HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of June 20, 1989 Regular Meeting� . ROSEM T CITY PROCBBAINGS ' • REGUL�MSBT�NG JUNg Zo, 1989 �TEM # �+A Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the Citp of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, June 20, I989, at 7s30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Hoke called �he meeting to order with Councilmembers Wippermann and Oxborough present. Councilmember Wa1sh was absent. Councilmember N�pper arrived later on during the meeting. Mayor Iioke led the group in the Pledge of A1legiance. The agenda was amended as follows: Item 3(a) Sourcea and IJses of. �'unda and Ztem 4(i) AuGhorize Purcha�sP of Water Tower #Z Si.te ware deteted f.r. om C11� ��c�nci�. :[�:em 7{�) C;h�n��/Au�h�ri�e iJse c►f CIY �'undg; Ttem 7(k) Aul.lior. tr� (;rQdin� �nd S�edi,n� of. C�nti�m�ra Pr�rk; �fic�m �3(c) 13c�c1�1 Rc�r��i 1'eclec�i:rlan Aathwr�y r�nd S�F�L•y Is�uE�s; r�t�d T.t:�m 9{t�) tt`C!3 Iluc�rc! ����tnr.m���r. werc �dd�d ta the agenda. Citp Engineer Rich Hefti provided infvrmation relating to the purchase price and land acquis3_�ion for th� new water tower. See Clerk� s Fi1e 1989-23. ' MOTION by Wippermann to approve the consent agenda with the remov�l o£ Item 4(i) , SBCOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. Finance Director pon Darling recommended that Council receive and then reject the bids opened on June 6, 1989 for computer equipment since the bids were far greater than budgeted funds available. Darling requested Council authorizati,on to investigate the purchase of equipment to configure a system to provide service to the finance department and community developmen� department. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1989-23. MOTION by Hake to accept the bids as presented and to re�ect a11 bids because of budgetary restraints. SBCOND by Wippermann. Apes: Holce, Oxborough, �Jippermann. Nays: Q. MOTION by Hoke to direct ataff to investigate the pnrchase of equipment to configure a system to provide service to the finance anci community development departments as outlined in their needs. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Wippermann, Hake. Naqs: 0. City Planner Mike Wozniak preaented for Council review the final plat for Chelsea Woods Estates ancl the rezoning far this plat from agricul�ure to rural residential which was consisiered at the June 6, 1989 rezoning public hearing. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. � MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THB CHELSEA WOQDS ESTATES FINAL PLAT. SECOND by Oxborough. Aqes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays; 0, MOTIUN by Wippermann to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. %YII.3 - ZONIAiG URDINANCB. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: I�oke, 4xborvugh, Wi�spermann. Nays: 0. BOSEM T CITY PROCEEDINGS ' � REGUL�MSETI�G JUNE 20, 1989 Fiscal Consultant Ron Langness, Springsted, Inc. presented for Council consideration and award, the bids received snd opened a� 12:OQ NoQn this date at the Springsted, Inc, offices for the sale of $2,575,flQQ Genera7. Obligation ImprovemPnt Bonds, Series 1989B. The fiscal consultant recommended awarding the sale to Dain Bosworth Incorparated, Merr�.�.l, Lyt�ch Capital Msrket�, The Nc�r�h�rn Truet Companp �t the net i.ntereet cos�t and �ate of $1 , 169, 242.59 and 6.1�y677� re�pect�.ve�.y. t�sn�n�e� d�r�cr�.bed the net �.nte�eet rate as excell�nt and pr�ciicted e �avings between $50,000 t�o $60,0�0 to the c�.ty as compared to the estimat�d caats provided bp the fiscal consultan�s. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1g89�23. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLQTION ACCBPTING BID ON SALE OF �2,575,000 GENEBAL OBLIGATION IMPROVSMSNT BONDS, SERIES 1989B, PROYIDING FOR THBIR ISSUANCE AND LBVYIHG A TA% FOR THE PAYMSNT THERSOF. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes; pxborough, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Mayor Holce suspended the regular agenda to open a publ3c hearing scheduled at this time to cc�nsider a pet�.tion to vacate a portion of the utility and drainage easement located between Lot 5 and Lot l+, $lock 3, Broback Sth Addition. The administrator/clerk presented for the record the A�fidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hear;�ng Notiee. See Glerk' s Fixe 1989-23. City Engineer Rich Hefti advised the petition was initiated bp the respective owners of Lot 4 and Lot S since both owners have garages that encroach on a ten foot drainage easement existing on eaeh side of their common lot 1ine. Hefti recommended vacatin� only a portion of the easement on each Xot and maintaining the eas�ment that is not being encroached upon for posaibl.e £uture needs. See Clerk' s File 19�39-23. MO"CInN hy Wipperrnc�nn Y.o close the pi�h1 i.c hQer�.ng. SFCONn by iiolcc�. Ayr�9: Wi.��permann, (Iok�, (�xbc�rough. N�yes 0. MOTION bp Wippermann to adopt A RBSOLUTION CAUSING VACATION OF A FORTION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY SASEMBNT ON LOT 4 AAiD 5, BLOCR 3, BROBAC� 5TH ADDITION. SBC4ND by Oxborough. Apes: Hoke, Oxborough, Wippermann. Nays : 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk presented for Council consideration an ordinance granting Northern States Power a franchise for the operation of a natural gas utility within the city for fifCeen pears. Ji1k outlined the conditions of the franchise and adv3sed the utility company has committed outside the Franchise Agreement to a minimum payment of $1 ,000 per year to the city for economic development purposes. See C1erk' s Fi1e 1989-23. MOTION by Hoke to adopt AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO NORTHBRN STATES POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCBSSORS AND ASSIGNS, PBRNISSION TO ERBGT A GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR THE PURPUSE OF INSTALLING, ENLARGING, OFERATING, RBPAIRING AND MAINTAINING ZN THE CITY QF ROSEMOUNT, 2 ROSSMQ T CITY PROCBSDIN�S , ` • REGUL!l�188TING JUNB 20, 1989 MINNBSOTA, THE NECESSARY GAS PIPBS, MAINS AND APPURTENANC$S FOR TR8 TRANSMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION OF GAS TO SAID CITY AND ITS IHHABITANTS AND OTHERS AND TRANSMITTING GAS INTO AND THR4UGR SAID CITY AND TO USB THB PUBLIC WAYS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS OF SAID CITY FOR SUCH PURPOSBS. S�COND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, W�.ppermann, Hoke. Napss 0. Administrator Stephan Ji1k presented staff' s recommendation to aciopt an ordinance extending the moraCorium on landfill� �nd other stmilar u�ses ErUm J�i1y 1 , t9�39 ta Decemb�r 31 , 19f39. Ji1k t�dvts�d �he �xtenq.i.�in w<�ul.d a�ll.ow �taEE c�dd'ttl�nf�i. ti.mQ ta cnmp.lQto � p�.nnni.ng study on .lnn�lFt.l.l.�. Council was advised that US�'CI representati.vea were iz�formed of tfte recommended extension. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. MOTION by Oxborough to adopt AN ORDINANCB EXTBNDING AN INTERIM ORDINANCS TBMPORARILY PROAIBITING ISSUANCB OF LAND USB APPROVALS AND BUILDING PBRMI'TS FOR LANDFILLS AND SIMILAR USES. SBCOND bq Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nay�: 0. Adminis�rator Stephan Ji1k provided the list of f.i.rms who responded Co the city' s advertisement for architectural firms to submit SGatements of Qualifications (SOQ' s) to accomplish certain spacial needs studies for the citp hall, fire station and public works garage. Ei�ht firms submitted Statements of Qual3fications �,►hich were reviewed by city staff. The administrator presented staff' s recommendation that the firms of Boarman & Associates, Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Assoc. , Inc. , Thorbeck & Lambert Architects Ltd. and t�insor/Faricy Architects, Inc, be chosen to receive a Request for Proposal (RFPj for the city' s space needs analysis. The administrator reviewed the Request for Proposal to be sent to the four firms. See Clerk' s F31e 1989-23. MOTION by Hoke to aceept the recommendatton of city staf.f and approve the Iist of four firms to submit RFP' s £or the completion of the spacial needs study. SSCOND by Wippermann. Aqes. Hoke, Qxborough, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION bp Hoke to approve the RFP format and to authorize sta£f to send the RFP' s to those final four firms on the 13st. SSCOND by Wippermann, Ayes: Oxborough, Wippermann, Hoke. Naqs: 0. Council was in unanimous agreement to defsr action on aecepting the bids and awarding Contract 1989-2, West Ridge 3rd Addition Street and Utility Improvements until the developer has submitted the appropriate letter of credit. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold recommended that Councii approve the plans and specifications for Jaycee Park Irrigation Improvements, Project i9$ �.nd Shannon Park Irrigation Improvements, Project 203 and set a bid open�.ng for both pro�ects on July 12, 1989, at i0:00 a.m. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. MOTION by Oxborough to adopt A RBSOLUTION APPROVIKG TftS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADYERTISBMENT OF BIDS OF JAYCES PARK 3 , � � ROSEM� CITY PROCEEDINGS REG(JLA BETING JUNB 20, 19$9 IRitIGATION IMPROVEMENTS, PROJBCT 198. SSCOND bp Wippermann. Ayes: W3p,permann, Hok�, Oxborough. Nays: 0. MOTION by Oxborough to adopt A RESOLUTIUN AFFROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS t�ND AU'THORIZI�G ADVERTISRMBNT 4F BIDS FOIt SBANNQN PA�Hg IRRIGATION IMP$pYEMENTS, PROJEGT 2Q3. SSCOND by Wippermann. Ayes: I�oke, Oxborough, Wippermann. Nays: Q. MOTION bp Hoke to accept the quotes and to award the contract €vr materials and install.ation of the irrigation system �.n Connemara Park to Midland Nnrsery in the amount of $12,450. SECOND by Wippermann, Ayes: Oxborough, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Parks and Recreation Director presented the quotes received £or control buildings to house the irrigation controls and pressure pumps for the irrigation systems in Jaycee Park, Connemara Park and Shannon P�rk. Bechtold advised the bu3ldings were designed large enough to store park supplies and equipment as weil as the controls far the irrigation spstem. See Clexk' s File 19$9-23. MOTION by Hoke to aecept the quotes as received and to award the contract to Nelson Co. for the construetion of three control buildinga in each of the three parks in an amount not to exceed $3,600 per bui�.cling. SBCOND by iJippermann. Ayess Wippermann, I�oke, Oxborough. Nays: p. Adm3.nistrator Stephan Jilk req�rested approval of the' ambulnnce service contract with Divine Redeemer Memorial Hospital for a period of four years Pnding January 1 , 1992 . Jilk acivised the city mana�ers a�id administrators of the cities contracting with the hospital have reviewed the contract and will be collectivelp requesting the3r respective city councils Eor approval. Jilk explained the changes from the prev3.ous years' contract and acivised Police Chief Staats and Fire Chi�f Aker have indicated their support for approval of_ the new contract. See Cterk' y Fi1e 1989-23. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the ambulance service contract with Divine Redeemer Memorial Hospital for four years ending January 1 , 1993. SECOND by Oxborough. Apes: HQke, Oxborough, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Council reviewed the memorandum received from ci�y staff regarding a request from the American Legion for the Citq to provide financial assistance for right-of-waq improvements iri con�nnction with their plans for expansion o£ their existing facility located on Burma Avenue. City Engineer Rich Hefti advised the public improvements would include curb and gut�er, sidewalks, and the installation of conduit for decorative street lighting on Burma Avenue, Burnley Avenue and a segment of 145th to allow for the extension of the Downtown �ieauti£ication Program. It was noted the City Housing & Redevelopment Authority at their June 6, 1989 meeting agreed to share the costs for these improvements. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. 4 ROSSM T GITY PRQCEEDINGS ' ' • REGUL�EETING JUNB 20, 1989 MOTION My Iioke to �pprove the c���cPpt oE eharti�g thr± c�Rts �f. �he pi�hl i.c iini�ravemant�a �nd hn Quthc,r,t.�c� pr��ar.�t3on af. thP p:lctnq nnrl A�eetE:tcnti.c►ns far theae improvements. SECOND by OxUoraugh. Ayes: Oxborough, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. City Fngineer Rich Hefti reviewed with Council the plans and specif�.cations for the remodeling of the south bay of the public works garage into a lunch room and office area. He�ti pointed out that even though the possibil3ty exists of relocating the public worka facility in the future, the need for office space and a safe and adequate lunchroom area is critical. Hefti also related to the poasibilitp of relocating another city department to this area, and the remodeled area coul,d be used by other staff. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. MOTION by Oxborough to approve the plans and specifications for the remodeling of the south bay of the public works garage and set a hid opening for July 14, 1989, at 10:Q0 a.m. SSCOND by Hoke. Aqes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Parks and Recreation Director David Beehtold requested changes anci . authorization to use CIP funds for pro�ects scheduled in Jaycee Park and Schwarz Park. Bechtold advised that the development timetables far West Ridge and Wensmann Additions has necessi.tated a change in the appropriation of CIP funds designated for Jaycee Par�C. The Parks Director also presented the Parks & Recreation Committee request that CIP funds be transferred from funding a portable dock in Schwarz Park to rest stop benches and tables. See Clerk' s File 1989-23. MOTION by Hoke to authorize changes in the 1489 CIP budget for Items SG, 56 and 58 and to allow these funds to be used for the pro�ects as listed. SSCOND by Oxborough. Aqes: Hoke, Oxborough, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City �ngineer Rich Hefti requested Council authorization to advertise for an additional Mechanic Level II position in the ut3.lities department. The Utilities Commisaion recommended approval for the position. Salary and benefit costs w311 be funded from the water and sewer operat�ng funds. See Clerk' s File 19$9-23. MOTION by Oxborough to authorize staff to advertise for s Mechanic iI position. SECOND by Hoke. Apes: Oxborough, Wipperruann, Hoke. Nays: 0. MOTION by Hoke to accept the quotes received for Connemara Park grading and seeding pro�ect and to award the contract to Sathra Landscaping Ca. ,in an amount not to exceed $5,089. S$COND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborvugh. Nays; p. Chairperson of the Citizens Advisorp Commi.ttee Sheila Rlassen presented the final recommendations from the advisory committee to Council. Rlassen reviewed the six goals and stra�egies €ormulatpd by the committee �hrough their review and discussion on several activities of the community involvement process. Klassen advised that the tactics Iiated S ROSEMO T CITY PRQCESDINGS ' ' � . REGULA�IESTING JUNE 20, 1989 in the final goals and strategies recommendations were included to provide clarification of what the committee had in mind when they devel,oped a particular strategy. See C1erk' s File 19$9-23. Mayor Hoke recognized several members of the comm3ttee who were present in the audience as we11 as those not gresent at the meeting. The Council extended their appreeiation to the advisory committee members for their time and ef.forts and their participation in the community involvement process, Discussion ensued among counci.I, staff and advisory comrnittee members on the next step in this procesg. It was the cc�nsenaue of the caunctl, �ht�t a w�rk seeaion be schedulec� to al.low sta.f f and cnunci.l the opportuni.ty to diacu�s the ap�ro�rir�te method f.or uti.li.zing the infnrmati.oF� prov�.cieci hq the sdvisory cnmmittee. Counci.l f.urL-her a$reed tltat the process �nd timelineas regarding the recommendations will be presented at a future counci�. meeting at which the advisorp committee wi11 be invited ta attend. Discussion ensued on the summarp of the $econd �own meeting prepared by Decision Resources. Council and advisory committee members agreed the consultants should be requested ta resubmit their report on the notes taken from the six groups who discussed the six goals set hy the Advisorq Committee. The council and advisory committee members agreed that the report was too re€ined causing a dele�i.on of some of the information. � Councilmember Napper �oined the meeting at 10:00 p.m. MOTION hy Hoke ta formallp accept the Citizens Advisorp Committee recommendations and to formally thank the committee members for their part3.cipation in the community i.nvolvement process, SECOAD by Wippermann. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Council discussed the proposal received from Mayor Hoke to form a Town Green Ad Hoc Committee and the Mapor' s recommendations on the ciuties the committee would be charged with and the representation of inembership. Mayor Hoke explained this ad hoc committee would act as an advisorp committee to staff and the Parks and Recreation Committee and advised his concept of forming such a committee received the general support from the Farks and Recreation Committee at their .June 19, 1989 meeting. Following considerable discussion on the role of this committee and the selection process for membership, council reached a consensus that each member of the eouncil be responsible for selecting a member from the £ollowing categories: Councilmember Napper -• business, Couneilmember Oxborough - citizen-at-large, Councilmember Wippermann - citizen-at-large, Maqor Hoke - civic group. Council agreed that Cauncilmember Walsh would not be responsible for selecting a member since he was absent, and the Parks and Recrestion Director would ask for membership from the Parks and Recreation CommitCee. See Clerk' s Fiie 1989-23. MOTION by Hoke to support the formation of a Town Green Ad Hoe Commitr_ee, to selec� the members vf the eommittee aceordin� to the proeess agreed 6 • ' ' i ROSEMO�f CITX FROCEBDINGS BEGULAR NESTING JUNB Z0, i489 upon by the Counc3.1 and tv select members who are supportive of the town green concept. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborvugh, Napper, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Maqor Hoke presented his concerns regarding the large number o£ pedestrian and bike traf.fic using Docid Boulevarci from the Tom Thumb £ood store to the 8ead end of Dodd Boulevard and the large number of drivers using this street as a "sgeedwaq" and disobeying speed �.imi.t signs. The Parks and Recreation Director advised CIP funds are being requested for a bike trail on the south side of Dodd B1vd. , farom Chippendale to Diamond Path, in 1990 and 1991 . Admintstrator Stephan Ji.1k adnised the budget proeess could all.ow the funds set aside for �he bike trails to be re- pri.oritized bp council decision and the police department could �ddrsss the traffic s3.tuation. Administrator Stephan Ji1k provided an update on the recent meeting Af the Armory Committee and advised �he next meeting wi3,1 be held on June 26, 19g9, at the fire hall. Administrator St�phan Ji1k advised that because the RegionaJ. Transit Boarcl was reorganized bp the 19$9 Legislature, aIl seats on the board r�re up for appointment. Jilk presented sta£f' s recommendation for Council to formallq endorse the reappointment of Edward Kranz, Hastings, MN, who has been very supportive to the six cities which have chosen �o opt out and provide their own Zoca1 transportation service. See Clerlc' s Fi1e 1989- 23. MOTION by Napper to support the reappointment of Edward Rranz as the eity's representative on the Regional Transit Board. SSCOND bp Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nayst 0. MOTION by Oxborough tv ad�ourn. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes; 4. Nays: 0. Respectfullq submitted, Susan M. Johnson, Deputy Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk I Published this day of , 1989 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 7