HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Computer Equipment Purchase i � � __ • ��,'��'";' • �� � � ; �� " ;�;� � i'� J.R '�Y i) ������ t�.Y 1 I �Itl '�I V'J ?,�`�� . � � �"� ` fi�)i f1>'1(�:�P,I �,iiiant ���I�' '���[t(>�y � . � �.�,�,iro�:����d�.l�i���� ��, � � u � ��� <�:3 r i � T0: • ltayor, City Council, City Ad�ainistrator '��,*, � � � FROh. Qean Johnean, birector of Com�aun�ty Development DATE: June 30, 1989 SUBJ: Computer Het�orking Syetem Over a year ago, the City Counail authorized the Co��aunity Development Depart�ent to ecqufre a per�it issuance/inventory file computer syste�a. At that ti�e, xe identified the need to •netrork" the syste�a. Thie would allov everyone fn the depart�nent access to the syste�n far input and retrfeval of parcel and per�ett infor�ation. Networking vas also discussed during budget revier last year, both intra- and inter-depart�aent ayeteme. A� a r�sult, �8,OQ0.QO end 67,G100.00 were epproved i� the 1989 CIP for Ca�munity Develap�ent and genQrel aaquiaitione. We have been reviering netrorking optiona end eoliciting price quotes for the peat aix month�. Several variables have prevenLed us from reaching any conclusions or making any recommendations prior to thfs time. The Finance Departa�ent has been reviering options for an upgraded data processing system. The Public Works Department has been revieving optiona for a ao�puter aseisted drafting systea�. The Conr�unity Develop�nent Department has been folloring the county'� development of the mult3-faceted geagraphic infor�nation ayate� (GIS). The Administratfon Depertaent has been�evaluating the costs and aerits of intra- versus inter-depart�aent netrorking. We heve noW concluded that a single netrork syste�a can serve the neede of all departments, efficiently and cost-ef#ectively. The Navell Advanced Netrsre system rill provide the i��oediate netNorking needs for the parcel/per�it system 3n the Gommunity Development Depart�nent. The system hes the capacity to serve 100 stations rithin a four mile radius. It is compatible rith and providea a cost effective line t� future F'inence Department acquisitians. It is competible rith end represents the f3rst step in implementing future linkage to the county GIS syste�n. The Nove11Q and GIS systems rill also provide a cost effective graphic capability for the Public Works Departa�ent. Attached is a mema from Ron Masmund, outlining the components and costs of the system reaommended at this time. The price quotes are fro� P.C. Expxess, Burnsville, rho have been coneistently lov in quotations for the various syste�s ve have evaluated in the p��t aix rnonths. The �cquisitions recom�ended include the besic hardrare aad �cft�rare aepabl� ot eervir�g 100 �tation�r �nd three nev► PC'� far tAa Commua3ty p�evelopr�ent D�pertm�r�t. This ri,11 �llvv �or ima�ediat�* ns#.rrcrrkir►� of th�r parcel/permita informetian and provi,de nork:tatione iar everyo»e in the department. The cost of the purchases total 514,890.00. The amount budgeted for netrorking in the 1989 CIP is 515,000.00. We respectfully request Council authorization to proeeed with the acquisition of the netrorking system. , � � ,.. , -� , s___ . .. ,� _� �� � f'��% is,�� �;i;�i ,�Y�,�� �� � , ���:>i�� 3�r w � �'�_j��,y��t���� Ft()tiEM(')!•N( PiINPvi .;lil1 .'�OFiti ` , ����'+ � � t,12- �l.'3 4411 T�a: M:�yor an�1 Cour.cil. �`E�UM: lion Wasr��und, k3uildi.ng OYfici„1. GA'i'E: lune 28, 19�i9 5UB1: i;ur„put�r Hardware and N�t�di�kl.n� Comniunity D�velopment has t�eEn discussinc� r�etxorkir,g an� expanding our data F�race���_r, ��Nabi.laties tor appraximat�ly or,e g y-rar. We 1,�vE ].c,c,}ced at faur different vEndor�� ���,tlur,� and price quotations. These sy�tem� rang�d from simp1e links for �: irs.torrnation back ar�d fortt, via teleptior�e mucfems ta a svphisti�cat�d A �'ay�lnc� capdble of linking t�akota �uunty rrith thE t�ity of ftosEmount. Whilepthellatter system pravides seEa�ingly enclless Notential thE cost is nat fea�sible at tt�,is point in timE. Wt�at we hav� selected for a bystErrr SeE�a� to Ge the roost ap�,ropriate compromise aitt� the ability to �x�ranci it by interfaciny with tt�e Ap�,olla system in thE future. 'fhe system chosen is N�vel Advanced Netware 266. This will allov iQ0 users withir fuur rniie rddius to share information rEsident in a s�ngle file serv�r. It also allow� ir,fnrmation resid�nt in singlE work statians to Ge passed and shered witt, other work �tatloris, 't't,e discu�sions and evaluations uf each system's m�rits and iunctiur,s have invc,lv�d the Financ� and Engineering departments. Mle have t�r,tr, tt,eir su Each �,f thase departments will be coming befc,re yc,u �rith their�systen �de�igns�ar,d rE9ucBts in the near future. Cammunity Uevelo�ments requEst is the first .t�g of � tutal C;ity system with the rraa�ority of the basic Equipment neEded tc, impl�roent it. Uur rEquest includes the fullawing: 1 - Express Torrer 3b6AT W/"Otlmb harddrive 2t1 mhz �`rocessur and 150mtr internal tape Gackup. Tt,is will Ge the file server fur ttie Ent3r� �ystem. � - Ex�,re�s 286AT W/30mb harddrive � �� 1����� 1 - Advanced Netware 2b6 $ �� 637.�1(1 1 ' 9UU watt Uninterruptable Pc,wEc �u 1 S 1� �g5.UO (�P5) PP Y � �y5.U0 1 - 9UU watt VAk AC Line Conditianer - - 5MC FG "�tu Network Cards � �b5. Ut� 5_ 338.ttU 'P�tal 514, 890.C�0 '1'hi� syst�m has b�en quoted by P. C. Expres� uf Burnsville. They are tt�� least expEn�ive and have t,een the most pleasurat,l� ta wurk with. Tt,e installation wt�ich consists of cebliny ar,d minirnal �,ruy•ramming at eaeh r�arkstatiun wiil Ge subcontracted out by P. C. Express at tt,e cc,st �rt S3�UUU. UU. This �c�st x21t t,e ir�clu�ed ir, a futurE rEquest Gy trie other d��,artmer,ts utilizing the netvork system. Tt�e t�er,efit and �,oteritial of this a�praach to filling thE City's data processir,g needs is vii�tually ur�limited. We respectfuily ask your suppc,rt and a�praval of thi� r,ew �ystern, cc: Gean :tohnsun �tevE Jilk