HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Al Monk Rezoning Petition �... � � , � ��1c o �o A�x ���t� � � � 2���-ia=�rf,�i w ( RC3SfMdUNT. MINNESO'fA t,ti06Et �,dJ�'������ sr2--a2�-dai r TO: CITY COUNCIL FRUM: �11CNAEL WOZNIAK AICP CITY FLANNER ���� �� f ► ► � DATE: AUGUST 31, 1989 SUBJ: SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS . PUBLIC HEARING - AL MONK REZONING PETITION The Planning Commission at its May 2, 1489 Meeting considered the Rezaning Petitic�n of Al Monk to rezone his 1.6 acre parcel (used car lot abutting Sunrise Builder Supply) trom C-2 Cammuttity Commercial to C-3 Highway Service Commercial. The purpose of this rezuning would be to alFow Ivir. Monk to build an Automotive Service Complex on the site. At that meeting Che Planning Commission discussed che proposed rezoning and recagnized thac there are sever�l significant land use issues to be addressed before taking action on the zoning petition. Among these issues two are mos[ significant. First, the property is immediately across Highway 3 from the praposed Armory/Comrnunitp C'enter sitc anc! th� use of thc sitc as an Atlt�mc�tiv4 5ervice Complex may he incompatibte. Secondly, the prc�perty is desigaated PUBLIC in the C;omprehensive (,uic�c P'lan su�gesting its potentiat use to tie together Erikson Park with the Armary/Cornrnunity Center site and Schwarz Park. In particular staff i�ientified that the recent Urban Desi$n Team Study strongly recommettds that Ehe City capitalize an its exceptianal complex of public opea space by connecting the various parks and public sites by whatever means }�c�ssible. At the May 2, 1989 the Commission deferred action and recommended that Mr. Monk work witb City SEaff to investigate the potential af building the Aut�motive Service Complex on another site becavse of [he issues mentioned abave. Sin�e the May 2nd Meeting Mr. Mank has worked with City Staf f in invcstigating the potential to hueld on the TharsonlLunc� Site (ac intersection of Highways 3/42} A potential project (or' that site involving city assistance thcough tax iner�ment fin�ncing was disucssed ax the July 18th H.R.A. meeting, howevcr, no conclusions were c}rawn. The H>R.A, dicl authorize an appraisal to deterrnine the value of Mr. Mank's 1.6 acre parcei and will further discuss prospective involve in a project at its August lst Meeting, This process has taken Ionger than Mr. Monk anticipated and since there has been na clear indication that the City will provide assistance in building on the Thorson/Lund property, he has requested that his reconin� petition for the 1,6 acre parcel be processed. Mr. Mank 6as been ceasanable in dealing with the City an�1 1 seE no reason why his request for action should be delayed. He has rnade it clear that he v�ishes to continue working towards developing on an alternative site, hawever, he does not want to be delayed beyond this conslruction season. The City Council must consider whether it is appropriate ta rezone the site to C-3 or if it shou}d be Ieft C-2. The current z�ning will allow most retail uses but wauld not allow the automotive service uses which are proposed. This is a difficult recommendation to make because one has to evaluate whether au�amotive service use are any [ess clesirable th�n otfier retai! uses. The bottom iine in this case is that it is the opinion of Staf f chat it would be in the best intcrest of the City for ihe site not be developed with a commercial use period. � r • • A consensus has been reached by the Planning Cornmission that the existing zoning was a mistake for whatever reason it was arigonally approved. However, the existing zoning is in plac� and cannot easily be rectified without relocating Mr. Monk aad buying the property. I belie�ve rezoning the site ta C•3 would only complicate the City's situtation and wauld tend to condone commercial ase of the property. The Ptannin� Commission has re¢omrncnc�ed against r�zoning to C-3 to City Couacil. If City Council were ta refuse rezoning of the property then Mr. Monks altsrnatives woald be to building a use allawed in C-2 or to continue workin� with the City to develop trn an alternative site. ! i j. �o �c�x r>,n �L� Q 2875-145TH �T W �Cp��,r� qt ROSfMOUNT. MINNESOTA °i�(1fiR e7G/I'[��V!•�� 612—d23-441 i AFFIDAVIT QF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE AL MONK REZONING PUBLIC HEARiNG STATE OF MINNESnTA ) COUNTY QF tjAKOTA )ss CITY OF R(?SEMt?UNT ) Stephan Ji(k, being first duty sworn, deposes and says: ' � I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk �f the Cily of Rosemqunl, MinnesoLa. On Aagust I8, 1989, acting �n behatf of the said Ciiy, I posted at the City Hall, 2$75 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Uffice, �asemount, Minnesota, a copy of the aitached notice of a pub(ic hearing for Rezoning Petition submitted' by Al Monk, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fuity prepaid, addressed to the �ersons listed an the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. 7here is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the plaees so adciressed. . .r Sfep n Jilk Ad �nistxatorJC rk City of Rosemount : Dakota County, Min�nesota Subscribed and sworn ta before mQ this 1$th day oF August, 19$9. �f �'" . .-."""_- ., ��') .:�. x.�:.��.�C../ N �}��.�.b3i�'' • . . . . 11 � , .� . . . � . . . . . . . � . 1�:.... t{i f � ...,. . . . . . . . . . . . .Ij i�l s� � fy . . ... . . . � . ' . � . '�4....�� �.�{�`... .r'{��. �r.:�' �� � . . � .. . . � . 1• ♦!:/#n".Pt!l4"j.r�./s/�YJ'rri . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. • � � �� �,.r� t��,t •.��, � �`�jr !.� aRts ,.4�,it+ �•i ��. � .� �,US��'1!�CI�d Yl� nc,�Fna«��►vr n��n�riF ;�,rA �.,.����" � fi�,^ ,Yi'� }.11 t � Pubiic Natice Rezoning TO WfiOh1 1'�" i1iAY Ct)Nt:F,RN: N(3TICE IS NER�:t�Y t:i�'FN, ilte C'ilv C'c�ttncil c�f the City �t Rosem�ttnt �t�il) h��lcl a Puhlic lfeatring tt� consider the ilem listccl t�elQw on Tuesday, Se�icmhcr 5, 1�)R4, in tl�e t'�uncit C'harnt�ers �f ti�e CitV Nail, 2875 14Sth .r,irect West, hrginning �[ R:1)(1 p.m, c�r as soon thereafter a� �ossil�le. The Puhlic iieRring Iicteci helt�w pertains tc� [he fc�llowing clescribetl prt��►ertu: SECTION 2t�, TOWNSiIIP 11G, RAN(;1� 19, P�rt nf S i/� c�f St� 1/4 �4t f�f S 11Z r�f S1V 1!d cnm�»encirig E R/W #21R, 1Ot,�).114 rr S c�f its inierscctitin ���iitr N Iinc S I/2 c�f S� I/�t L LtiK.7 FT it ��, ��r,�llcl R/thr HfiWY IK4.fi FT t� �uiint ti(i F`T No of S Iine Sec. W Fi FaralleF S Iine Scc. 22.�.2 Fi lo E R!w Nc�wv tvE on R/W ta beginning. The purpr�.ce of ihi� I�c�rin�e is tc� cc�nsi�tcr a reTc�ning c�f 1he ahc�uc dcscrihcd ��ts��ert�l (rc►m C'-2 C't�mmu-niiy : Gommerciat ic� C-3 Nigl��vay Ser�°iee C:c�n�mcrcial. This �►rn�aerty is ocvned hy Alhert h�tonk ancl is currently heing utilized as a useci c�r sates f�t (at�utting St�nrise Builcter ;►vp�ly on South Rr�hert 7rail). St�rh 1�crsc►nc ;�� dcsirc i�► h4 irrhrcl ��il!} rcferrnce t�� lhis iicm ��•itl he hc�rcl a1 ihcs mcctirt�. natecl tltis iath day «f Au�ust, 1t?R<l. ' ����-- � Ste�sli n .lilk, Acim' '.tratorlCferk t:'iiv ol' R��SCmnt�n t)aknla C'<�Eii�lt-. Minne�nta ` • � Al Monk Rezoning Petjtion - Mailing List 1. City of Rasemount 34-02010-013-55 34•0201Q-USO-60 2. Albert R. Monk 34-02Q10-022-60 13975 Svuth Rabert Trail 34-0201Q-06Q-8Q Rosemaant, MN 55068 3. Riehard L. Battaglia 34-02U10-043-6� F.(?. Box I� Rosemount, MN 5506$ 4. Earl J. & Karen A. Tourdok 34-02010-031-6d 29fi5 Bruce Court Inver Grove Heights, MN SSQ75 5. Martin P. & Ritha Lucking �4-Q201Q-44U-80 13830 South RoberE Trail Rosemount, MN SSQ68 fi. Kenneth �. & Shirfey Romness 34-Q2010-050-80 222Q Commerce B1vd. : Mound, MN 55364 7. Dennis P. Q'Leary, Jr. 34-02010-01Q-$Q ' 15291 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 , $. NHD Rosemounk Woods Assoc. 34-02Ui0-Q12-81 . 3010 Plaza VII Tower 45 7th Street South . , Minneapotis, MN 55402 9. Robert c4c Betty Ta�rnbs 34-�3700-(�1U-A0 3325 145#h Street West � 34-0370U-03Q-06 Rasemount, MN SS�G$ 10. Ind Sehool Dist l96 - 34-Q37Q0-t�40-Q6 14445 I�iamond Path Rosemount, MN 5SQ68 . 11. MichaellvlcDonough 3a-03700-010-QO Sunrise Builder Supply 14004 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 � � .. � � � .� ,:4'�� . . . . . � . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ':,. ,�, . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .