HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Revision of HRA By-Laws �► • �� P C7 f1�X .Siti 1�� CJ► za�� a•a�tftsi w O'��'YY1 OZ�I Y�� R�sEnnouNr. nnENrvFsc��a ��>o�,a � �_ s,�, a��:+ aatl Tt�: Mayor Noke ���� � � � Councilmembers Walsh Wippermann Uxborou�;b Napper FRt)h1c Tracie L. Pechonick, EU Speciultst ' DATEs August 31, 1989 SUBJ: Revision ia HRA By-Laws lt has became dif[icult fc�r the Rosemount Nousing and Redevelopment Authority ta comptete its meeting agendas within the time allotted on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. At the Regular HRA meeting held on Au�ust 15, 1989, it was suggested that the HRA and the Planning Cammissian consider a}tering their meeting schedules so that each would have $ufficierit time to conciuct their business. Attached is a resolution that wnuld enable the HRA Board ta change m�eting times and dates t�raugh a motion when necessary. This revision would afford the HRA needed flexibility. Currently the By-Laws must be revised when a me�ting time or date is changed. Staff respectfully requests that Council make a motion to approve the proposed revisians to the By-Laws of the Rosernount Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Thank you for your consideration. . � � � ��'`'''� P O fiC7X 51f� �./`�� d 2$lb-i�157ti S f W ��������� ROSEMOUNT.MtNNES�7A 55068 s�2--a2s-aai� TO: HRA Board�embers FROA9: Tracie L. Pecbonlc�, ED Speciali�t DATE: September 5, 1989 SUBJ: HRA By-Laws Revisjons Change in Meeting Time Because of the need for additional tirne that has been exhibited �t the last $everal meetings of the Rasemount Hvusing and Redevelogment t3uthority, ii has been suggested that the Planning Commission and the HRA Board work out a schedule that will aliaw each to have sufficieni eime to address agenda items. Attached is a resotution that wauld' enable the Rosemount Housin� and Redevelopment Authority to change m�etings times as necessary in the future. This will afitow us to avoid revising the HkA By-Laws everyti:me a meetin$ time ar date must be changed. i � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT HOUSING ANU REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUT`IUN 1989 - itESOLUTION AMENI�ING AR�'ICLE III, SEC'I'IONS I ANU 2 t3F TItE BY-LAWS OF TNE N4USING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Rosemount needs flexibility in seting and changing the dates af its meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the Housing and RedevelapmeaE 14uthority of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Article I11, Section i a€ its By-Laws is arnended to read as fol#ows: Sectioa I. ,�nnua! Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be �eld at the time and date specified by the Authority at the regular meeting place af t,he Authority. 2. Article III, Sectioa 2 of its By-Laws is amended to read as follows; Seetiaa 2, Re�u�ar Me�tIRBS. Manthly meetings shall be at the time and date specified by the Authority. ADOPTED this Sth day of SepEember, 19$9. Joseph VValsh, Chairpersan Stephan Jitk, Exec. Director