HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Authorize Appraisal of North Highway 3 Property � . ��1 P� f30X 510 ' ../�tt f) 2a't5-ia5►ti s� w — ���+ y��q �t ROSFM�UNT. MINNfSOTA 55t�`it3 J�►fi�V��•� 612 _ a?:S 44ti Ag�nda Item ?a TCI: Mayor, City Couacll, �ity Administrator �'ROM: Dean Jo�nsod, Direetor of Community Developmeat DATE: August 30, 1989 SUB�; �eptember 5, 1989 Agenda Item 7a About six weeks agc�, Mike McDonough, Sunrise Building Supply, contacted me regardiag all of the issues going on in his :"neighborhood" He was genuinely in need of the City's perspective on what plans may be in process for wholesale "buyouts" of businesses in the area. I informed him of the potential for acquisitian on the west side of Highway 3 as the armory pro�ressed. I also explained what was being discussed with A1 Monk on potenEial develapment, or lack thereof, on the east side. i t'urther informed tvtike that there have been no discussians regarding any buyout of the lumber yarcl. He has a plan for the �radual expaasion of his business -- the next phase inctudes "lean to" type buildings far lumber. He has atso inquired abou4 subdivision potential and other use poteniial of the groperty. We've generally discouraged the notion of subdivisions and oEher uses hecause neither sewer or water are available to the site. Sornehow ox another I found myself discussing long term potentisl for ihe lumber yard. In particu}ar, 1 spoke o€ the CMC (Industrial Park) site at Highway 3 and CSAH 42. This site has obvious locational preferences, goc�d highway access and rail potential. Needless to say, Mike was very in[erested in continuing discussions on this concept. We have had weckly discussions ever since. Rich Hefti has indicated lhat the City's stormwa[er management plan has identified a ponding area on the lumber yard site. We've also had discussions with Dave Bechtotd on ihe merits of expanding Ericicson Park uses into this area. We have had canceptual dis�ussions with Mike McDonough about aa interim acquisition of the east five acres of his ten-acre site for public uses. He is very interested in [his potential. Ac this point, I would like to request authorization to obtain an a�praisal on the east five acres of this property, in an effort to keep a11 � �ptions open. There would appear to be great potentiat for HRA participation in the Future to assist in the total or remaining acquisition af the site and relocation of the business. We have not identifiied . funding capabilities at this point, bul feel the possibitities here will compliment the arrnory and Town Green evaivations. The appraisal is the next step in determinin� the overall feasibility and priority af such .� devclopment.