HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Diamond Path / Connemara Trail & CR 42 / Shannon Parkway Traffic Signals a '� ITEM # A � • 3 ITEM � �. p.. *************��*�*****�*****�r*******�*ttEMO***************�****�*********�**�**** DATE: JUNE 29, 1989 TO: rtAYOR & COUNCILPiEr1BERS C/0 CITY ADriINISTRATOR JILK � , FROt1: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT �tE: ITEPiS FOR THE JULY 5, 1989 COUNCIL PiEE�ING DEPARTPiENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS Diamond Path/Connemara Trail & CSAH42/Shannon Parkway Traffi,c Si�nals I have received preliminary indication from the County Traffic Engineer, Pete Sorenson, that he will be presenting to the County Board on July 11, 1989, a recommendation to install a four-way stop at the intersection of Connemara Traa.l and Diamond Path. He also informed me that until Diamond Path is widen to provide the necessary turn lanes, that he would not recommend the installation of traffic signals. He also informed me about his recommendation rega�ding Shannon Parkway ancl County State Aid Highway 42. The tra€fic counts and the accident record at that intersection does not warrant any �ur�.her consideration fpr tr�f�ie contr�l at this time. The east-west traffic on County State Aid Highway 42 is about �en times the north-south traffic on Shannon Parkway. In order to warrant a £our-way � stop situation, the traffi.c on all legs of the intersection must be approximately the same and there must be a history of right angle accidents to warrant the installation of a traffic signal. At this moment, Staff agrees with rir. Sorensons £indings and recommendations. However, when pressed about prouiding future funding for the traffic signals, Pir. Sorenson indicated that he would not program them in the Countys' five year C.I,P. I asked if he could not at least put them in the last year of the five year G.I.P. They could be kept in the 5th year of the C.I.P. until the intersection approach the warrants for the installation of traffic signals. However, Pir. Sorenson declined to do that because it was not County policy. rtr. Sorenson indicated that the signals installation funding would have to be prioritized with all the proposed signal installations for the whole County. Item 4d. is a result of my conversation with Atr. Sorenson. I'm not sure that the resolution will ehange anything, however it will indicate to the County the Citys' concern regarding traffic safety at these intersections. I'm also working with Apple Valley on the Connemara Trail� signalization because the west leg of that intersection of 140th Street would involve Apple Ualley. i • CITY pF ROSEMOUNT � RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION REQUESTING DAKOTA COUNTY TO PROGRAM FUNDING FOR TRAFFiC SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF CONN�MARA TRAIL & DIAMOND PATH AND SiTANNON PARKWAY & CSA1I 42 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is concerned about vehicular and pedestrian traffic safety within its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is experiencing a great deal of grawth resulting in increased vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and WIIEREAS, the vehicular and pedestrian traffic volume is increasing on City collector streets, especially Connemara Traii and Shannon Parkway; and WHEREAS, Connemara Trail intersects with County Road 33 (Diamond Path) , a County minor arterial highway, and Shannon Parkway intersects with County State Aid Highway 42, a County major arterial highway; and WHEREAS, the City sees the need in the future to have funding available for the installation of traffic signals at these intersections when traffic counts warrant the installation of them. � NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby request the Dakota County Board of Commissioners include funding for traffic signals for the intersections of Connemara Trail & Diamond Path (County Road 33) and Shannon Parkway & CSAH 42 in the CounCy Highway Departments 5 Year G.I.P. ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Playor ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk