 Gac,�Ir i cF� .Iaa�es i.: ti. tJr�ta .��;9-#? U.G 1 S6�� �5�1 3� []3C110 03LI 52 Qst.�r- .T�r,et R: 1??�Ct ' C_i.O1�F�„�.�� ��r�Ci , 3d 03i_lI Ci ��4D 5� Ci�.t.�rtag 6�rn.�r-+� C�K k<ay 8l r'3E� �.Q15E.�, :�l.�r 9 3�# C+3;11C1 C15�_1 S� C�aF�l Fr~�r-ri<lirt b�:. � Eltiir-�� �4�Ct�,6 CI.Oi;b5� �t=:;r� �� 0?�1i C► 0�� �� Ctur fia��.�ic,r Lut.her-�r� Ghur-ch of �Clbf��S Q.C�1�4aS� ��,�25 3� CI�r�1Lr O�f� �2 �ar-�doip!-� parell E� Car-nTyr� 1�'�i� [1.G1S65� ��1�4 �� Cl?;12C� L19� 5� td��t.h�rly Cior�ald .12:3fS Q.Ct1�6C:� �194 34 L�30i0 1D0 52 Saari Scc�tt D & G��ntF�ia 1351� 0.�11565� �21E� �� ❑3r�111 110 52 Kig,fer Qe�iree k:. 19l'01_l , 0.q15653 ��Lp �� L�3�1I0 Ci2� 5� �'olf'ing b�e=_.1Py Er Dz.�n� ?.��C1❑ 0.01c65::c ���'1 • , ?� D��ll� Q1� E�Ci G,:�rr��ll �'ic:hard L E. Em�T�et. r�t:�??< G.fa15�S? �1I,�4� �4 1 S�OU Q 10 Oi F.'asemc�unt C i t:y af 12151� C4,a I SE�5� ��190 34 152C30 Ci10 Q2 Tutewcahl Dar�iel P. 1298�C O.C►'15653 �203 34 1S20D C32tJ Q2 Hasbr-ouck tJe�ley & 3oan 10800 0.015�aS� �169 �4 152QO n30 42 l.e� Ronald ,J. & C7arlen� V. 1136� O.O1S653 �1�8 , �� I520D Olt� 0� Cwillim Thead+�re & Kathieen XQ�01� O.O1S65� �164 `° 3�4 I5200 02Q 03 Ba i l ey_ 3ear+ne hi. 105QC] O.Cl I565� �164 �4 15GC1� 030 C13 Ciysc�r� Juclith FI. 1Q�$? O.CJ15653 �16d 3�4 15200 040 £i3 Dtterciahl Ronald L. & De3ores K. 14000 O.d156S3 #219 34 152G0 Q50 p3 CJrake Ca2uin G. E�t COitlS'Ee3FlCE� 1353�3 C►.D1S553 �212 34 15cfJf3 IJ60 03 Rat�l aff �ose M, t� E la i ne 12390 O.L1I5653 �19�F �4 1521�0 Cl'� Q3 Mey�r Oawn !:. 11466 �l.tl�5fa5:� �I�� : ��1 15�'C10 08C1 p3 �it.tlefield St�+nley �: Wife 1335t� D.015653 �2Q9 34 1 S20C1 090 09 Far��rwr 1 d Ruth 1�c 18 Q.C115653 �270 3�4 i�tt30 IpQ 03 Peterschick Sc�tt D. & Terry 16898 C1,01565� �265 Pf�F�CEI. tt h�AME AREA RRTE ' R�10UNT 3�# I520C� 11� D3 Ctster Janet R. i488 CJ.�1ZS653 �23 7+^� 1�"+��� 1� 1 �� ..�[r�"�flSdtl .�dY'i��.l {�c. 1~'a�G� �.�11�j��� $�f_l� 3� 15��� Oir �.'��4 Oar,i Elt�i� B. 11200 C�.Cii5f,53 �1 r S 1 ti°� 15;'C1CI O�I� CJ-� E�r�sur� �'.c�r�.31�-i R. R� Ju�cl i t:h M:. 113�r CI.CI�SE��+� :�1?E :��� 1 ti 2i�0 l�:�sC� 1��4 He i drr�an .�erry L. E,: Sandr-� K. !3���� U.�►1 SE�S ry ��t�`? 34 15�L�Cl D�4►� 0� Laberda Pau i & Ns 1 1 ey 1}868 , C1.(_1'15f�,53 $1�� ��� l 5�Clf_t C1��1 [I�" $r-c,hact�:: Her,ry 8 Ne l t-�nP I 1 i c3�� Cl.I��I�4��? #1;°�. 3� 1`��Ull D��fJ U� t'!ue 11 ner 6;e��:i n �x' La i� �-- 11417 [i.Cl156�.� �1�9 3�# 152Q0 0?Q 0�4 Huffman Penne� 5. ` 124�8 Q.C11555� #195 " �4 15201 (710 00 Rasemount City of 8�4t11 Q.O1S�,53 �'132 3d 1520 2 O 1 D O1 3ackson Har-ry W. � He 1 en M. 1 D9�47 0.1�I 5653 �1�1 3� 1520I 020 `Ol Stanley E�i l ly L. & Gert.rude !1`035 C1.Q15E�53 �17g_ ��3 1 S�Q 1 O�Ct �31 0'Ne i 11 Lec� �,�. & E�ern i c:e E. 1�Q3c CI.�!15E�C3 $?ft.� � 3� 15�01 O 1 Cl 02 H,�r�kes Peter D. � Chery l i ZS19 O.C115f,53 �19E� 3� 1�201 O�l'I`tl� Eri�kson Ed�,�ard R� Th�rEca 3 2�t�17 C!.[115E,5; �]95 �� 15��J1 C��O t�2 Nove C:arrcill T. � H�1en Pi. 32�itiQ Q.t�15G53 �195 34 1520! Q40 t72 He 21 arid Larry 4!. � Bart,ar�-a 1�52 9 t�.�J 15E�53 �I�6 3� 15�01 01�7 D3 Kipp RicF�ar-d 4a. 12150 Lt.��I�653 �19Q " 3�# 15�C12 Q i 0 Li� NEl�vn �cc�tt �x k'uth i 175� IJ.U 15F S.� �'I B5 �4 1 S2C)1 0�0 03 P i nard M i chae l � OaL�ra 12150 O.t_l l��5� �19C� ��# 1��O 1 0�� '�� .TaF�ns�r� E�r-i an P. � �'et�Ecr:a 1�150 Ci.G 15653 �I 9�l 3-� 15�::C�1 04�1 C1.� R�esE F�c��er F. & F•1or-y �irrr�� l f_�E�E�5 C1.G 15E,5;3 �1�,+ �d i��Ul 05G �3 Hauge Randol�h L. & �!obir� 1�E�E,� 0.�3555� �1E�r ?� 1�a�17I fi�bU t�� Rlt Jac4; W. f� KathlEKr-� E. 10�65 O.Cti5b53 �?6r ::f�# 15z�_l l O71J Ct; Nndersor� Lou i s C. B: Eue l yn G. 2 0665 C!.G 1,5E,53 �167 3� 15tOS 060 Ga Esc:hPnt�.�ct�er Gec,rge E. & Joyce R. 106E�S O.G15653 �167 34 152fl 2 C�9Cl Cl3 Sw i f t 5te�;;+en & Jar_qu��l i n� 1 C16E�5 0.015E�5� �l E,r �=� I5�01 1 Cil� 03 �'oserrrr,unt C i ty of 1 Q6E�5 (l.O1�ES; �1�? �d� 1�2f11 O l 0 �J� N�2 san Tham� hi. B; Kar�r, 116:r? [I.O15��3 �1 E;� � :�� 15�C�1 El?U Ct�4 St:c�ac ��ym�n� T, 1 a9?5 �.�115653 �171 3� 152U1 Q�U i�4 Scha�idt; Da�icf R. & Bett.y ,T. 20935 O.Cli5E,53 �171 34 15�01 D4�i C1�4 JaGephson Wes l ey �1. & He l en 1�9�5 p.O l S�S3 �I 71 �� 15201 05Q C!4 Jacobsr,n James D. & Kr i st i r�e t1. 110�0 0.C!15653 �2 73 3�# 152U1 C1��1 C��4 Jacobser� Jase�h & �Jirginia 11205 O.Oi56S3 �1?5 _- �� 15�G1 070 04 Lundgren David R. & G.M. 112016 L1.G15553 �1?5 ` �4 15�J 1 0$0 Cl�. Patwe l l James & Lynette 1 f7BCtQ O,tl 1�653 �159 �� 1��01 Q90 J]4 Karges Ror�ald E. & Kathryn R. 10935 O.t1I5653 �1?1 34 15�01 �.00 1D4 Watk i ns Curt i s R. � Jc��nn I0935 0,t'i 15653 �1�1 ��# 152C11 21Q [l4 Nelg�san Gerald R. & Carr-ie 1C1935 O.Cll56�� #1�1 34 152t�1 12�1 0�# Jac:ke i s I?or�a l d L- 10935 O.t]156�3 �1?1 3� 1�2111 13C1 C7� Day Barbara Jean 10935 Q.CI 15653 ���1 34 15201 140 Gl� Kir�g��ury John R. & G. J�anie 11926 O.O1S653 s�18r �3� 15201 0 t 0 �lS Ro�emount Ci ty af 11892 0.'t]2 5653 �c I 86 PRRCEL # MAME RR.ER RR7E RMOUt�T � • 3� 152d1 Q�0 05 Trannes Daw�id R. & Maxine 10921 0.�15653 �1?1 34 1.�r201 C13C1 OS Jack:e l s . Rone).d l C�921 tl.�l���� �171 . ��# 1S2Ci1 (]4Q 05 Lee JoycF. M, 1Ct921 G.L�25�iS3 �1;'1 �� 15�1�1 CI��7 0� F�y�.�er VEr-r�on Ll. �. Sh,�rur, 1�9:'p q.G 15F,53 �l�1 �4 152G1 OE�t�l 05 C1�T�ar� J.�m�s G. Jr. & 5e1Tey '1C192U C�.L1ISE�S3 �171 ��t 152�1 C17C1 05 hlachc, R i cF+ard B J�anFt.t.e 1 Q920 Cl.�i 15653 �171 ��# 1�2L1� �1IC1 fJl Tohn�nr-i Juri�� Hrir� 1�73.� C�.O1�E;S; �I9y ��# 152CJ� tl�Q 01 Hess i ar� M i chae 1 F. ik Gynth i a 26�414 0.U 2 5553' �257 ; 34 I5202 030 01 Nostutler Gilliam iO3D9 0.01565� �161 34 15202 q40 O1 Eng Robert C. $� Jeannette i5390 O.Ci156S3 �241 3+� 15211� tl rf� t]1 t]erichs Vi�ctar H. & Margaret 126?5 O.D1S653 �138 34 i 5202 0�0 tl� L inkert. Mar�; & Rr 1 er�e 1�425CJ 0.0 i 5653 �22� 3� 1�20� [I��G O1 k'.it-�t, �di l l ia�n C1.��.rid 1��E,1 1"J.E11�653 �c?� • 34 15c�2 OL�t� D1 {?ussell Jr�se�h & Catherine i0E�0 0,01565� �16? 3�# 15202 CJ�D D1 Sch�macl-r�r- Ralph C1. & C 1�8�3 Q.G25553 �232 34 15ctJ� ,l OC1 C11 Sehwc��ch W i l I i am E. t� Jc,ar� R. I25b� C1.�1565� �1�37 �4 152d2 110 O1 H�inzen [lennis L. & Marler,e 11�4�y D.G156S3 �I?'� �� 1 S�{�� O 1 Ct G2 �'i ttmar� Eug�ne hi. �4 Sar-,dra L. 11�4:� Q.0156�3' �l�8 :��# 15202 02� El2 Lair�g Rat�ert Et. 112�� 0.C�15653 �17r �4 15cD� Q�l� 02 Dud I ey :7ear� We�:t l i e 12 2uC� C1.C 1 CE�C� �2�`? ��t 15202 04L 02 Lent Ganna May 1462� O.C1I5E�S3 ���� �� i�i�02 050 02 t`1��en Terro l d �+: Firder� !?2%Cl C1.L 1565� ��r U :3�4 15�0� 0�,0 ti2 Sprute F13 v i n F9. 6� 8arbarc FI. 3 2��0 0.�15653 �2C�'� �4 154Q2 Qrf� G2 Ja�,�rar�ki Edward E� �uth 113E:[i Cl.01��53 �178 3�4 I��Cl� [l�C� C]2 Cough l i r-a Denn i w B. & Ch�ry l I I2L�0 G.�15653 �175 34 15cq2 09C� 02 4Jecicap �ary M. & Caro l yn �i. - i 12Cl0 C1.'015653 �175 34 15�[l2 XOD Or2 Tho�r��sc,n Ralph �. 11094 O.�iiS65� �1��# 3�4 15c02 11D Ct� bJ�lsi� John Jr, � 5usdn 110'ry� 0.�f1�6S3 �174 � 3� 15cDc t��G 0� I�u l l a RritFrorn� .T. �. Ther��a I 1452 CE.Ci 1 S6C? �1�9 34 1`5202 Q�Q 03 Gi 2les Emm�� L. 3.1�#52 G.C�1�653 �I79 3�4 152Q2 04D 03 Barftcnecl-�t Rot,ert T. & M. f�. : 11�52 0.015653 �179 34 15�02 05C3 03 Lackhart ' Russeli L. & Joan M. 1102D ID,015653 �1?2 �4 15�02 f1�Q C13 ,Burgwald Daniel P. & '�ickz 11C120 ` Q.Ci1S653 , �1?2 3� 15cC12 {l~0 0� 'Jahnsdn Ila1e S. & T�resa 11Ct�'Ll Ci,Ci15653 �I72 ':. 34 15�02 08QI II3 Hudyma Wi l 1�rd' & Marc i a 11 E�20 ; 0,O i 5653 �1?2 34 15�0� �9a D3 WaChter 3effrey G. $� Jan�t i1020 C1.G15653 �1?2 �-i 1 Sc 02 1 tl0 C33 >Spencer Haro l d 175Q6 O.O i 5653 :�Z74 �+# 152t12 110 03 Brenda I en flr�ton & Mar I�s E. 1�555 ' fl.0 i 5653 *1'97 3�# 15�'Ci2 1�0 C13 Enge l Randa 1 ph R. & Kathryn 11�39; 0.t�15653 �179 3�4 15�0� I30 03 Sosncssk i W�n E. & F11 i ce L. 11439 ❑.f115653 �179 34 152Ct2 140 G13 Brackett 3ack H. & Rr�n M. 212�9 0.C11 a6S� �177 . 34 15�0� I50 03 Fvw 1 er 3ohr� Ll. & R+ene� F3. 11299 a.D 1��53 �177 � 3�# 15�02 1:6fJ Q3 Raschke - Thornwc E. @� Kathleen i14�0 > D.D15653 �179 PRRCEL # NAME RREA R'RTE AMOUhJ7 3�4 15�G2 I r 0 p3 Jar�es Robert F. 15393 C1.O1S653 �2�1 3d 15`'E��' O1C1 [14 C�'pa11 Brian S. & Doris L. 1Ct6E�� t7.C115��5.'3 �16r 3� 15�02 C�20 G4 St:i 1 es Da��i r� �'. B: Mary l 06E�5 Cl.O 1�F,S� �2 6 e ' 3� 1��0:' C�.�O q4 Johr�son B�ri_j a�r;i n & P�tr-i c i a i C�bE�5 O.CI 15F�S.�t �lfi r �� 1 C20:.' fi.�fJ Ct4 k;e z:er-� Ca�.�i r� r;. & �?�=.eanr-ia 1 L��E�S Ct.C115k=.,S� �1 b7 .�4 1520� 05�J l74 hi��.�F,our� Eufur-d C. & t'{ary I G5�5 0.G 1 Sf�5�t �16? 34 15cCi? t'aE,� C14 N�e� Eug�r�F � (t?��_-� F1.�r�� 1 C��6� Ll.i_l1 StaS� �1 r,? .��# 1 S�C►'; [1�fJ �14 k'c�serrr�unt C i ty af 1 Gb65 C1,015E�5� �167 3� 152Q2 C18a 04 Rosem4unt City of 12150 Q.015653 �190 3� 152C1� O10 O1 Larrgfield flrdene Ewer 15213 0.0356�3 �238 34 1520� 020 OI Churchill Richard � De6ra 1381�0 O.Q25f�5� �216 34 1�203 O�G! O1 Hat�eroth John R. 1�EbD O.p25E�53 �216 34 15�Q:� D4Ct tj 1 Z����'� M i r_�hae I & Flnna 138C10 0.C115E.,5� �:_'16 • 3� 15Gt_1.�, 0�0 O 1 F 1 Emr��i ng CJ�ug 1 as & Oebor�ah 1�B(JO G.Cl 15653 #�1 E, 3�f 152Q� OE�Q O1 CaF'F flr l yn �. & J� Finne J. 136Q0 0.L]15�5� ��16 34 3 5�0,� 070 D2 t;i towsk i G�ry J. � Car-o 1 13�00' Cl.D 2 5�5� �23 6 3�4 15�C1� 080 O i I�.,�er sar, {3ona i d & M i che l l e i 3�Ut] O.C71 Sb53 �216 ��4 2�`03 O�C� 171 'Dicl�l��ver ��vid W. 13aIJ0 G.Cl15Ea53 �?lE 34 15�C1:3 I�1G �1 �ei lo�,,s Earr-y C. � Teresa IE�€5� 0.D1��,53 �2E�4 �'�03 210 O1 Neu�nfeldt Henry W. 19F�E;� O.GI�E�;� ��Ct�? �� 15�C►? 3�0 Qi l��i gf. E;I ar-�e & Ann 16��� C1.D I,E�S� �2F�4 .��# 15�03 130 �J 1 t'!�_iro�l�:i t?arry T. .Tr. � L i rida 14?,�Ct U.q 1��,5� ��311 �4 1S2Q3 1A0 O1 Grarr�sey l.auis £� Hi ldegard� 1?�3�6 [i.DI565� ��'1? ��# 1�20� 150 G 1 Brc�t,ack H�r-�ry_ � He l ene 1��DO [!.CJ15E�S3 �216 34 i5�t1� 1E�3 Q1. S�_y���` Jame_ � Evdi�3n 1�60C1 i�.�JSS653 �21E� 34 1�20� I70 C1I Mc�i nn Qan i e l R. & Kathryn 198.�9 0.Cl I 5�5� ��l i 3d 15�0� q10 p2 Carnelcer� C]ouglas & Julie 15��#0 0.01565� �2�5 34 1570� (J�D f Z l:umaE i ngs Ed��ard R. & Aue�re_y 1�5[10 Ct,p I 5653 �21 1 3�# i5203 0��! 0� Edman for� k:, & Jac�u�line D_ 1;�C1� Ct.C115E,53 �W11 � 3�d 152(]� 041_l 02 Willcon Harr+� R. & �.�11y T. 23CI�wn 0.G156S3 ��i1 34 15203 05E1 02 hteyEr Rll�an H. � Candace 13517[l 17.015653 ��11 3� 1S2t�3 060 02 Custer Ro�ert J. 1351�p O.Cl25653 �211 34 I5203 G70 02 h1cCr i 1 I i s Douc�la� F. & Karen 1�500 0.C115653 �211 �� 15203 OB� Ct� W i dman Rc�bert T. 135q0 0.CI15553 �211 34 Y520� 09Q 0� 5arensen Rok+ert C. 8� Edna 1350fl Q,A15653 �211 `'' 34 15c03 1ClCt D� Dr-en 8r-uce �i. & Ktlthy 2�950 0.015653 �2I8 �4 15203 11C1 Q2 Hirman Craig 15r50 p.015653 �247 34 i52t73 1�0 02 Si3�+ernal� Bruce & Qebr� 18218 ' 0.015653 �2�5 34 i52Ci3 130 �]2 HRA �akc�ta County 19793 0;O1SE��3 #31Q 3� 15204 O1D O1 Pettet Dale E. & Qianne M, 15��4T O.DI5653 �24C1 �4 15�Od D2C1 O1 Lc+r�r7t�st�r� p�l bert & S. 14�24 C1.Cl15653 �224 34 15�L74 (730 C�1 M�hl�a l Larry & Marc i a 1 d 123 0.015653 �221 3� 152C14 Q4Q O1 5tauffer Chas R & Loris 14035 0.015b53 �2�0 PRRCEL st NRt�iE RRER RATE fiMCtUNT . 34 1 S20� OSa O l Jer�sen E�veret.t. & He l er� 13958 Cl.Ci 1�6�3 �21 B .�� 15�04 060 C�I Thrrnas Deborah Finn 13282 C1.0156�3 �217 . 3�# i�w0� C170 Ol tiar�aman Rhi 1 ip H. & Sar-�dra K:. 1�BLI� CJ.L�15E,53 �ZlE, - �� 15:?Cid ��I7 471 Schultz [?�.��yne R. � Car-alyr-i 135�3�� Ct.CtI5E�5� ���'1c; �4 1S�'G� U9C� C11 E�cstram tlichael 8: Cnlleer, 1350� G.Ci15t�5� �211 �4 IS�C��# 1(7L D2 Sea�holtz Frar�k Q. & Frances 1342`3 Q.L11�653 ��1Ci �� l��Ct4 ll��i Ol �,rt-�Ia��.�ler- E�r-uce T. $ Mary L. I3�53 D.C115653 �2C�9 �4 15�04 1�0 41 Wagr�er .Toseph C:. & Rosemary 132?� �J.Q1565.� ���lb �4 152C14 i.30 O1 Palm Llaugias L. & Elilat,et 143�#8 O.C115�53 �225 �d 1C2d�# O1Q D2 Blaisdell Dale N. & Carc�l 13300 b.0I5�53 �216 34 15:?D4 �20 �2 Meath Myron F. & Ro�e h1. ' 13�50' ti.C1f56�.� �214 34 15L04 C}3C7 0? �i lger Fr�dric M. & Judy R. 13b50 D.OI���S3 �214 3� 1��?0� Ci�#0 02 D�hock i Gera l d E. & Gynth i a 13650 C1.O L5�a� �2 7.4 , • 3� 1��04 O517 k72 5auter Qak�id Ci. �, 3oyce I. 1�65f� Cl.C115h5:� �21�4 3�3 15�Q4 DE�I� Cl2 Wotczak. Frances 1�650 Q,l:�15653 ��14 ��4 15�'��# Of0 02 Rosernount Fir-st 8aptist CF��r-ch 13b50 0.a156�� �21�4 3�4 15�0+� {J8D Q2 �?iddl� Lowel�. R. & Oidr-rna L. 13650 0.[�15653 �21� 3�1 1�`c'U� 09C1 C1� Er i ckson De.�n A. 1.�6SC1 tJ.CJ 15E�5.� �214 34 1 S�C14 l OLl Oc t;useby t3a 1 e & Brer-,da i 365� D.C_115E�S?J �214 ��4 15�'�1� 11 D C12 �i mmer R i chard �:. i 365C1 C1.�l�E�53 �:�14 34 1�20d l�(3 CJ2 Lr��sb�-o��: Thamas G. 1;�50 G�:C115t,�� �214 3� IS�,'C4d 1.�(`_� [�2 7ucker TF�qma�, k. & 3ean t•S. T�fiSC� t7,015E+..�i3 �214 �4 1 a�Q� ld� O� Higgin� Ra_y �t. 1465S D.[if5�53 ��2� 3�# 15t 0� 1��1 C1� Mc,[lor�ough hi i chae 1 : Ps E i 1 eer, 1�46�9 D.�115�..�,� �2�3 ?4 15�'�4 I�CI Q� L¢�,eau Thomas G. 1�#85D D,C115E�5� �2�� 34 i5�0�4 �70 0� �i110 Eldore M. & 3odn F'. 1�#850 D.015E�53 �232 3� 152C14 1�Q 02 J'oF�r,�tr�n Eugene & S�n,ja 1�BSC1 O.O15E53 ��32 ��# 15�'C1.� (J10 03 'Kunt� Jo�c� R. 130S�J 0.O1SE�5� �204 � �4 1S�"Q�# ClcC� L�3 Car-on .Terome Donald 13050 O,C�156�.� �204 3� 15;`04 [7�f1 p3 Hunt St�pt-�en fl. & Di�ne M. 13Ci5tl O.d1565� �2C14 34 1Sc(l4 C341J p3 �ro�rr Llonald J_ � F�arbar� 13051� Q.ti1S653 �2Cial. 3�i iS�i74 C150 iJ3' Ctberg Gr�rdori E. i� K�ren"A. 1305C1 Q.01S653 �2Q� 34 15�:`b4 �60 0� Jacabser� Thom�s & Cynthia i�pDS 0,QI5653 �219 3� 15�f1�4 Q��] t7� M�ack Bradfeard L. & �in i ta 238�8 0,d 156S3 �3?4 34 1520�4 CJf30 Q3' Benz ' Rocs E. & Mari lyn 0. 17312 i3.015653 �271 ' 34 15�04 D9t� [13 IIa�Jis Viw�ian F. i380Ci �.Q155�3 �216 34 15�0�4 S00 Q3 �harno 8ruce A. � Jaett I3800 ` D.q15653 �216 34 1520�4 11Ci Ci3 B jeI l'and James M_ & Monica 13Bt]0 'tl.O1'S5S3 �21fi �4 15�'04 120 0� (71son Rot�ert J'. & Sharan Y. 13sC►0 O.D15653 �216 34 i5�C15 01� �q �Q�ter William H. & Sharon 19214 0.�15653 �3(71 - 3� 1�c05 O14 QQ J�ppesen Roc�er E. 15qa0 D.01565.� �235 3� 1 St05 03CJ O1 fir-r�back Nar�cy Lynn 13614 O.t115653 �213 34 15�05 C3-0C3 d1 Dahnke Steven � Mi�hael H. 15401 0.01565� �257 PRRCEL st MRt•1E I�P.EFi RWTE AMQI�It�aT ��# 1521�5 Q+�1 O1 NicFioi.�_ �'oger 135f7�1 0.01565� �211 ��# 1�2��5 C1Eti [il Shear RicF�ard k. l� k;.�ren H. 1�SOl7 0.C11,�,653 �211 , ��# 1S2L1; C�?��1 l?1 Kronbark Larry i�. & Loi=_: E, 13�00 C�.O1S�S3 �211 �4 15205 r_��0 fli M�tcNlf LE� H� Lari 13�#�� O.I�i�E:��=� ���2i v a� 1�211.� Cl l CI C12 E�t-oback h1 i r_:h.a�1 R. 2r St-iarr ri i��.'',2�� t]:O 1�E��'? �21 Er ,�z� 15c05 O�I"� Q� Johr��or� Rc�y & Ir�ne 265Cik; G.Q1���53 �255 3+i 15�UGJ U:�C� El� H�?R Cl�kot.a C:r+anty �14�i�� �.C)1�E�,-_�i� ��;3�� ��� 152Q5 I��FC� U� E;rabaCk T i rr�utt-�y 7r 1 E�4a� 0.01��53 3�2b9 34 1 S�OS 050 C12 Gur,n i ng Jeffrey W. 1351�1� Q.Q I 565� �2 i 1 3�# 2 52L�5 060 Ct2 Barne� �a�r i ci B. & Qor i s Q. l?50CJ fJ.C115E53 ��11 34 15205 [17(� Q2 Schonh.�rd Gery H. & 5haron L. 1?5�10 I�.O1S65.; �c11 - 3�# 15205 C1�3n 02 Pet.�r-�.r_,n Gerald h1. & 5!-�aran i35C�1� ►�.015�,�� �211 �� 152C1� 0'31� U2 5takeC Wi I 1 i�m R. 8 Lc�ui�e 153c�L"1 0.C115E;5� �2�L7 , a�4 15�Ct5 1C�f� U2 Claley �.'ichard M. &' J�'ry S. 15�49CJ CI.C71SEa5�i ��4� 34 l�c''D� 11 Cl l2 t�{est l ur�d Rona 2 d W. & Cynth i a l�b8t; �.015�,.ra� ��.�C7 �a I5�0� I�CI OC K.roerrer �'ichar-d G�. � Lee R, 12�3�, 0.015F�S.� �19? 34 f52{�6 ClIO 00 SchnQid�r Rich�rci I. & Kristin 1.��#97 Ct.0iS653 �223 34 15�OE E110 �t l Hc�ur�h C�uar�� F: � L i 11 i ara 1500�i C).015E�5; ��?35 �4 l 5206 ��Q i�l Harr i s C:ar-o li ne 1�. 1.����2 0.C11���5� �215 3+� 1520E� C►3�1 01 McRobPrtG 4J i 2 1 i am & Mar 1 y.r i 2�I� C1,C�1565� ��[I� 3�i 15�C�6 0�#1� O1 F i sc Ke i th & Jul i e ` 149�r O.C�i SE�5� �235 �� 15��1�, �J;Q Cl l, Eff er-t:�. F•i i cfia�l & R�r�ny_ 1�4�`�r� 0.C115E���� �2�� 3r# 15�E1�, DE�O I�1 HRFI O�kota Cauntt� 149�r Ct.Q15E�..c,� �23� 3� 15G06 dlC7 Q2 Richardsrrri Roger C� Laretta idttl�# C1.C+15Ea�a ��2� 3�4 1�206 02D G� Dole.al hlice 7. I3�#�� Q.01��5� �211 3� I52fJ6 030 �72 Ro�� St��aen 1�49? U.015653 �211 �4 152D� '040 02 Tai lar F�ramesh K. & D. 134'3� 0.015E�53 �2}i 3'�# 1 S2C16 CI50 02 8robsck: Fir'thur C. 1 w 4�� 0.t�I 5�53 �21 l � 3� 1S�CCtS 130 �12 Lane Bi I1 ie L. 135�[1 L?.OL.r,E�S� �21 f 3� 15206 DI0 I�� Baka Eugene T. t� Lor�nie L. i799E� fl.C�15E5� �2�2 3� 152C�6 D1� 0�# `Pike - Raymond' F. � Phyliis 1349r 0.015653 ��11 �4 15206 020 Cl4 Loomi� K�er�neth & Karen 13�#9r' 0.0156�� �21� 34 15�0? �10 �0 12o�emount C i t� af 99052 �.tJ 1565� �1,550 3�# 15cC17 C1lCl C1Z O�tertag $ernard R. & Kay 1�99� ' O.CJ15653 �235 34 152C1? d�0 C71 tzen ' Ct�nnis M. � Susan E. 13497 �i.t71S65� ; �211 � 3�# 15ct17 G3C1 Gl �ie Bryan C1. 13d97 0.015��3 �211 34 152Q7 O�CI Q1 'Oisan LeRoy fl. & KatF,leen 1349? 0.Q1�653 �211 34 15207 050 O1 Lud��cher ` Oonald M. !� Joy i�A�97 Q.Cii5653 �211 34 1520? d10 02 Davis 5te�en 8, � Kar�en E. 3�2�3 CI.LIk5Ei53 �56? 3�# 1520? 020 p? Clalan Rat�ert E, & Jar�et B, 23E352 C1.C115653 �373 . 3d 1520? 03U 02 Foremar� Jo�eph J. � Pa,r��la 14150 C1.015�53 ��21 .�4 152U? 0�#� �2' Wa l l ac� Jvhr� & San+�ra 1�424 r O.Q 15�53 �223 ��# 15207 05C1 d2 Chris�c�ffersran Bruc+e & Karen 1-0247 Q.tJ15653 �223 �'pRGEL �t NRh1E HRER RATE Rt1UUt•�T . 34 152Ct7 06fl Ll2 h1���.z Carai Jean 1�t�4? a.C115653 �22� 34 1521 Cl 010 01 :Lunke Jay R. 8: 3u 1 i e Fi. 13�53 0.��S 5653 �211 3� 15210 0�0 01 RaGmu�sen C7�r�nis & Diane ]4321 Cl.L�1�6�3 ����# :�4 152�C1 �30 O1 41e�b� C:al�vin E� 4�ir+�inia �4�5Q O.Ct1S653 �er.3 ��F 152I� OdD l71 t�iquyen F'F-�ang Gao I�42�t1 0.C�f 5F S3 ��23 3�4 1�21C1 05D Oi NF?t� Dak�ota r_.ounty 14�5(] O.C115653 �2�3 .��4 15210 C1t�0 l71 Frah�r l�irgir�ia k. ].�#25CJ O.QlSb53 ����s 3d 1��1�1 Or0 01 Wilson Jame� 1�#�'S� G.CJ25653 ��2'�a 34 I52I0 OB� t11 Mv�sman �ichard & Bannie 14�d�6 O.C13565� ��21 34 15210 OlCI b2 Pearsvn Phi3lip R. & Julie �3071 0.Q15653 �S1B 3�# 1521Q 020 Ci2 h1i l ler Norrr�ar-, � Georgia R. 15222 �t.QiS653 �2��f .��# 1�2 2 0 0:',t3 Ot t'Eeyer k;e��t i n f2. & IZ�r`+� Fl. 1�4�83 O.C�J.S6S3 �2'2�4 3�i 1�2G r 0?0 Q� �chinidt P�u 1 Fl. 8: Marr� !:, j.�2�4 r E7.L7 i SE�53 ��?� � ' 3d 15210 �l t� Ct,� �aren�cm C l i fton t•1. & Nancy 14135 fJ.015653 �221 3� 15�11J 020 Ci3 C1c�nCar l os M i chae I W. & Cl i ana I 4ti42 C1.�15F S.� �?20 34 1521� 0�0 0� "CF�eney t�i i liam & Kathy 1��3�9 D.015E,�� �216 34 15210 Q4C! f�3 Fi�R Dakota Caunty 13�ib4 C1.(]1565.� �21 r :�4 15c1Ct D5G C1:� Ge4:kler' E�ruce �. c3��Ei flI.LlI5b5� �361 �� 15�11 O10 t�Q l�osen:aunt C:it.y vf 24Qr53 I],'L"�156�3 ` �2,203 '�� 15211 Cill� Cll �;ubitz Ftarlin F. & E'er-nic� 15?�2 0.01�65? ���#r ��4 15c11 Q��3 Q1 Tribitt <�c�6ert E. & C3iarie E�. 1��05 C�.C�1c�653 �210 ��# 15�1 l tJ�G t�}. LaFlex Cerald L. � hii ldred 1"3�#L�6 IJ.UI5653 �21C1 ��t 15211 C140 C11 Sturm D�n i e l L. & tlary L. I3406 0.CFI�E�53 ��I C! ��# 15�11 05Q D 1 E��er,� �c�txer`t G. & Ga l e R. 171�2 D.C)I 565.� �2E�� a� 15�11 B6C1 O1 Laken St�ven 16506 0.[�15��53 �258 ��# 15211 t77�1 C11 Kar�aicares Chris & 3anet 10209 0.C11565� �16C1 .3� 15�11 Q8G O1' Phillipps Jame� &'Kay 102QF� 0,O15E,53 �lE�i 34 15211 Ci'�0 D 1 Lang Sy i vest.er ,7. ;& Phy l l i� 1 Ct2Q0 O.Q 1 SE�53 �151� � �4 15�11 100 C1I Kolstad Edward F. & PamEla 1£+r?6 O.C�lc�S� �26� 34 15211 11D C11 Kut�es Rond 1 d Cl. & Pame l a 13?75 Cl.�t 15��3 �216 34 15�1 i 2�4 �1 E11 is Kei'th & K�thl�en 15972 [7.Ct15653 �2S1]' �� 1�211 130 O1 Ke�epike Jef'frey L.. 12361 ;O.�tI5E�S3 �19�F 34 1��12 140 Q1 tlomsen Rar�.�ltl �. & Elizabeth 1�C)Bt] Q.ti1�653 �2�2' 34 15�'11 15C1 Ol Closner Charler�� M. J:9185 ' C1.015E�S3 ' �206 34 1521.1 I60 O1 Fag�rstrom Ste�en & 5herr-_y 1334�5 CJ.C}1565� �2L19 34 15�11 170 O1� Miller [lawid J. & Cynt•hia R. 11�62 D.[�15�53 �i?9 �+4 i 5�11 2 80 E71 `hiern+er Margaret 11�F62 0.D 15Fs53 �179 34 15211 19Q O1 12oss Gary T. & l.inda K. �.5769 0.Ct15653 $247 34 iB��J2 O10 Cll Corporatinn !J <5 Hom�s 26�OC1 Q.C115653 ��1d _ 3� 18�G2 0�0 O1 Car-poratinn U S Homes 16040 0,C�1S6S3 �251 3� i S3d2 �.�3� O 1 Corp�t►rat i can U 5, Home� 13554 C3.015653 �213 34 i��tl2 0�40 OI Corp�-ation tl S Hc,�r�e� 1i�}72 q.C1156S3 �18� �4 1830Z 05U t]I Cc+rporation U S Hemes 11�20 Q.O1�653 �18� PRRCEL # t�R!1E RREA RF17E RMOIJt•�7 . ��# 1 Ei�f�� �lb0 C11 Corporat i on U S Ncrmes 11��0 0.015653 �2 8Q 3�# 1�3(]�' D7C� iJ l Car�,or-at i on U 5 HomPs 1 k 520 d.1715653 �1�0 , �4 1�31_l� C►�a G 1 C'ar�c�r�t i an LI 1 Hom�� I S`�13 C1.C115�S3 ��'9t� �� 18�G2 �'40 C12 Cr�rpar�t.i c,n U S H�rre� 169�I 0.C�1 SF,,S� �2�+7 �4 i B��J�? �:in 02 Cc�rparat i tin U S Hr�me_ 25�38 O.�11�65� ��9 r �-� I E�3C1� 26f_1 Oc Cc�r�r�rat i nn U � Home� 1 c^652 0.Ct 1565,� �1`?E; �� 1�3C�2 2 i0 f�� Gc�rporat i an IJ S H�rn�s 219��i [i.Ci l�653 �18 r 34 l�t3[►� 2;��L� 02 C:c,rporat i an l! � Hc�mes 11 Cl l c G.0 25�5� �172 . �� I$�C12 2�0 C!2 Carparat i on U S Homes l l C?� 0.C715b5� $176 34 18302 300 E32 Crrporatian U � Nomes I5�5? 0.015f�53 $240 34 163E�2 310 C12 Corparatic�r� U S Hom�s 1120[t 0.01565� �1?5 3�# 1�3Ci2 �20 02 G'orporat i�n U S Homey 112C10 [l.Q 1�653 $1?5 34 183C32 330 02 Cc�rpc�rat i an !J � Hc�m�s 1 I�4� I�.C11 Sb53 #1�4 � ��4 1�302 34C1 02 Cor�+arat i r,r� l! S Hr�mes 1�9?1 0.�1156�3 �23�# 34 1 B3C�� 351� Cl2 Carporat i an U S Homes 3�5�� 0.0156�3 �211 3�4 163Q2 36� 02 Cvr-pCrat i on ll S Hc�mes 2080�3 Q.G 1565� �326 34 183C12 370 02 Cor�,orat i c�n U � Nr�mF� 16196 G.Q I�E;53 �25-0� 3�# 18302 3�0 C12 Carparat.i nn U S HorrEes 118�� fJ.p l�f�5� �1�5 34 183Q2 390 C12 Carporat i ari !J � Hom�s 109?2 O.CJ 2 SE�53 . �I 7� �4 3.63C1� �CtO a2 Cor-porat i on U �, Homes 11199 0.0156�3 �]75 ��# 1834�? 410 C1c CorpQr�t i ar� li S Fiom�s 21159 O.f_►156�� �3?� 3�# 18302 4�R1 02 Corporation L7 � Homev 15���5 l�.C11565a �240 34 1 t�302 ��Cl iD2 Corporat i�n IJ 5 Hca�nes 15�43 ll.d i�65a �2�1 3�# 1�30� A�40 02 .Cc+rporat.ion IJ S Nome� 11519 Q.OI565� #lB0 �� 18302 450 02 Corpar�tiQn tl S Homes 31519 ' 0.015653 #18C1 3�F 1 B3!_l2 46C1 C12 Carporat i on U 5 Nomes 11519 {l.Qi 5653 �18{l 34 1�3fJ2 �t�`0 fJ2 Cnrporat i an U S Nomes 1135P 0.015653 ffi 178 34 1 B3D2 �4BfJ 02 Cor-porat i nn iJ 'S Nomes 1�.299 0.d 15653 �2?'r' ��3 1�3b2 �#�30 02"Cc,rpcaratiGn U S Narnes 110�1 q.D1565� �l?3 � ��# 18302 SOf3 02 Corporat i on U S Homes 1 CiHS(1 0.01565� �1��7 �4 I$�02 510 02 Cc�r�,oration I� S Nomes Y0854 O.�1S653 �170 3�4 2�9QCI O 1 Q i31 Mu l l i k i n L�t�oy & 12osem�ry ' 3590�1 O.D 15653 �562 34 2490t] OCO CI1 Re6 i schke D�nn i s & I rerre 1 b726 �.015653 �262 34 2490Q 03� D1 Calhaurr Stephen & Linda ��360 C1.Q15653 ���S PARf_'�L � hdRME RRFFi RRTE Rt10Uh�T � 3� Q�171C� U�J1 55 Teal M�r ler-i $: Jr�ar,rr 6�8R Cl.C123��9 �155 . �� 03c�1 t`J OC12 55 .Tunger=. T i mathy & �ebra E�504 C!.U�.�.,479 �155 ��# 0301 U Of_13 55 ,John�orr - L7a�Y�i d R. f�582 f_t.[a2a�#�9 �1�� �4 0301 C3 Ol'3�4 5� Tea 1 F l ay� F� 7ere�.� _ 65$E; 0.fJ23479 �1�� :�4 �:�Cl1G OL�1 S6 7ea 1 hi�rv i n L 6CJ�6 0.J2.�4�9 �1�#3 3� Q3�l1 t1 002 56 Tea l Marti�i n L 608F_, Q,f_��3�#�9 �14� 34 03010 tlQ3 55 Tea l Rr-r�o l d 6fl66 Ci.C123�r 5 �14� �d 0�01 f� C1�14 56 Tea 1 Firnc,l ti 6086 0,t��'�4�� �143 :�d 031�1f� 012 SC1 Nnu�ing �?osemaunt Corrrmur,ity 16r200 0.C�15h53 �2,E�17 9�# G13a 1 C1 O].� �Q GomF�any Fac:ker I na�estmpnt 1�150Li C1.G 15E,5� $2,$�31 3�# 45�C10 010 L71 T ownhouse Partnersi..i m�r i ck Way 1 G5�7? Q.CJ2.���5 �2,4 r 5 34 67�C10 Q10 01 Towr�h�use PartnersShannnn Park 4?17'6 C1.0���4?9 �1,1D8 � 3� E�75�0 02Q C11 Townhouse Par-tner�5hannon Fark 39590 O,C��34?y �93C1 3� 6�500 [730 Cl1 Townhuuse PartrrersShsnnon P'ark 39590 Q.L1���4�� �93L3 �4 6?�t�U 04[� �►1 TownhouGe f�ar-tner�SF�dnnan Park 5c7b� 0.G2�4;'y �1,2�9 PRRCEL # M�it�1E R�ER �'f�TE Rt�10Uh�T 3-0 Q3020 C110 5d Eru�_ti k.e�Yin J. & M. K. E�6ZOCl �.[731�C15 �t,E�95 3d I�c05 �1� O1 Br-aback ' flrthur- C. � H�nry W, 150C1D O.Cl313LIS ��#70 3� 152�15 C]2t7 O1 Br`oback. Flr�hur C. & Nenry W. 135D17 0.t�313Q5 �423 3� 35�CIf_t Q10' GI Broback Rrt.h�r C. � Dalore� 438�#4 0.0313tJ5 �1,37� 34 153�Q I�2�� 01 Broback t�ancy Ly_nn d9Q2� Q.031�05 �i,535 34 15�OC1 C13C� Q1 Company ' Fier,ry C�nstructian 52536 Ci.031305 �1,6�5 �4 1530Ct 04t] D 1 C�ompany " i�er�ry Construct i on 525�6 0.031305 �1,6�5 � �4 15300 QSQ O1 Michalski �. Quan� & Diane 52536 fl.D313f�5 �i,�45 ��4 15��0 t]1fl 02 Y»c. �'ark Gre�*n 52536 0.0313U5 �1,645 34 15�OC! 02�1 'Cl2 7h�r�ig R.ichard J: 5�5�� O.Q�1305 �1,645 34 15�0� t�30 C12 C�mpany F�a i rfax Canstruct i on 52536 0.[331305 �1,645 ��# 153C10 L14t] 02 Brabac.k Rrthur C. & Do l c,res 45576 0.03 i 3�5 �1,427 ��.�:. �� 3� 15�00 OSO 02 Broback Her�ry � Rrthur 7484� Q.0313{l5 �2,3�#3 _ � a4 1 S�C10 070 Q� Rosemount C i t.y of +#9033 0.(7313DS �1,535